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2024 - A cellular disease model toward gene therapy of TGM1-dependent lamellar ichthyosis [Articolo su rivista]
Sercia, L.; Romano, O.; Marini, G.; Enzo, E.; Forcato, M.; De Rosa, L.; De Luca, M.

Lamellar ichthyosis (LI) is a chronic disease, mostly caused by mutations in the TGM1 gene, marked by impaired skin barrier formation. No definitive therapies are available, and current treatments aim at symptomatic relief. LI mouse models often fail to faithfully replicate the clinical and histopathological features of human skin conditions. To develop advanced therapeutic approaches, such as combined ex vivo cell and gene therapy, we established a human cellular model of LI by efficient CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene ablation of the TGM1 gene in human primary clonogenic keratinocytes. Gene-edited cells showed complete absence of transglutaminase 1 (TG1) expression and recapitulated a hyperkeratotic phenotype with most of the molecular hallmarks of LI in vitro. Using a self-inactivating γ-retroviral (SINγ-RV) vector expressing transgenic TGM1 under the control of its own promoter, we tested an ex vivo gene therapy approach and validate the model of LI as a platform for pre-clinical evaluation studies. Gene-corrected TGM1-null keratinocytes displayed proper TG1 expression, enzymatic activity, and cornified envelope formation and, hence, restored proper epidermal architecture. Single-cell multiomics analysis demonstrated proviral integrations in holoclone-forming epidermal stem cells, which are crucial for epidermal regeneration. This study serves as a proof of concept for assessing the potential of this therapeutic approach in treating TGM1-dependent LI.

2024 - Allele specific CRISPR/Cas9 editing of dominant Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex in human epidermal stem cells [Articolo su rivista]
Cattaneo, C; Enzo, E; De Rosa, L; Sercia, L; Consiglio, F; Forcato, M; Bicciato, S; Paiardini, A; Basso, G; Tagliafico, E; Paganelli, A; Fiorentini, C; Magnoni, C; Latella, M C; De Luca, M

: Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (EBS) is a rare skin disease inherited mostly in an autosomal dominant manner. Patients display a skin fragility that leads to blisters and erosions caused by minor mechanical trauma. EBS phenotypic and genotypic variants are caused by genetic defects in intracellular proteins whose function is to provide the attachment of basal keratinocytes to the basement membrane zone and most of EBS cases display mutations in keratin 5 (KRT5) and keratin 14 (KRT14) genes. Besides palliative treatments, there is still no long-lasting effective cure to correct the mutant gene and abolish dominant negative effect of the pathogenic protein over its wild-type counterpart. Here, we propose a molecular strategy for EBS01 patient's keratinocytes carrying a monoallelic c.475/495del21 mutation in KRT14 exon1. Through the CRISPR/Cas9 system we performed a specific cleavage only on the mutant allele and restore a normal cellular phenotype and a correct intermediate filament network, without affecting the epidermal stem cell, referred to as holoclones, which play a crucial role in epidermal regeneration.

2024 - AlPaCas: allele-specific CRISPR gene editing through a protospacer-adjacent-motif (PAM) approach [Articolo su rivista]
Rosignoli, Serena; Lustrino, Elisa; Conci, Alessio; Fabrizi, Alessandra; Rinaldo, Serena; Latella, Maria ; Carmela, ; Enzo, Elena; Prosseda, Gianni; De , ; Rosa, Laura; De , ; Luca, Michele; Paiardini, Alessandro

