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2024 - ESRU-ESU-YAU_UROTECH Survey on Urology Residents Surgical Training: Are We Ready for Simulation and a Standardized Program? [Articolo su rivista]
Checcucci, E.; Puliatti, S.; Pecoraro, A.; Piramide, F.; Campi, R.; Carrion, D. M.; Esperto, F.; Afferi, L.; Veneziano, D.; Somani, B.; Vasquez, J. L.; Fiori, C.; Mottrie, A.; Amato, M.; N'Dow, J.; Porpiglia, F.; Liatsikos, E.; Rivas, J. G.; Cacciamani, G. E.

Background: Currently, the landscape of surgical training is undergoing rapid evolution, marked by the initial implementation of standardized surgical training programs, which are further facilitated by the emergence of new technologies. However, this proliferation is uneven across various countries and hospitals. Objective: To offer a comprehensive overview of the existing surgical training programs throughout Europe, with a specific focus on the accessibility of simulation resources and standardized surgical programs. Design, setting, and participants: A dedicated survey was designed and spread in May 2022 via the European Association of Urology (EAU) mail list, to Young Urologist Office (YUO), Junior membership, European Urology Residents Education Program participants between 2014 and 2022, and other urologists under 40 yr, and via the EAU Newsletter. Intervention: A 64-item, online-based survey in accordance with the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES) using the platform of Survey Monkey (Portland, OR, USA) was realized. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The study involved an assessment of the demographic characteristics. Additionally, it explored the type of center, availability of various surgical approaches, presence of training infrastructure, participation in courses, organization of training, and participants' satisfaction with the training program. The level of satisfaction was evaluated using a Likert-5 scale. The subsequent sections delved into surgical training within the realms of open, laparoscopic, robotic, and endoscopic surgery, each explored separately. Finally, the investigation encompassed the presence of a structured training course and the availability of a duly validated final evaluation process. Results and limitations: There were 375 responders with a completion rate of 82%. Among them, 75% were identified as male, 50.6% were young urologists, 31.7% were senior residents, and 17.6% were junior residents. A significant majority of participants (69.6%) were affiliated with academic centers. Regarding the presence of dry lab training facilities, only 50.3% of respondents indicated its availability. Among these centers, 46.7% were primarily focused on laparoscopy training. The availability of virtual and wet lab training centers was even more limited, with rates of 31.5% and 16.2%, respectively. Direct patient involvement was reported in 80.5% of cases for open surgery, 58.8% for laparoscopy, 25.0% for robotics, and 78.6% for endourology. It is worth noting that in <25% of instances, training followed a well-defined standardized program comprising both preclinical and clinical modular phases. Finally, the analysis of participant feedback showed that 49.7% of respondents expressed a satisfaction rating of either 4 or 5 points with respect to the training program. The limitations of our study include the low response rate, predominance of participants from academic centers, and absence of responses from individuals not affiliated with the EAU network. Conclusions: The current distribution of surgical training centers falls short of ensuring widespread access to standardized training programs. Although dry lab facilities are relatively well spread, the availability of wet lab resources remains restricted. Additionally, it appears that many trainees' initial exposure to surgery occurs directly with patients. There is a pressing need for continued endeavors to establish uniform training routes and assessment techniques across various surgical methodologies. Patient summary: Nowadays, the surgical training landscape is heterogeneous across different countries. The implementation of a standardized training methodology to enhance the overall quality of surgical training and thereby improving patient outcomes is needed.

2024 - application of ai in urolithiasis risk of infection: a scoping review [Articolo su rivista]
Campobasso, D.; Panizzi, M.; Bellini, V.; Ferretti, S.; Amparore, D.; Castellani, D.; Fiori, C.; Puliatti, S.; Pietropaolo, A.; Somani, B. K.; Micali, S.; Porpiglia, F.; Maestroni, U. V.; Bignami, E. G.

