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2024 - Archivio per materie – Cose d’arte dell'Archivio di Stato di Modena [Banca dati]
Carfì, Maria; Sandoni, Luca

2024 - Jalons pour une histoire éditoriale du journal catholique "L’Univers" (1833-1860) [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

"L’Univers" a été un des journaux catholiques les plus influents dans la France du XIXe siècle, mais si ses idées et ses batailles ont déjà attiré l’attention des historiens, on connait au contraire très peu son fonctionnement éditorial et financier. Cette contribution se propose d’explorer cette dimension opérative, en examinant notamment les oscillations de la propriété du journal, son évolution typographique et les enjeux de sa délicate gestion économique.

2024 - L'apologétique catholique en Italie à la mi-XXe siècle: le cas de l'Enciclopedia cattolica [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

2024 - Les droits de l’homme à l’Index. Censure et réécriture de "Les principes de 89 et la doctrine catholique" de l’abbé Léon-Nicolas Godard (1861-1863) [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

The article, using largely unexplored documentation, reconstructs the condemnation by the Roman Index (1862) and the correction of Abbé Léon Godard’s book, "Les principes de 89 et la doctrine catholique", which attempted to prove the doctrinal compatibility between the "principles of 89" and Catholic teaching. The article focuses on the political stakes of this affair (which affected the orthodoxy of French public law) and on the way in which it influenced, on the one hand, the diplomatic tensions between France and the Holy See and, on the other, the struggles between intransigent Catholics and liberals.

2024 - L’Archivio di Pier Luigi Nervi: verso una fruizione digitale integrata, [Schede di catalogo]
AL KALAK, Matteo; Sandoni, Luca

2024 - Per «il miglior servizio della religione e del principato». La riduzione delle feste religiose nell’Italia del riformismo illuminato (1758-1787) [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

During the 18th century, the need to reduce religious holidays repeatedly came to the attention of lay and ecclesiastical reformers, called upon in the name of Ludovico Antonio Muratori’s «regolata divozione», but also for more pragmatic reasons of social order and economic efficiency. During his pontificate, Benedict XIV granted partial reductions to many Italian States, but these concessions were soon considered insufficient. Based on largely unpublished documentation, this article aims to reconstruct the initiatives undertaken by the governments of the Peninsula in the second half of the 18th century in order to further reduce the number of religious holidays, in a political-religious climate marked by enlightened reformism and heated jurisdictional conflicts with Rome, focusing on the reasons that prompted governments to pursue such a reform, on the strategies followed to implement it and on the struggles with the Holy See about this matter.

2024 - Progetto “Muthea” dell'Università degli studi di Parma [Banca dati]
Anzani, Valentina; Bortoletti, Francesca; Passera, Claudio; Russo, Paolo; Salarelli, Alberto; Veratelli, Federica; Sandoni, Luca

2024 - Registri battesimali della cattedrale dell'Archivio generale arcivescovile di Bologna [Banca dati]
Marchesani, Simone; Sandoni, Luca

2024 - Visite pastorali dell'Archivio generale arcivescovile di Bologna [Banca dati]
Marchesani, Simone; Sandoni, Luca

2024 - Visite pastorali dell'Archivio storico diocesano di Mantova [Banca dati]
Baraldi, Cecilia; Sandoni, Luca

2024 - «Dare la scalata» alla cultura italiana. I gesuiti, il Vaticano e il cantiere dell’Enciclopedia cattolica (1939-1963) [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

The "Enciclopedia cattolica", whose 12 volumes were published between 1949 and 1954, constitutes probably the most ambitious publishing venture undertaken by Italian Catholicism in the aftermath of World War II. Directly financed by the Vatican, warmly encouraged by Pius XII himself and realized thanks to the collaboration of the Society of Jesus and the Sansoni publishing house, this work was intended to offer an up-to-date and thoroughly orthodox overview of modern knowledge, not only religious, but also profane, standing as a point of reference for postwar Italian culture, in open competition with Treccani's Enciclopedia italiana, and thus contributing to the re-Christianization of Italian society. Making use of largely unexplored documentation, this essay aims to reconstruct the editorial history of the Enciclopedia cattolica, the motives and objectives of the various actors involved, primarily the Jesuits of «La Civiltà Cattolica», and the dynamics, not infrequently conflicting, that marked its realization. It will also provide some hypotheses to explain the substantial failure of this encyclopedia and of the cultural and religious project it embodies.