Gene therapy of dominantly inherited genetic diseases requires either the selective disruption of the mutant allele or the editing of the specific mutation. The CRISPR-Cas system holds great potential for the genetic correction of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), including dominant mutations. However, distinguishing between single-nucleotide variations in a pathogenic genomic context remains challenging. The presence of a PAM in the disease-causing allele can guide its precise targeting, preserving the functionality of the wild-type allele. The AlPaCas (Aligning Patients to Cas) webserver is an automated pipeline for sequence-based identification and structural analysis of SNV-derived PAMs that satisfy this demand. When provided with a gene/SNV input, AlPaCas can: (i) identify SNV-derived PAMs; (ii) provide a list of available Cas enzymes recognizing the SNV (s); (iii) propose mutational Cas-engineering to enhance the selectivity towards the SNV-derived PAM. With its ability to identify allele-specific genetic variants that can be targeted using already available or engineered Cas enzymes, AlPaCas is at the forefront of advancements in genome editing. AlPaCas is open to all users without a login requirement and is freely available at

2024 - Towards a roadmap for COSEB: the next steps in harmonization of outcomes for epidermolysis bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
Korte, E. W. H.; Pasmooij, A. M. G.; Bolling, M. C.; Hickey, S.; Hussain, S.; Kiritsi, D.; Kottner, J.; Prinsen, C. A. C.; Sauvestre, A.; Sendin, G.; Spuls, P. I.; Tarrats, N.; Wally, V.; Welponer, T.; Laimer, M.; Van Den Akker, P. C.; Bardhan, A.; Bataille, P.; Bodemer, C.; Bolling, M.; Bruckner, A.; Chiaverini, C.; Clemett, V.; Collins, C.; Colmant, C.; De Rosa, L.; Duipmans, J.; Ebens, C.; Fernandez, M. F.; Gorell, E.; Guez, S.; Has, C.; Hickey, S.; Hsu, C. K.; Hussain, S.; Jain, R.; Kenny, T.; Kern, J. S.; Khanna, D.; Kiritsi, D.; Kitzmüller, S.; Korte, E.; Kottner, J.; Laimer, M.; Lara-Corrales, I.; Lee, M.; Li, W.; Lospalluti, L.; Marinkovich, M. P.; Martinez, A.; Mellerio, J.; Moss, C.; Mullins, O.; Murrell, D.; Ott, H.; Palisson, F.; Paller, A.; Pasmooij, M.; Petrof, G.; Pope, E.; Prinsen, C.; Salamon, G.; Salas-Alanis, J.; Salavastru, C.; Sauvestre, A.; Scherer, S.; Schräder, N.; Sendin, G.; Sprecher, E.; Spreitzer, C.; Spuls, P.; Tarrats, N.; Van Den Akker, P.; Wally, V.; Welponer, T.; Wertheim-Tysarowska, K.; Zahn, T.

The COSEB initiative aims for standardized and uniform measurement by developing core outcome sets for epidermolysis bullosa. This report describes the COSEB workshop organized in December 2023, which led to a broad stakeholder consensus-based roadmap. Moreover, it highlights novel features of COSEB, including the pro-active engagement of stakeholders from the very beginning and the appointment of a multi-stakeholder advisory panel.

2023 - Stairways to Advanced Therapies for Epidermolysis Bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, Laura; Enzo, Elena; Palamenghi, Michele; Sercia, Laura; De Luca, Michele

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a devastating genetic skin disease typified by a plethora of different phenotypes and ranking from severe, early lethal, to mild localized forms. Although there is no cure for EB, recent progress in pharmacology and molecular and cellular biology is boosting the development of new advanced therapeutic strategies. Here we will focus on two main categories of such therapies: (1) those aimed at controlling inflammation and inducing reepithelialization of the wounds, and (2) those, perhaps more challenging and ambitious, that aim to permanently regenerate a fully functional epidermis, which requires targeting of epidermal stem cells. In both cases, the genetic variants underlying the different EB forms and factors, such as genetic background, modifier genes, comorbidities, and lifestyle, all of which impinge on EB genotype-phenotype correlation, need to be defined.

2022 - The joint battle to tackle epidermolysis bullosa through gene therapy [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, L.; De Luca, M.

Efforts are dedicated to definitively tackle skin lesions plaguing patients with epidermolysis bullosa (EB), a devastating genetic disorder affecting the integumentary system. Both in vivo gene therapy, as recently reported by Gurevich et al., and combined ex vivo cell and gene therapy strategies are under investigation. Here, we address the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches.