INTRODUCTION: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are the new frontier in urology; they can assist the diagnostic work-up and in prognostication bring superior to the existing nomograms. infectious events and in particular the septic risk, are one of the most common and in some cases life threatening complication in patients with urolithiasis. We performed a scoping review to provide an overview of the current application of ai in prediction the infectious complications in patients affected by urolithiasis. eVideNCe aCQUiSiTioN: a systematic scoping review of the literature was performed in accordance with the preferred reporting items for Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses for Scoping reviews (priSMa-Scr) guidelines by screening Medline, pubMed, and embase to detect pertinent studies. eVideNCe SyNTheSiS: a total of 467 articles were found, of which nine met the inclusion criteria and were considered. all studies are retrospective and published between 2021 and 2023. only two studies performed an external validation of the described models. The main event considered is urosepsis in four articles, urinary tract infection in two articles and diagnosis of infection stones in three articles. different ai models were trained, each of which exploited several types and numbers of variables. All studies reveal good performance. Random forest and artificial neural networks seem to have higher AUC, specificity and sensibility and perform better than the traditional statistical analysis. CoNClUSioNS: Further prospective and multi-institutional studies with external validation are needed to better clarify which variables and ai models should be integrated in our clinical practice to predict infectious events.

2022 - A Construction and Characterization of New Sharply 3-Transitive Permutation Sets Contained in PΓL(2 , K) [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, C.

2019 - Ricordo di Gianni Ferrari [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Tosatti, Giovanni

2012 - Dalle frazioni continue alla trascendenza di pigreco. Centocinquant'anni di matematica «dimenticata» [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Gabriella, Caristi; Fiori, Carla; Sergio, Invernizzi

Numeri quali Ö2 e p sono noti fin dall'antichità e sono noti a tutti perché s'incontrano già nella scuola dell'obbligo, ma pochi conoscono gli studi e le ricerche che hanno portato a scoprire la loro natura matematica. Il libro ripercorre il periodo storico fondamentale di questi studi; presenta una trattazione, completa nelle dimostrazioni e ricca di esempi numerici, che porta all'irrazionalità del numero di Nepero e di p alla loro trascendenza. In questo percorso, arricchito di note storiche, si passa attraverso la "trascurata" teoria delle frazioni continue, di cui si sottolineano i legami con l'approssimazione diofantea, presentando anche un'interpretazione delle regole di taluni calendari civili. Lo stimolo a scrivere di questa matematica elementare spesso "dimenticata" nasce dalle riflessioni seguite alla stesura del volume "Numeri reali," pubblicato nel 2009 in questa stessa collana.

2012 - Darwin a Modena [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

2010 - Computing the automorphic chromatic index of certain snarks [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Mazzuoccolo, Giuseppe; Ruini, Beatrice

The automorphic H-chromatic index of agraph G is the minimum integer m for which G has aproper edge-coloring with m colors which is preserved by the fullautomorphism group H of G. We determine the automorphic H-chromatic index of eachmember of four infinite classes of snarks: type I Blanu\v{s}asnarks, type II Blanu\v{s}a snarks, Flower snarks and Goldbergsnarks.

2010 - Darwin: Modena e 200 anni di evoluzione [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Minarelli, Stefano

2010 - On the automorphic chromatic index of a graph [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Mazzuoccolo, Giuseppe; Ruini, Beatrice

In this paper we define the automorphic H-chromatic index of agraph G as the minimum integer m for which G has aproper edge-coloring with m colors which is preserved by a given automorphism group H of G. After the description of some properties, we determine upper bounds for this indexwhen H is a cyclic group of prime order. We also show that these upper bounds are best possible in a number of istances.

Fiori, Carla; Ruini, Beatrice

We determine the full automorphism group of each member of threeinfinite families of connected cubic graphs which are snarks. A graph issaid to be nearly hamiltonian if it has a cycle which contains all verticesbut one. We prove, in particular, that for every possible order n > 28 thereexists a nearly hamiltonian snark of order n with trivial automorphismgroup.

2009 - I numeri reali [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Fiori, Carla; S., Invernizzi

Vengono presentati unitariamente i principali metodi per definire i numeri reali, si ripropongono le dimostrazioni classiche ma anche contributi nuovi. Viene esposta una rivisitazione comparativa e critica della teoria dei numeri reali fornendo altresì spunti di riflessione.

2009 - La Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena e Charles Darwin [Prefazione o Postfazione]
Fiori, Carla

2008 - Charles Darwin 1809-1859-2009 [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Tosatti, Giovanni

La presente nota sottolinea il forte legame fra la Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena, la città di Modena e il pensiero di Charles Darwin. Viene evidenziato in particolare il ruolo svolto dalla Società nella diffusione del darwinismo in Italia. Sono infine brevemente commentati gli articoli su Darwin e il darwinismo pubblicati in questa sezione del volume 139 degli Atti.