2023 - All'ombra di Muratori. La riduzione delle feste religiose nel Ducato di Modena (1741-1790) [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

The essay intends to reconstruct, on the basis of previously unexplored archival documentation, the initiatives undertaken in the second half of the 18th century by the political and religious authorities of the Duchy of Modena in order to reduce the number of religious holidays. These initiatives were inspired, at least originally, by the ideas of Ludovico Antonio Muratori, who had tried in the 1740s to convince Benedict XIV to introduce a reform of the religious holidays valid for the whole Church, but without success. The number of holidays was first reduced in the Duchy of Modena by the pope in 1756, at the request of Duke Francesco III, who aimed to increase the working days. However, this reform was not very effective and was poorly applied by the local clergy. A new and more radical reduction was therefore made by the Este government in 1786, without consulting nor asking Rome for authorization, and this fact produced some contrasts with the bishops of the Duchy.

2023 - Autografoteca Campori della Biblioteca estense universitaria di Modena [Banca dati]
Baja Guarienti, Carlo; Fiore, Angela; Grisenti, Irene; Iacovella, Marco; Mariani, Giacomo; Sandoni, Luca; Schiuma, Rosiana

2023 - Carte Nino Pedretti della Biblioteca comunale "A. Baldini" di Santarcangelo di Romagna [Banca dati]
Lombardini, Simona; Antonelli, Arianna; Sandoni, Luca

2023 - Registri di Lucrezia Borgia dell'Archivio di Stato di Modena [Banca dati]
Iannacci, Lorenza; Carfì, Maria; Sandoni, Luca

2023 - Riformare ma non troppo. La Repubblica di Venezia e le feste religiose nel Settecento [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

In the second half of the 18th century the problem of too many religious holidays seemed to haunt governments and reformers throughout most of Italy, who tried in every way to reduce them in order to improve the efficiency of their economies. Even in Venice the question was discussed since the late 1740s, but it took several decades, many debates and failed attempts and a long struggle with Rome, before a drastic reform of the religious calendar could be enacted (1787). This article aims to reconstruct this complex affair, replacing it in the political-religious climate of Italy at the time, investigating the reasons of those who supported or criticized the reduction of holidays, and the multiple causes that made this reform so complicated in the territories of the Serenissima.

2023 - Stampe in volume della Biblioteca civica d’arte e architettura “L. Poletti” di Modena [Banca dati]
Dameri, Debora; Della Casa, Maria Elena; Sandoni, Luca

2022 - Archivio Roberto “Repo” Malpensa [Banca dati]
Piazza, Corrado; Rivasi, Pietro; Tancini, Francesca; Sandoni, Luca

2022 - Per una storia del collezionismo d’autografi nell’Ottocento. Il caso dell’Autografoteca Campori di Modena [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

2022 - Progetto "Fragmentarium" dell'Archivio generale arcivescovile di Bologna [Banca dati]
Napoletano, Roberta; Sandoni, Luca

2022 - Tra ragion di Stato e ragion liturgica. La riduzione delle feste religiose nell’Italia di Benedetto XIV (1742-1756) [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

During the first years of the pontificate of Benedict xiv, Italian Catholicism was crossed by a heated debate about the opportunity to reduce the number of religious holidays. The supporters of this reform, particularly Ludovico Antonio Muratori, believed that it was necessary in order to obtain a better sanctification of the holidays and to increase the working days for the benefit of the poor. The pope, who was cautiously in favor of this reduction, preferred not to introduce a reform of the festive calendar valid for the whole Church, but he granted it on a case-by-case basis. Using a largely unexplored archival documentation, this articles reconstructs the concrete repercussions that this debate had in mid-eighteenth-century Italy, retracing the initiatives undertaken by the governments of several Italian States (Kingdom of Naples, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Austrian Lombardy, Duchies of Modena and Parma) and by some bishops in order to reduce the number of religious holidays, the reasons which led them and the consequences that these initiatives produced in the social and religious context of the Italian Peninsula.