2021 - Epigenetic and metabolic regulation of epidermal homeostasis [Articolo su rivista]
Wagner, R. N.; Pinon Hofbauer, J.; Wally, V.; Kofler, B.; Schmuth, M.; De Rosa, L.; De Luca, M.; Bauer, J. W.

Continuous exposure of the skin to environmental, mechanical and chemical stress necessitates constant self-renewal of the epidermis to maintain its barrier function. This self-renewal ability is attributed to epidermal stem cells (EPSCs), which are long-lived, multipotent cells located in the basal layer of the epidermis. Epidermal homeostasis – coordinated proliferation and differentiation of EPSCs – relies on fine-tuned adaptations in gene expression which in turn are tightly associated with specific epigenetic signatures and metabolic requirements. In this review, we will briefly summarize basic concepts of EPSC biology and epigenetic regulation with relevance to epidermal homeostasis. We will highlight the intricate interplay between mitochondrial energy metabolism and epigenetic events – including miRNA-mediated mechanisms – and discuss how the loss of epigenetic regulation and epidermal homeostasis manifests in skin disease. Discussion of inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) and disorders of cornification will focus on evidence for epigenetic deregulation and failure in epidermal homeostasis, including stem cell exhaustion and signs of premature ageing. We reason that the epigenetic and metabolic component of epidermal homeostasis is significant and warrants close attention. Charting epigenetic and metabolic complexities also represents an important step in the development of future systemic interventions aimed at restoring epidermal homeostasis and ameliorating disease burden in severe skin conditions.

2021 - Hologene 5: A Phase II/III Clinical Trial of Combined Cell and Gene Therapy of Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, L.; Enzo, E.; Zardi, G.; Bodemer, C.; Magnoni, C.; Schneider, H.; De Luca, M.

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of devastating genetic diseases characterized by skin and mucosal fragility and formation of blisters, which develop either spontaneously or in response to minor mechanical trauma. There is no definitive therapy for any form of EB. Intermediate junctional EB (JEB) caused by mutations in the gene LAMB3 has been the first genetic skin disease successfully tackled by ex vivo gene therapy. Here, we present a multicenter, open-label, uncontrolled phase II/III study that aims at confirming the efficacy of Hologene 5, a graft consisting of cultured transgenic keratinocytes and epidermal stem cells and meant to combine cell and gene therapy for the treatment of LAMB3-related JEB. Autologous clonogenic keratinocytes will be isolated from patients’ skin biopsies, genetically corrected with a gamma-retroviral vector (γRV) carrying the full-length human LAMB3 cDNA and plated onto a fibrin support (144cm2). The transgenic epidermis will be transplanted onto surgically prepared selected skin areas of at least six JEB patients (four pediatric and two adults). Evaluation of clinical efficacy will include, as primary endpoint, a combination of clinical parameters, such as percentage of re-epithelialization, cellular, molecular, and functional parameters, mechanical stress tests, and patient-reported outcome (PRO), up to 12months after transplantation. Safety and further efficacy endpoints will also be assessed during the clinical trial and for additional 15years in an interventional non-pharmacological follow-up study. If successful, this clinical trial would provide a therapeutic option for skin lesions of JEB patients with LAMB3 mutations and pave the way to a combined cell and gene therapy platform tackling other forms of EB and different genodermatoses. Clinical Trial Registration: EudraCT Number: 2018-000261-36.

2021 - Transgenic epidermal cultures for junctional epidermolysis bullosa — 5-year outcomes [Articolo su rivista]
Kueckelhaus, M.; Rothoeft, T.; de Rosa, L.; Yeni, B.; Ohmann, T.; Maier, C.; Eitner, L.; Metze, D.; Losi, L.; Seconetti, A. S.; de Luca, M.; Hirsch, T.

