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Dipartimento di Educazione e Scienze Umane

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2024 - Dalla scuola al museo: spunti di riflessione per una didattica per competenze. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertolini, Chiara; Campanini, Riccardo; Capelli, Letizia; Landi, Laura; Pelliciari, Chiara; Scipione, Lucia; Vezzani, Agnese

This research is part of a four-year collaboration between Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia, the city’s schools and the CERIID (UNIMORE) research group. Museums, a place of mediation between exhibits and users and of immersive learning, are the framework for learning paths co-designed with schools, in an interdisciplinary perspective. CERIID was involved to observe, monitor and describe the educational proposal, and the gains of these immersive pathways. In the first 2 years the research has indicated how the exposure of teachers to a dynamic and interdisciplinary educational proposal is an opportunity to gain new awareness of the inclusive value, the persistence of the learning achieved, and the general well-being that learning at the museum brings. At the same time, however, the idea emerges that a certain kind of schooling can only be done at the museum. This paper outlines one of the functional proposals to support research and experimentation in schools aimed at the introduction of competence-based teaching. After the experience at the museum, a training and investigative process was constructed with the teachers involved. University researchers and museum educators monitored the museum experience and co-designed learning units with the teachers, to support skills-based teaching in school.

2024 - Il ciclo riflessivo di Gibbs e la Ricerca-formazione: una proposta di ricerca [Capitolo/Saggio]
Landi, Laura; Paola, Rigoni

In the field of education, the theme of reflexivity has given rise to a diverse universe of practices. To value reflection on experience is to overcome the traditional separation of theory and practice, which sees experience solely as the place where knowledge and patterns of action learned elsewhere are applied. It is not easy to gather evidence of how this reflective process is triggered, what the levels of its development might be, and what results, in terms of changes and new awareness, it causes in the subjects who participate in it. Gibbs (1988) with his schema of reflection on practice suggests six reference dimensions, which prompt individual or collective reflection. This model, itself situated and not generalizable to a family of situations, has potential that has not yet been explored. This paper proposes a research-training-based research project that, together with teachers from different grade levels, will apply this model for the activation, analysis and evaluation of reflective processes on teachers’ actions. We will present the research framework, identifying the intentionalities behind the methodological choices. We will explore the use of quantitative tools to support the qualitative research framework, functional for the exportability of the process and the triggering of changes in teachers.

2024 - School Leaders as Promoters of Inclusive Digital Learning [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertozzi, Rita; Landi, Laura

2024 - Vivere il patrimonio culturale per rinnovare il curricolo scolastico [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolini, C; Landi, L; Landini, A; Scipione, L; Vezzani, A; Zini, A

The museum, a place of mediation between exhibits and users, discovery and research, is the ideal setting for pathways jointly designed with the school that promote the learning of knowledge in an interdisciplinary perspective, the valorisation of cultural heritage and the development of civic competences from an inclusive perspective. This is the premise for a collaboration that has started in the school year 2020-2021 and is still ongoing, between the Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia, the city's school institutes and the university. During the pandemic, primary and secondary school classes spent a week at the museum, working in shifts. This experience was transformed from an emergency measure into an educational opportunity, both for the students, who were able to learn in an immersive environment with a dynamic and interdisciplinary approach, and for the teachers, who designed and delivered lessons together with the museum staff, and for the museum educators, who rethought their educational offer. The CERIID (UNIMORE) research group has observed, monitored and described the educational provision of museums to provide useful information to support learning and skills. We will also outline the development of the education and research proposal in the second and third year.