2008 - Infinite classes of dihedral snarks [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Ruini, Beatrice

Flower snarks and Goldberg snarks are two infinite families of cyclically 5-edge-connected cubic graphs with girth at least five and chromatic index four. For any odd integer k, k>3, there is a Flower snark, say J_k, of order 4k and a Goldberg snark, say B_k, of order 8k. We determine the automorphic groups of J_k and B_k for every k and prove that they are isomorphic to the dihedral group D_4k of order 4k.

2007 - Grafi cubici e gruppi di automorfismo [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Fiori, C.; Ruini, Beatrice

In questa presentazione esporremmo alcuni risultati riguardanti automorfismi di grafi cubici, come ad esempio: a) alcune condizioni per le quali un automorfismo di un grafo agisce su particolari sottografi come l'automorfismo banale o un automorfismo non banale; b) l'esistenza di cinque famiglie infinite che soddisfano le condizioni di cui sopra; c) la determinazione dei gruppi di automorfismo di sette famiglie infinite di grafi cubici connessi con girth 5, cinque delle quali costituite da grafi detti snarks; d) per ogni intero positivo m, l'esistenza di grafi cubici (snarks) con 24+4m o 26+4m vertici aventi gruppi di automorfismi banali, di un grafo cubico con 24+4m vertici avente gruppo di automorfismo isomorfo al gruppo ciclico di ordine 2, di un grafo cubico con 18+16m vertici avente gruppo di automorfismo di ordine 2^{m+2}; e) per ogni intero positivo dispari k, k>3, l'esistenza di un grafo cubico (snarks) di ordine 4k ed un grafo cubico (snark) di ordine 8k con gruppo di automorfismo isomorfo al gruppo diedrale di ordine 4k.

2005 - An Experimental Research on Error Patterns in written subtraction [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; L., Zuccheri

Pupils' mistakes, if suitably analysed, may give useful suggestions for improving the teaching/learning process of mathematics. We present here the main issues of an investigation on a population of 732 italian pupils, addressed to determine the tipology of errors in performing written subtraction. We compared our results with those emerging from a study carried out in Brazil on pupils of the same age, concerning the errors in performing the usual algorithm of written subtraction.

2004 - La preparazione degli studenti di Ingegneria e Economia dopo gli esami di matematica di base [Working paper]
Fiori, Carla; Lalla, Michele; Pacchiarotti, Nicoletta

The study of mathematics is essential in many fields as it is the basic language shared by all quantitative disciplines. Therefore, it is interesting to ascertain at what extent the basic concepts may be lost over time. We carried out a survey on students attending third-year courses and over, in the Faculty of Engineering and in the Faculty of Economics, administering a test containing items pertaining to elementary concepts of Mathematics. The results showed that students in the Faculty of Engineering had a better grasp of the mathematical concepts than those in the Faculty of Economics. However, considering the differences between the two Faculties, the gap was actually narrower than what the test results would first lead us to believe. The structure of the model representing the influences of the explanatory variables on the outcome of the test (test score) was similar for both Faculties. In particular, the more predictive factors were high school scores and the number of Mathematics exams already passed at the University. The time elapsed since the last Mathematics exam did not show any particular influence on test scores. However, among the Engineering students, the time elapsed demonstrated a weak concurrent action with other variables, «incorporating» its influence. The correlation between the time elapsed since the last Mathematics exam and the test score was always negative, as expected.

2002 - La preparazione degli studenti di Ingegneria e Economia dopo gli esami di matematica di base [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Lalla, Michele; Pacchiarotti, Nicoletta

Mathematics represents the basic language for all quantitative disciplines, therefore its learning is fundamental in many fields and it is interesting to verify how basic concepts may be lost as time passes. We carried out a survey between students attending courses of the third year and over, in the Faculty of Engineering and in the Faculty of Economics, assigning them a test containing items about the elementary concepts of Mathematics. The results show that students in the Faculty of Engineering know the mathematical concepts better than those in the Faculty of Economics. However, considering the differences between the two Faculties, the gap is lower than what appears from the outcomes of the test. The structure of the model representing the influences of the explanatory variables on the outcome of the test (score test) is similar in the two Faculties. In particular, the more predictive factors are the high school score and the number of Mathematics exams already passed at the University. The time elapsed since the last Mathematics exam does not show any peculiar influence on the test score. However, at the Faculty of Engineering, there was a weak concurrent action of this time with other variables, which incorporate its influence. The correlation between the time elapsed since the last Mathematics exam and the score of the test was always negative, as expected.