Inherited junctional epidermolysis bullosa is a severe genetic skin disease that leads to epidermal loss caused by structural and mechanical fragility of the integuments. There is no established cure for junctional epidermolysis bullosa. We previously reported that genetically corrected autologous epidermal cultures regenerated almost an entire, fully functional epidermis on a child who had a devastating form of junctional epidermolysis bullosa. We now report long-term clinical outcomes in this patient. (Funded by POR FESR 2014–2020 — Regione Emilia-Romagna and others.)

2020 - Toward combined cell and gene therapy for genodermatoses [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, L.; Latella, M. C.; Seconetti, A. S.; Cattelani, C.; Bauer, J. W.; Bondanza, S.; De Luca, M.

To date, more than 200 monogenic, often devastating, skin diseases have been described. Because of unmet medical needs, development of long-lasting and curative therapies has been consistently attempted, with the aim of correcting the underlying molecular defect. In this review, we will specifically address the few combined cell and gene therapy strategies that made it to the clinics. Based on these studies, what can be envisioned for the future is a patient-oriented strategy, built on the specific features of the individual in need. Most likely, a combination of different strategies, approaches, and advanced therapies will be required to reach the finish line at the end of the long and winding road hampering the achievement of definitive treatments for genodermatoses.

2019 - Laminin 332-Dependent YAP Dysregulation Depletes Epidermal Stem Cells in Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, L.; Secone Seconetti, A.; De Santis, G.; Pellacani, G.; Hirsch, T.; Rothoeft, T.; Teig, N.; Pellegrini, G.; Bauer, J. W.; De Luca, M.

Laminin 332-deficient junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) is a severe genetic skin disease. JEB is marked by epidermal stem cell depletion, the origin of which is unknown. We show that dysregulation of the YAP and TAZ pathway underpins such stem cell depletion. Laminin 332-mediated YAP activity sustains human epidermal stem cells, detected as holoclones. Ablation of YAP selectively depletes holoclones, while enforced YAP blocks conversion of stem cells into progenitors and indefinitely extends the keratinocyte lifespan. YAP is dramatically decreased in JEB keratinocytes, which contain only phosphorylated, inactive YAP. In normal keratinocytes, laminin 332 and alpha 6 beta 4 ablation abolish YAP activity and recapitulate the JEB phenotype. In JEB keratinocytes, laminin 332-gene therapy rescues YAP activity and epidermal stem cells in vitro and in vivo. In JEB cells, enforced YAP recapitulates laminin 332-gene therapy, thus uncoupling adhesion from proliferation in epidermal stem cells. This work has important clinical implication for ex vivo gene therapy of JEB.

2018 - Advances on potential therapeutic options for epidermolysis bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, L.; Koller, U.; Bauer, J. W.; De Luca, M.; Reichelt, J.

Introduction: Epidermolysis bullosa is a severe genodermatosis in which pain and wound management dominate patients’ lives leaving a high demand for more effective treatments. At present, gene therapy is the only treatment with the potential to cure inherited diseases. A small number of individuals with junctional and dystrophic forms of epidermolysis bullosa have received gene replacement therapies involving ex vivo viral transduction of intact transgenes into skin stem cells followed by autologous grafting of corrected epidermal sheets. Corrected stem cells ensure permanent regeneration of stable skin at the graft sites. Areas covered: Alternative therapeutic options are either RNA-based or involve the latest preclinical developments in the area of gene editing using designer nucleases such as TALEN or CRISPR/Cas9, which enable precise targeting of any desired locus and a potential traceless repair of mutations. Due to low targeting efficiencies and safety considerations regarding off-target effects, research in this area focuses on ex vivo approaches involving selection of correctly modified keratinocyte clones. Expert opinion: Although there is currently no single optimal therapy for epidermolysis bullosa, cell and gene therapy technologies are advancing rapidly holding great potential for modifying disease severity and improving quality of life for people living with this devastating disease.