2020 - Addomesticare la Rivoluzione. I «principî del 1789» nella cultura cattolica francese del Secondo Impero [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Sandoni, Luca

Negli anni del Secondo Impero, il cattolicesimo francese è attraversato da un vivace dibattito intorno alla Rivoluzione e ai suoi valori. Mentre nel paese si afferma un regime conservatore che appare al tempo stesso come erede ed esecutore testamentario della Grande Révolution e che si pone sotto l’egida dei «grandi principî del 1789», laici ed ecclesiastici si interrogano e discutono, in pubblico e in privato, sulla possibilità di conciliare i valori rivoluzionari con la dottrina cattolica e sull’atteggiamento da tenere di fronte alle istituzioni moderne che ne sono scaturite. Il libro ricostruisce questo dibattito nelle sue molteplici articolazioni politiche e religiose, mettendolo in relazione con il contesto ecclesiale del tempo, segnato dalla questione romana e dalla deriva intransigente del pontificato di Pio IX, e fornendo nuovi elementi per mettere a fuoco il rapporto tra Chiesa e Rivoluzione.

2020 - Vannicelli Casoni, Luigi [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Sandoni, Luca

2020 - Viale Prelà, Michele [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Sandoni, Luca

2020 - «Un 89 pour l’Église»? Cattolicesimo francese e modernità post-rivoluzionaria alla prova del Concilio Vaticano I [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

2019 - Ch. de Montalembert, Mémoire sur le coup d’État, adressé au comte Napoléon Daru (1869), édité, introduit et annoté par L. Sandoni. In: Annuaire-Bulletin de la Société de l’histoire de France. Année 2015 [Edizione critica]
Sandoni, Luca

2019 - Tarquini, Camillo [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Sandoni, Luca

2018 - Les catholiques français face aux crises politiques de la mi-XIXe siècle (1848-1851) [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

2018 - Somaglia, Giulio Maria della [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Sandoni, Luca

2018 - «Cette œuvre colossale, mais encore informe et obscure». Une relecture catholique et légitimiste de 1789 aux lendemains de 1848: “Des principes de la Révolution française” d’Albert Du Boys [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

La crise de la Deuxième République renouvelle chez les notables le spectre de la Grande Révolution et les amène souvent à chercher dans l’analyse de cet évènement matriciel des réponses aux problèmes du présent. Parmi les auteurs conservateurs qui rouvrent alors le dossier historique de 1789, on distingue Albert Du Boys, ancien magistrat légitimiste et catholique, qui publie en 1851 "Des principes de la Révolution française considérés comme principes générateurs du socialisme et du communisme". Il y esquisse une interprétation en clair-obscur de la Révolution de 1789, qu’il durcit progressivement dans les deux éditions suivantes de son livre (1852, 1854) sous les stimulations de l’actualité politique. Cet article étudie l’histoire rédactionnelle de ce livre et les réactions qu’il a suscitées, en l’utilisant comme un cas d’étude pour explorer la complexité et la mobilité des interprétations conservatrices sur la Révolution.

2017 - Dall’ultramontanismo alla romanità. Il percorso romano di Léon Dehon tra Pio IX e Leone XIII [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

This essay focuses on Father Léon Dehon (1843-1925), founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and his longstanding relationship with Rome and the Roman spiritual and physical spaces. Dehon studied in a Roman seminary in the late 1860s and, as many clergymen of his generation, he developed a strong devotion to the Roman identity of the Catholic Church. Starting from the analysis of Dehon’s Roman experiences between the papacies of Pius IX and Leo XIII, this essay investigates how the ecclesiological notion of “romanitas” and its applications changed in front of the sharp modernization of Rome in the late 19th century, evolving from a static and merely defensive idea (the ultramontane compliance of the whole Church and society to the religious and political model embodied by the Papal State) to a dynamic and expansive one (the papacy as international player and unique legitimate heir of Roman universalistic mission and civilization).