2002 - Una Fondazione del metodo delle coordinate al lume delle ricerche del XX secolo secondo le idee del programma di Erlangen. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Fiori, Carla; Pellegrino, Consolato

2001 - Insegnanti in Europa, materiali di confronto sulla formazione iniziale degli insegnanti [Capitolo/Saggio]
Fiori, Carla

2000 - Comportamenti di studenti in ingresso all'Università di fronte allo studio di disequazioni. [Articolo su rivista]
Malara, Nicolina Antonia; Brandoli, Maria Teresa; Fiori, Carla

Si presentano alcuni risultati di test somministrati a studenti universitari, in ingresso all'universita', riguardanti lo studio di disequazioni, per indagare, al di là delle competenze tecniche, la loro capacità di interpretazione e controllo del significato delle disequazioni proposte, e del ruolo del(dei) parametro(i) presenti. Dall'analisi dei protocolli degli allievi emergono diffuse lacune concettuali, parecchie risalenti alla scuola dell'obbligo, atteggiamenti di tipo procedurale e stereotipati, assenza di controllo dei significati delle scritture algebriche, scarso coordinamento tra i vari registri di rappresentazione con particolare riferimento agli aspetti logici del linguaggio verbale nell'intreccio con il linguaggio algebrico (ruolo di parametri e variabili e coordinamento delle condizioni su di essi) ed il linguaggio grafico (confronto e rappresentazione di dati parametrici sulla retta, interpretazione di rappresentazioni in termini algebrici e verbali).

2000 - Piani formalmente euclidei [Articolo su rivista]
Pellegrino, Consolato; Fiori, Carla

In the last decacìes, university teaching has introduced Geometry as a chapter of Linear Algebra. This implies that geometrical culture and spacial intuition are more and more lacking in the new gcnerations of graduated in Mathematics, which of course has a negative feedback on the qualitv of mathematics teaching and its educational value. So it is important to show the links existing between the synthetic and the analytic approach to the geometry. In this paper we offer a very generai way that, bearing in mind the development of geometrical thought in the last two centuries, allows to shift from one setting to the other. Such procedure, which doesn't depend on the axioms of order nor on those of congruence (and which therefore is not necessarily linked to the field of real numbers), allows to extend to a wide class ofplanes (incÌuding the Eiiclidean one) the notions of similitude and isometry and to find out and claracterize their equations.

2000 - Teoremi ed algoritmi: i due volti del numero [Articolo su rivista]
Pellegrino, Consolato; Fiori, Carla

This paper is the ideal sequel of our previous publications aimed at the cultural training formation of young-new mathematicians by means of making explicit the relationships, often neglected in specific studies, existing between today's contemporary mathematics and the one of the origins, as well as those existing between pure and applied mathematics. In particular, according to the above mentioned citations, we consider some aspects of the theory of divisibility in order to highlight the role played by algorithms and problem solving in the long abstraction process that goes from natural numbers to abstract algebra. To make our presentation more poignant and effective, we will privilege the heuristic aspects of the topic, using the dialogue form and concentrating all historical and bibliographical references in the footnotes. In particular, to make further research study easier, in the references we preferred to list the more as recent and easy-to-find work as possible literature.

1999 - Comportamenti di Studenti in Ingresso all'Università di fronte allo Studio di Disequazioni [Working paper]
A. Malara, N.; Brandoli, M. T.; Fiori, C.

1999 - On the cycle index of point groups [Articolo su rivista]
Baraldi, Ivan; Fiori, Carla; Vanossi, Davide

In this brief work we express the cycle index of the molecular point groups as a function of a limited number of initial geometrical parameters. Such parameters are the number m of elements composing the domain D of sites of substitutions in the molecule belonging to the point group G, and the numbers (n(C-n),n(sigma),...) of sites of D lying on the symmetry elements (C-n,sigma,...) for G.

1999 - Piani Formalmente Euclidei [Working paper]
Pellegrino, C.; Fiori, C.

1997 - Errori nell'applicazione dell'algoritmo della sottrazione un'analisi relativa alla scuola dell'obbligo [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Zuccheri, Luciana

1997 - Immagine della Matematica tra Concezione e Divulgazione: Contributi di ricercatori italiani nel periodo 1988-'95 [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Pellegrino, Consolato

This report, written on the occasion of ICME 8 (Sevilla, July 1996) illustrates the Italian studies and initiatives carried out between 1988 and 1995 and aimed at working out a better image and popularisation of Mathematics. More precisely, in part 1 we shall consider images, beliefs and notions associated with mathematics, in part 2 we shall report on investigations carried out to assess the mathematical knowledge of the pupils, in part 3 we shall deal with the popularisation of mathematics with particular reference to some of the aspects involved and the problems posed and, finally, in part 4 we shall briefly draw some conclusions.