2023 - Discussion Study: ripensare il Lesson Study per formare le insegnanti alla discussione in classe [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolini, C; Funghi, S; Landi, L; Zini, A

Il contributo documenta un progetto di ricerca e formazione, svolto a Reggio Emilia tra il 2018 e il 2020, che sviluppa il Lesson Study (LS), per applicarlo alla strategia didattica della discussione. La ricerca ha sviluppato un nuovo strumento per la formazione degli insegnanti, il “Discussion Study” (DS), il quale si colloca all’intersezione di due importanti linee di ricerca. Da una parte il LS come strumento per la formazione docente, con le sue caratteristiche di co-progettazione e riflessione sull’azione (Hall, 2014; Bartolini Bussi & Ramploud, 2018). Dall’altra quella sulla discussione in classe, intesa come strategia adatta alla co-costruzione della conoscenza nel discorso collettivo (Pontecorvo et al., 1991/2004). Il LS è stato ripensato e modificato per tenere conto del focus specifico sulla formazione dei docenti in merito alla  didattica della discussione.  LS diventa DS perchè al centro della lezione co-progettata c’è una discussione inserita in una progettazione più lunga che la lancia e la contestualizza. Inoltre le mosse comunicative delle docenti in classe vengono analizzate e utilizzate come strumento di formazione. Sono stati realizzati 11 cicli di DS nella scuola primaria o secondaria di primo grado, in italiano, matematica e scienze. Si esamineranno i risultati ottenuti attraverso una metodologia di ricerca mixed-methods allo scopo di analizzare le novità introdotte dal DS e render conto della sua efficacia nel cambiare la rappresentazione e le pratiche dell’insegnante in merito alla discussione in classe.

2023 - Lesson Study in matematica per la trasposizione di pratiche didattiche dal museo alla scuola [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolini, C.; Landi, L.

A Reggio Emilia sono in corso dall’ a.s. 2020-21 sperimentazioni sulla scuola ai Musei Civici. Per i docenti la relazione quotidiana ed immersiva con un ambiente di apprendimento/luogo di incontro con i reperti, in dialogo tra discipline e l’osservazione di modalità di insegnamento non formali, multimodali e interdisciplinari, offre opportunità di riflessione su modelli didattici. Da osservazioni e focus group svolti dal gruppo di ricerca Unimore è emersa, insieme alle consapevolezze sul valore educativo ed estetico dell’esperienza, l’idea che questa didattica si possa fare solo al museo, perché l’interdisciplinarità e ricchezza di stimoli sarebbero caratteristiche del luogo e non trasferibili. Quali accorgimenti formativi ed organizzativi, invece, possono favorire la trasposizione di pratiche didattiche dal contesto non formale a quello formale? Partendo dal quadro teorico della trasposizione culturale si è svolto un ciclo di LS, in collaborazione tra scuola, Musei Civici e Unimore, sulle tassellazioni, per trovare risposte preliminari. Vedremo come progettazione e riprogettazione della lezione, da parte di docenti, educatori museali e ricercatori attorno ad alcuni reperti museali, diventa spunto per decostruire la risposta per ripensarla, e trasporla dal museo alla scuola. Questo passaggio riflessivo corale svolto in contesto disciplinare è servito a creare nuove consapevolezze generali sulla trasposizione dal formale al non formale.

2023 - PCTO al museo: orientarsi al futuro [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Landi, Laura; Scarpini, Mariangela

Leggendo le istanze contemporanee del contesto europeo e prospettando veloci cambiamenti della società e del mondo del lavoro, la Commissione insieme al Consiglio d’Europa (2018/C189/01) rilancia la centralità di un’istruzione di qualità chiamata a svolgere un ruolo chiave per l’acquisizione di competenze utili a cogliere le opportunità che si presentano anche in previsione dei cambiamenti che si verificano nel mondo del lavoro. In questa direzione il processo di istruzione, formazione e apprendimento viene posto al centro delle più recenti politiche europee. I PCTO si pongono come momento di confronto e scambio tra mondo del lavoro e scuola per sostenere negli studenti l’acquisizione di mind-set più consapevoli per agire o reagire a idee, persone, situazioni. Luoghi e modalità di questo incontro hanno una profonda influenza sui processi di trasformazione e presa di consapevolezza che si possono innescare in ragazzi e ragazze che si affacciano all’età adulta. Il museo civico è un contesto forse poco usuale per un PCTO, ma presenta delle valenze uniche, perché sito di mediazione tra passato e presente; reperti e fruitori; arte, scienze, antropologia e storia (Zuccoli, 2014).