2018 - Gentamicin induces LAMB3 nonsense mutation readthrough and restores functional laminin 332 in junctional epidermolysis bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
Lincoln, Vadim; Cogan, Jon; Hou, Yingping; Hirsch, Michaela; Hao, Michelle; Alexeev, Vitali; De Luca, Michele; De Rosa, Laura; Bauer, Johann W.; Woodley, David T.; Chen, Mei

Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (H-JEB) is an incurable, devastating, and mostly fatal inherited skin disease for which there is only supportive care. H-JEB is caused by loss-of-function mutations in LAMA3, LAMB3, or LAMC2, leading to complete loss of laminin 332, the major component of anchoring filaments, which mediate epidermal-dermal adherence. LAMB3 (laminin β3) mutations account for 80% of patients with H-JEB, and ∼95% of H-JEB–associated LAMB3 mutations are nonsense mutations leading to premature termination codons (PTCs). In this study, we evaluated the ability of gentamicin to induce PTC readthrough in H-JEB laminin β3-null keratinocytes transfected with expression vectors encoding eight different LAMB3 nonsense mutations. We found that gentamicin induced PTC readthrough in all eight nonsense mutations tested. We next used lentiviral vectors to generate stably transduced H-JEB cells with the R635X and C290X nonsense mutations. Incubation of these cell lines with various concentrations of gentamicin resulted in the synthesis and secretion of full-length laminin β3 in a dose-dependent and sustained manner. Importantly, the gentamicin-induced laminin β3 led to the restoration of laminin 332 assembly, secretion, and deposition within the dermal/epidermal junction, as well as proper polarization of α6β4 integrin in basal keratinocytes, as assessed by immunoblot analysis, immunofluorescent microscopy, and an in vitro 3D skin equivalent model. Finally, newly restored laminin 332 corrected the abnormal cellular phenotype of H-JEB cells by reversing abnormal cell morphology, poor growth potential, poor cell-substratum adhesion, and hypermotility. Therefore, gentamicin may offer a therapy for H-JEB and other inherited skin diseases caused by PTC mutations.

2017 - Closure of a Large Chronic Wound through Transplantation of Gene-Corrected Epidermal Stem Cells [Articolo su rivista]
Bauer, Johann; Koller, Josef; Murauer, Eva; DE ROSA, Laura; Enzo, Elena; Carulli, Sonia; Bondanza, Sergio; Recchia, Alessandra; Muss, Wolfgang; Diem, Anja; Mayr, Elisabeth; Schlager, Pamina; Gratz, Iris; Pellegrini, Graziella; DE LUCA, Michele

Generalized junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) is caused by mutations in LAMA3,LAMB3,or LAMC2,which together encode laminin-332, a hetero-trimeric protein consisting ofa3,b3, andg2chain. In nonlethal generalized intermediate JEB, laminin-332 is highly reduced, and hemidesmosomes are rudimentary or completely absent, leading to blister formation within the lamina lucida of the basement membrane upon minor trauma. The resulting chronic skin wounds invariably develop recurrent infections and scarring, which greatly impair patients’ quality of life. We report on a patient in whom gene-corrected epidermal sheets were transplanted onto a large nonhealing epidermal ulceration following a good manufacturing practice protocol

2017 - Correction of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa by transposon-mediated integration of COL7A1 in transplantable patient-derived primary keratinocytes. [Articolo su rivista]
Latella, Maria Carmela; Cocchiarella, Fabienne; De Rosa, Laura; Turchiano, Giandomenico; Gonçalves, Manuel; Larcher, Fernando; De Luca, Michele; Recchia, Alessandra

Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is caused by defects in type-VII collagen (C7), a protein encoded by the COL7A1 gene and essential for anchoring fibril formation at the dermal-epidermal junction. Gene therapy of RDEB is based on transplantation of autologous epidermal grafts generated from genecorrected keratinocytes sustaining C7 deposition at the dermal-epidermal junction. Transfer of the COL7A1 gene is complicated by its very large size and repetitive sequence. This article reports a gene delivery approach based on the Sleeping beauty transposon, which allows integration of a full-length COL7A1 cDNA and secretion of C7 at physiological levels in RDEB keratinocytes without rearrangements or detrimental effects on their clonogenic potential. Skin equivalents derived from gene-corrected RDEB keratinocytes were tested in a validated preclinical model of xenotransplantation on immunodeficient mice, where they showed normal deposition of C7 at the dermal-epidermal junction and restoration of skin adhesion properties. These results indicate the feasibility and efficacy of a transposon-based gene therapy approach to RDEB.