1997 - Sulla preparazione matematica all'inizio dell'Università: test, indagini, riflessioni. [Articolo su rivista]
A., Boiti; Fiori, Carla

The research is aimed to make contribution to understand interrelations and problems between secondary school and university, studying knowledges of mathematics of students. In particular we report and analyze the results of two researches: the first one gives some information about the mathematical preparation of those students which enroll in the mathematics, phisics and engineering faculties; the second one allows to compare professors expectations with evaluation by secondary schools teachers.

1996 - Alla ricerca delle affinità perdute (e non) [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Pellegrino, Consolato

This paper is the ideal continuation of a previous one devoted to the coordinatization of the affine planes (cf. Fiori and Pellegrino, 1995). Here we prosecute the illustration of some important results in the realm of the fundaments of Geometry showing how it is possible, in the case of the plane, to arrive at the equations of affinities on the base of purely geometrical considerations. We conclude the paper giving a characterization of the affine planes by von Staudt, which include the usual plane.

1996 - Applicazioni combinatorie dei gruppi finiti [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fiori, Carla

1996 - I numeri reali ed il continuo aritmetico: quale conoscenza alla fine degli studi universitari per i futuri insegnanti? [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; L., Zuccheri

The main objective is that of determining what level of knowledge of these properties, and what level of knowledge of real numbers, the students have by the end of high school and at the end of a degree course in mathematics.

1996 - The Conceptual and the Popular Images of Mathematics [Capitolo/Saggio]
Fiori, Carla; Pellegrino, Consolato

1995 - Atti Convegno Giornate di Didattica ed Epistemologia della Matematica [Curatela]
Fiori, Carla; Invernizzi, Sergio; Zuccheri, Luciana

1995 - Il teorema di Enumerazione di Pólya: Escursione tra movimenti, gruppi, rappresentazioni, conteggi ed altro ancora, Didattica delle Scienze e dell'Informatica [Articolo su rivista]
Pellegrino, Consolato; Fiori, Carla

1995 - Permutazioni e Geometrie [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Quattrocchi, Pasquale; Rinaldi, Gloria

1995 - Teoremi configurazionali e coordinatizzazione dei piani affini [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Pellegrino, Consolato

The non-Euclidean revolution has imposed the search for a foundation of mathematics. Therefore the language of mathematics has become more abstract and formal. As a consequence, in the last decades the university teaching of mathematics has absorbed these features and eventually lost all connections with the traditional language and approach.This has gradually turned the culture and training of the new generations of mathematicians much poorer and fragile. In order to contrast this fatal trend that strongly conditions the quality of mathematics teaching in all school levels, we started a study aimed at highlighting the links between the traditional language of geometry and the current one, so as to allow us to appreciate the advantages and qualities of both approaches.In the paper, in order to illustrate an important theorem of the foundation of Geometry, we face the case of the affine plane and we show the role of theorems by Desargues and Pappus in the coordinatization of the plane. This exposition highlights the connection between the geometrical properties assumed as axioms of the algebraic properties.

1995 - Una strategia per il recupero [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fiori, Carla

1994 - Paolo Ruffini all'Università di Modena [Articolo su rivista]
Barbieri, Francesco; Fiori, Carla

1993 - Alcune proposte di unità didattiche per il biennio di scuola secondaria superiore. Costruzione e Sperimentazione [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Fiori, Carla

Unità didattiche di algebra

1992 - Sulle scienze matematiche a Modena nei secoli XIV e XV [Articolo su rivista]
F., Barbieri; Fiori, Carla

storia delle scienze matematiche a Modena nei secoli 14 e 15.

1991 - Estensione di insiemi di permutazioni k-transitivi in insiemi di permutazioni (k+1)-transitivi [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Quattrocchi, Pasquale

We give some sufficient conditions for the existence of a permutation set G* (sharply) (k+1)-transitive on a set E* such that the stabilizer G*a of an element a in E* is a given permutation set G

1991 - Insiemi di permutazioni strettamente k-transitivi in cui lo stabilizzatore di un elemento è un gruppo [Articolo su rivista]
L. A., Rosati; Quattrocchi, Pasquale; Fiori, Carla

Let G be a sharply k-transitive (k>2) permutation set on a finite set E. We prove that G is a group if and only if there exists an element r in E such that the following conditions hold:1) the stabilizer G_r is a group;2) aba in G whenever b in G, and a is a permutation in G fixing at least k-2 elements of E

1991 - La preparazione matematica all’inizio del biennio [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

1991 - Weakly Regular and Regular sets in Minkowski planes [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Rinaldi, Gloria

A regular (respectively weakly regular) set for an incidence structure Q is a set S of points such that the identity is the unique automorphism of Q which maps S onto iteslf (respectively which fixes S pointwise). Regular and weakly regular sets in finite Minkowski planes are investigated in the paper.