2023 - Ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa in dialogo: spunti di riflessione [Articolo su rivista]
Rigoni, Paola; Landi, Laura

The educational system is key sphere for building individual and collective awareness, but it may run the risk of perpetuating customs and chasing (rather than anticipating) the demands for change posed by the macroenvironment. When this state of inertia occurs, it is desirable to support reflective processes that foster active and conscious action by teachers. Educational research proposes several formative strategies aimed at building the professional growth of teachers and educators, but these approaches struggle to get out of the context in which they were conceived. One example of these methodologies is Research-Training (R-F), whose outcomes have the limitation of “situated” outcomes. This paper proposes an initial reflection on the possible entanglements of a quanti-qualitative, interdisciplinary approach co-designed by researchers from related fields, a theoretical reflection that uses R-F as a paradigmatic example. Finally, some observations are presented on quantitative research as a means of translating the content accrued in that specific context into valid indicators that can be exported to different fields.

2023 - Supporting innovation in assessment to change teaching methods: a professional training course. [Articolo su rivista]
Landi, Laura; Bertolini, Chiara

Il 4 dicembre 2021 la scuola italiana è travolta dall’Ordinanza Ministeriale 172 (OM172). Le scuole, dopo la formazione online (gennaio – marzo 2021) cercano di costruire percorsi formativi chiedendo aiuto all’università. Questo contributo descrive 2 percorsi formativi, uno svolto da una docente universitaria e una dottoranda, e l’altro da una formatrice dello stesso gruppo di ricerca. Per investigare l’applicazione della OM172, materia complessa, che mette insieme aspetti già indagati dalla letteratura con altri legati alle caratteristiche del cambiamento, si è scelta una metodologia mixed-methods con questionari, focus group, diari di bordo, elaborati delle docenti, lesson plan e interviste semi-strutturate. Il presente contributo si concentrerà su un aspetto della ricerca e cioè paragonerà alcune scelte metodologiche dei percorsi formativi e presenterà considerazioni preliminari su come queste abbiano condizionato attitudini e consapevolezze dei docenti rispetto al cambiamento.

2023 - The Italian evaluation reform tries to change teaching methods: can professional development help? [Poster]
Landi, Laura

This research takes the lead from the change in Italian primary school evaluation system, initiated during the 2020-21 school year (the reform decree OM172, from here on). The system changed from a 0-10 grade scale to a criterion-based evaluation (Ebel, Frisbie, 1965), with 4 levels based on 4 dimensions: autonomy, use of resources, known and unknown context and continuity. Widely unprepared schools reached out to university for professional development (PD) modules that could help them in the transition. This created the condition for a mixed-methods and case study research aiming at investigating two main areas: on one hand how teacher’s habitus and preconceived ideas of teaching and learning shape their idea of evaluation, self-efficacy, and their willingness to welcome change; on the other hand, what type of PD, institutional culture and community of practice can support systemic change (Barnes in Russel & Mumby (eds.), 1992).

2022 - A critical approach to the Reggio Emilia Approach* [Articolo su rivista]
Landi, L.; Pintus, A.

Reggio Emilia is an Italian city internationally known for its toddler centers and preschools (Firlik, 1996). The popularity that the Reggio Emilia Approach (REA) has gained, makes the “Reggio Emilia phenomenon” a global product, subject to global sales strategies (Grieshaber and Hatch, 2003). Worrisome is the tendency to superficially replicate Reggio-like environments, without critical reflection (ibid; Johnson, 2000). This article identifies REA as a culture, according to Jurij Michajlovič Lotman’s definition (Lotman, & Uspenskij, 1975). It also analyzes the cultural transposition construct as a tool to transfer REA to different context without losing the deepest meanings and values.