2017 - Regeneration of the entire human epidermis using transgenic stem cells [Articolo su rivista]
Hirsch, Tobias; Rothoeft, Tobias; Teig, Norbert; Bauer, Johann W.; Pellegrini, Graziella; De Rosa, Laura; Scaglione, Davide; Reichelt, Julia; Klausegger, Alfred; Kneisz, Daniela; Romano, Oriana; SECONE SECONETTI, Alessia; Contin, Roberta; Enzo, Elena; Jurman, Irena; Carulli, Sonia; Jacobsen, Frank; Luecke, Thomas; Lehnhardt, Marcus; Fischer, Meike; Kueckelhaus, Maximilian; Quaglino, Daniela; Morgante, Michele; Bicciato, Silvio; Bondanza, Sergio; De Luca, Michele

Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB) is a severe and often lethal genetic disease caused by mutations in genes encoding the basement membrane component laminin-332. Surviving patients with JEB develop chronic wounds to the skin and mucosa, which impair their quality of life and lead to skin cancer. Here we show that autologous transgenic keratinocyte cultures regenerated an entire, fully functional epidermis on a seven-year-old child suffering from a devastating, lifethreatening form of JEB. The proviral integration pattern was maintained in vivo and epidermal renewal did not cause any clonal selection. Clonal tracing showed that the human epidermis is sustained not by equipotent progenitors, but by a limited number of long-lived stem cells, detected as holoclones, that can extensively self-renew in vitro and in vivo and produce progenitors that replenish terminally differentiated keratinocytes. This study provides a blueprint that can be applied to other stem cell-mediated combined ex vivo cell and gene therapies.

2015 - Amplicon-based Next Generation Sequencing: an effective approach to molecular diagnosis of Epidermolysis Bullosa [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Tenedini, Elena; Artuso, Lucia; Bernardis, Isabella; Artusi, Valentina; Percesepe, Antonio; Manfredini, Rossella; DE ROSA, Laura; Contin, Roberta; Pellacani, Giovanni; Giannetti, Alberto; Pagani, Jacopo; DE LUCA, Michele; Tagliafico, Enrico

Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is caused by mutations in genes encoding for proteins of the epidermal–dermal junction assembly. Due to the extreme clinical/genetic heterogeneity of the disease, current methods in EB diagno- stics comprise immunohistochemistry on bioptic samples and transmission electron microscopy followed by single candidate gene Sanger Sequencing (SS) that therefore represents the final phase of a labour intensive and ex- pensive clinical pathway. Methods: Participants in a cross sectional study included individuals with Muenke syndrome (P250R mutation in FGFR3) and their mutation negative siblings. Participants completed validated assessments of executive functio- ning (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function; BRIEF) and adaptive behavior skills (Adaptive Behavior Assessment System; ABAS-II). According to the recently published recommendations for diagnosis and treatment in EB, the assessment of mutational landscape is instead a fun- damental step to a comprehensive diagnosis path; Next Generation Sequen- cing (NGS), throughout parallel ultra-deep sequencing of many genes, would represent a proper method for reducing timing and costs in EB diagnostics. We developed an EB disease-comprehensive amplicon panel (AmpliSeq pa- nel), to accomplish NGS onto Ion Torrent PGM platform. The panel was dealt on ten patients with known genetic diagnosis, and then employed in eight family trios with unknown molecular footprinting. Results: Forty-four FGFR3 mutation positive individuals, median age 9, range 6 months to 52 years were evaluated with the BRIEF and ABAS-II. Additio- nally, 10 unaffected siblings were used as controls. For the General Executive Composite scale of the BRIEF, 32.1% of the cohort had scores greater than +1.5 SD, signifying “Potential Clinical Significance.” For the General Adaptive Composite of the ABAS-II, 28.2% of affected individuals scored in the “Ex- tremely Low” category” (3rd -8th percentile of normative population) and 53.9% were below the “Average” category (less than the 25th percentile). Multiple regression analysis showed that the presence of craniosynostosis was not a predictor (P = 0.7) of BRIEF and ABAS-II scores. The AmpliSeq panel, obtaining a proof of concept of the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of this kind of procedure, showed successful in finding the causative mutations in all the ten patients with known mutations, fully confirming SS data. Besides, showing consistent with the clinical diagnosis, it was effective in trios, identifying all the variants, even the ones SS missed or in case of de novo mutations. NGS