1990 - A class of non-ordinary half-planes [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

All half-planes that are know in the literature are ordinary. In this note we construct a class of non-hordinary half-planes.

1990 - MDS-Codes, nets and column orthogonal latin rectangles [Articolo su rivista]
Bonisoli, Arrigo; Fiori, Carla

1989 - Dalla Scuola media al biennio. prove di verifica e di ingresso di matematica. Risultati di una sperimentazione condotta all'inizio dell'a,s.1988/89 [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Fiori, Carla; Giuliana, Ferretti; Pasquale, Quattrocchi

Analisi e valutazione di un test. Costruzione e testo di una prova di ingresso per la scuola secondaria.

1989 - L'ultima lettera di Ruffini a Cauchy [Articolo su rivista]
Barbieri, Francesco; Fiori, Carla

1988 - Atti Convegno di studi su temi di ricerca didattica per la preparazione di formatori in matematica per la scuola elementare [Curatela]
Chini Artusi, Liliana; Fiori, Carla; Franchi, Giorgio

1988 - Esame di testi di Matematica largamente adottati nelle scuole secondarie superiori [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
P., Quattrocchi; Fiori, Carla

Indagine nazionale sulle adozioni di libri di testo di matematica nelle scuole secondarie superiori.

1988 - Half-planes and permutation sets [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fiori, Carla

1988 - Sharply 1-transitive subsets of certain permutation groups [Articolo su rivista]
Bonisoli, A.; Fiori, Carla

We give a method for constructing sharply 1-transitive permutation sets inside a finite permutation group with certain properties and we apply this method to obtain a family of sharply 1-transitive permutation subsets of the sharply 3-transitive permutation group M(p^2f) for p^f = 1 (mod4)

1987 - Limitazioni per insiemi di permutazioni equidistanti [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

On improve some bounds for existence of equidistant permutation erray

1985 - Esistenza e costruzione di sottoinsiemi di permutazioni strettamente 1-transitivi [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; F., Zironi

We present ezistence of sharply 1-transitive permutation subsets (on E) of a sharply 3-transitive permutation set on the set E

1984 - Geometrie parziali ed insiemi di permutazioni [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

Let G be a partial geometry in the sense of R.C. Bose. In this paper the author defines a set M of permutations on the points of G and determines conditions relative to the geometry g in order that M should be maximal according to M.Deza.

1984 - Una caratterizzazione dei gruppi di permutazioni strettamente k-transitivi (k>=3) finiti [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Quattrocchi, Pasquale

Let G be a permutation set on E finite, sharply k-transitive with k>2 and containing the identical permutation. Then, G is a group if and only if a,b in G implies aba in G

1982 - Insiemi massimali di permutazioni equidistanti [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; Quattrocchi, Pasquale

We construct infinitely many classes of maximal EPAs and prove the falsity of the previous conjecture.

1982 - Su una classe di codici di ordine variabile [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fiori, Carla; Lancellotti, Paola

1980 - A result concerning the existence of certain Minkowski-2-structures [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla; P., Quattrocchi

Under a special assumtion, a theorem concerning the order of minkowski- 2- Structures is proved. In particular it is shown that if C is a sharply 4- transitive set of permutations on n elements , such that C contains the identical permutation and c in C implies c^-1 in C, then is n=11.

1978 - Una classe di pseudo-piani proiettivi finiti [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

Si costruisce una classe infinita di pseudo-piani di ordine finito analoghi ai piani proiettivi di classe di lenz-Barlotti I-4. ossia ciascuno dei quali sia transitivo rispetto alle coppie punto-retta costituite rispettivamente dai vertici e dai relativi lati opposti di un triangolo

1976 - Una caratterizzazione degli automorfismi di certe strutture di incidenza [Articolo su rivista]
Fiori, Carla

Si determinano e si caratterizzano gli automorfismi delle strutture di incidenza associate agli insiemi di permutazioni strettamente 3-transitivi finiti attualmente noti