2022 - Fa.C.E. – Farsi Comunità Educanti: integrazione nei servizi educativi e di cura per l’infanzia [Articolo su rivista]
Landi, Laura

Fa.C.E., a 3-years project has as core objective creating “the conditions to build an educating community which would lead to a redefinition of educational policies in the areas involved” (FRC, 2017). This article will analyze some of its innovative strategies also in the light of the Successful Educational Actions for inclusion and social cohesion (Flecha 2014), social capital theory (Putnam, 2000; Hollis, 1998; Uhlaner, 1989) and Reggio Emilia Approach (Dahlberg et al., 2007, Rinaldi, 2006).

2022 - Formare a progettare e valutare partendo dal vissuto degli insegnanti [Articolo su rivista]
Landi, L.

Decree 172 (12/4/2020) has accelerated innovations in assessment and didactics in primary schools. The shift away from grade evaluation toward descriptive assessment, formative feedback and self-evaluation implies an active, competence-based teaching method, which is clear in its observation tools. To walk this path effectively, teachers and trainers need to tackle complex processes. Different visions of children and learning, assessment and evaluation, connections between learning objectives, planned activities and evidence gathering are all ingredients in this complex picture. This article presents a case-study, which analyses and reflects on this complexity to structure research-training modules for teachers. It focuses on the design and assessment of activities. The goal is to define the difficulties, limitations and opportunities the decree provides to design meaningful training modules for schools.

2022 - Formare gli insegnanti alla discussione in classe: il Discussion Study [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertolini, C; Zini, A; Landi, L; Funghi, S

The article documents a research and training project carried out in Reggio Emilia between 2018 and 2020, which builds on the Lesson Study (LS) while presenting its further development and application to the didactic strategy of discussion. The "Discussion Study" (DS), a new tool for teacher education and training, is located at the intersection of two important lines of research. The first is concerned with classroom discussion, understood as a strategy for the co-construction of knowledge in collective discourse (Pontecovo et al., 1991; Bartolini Bussi et al., 1995), and with the teacher's action as a regulator of learning in a distinctly Vygotskian frame of reference. The second is the LS, an in-service training model of oriental origin that involves the joint planning of a lesson by a group of teachers, the delivery of the lesson in the presence of observers, and the re-planning by the same group. (Hall, 2013; Bartolini Bussi, Ramploud, 2018). The article explores the results obtained using a mixed research methodology (Robasto & Trinchero, 2019) to explain the effectiveness of DS in changing the teacher's conceptions and practises of classroom discussions.

2022 - Formare i docenti all’inclusione: analisi di buone pratiche europee. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolini, C.; Gentile, A.; Landi, L.; Scipione, L.

2022 - Sostenere l'innovazione nella valutazione per cambiare la didattica: un percorso di formazione professionale. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Landi, Laura; Bertolini, Chiara

Sostenere l'innovazione nella valutazione per cambiare la didattica: un percorso di formazione professionale, p.191-192 (Intervento presentato al convegno La ricerca educativa per la formazione degli insegnanti tenutosi a Perugia nel 27-28 ottobre 2022).

2022 - Una settimana al museo: un percorso di ricerca-formazione tra scuola primaria e museo [Capitolo/Saggio]
Landi, Laura

Questo contributo analizza il tentativo di alcuni insegnanti di classe quinta primaria di uscire dai confini della propria classe, attraverso l’esperienza di una settimana di scuola vissuta al museo. Il museo che accoglie la scuola è diventata occasione per un piccolo percorso di ricerca-formazione che ha coinvolto insegnanti, educatori museali e una ricercatrice attorno alle domande di ricerca: quali sono i vantaggi per gli studenti di poter vivere un’esperienza educativa co-progettata da insegnanti ed educatori museali, avendo il museo come ambiente di apprendimento? Quali nuove consapevolezze possono sviluppare gli insegnanti da un’esperienza come questa? Protocolli dei bambini e questionari raccolti prima e dopo l’esperienza mostrano come i costrutti di museo e trasformazioni si siano arricchiti e trasformati in loro a seguito dell’esperienza. Emerge inoltre un potenziamento di alcune soft skills, in particolare la capacità di lavorare in gruppo e di creare connessioni tra ambiti diversi del sapere, oltre ad un rinnovata dimensione estetica di approccio al sapere. Per le insegnanti, le osservazioni svolte durante la progettazione, le attività al museo e il focus group finale, evidenziano l’attivazione di processi riflessivi e l’aspirazione a modificare routine consolidate e aspetti della propria azione didattica.