2015 - Amplicon-based next-generation sequencing: an effective approach for the molecular diagnosis of epidermolysis bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
Tenedini, Elena; Artuso, Lucia; Bernardis, Isabella; Artusi, Valentina; Percesepe, Antonio; De Rosa, Laura; Contin, Roberta; Manfredini, Rossella; Pellacani, Giovanni; Giannetti, Alberto; Pagani, J.; De Luca, Michele; Tagliafico, Enrico

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is caused by mutations in genes that encode proteins belonging to the epidermal-dermal junction assembly. Due to the extreme clinical/genetic heterogeneity of the disease, the current methods available for diagnosing EB involve immunohistochemistry of biopsy samples and transmission electron microscopy followed by single-candidate gene Sanger sequencing (SS), which are labour-intensive and expensive clinical pathways.

Tenedini, Elena; Artuso, Lucia; Bernardis, Isabella; Artusi, Valentina; Percesepe, A; DE ROSA, Laura; Contin, Roberta; Manfredini, Rossella; Pellacani, Giovanni; Giannetti, A; DE LUCA, Michele; Tagliafico, Enrico

Background: Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is caused by mutations in genes that encode proteins belonging to the epidermal-dermal junction assembly. Due to the extreme clinical/genetic heterogeneity of the disease, the current methods available for diagnosing EB involve immunohistochemistry of bioptic samples and transmission electron microscopy followed by single candidate gene Sanger Sequencing (SS), which are labour intensive and expensive clinical pathways. Objectives: According to the recently published recommendations for the EB diagnosis and treatment, the assessment of the mutational landscape is now a fundamental step for developing a comprehensive diagnostic path. Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) via the parallel ultra-deep sequencing of many genes represents a proper method for reducing the processing time and costs of EB diagnostics. Methods: We developed an EB disease-comprehensive AmpliSeq panel to accomplish the NGS on the Ion Torrent PGM platform. The panel was performed on ten patients with known genetic diagnoses and was then employed in eight family trios with unknown molecular footprints. Results: The panel was successful in finding the causative mutations in all ten of the patients with known mutations, fully confirming the SS data and providing proof of concept of the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of this procedure. In addition to being consistent with the clinical diagnosis, it was also effective in the trios, identifying all of the variants, including ones that the SS missed or de novo mutations. Conclusions: The NGS and AmpliSeq were shown to be an effective approach for the diagnosis of EB, resulting in a costand time-effective 72-hour procedure.