2017 - E. Lamberts, "La lotta con il Leviatano. Percorsi di un ordine politico conservatore in Europa (1815-1965)", Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2016 [Recensione in Rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

2017 - Un «héros chrétien» anti-moderno? La memoria contesa del generale Lamoricière nel cattolicesimo francese tardo-ottocentesco [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

2017 - «Un coup d’État de Dieu». Approches catholiques du 2 décembre 1851, entre théologie et politique [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

This article proposes a new overview of the reactions of French Catholics, both lay and clerical, to the coup d'état of 2 December 1851. Firstly, it seeks to complete and enlarge the factual framework that historians have so far provided by adopting, thanks to the use of new documentary sources from private collections, a point of view located within the Catholic world itself. Secondly, it attemps to understand better the complexity and specificity of these reactions by analysing the rethorical and mental tools used by Catholics to explain to themselves, and to appropriate for their own use a major political event that was, nevertheless, not withous its ambiguities.

2016 - Quaglia, Angelo [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Sandoni, Luca

2016 - Riario Sforza, Sisto [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Sandoni, Luca

2015 - S. Scholl, "En quête d’une modernité religieuse. La création de l’Eglise catholique-chrétienne de Genève au cœur du Kulturkampf (1870-1907)", Neuchâtel, Éditions Alphile, 2014 [Recensione in Rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

2014 - Da sacerdote a vescovo. Luigi Reggianini e l'intransigentismo cattolico modenese nell'età della Restaurazione [Capitolo/Saggio]
Sandoni, Luca

2014 - Political mobilizations of ecstatic experiences in late nineteenth-century Catholic France: the case of Doctor Antoine Imbert-Gourbeyre and his “Stigmatisées” (1868-73) [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

This article explores how intransigent Catholics used ecstatic experiences, in particular ecstatic prophetism, in late nineteenth-century France. The main protagonist of the events related here is Antoine Imbert-Gourbeyre, physician, intransigent Catholic and monarchical legitimist. From the 1870s, he started a widespread public campaign to scientifically defend the supernatural against anticlerical and rationalist criticism. In the precarious situation following the proclamation of the French Third Republic and the Paris Commune, Imbert’s struggle for the supernatural merged with Catholic legitimists’ hopes for Bourbon monarchical restoration and for a general socio-political regeneration culminating in the return to a medieval societas christiana. In this context, pro-monarchist political prophecies revealed by some ecstatic and stigmatic women were exploited to foster popular mass mobilization. Imbert worked actively to encourage, broadcast and scientifically legitimize these prophecies, instrumentalizing ecstatic experiences and subordinating their spiritual dimension to political purposes.

2013 - Dai privilegi all’uguaglianza, andata e ritorno. Le «Università israelitiche» toscane e l’effimera emancipazione quarantottesca (1847-1852) [Articolo su rivista]
Sandoni, Luca

This article tries to retrace and analyse the role played by the governing bodies of the Tuscan Jewish communities, called the Tuscan Università israelitiche, and by their leaders, in order to promote, obtain and later defend the cause of Jewish emancipation in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. After an overview of the scattered journalistic debate in favour of Jewish emancipation, which took place in Tuscany in the second half of 1847, the article studies the various initiatives and attitudes taken by the Università israelitiche of Livorno and Florence in the crucial 1847-48 period, exploiting mainly the quite completely unexplored documents of the Tuscan Jewish community archives. In this way, a lively picture is obtained of contrasts and rivalries within and among the Jewish communities, of generational criticism against Jewish governmental organs, of conflicting interests. From archivistic documents, a latent tension also emerges between the strongly desired emancipation and the privileged condition of the past, which offers us the image of a Tuscan Jewry not fully unanimous and compact on the difficult road to emancipation.

2012 - Il Sillabo di Pio IX [Edizione critica]
Sandoni, Luca

2012 - M. I. Palazzolo, "La perniciosa lettura. La Chiesa e la libertà di stampa nell’Italia liberale", Roma, Viella, 2010 [Recensione in Rivista]
Sandoni, Luca