2021 - Da luogo di incontro a comunità educante: il ruolo della scuola oltre la pandemia [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Landi, L.

Schools, especially primary and pre-primary ones, are places where adults coming from different paths of life and with diverse interests, meet. These interactions can become opportunities to build ties and a shared educational project. The covid 19 emergency has highlighted deep differences among relational contexts. These ties, where they existed, have proven crucial to support families under stress and for the community’s wider wellbeing. Organizational and value frameworks lead to distinct opportunities to meet and exchange, producing peculiar “relational landscapes” (Edwards et al., 1998). Building strong although compartmentalized ties, around the school contexts, can make the difference in family lives, both in terms of social capital accumulation and support to parenthood (Small, 2009). Researchers have analyzed the impact of social capital on learning and pupils, but has rarely studied the consequences of building meaningful relations for adults and the wider social context (Bartee, 2019). While it is safe to assume that organizational processes, pedagogical documentation, open dialogues in the classrooms (Carr, 2012), have a strong impact on expanding families’ networks, leading to the deconstruction of biases and non-homophilic ties creation, the reasons for these outcomes need to be further investigated (Flecha, 2014) Literature on social capital and educational community, focus groups with key witnesses, observations carried out during the FaCE project (Becoming educational communities–Reggio Children Foundation), and an ongoing outdoor education project (in a Reggio Emilia primary school), have paved the way to a qualitative analysis and the designing of a survey on the connections between participation, sense of community (Mannarini, 2016) and families’ social capital. This presentation will present observations and surveys preliminary results. Answers were collected among families and school staff of one state primary and pre-primary institution and two catholic pre-primary schools, all based in Reggio Emilia. The research will shape pilot activities, to be carried out during next school years, involving school staff, students, and parents, aiming at influencing relational environment, by triggering common reflexive processes (Dahlberg, Moss, & Pence, 2007).

2021 - Dewey, democracy, and Malaguzzi’s vision for the schools of Reggio Emilia [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Landi, L.

Malaguzzi often refers to Dewey as one of the ‘founding fathers’, one of the threads weaving the warp, one of the cornerstones of a much larger building. In defining the value of these connections Malaguzzi explicitly refers to activism, creativity and mediation between individuality and society. Central in his vision is the need to connect individual and social dimension, build a culture and society able to embrace both, to work for the common good while respecting individuality. The quest for a ‘new individualism’ is strong in Dewey as well, together with the need for qualified participation. While the questions are mostly similar, this article aims at establishing whether the answers are too and whether a direct link can be traced between these two thinkers. Dewey lived a long and productive life, he died at 92, and left an incommensurable contribution to pedagogy. His work had a wide audience in post-WW2 Italy and became an essential reference for pedagogists. His philosophy left lasting traces throughout the Reggio Emilia Approach (REA). This article aims at investigating whether Dewey’s vision of democracy and the role of schools in fostering it, inspired Malaguzzi and the schools in Reggio Emilia. Malaguzzi’s idea of democracy is a complex, multidimensional vision, that imbues all his work and writings since the post-war years. Contrary to Dewey, Malaguzzi does not dwell on philosophical argumentation, he often talks about it, but almost never in connection with the official governmental form and never defines it. Our investigation is therefore not easy. It implies deconstructing the concept of democracy to find clues and indicators leading back to Dewey’s vision. We will base our analysis on Dewey’s texts available to Malaguzzi and compare them with his own writings, focusing on two main aspects: participation and the relation between individual and society.

2021 - Farsi Comunità Educanti (Fa.C.E.). A Case Study for Inclusion, Participation and Quality Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Services [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Landi, L.

Fa.C.E. Farsi Comunità Educanti (from here on Fa.C.E.), a 3-years project (2018–21) lead by Reggio Children Foundation and financed by social enterprise Con I Bambini, has «increasing access to ECEC services, especially for disadvantaged families» as core objective. Innovative to this project is not the goal, but the approach: doing it through the creation of educating communities, both on a local and national level. This article will analyse the project strategies also in the light of the Successful Educational Actions for inclusion and social cohesion. (Flecha, 2014). In a year long process, built on dialogic approach, national (AMREF, Gruppo Nazionale Nidi Infanzia) and local (Palermo, Naples, Teramo, Reggio Emilia) project partners co-designed the pilot actions. Through a collective reflexive dialogue, they investigated the reasons for lack of access to quality educational services, mapped local realities, sketched actions combining both. (Malaguzzi in Cagliari et al., 2016) This community has become a safe space where new and generative ideas could take form. (Rinaldi, 2006). This structure allows the project to proceed, through the stops and goes due to covid19 emergency. Taking the lead from this ecological approach, stakeholders were involved in actions design, gaining ownership of them. Everywhere parents, with or without access to ECEC, widely expressed the desire to spend quality time with their children engaging in educational activities. This is action 1: children and parents learning, playing, and understanding together, within a community. This common reflexive space for families has a positive effect on parental involvement, and on connecting vulnerable families with ECEC and with a larger parental community. (Del Boca, 2020) Action 2 varies. In Palermo it takes the form of conversations on parenthood between experts (educators, doctors) and parents. In Teramo it has involved school, municipality, and associations in opening a new toddler center, granting quality educational service to families in the middle of the pandemic. Preliminary results of the project, emerging from impact evaluation and qualitative analysis, include: the creation of local and national networks providing integrated health, social and educational services to families, through different tools, including an online space; the sharing of strategies and visions among actors of different areas of the country highlighting new areas of common efforts; growing understanding among the families involved of the role of ECEC services and the opportunities they provide for children; a national conference to foster results dissemination.

2021 - The Schoolyard as a Teachable Space: a Research-Training Project with Teachers and Parents [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Landi, L.; Pintus, A.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to reorganize. By and large Italian schools were not ready for online didactic. Teachers had to learn tools and reinvent their teaching rapidly and without a clear institutional mandate. While this process proved to be extremely stressful, it also fostered a greater sense of agency, independency, empowerment in teachers (Jones, Harris, 2014). It also consolidated informal professional learning communities (Watkins, 2005). These gains are proving to be lasting and are bridging across different sectors. In summer 2020 teachers at a primary school in Reggio Emilia (Italy), started a deep reflection on the new school year and how to make the best of the difficult and uncertain situation ahead of them. More specifically, the schoolyard was identified as a ‘teachable space’ that is a healthy environment, given the pandemic, where teachers can extend classroom learning to natural and authentic environments (Feille, 2019). Teachers had no lasting experience on outdoor education (Humbestone et al., 2016), so they reached out to outside experts (environmental educators and researchers). A research-training project (Asquini, 2018) has been structured and is currently on the way to redesign the schoolyard on the basis of the educational potentials highlighted in the literature and in the training path itself. This study refers a preliminary account of this process that involved both the teachers and the parents of the school. It will present: the documentation of the process of co-designing; the results of a survey, analyzing teachers’ perceived self-efficacy (Glackin, Hohenstein, 2018) and believes regarding outdoor education before the project started; the presentation of the reflective notebooks that accompany the teachers throughout the training meetings (Moon, 2003).

2018 - Le sperimentazioni del lesson study [Capitolo/Saggio]
Landi, L.; Maffoni, L.

Descrizione di percorsi di implementazione del lesson study alla scuola primaria nelle province di Modena e Reggio Emilia