2014 - Long-term stability and safety of transgenic cultured epidermal stem cells in gene therapy of junctional epidermolysis bullosa. [Articolo su rivista]
DE ROSA, Laura; Carulli, S; Cocchiarella, Fabienne; Quaglino, Daniela; Enzo, Elena; Franchini, Eleonora; Giannetti, A; DE SANTIS, Giorgio; Recchia, Alessandra; Pellegrini, Graziella; DE LUCA, Michele

We report a long-term follow-up (6.5 years) of a phase I/II clinical trial envisaging the use of autologous genetically modified cultured epidermal stem cells for gene therapy of junctional epidermolysis bullosa, a devastating genetic skin disease. The critical goals of the trial were to evaluate the safety and long-term persistence of genetically modified epidermis. A normal epidermal-dermal junction was restored and the regenerated transgenic epidermis was found to be fully functional and virtually indistinguishable from a normal control. The epidermis was sustained by a discrete number of long-lasting, self-renewing transgenic epidermal stem cells that maintained the memory of the donor site, whereas the vast majority of transduced transit-amplifying progenitors were lost within the first few months after grafting. These data pave the way for the safe use of epidermal stem cells in combined cell and gene therapy for genetic skin diseases.

2013 - p63 control of desmosome gene expression and adhesion is compromised in AEC syndrome [Articolo su rivista]
Ferone, Giustina; Mollo, Maria Rosaria; Thomason, Helen A; Antonini, Dario; Zhou, Huiqing; Ambrosio, Raffaele; De Rosa, Laura; Salvatore, Domenico; Getsios, Spiro; van Bokhoven, Hans; Dixon, Jill; Missero, Caterina

Ankyloblepharon, ectodermal defects, cleft lip/palate (AEC) syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the p63 gene, essential for embryonic development of stratified epithelia. The most severe cutaneous manifestation of this disorder is the long-lasting skin fragility associated with severe skin erosions after birth. Using a knock-in mouse model for AEC syndrome, we found that skin fragility was associated with microscopic blistering between the basal and suprabasal compartments of the epidermis and reduced desmosomal contacts. Expression of desmosomal cadherins and desmoplakin was strongly reduced in AEC mutant keratinocytes and in newborn epidermis. A similar impairment in desmosome gene expression was observed in human keratinocytes isolated from AEC patients, in p63-depleted keratinocytes and in p63 null embryonic skin, indicating that p63 mutations causative of AEC syndrome have a dominant-negative effect on the wild-type p63 protein. Among the desmosomal components, desmocollin 3, desmoplakin and desmoglein 1 were the most significantly reduced by mutant p63 both at the RNA and protein levels. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments and transactivation assays revealed that p63 controls these genes at the transcriptional level. Consistent with reduced desmosome function, AEC mutant and p63-deficient keratinocytes had an impaired ability to withstand mechanical stress, which was alleviated by epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors known to stabilize desmosomes. Our study reveals that p63 is a crucial regulator of a subset of desmosomal genes and that this function is impaired in AEC syndrome. Reduced mechanical strength resulting from p63 mutations can be alleviated pharmacologically by increasing desmosome adhesion with possible therapeutic implications.

2013 - The long and winding road that leads to a cure for epidermolysis bullosa [Articolo su rivista]
Carulli, Sonia; Contin, Roberta; DE ROSA, Laura; Pellegrini, Graziella; DE LUCA, Michele

Inherited epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a family of rare genetic skin disorders characterized by structural and mechanical fragility of skin and mucosal membranes. The main feature of EB is the presence of recurrent skin blistering or erosions, which have a profound impact in the quality of life of EB patients and, in the most severe forms, cause early lethality. During the past two decades, it became possible to identify mutations in genes responsible for different types of EB and characterize the abnormalities of the related proteins. Nowadays, there is no cure for EB; all the treatments are palliative and focused on the relief of the devastating EB clinical picture. Recent advancements in molecular biology, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine have fostered new therapeutic approaches for EB. This review is focused on recent developments in gene therapy, protein replacement and cell-based therapy for EB, all aimed at finding a cure for this devastating disease.

2012 - Cell biology: Dormant and restless skin stem cells [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, Laura; De Luca, Michele

It has been unclear whether a uniform group of stem cells gives rise to most cells in the epidermis. A study reveals the presence of at least two stem-cell populations that have different proliferative abilities

2012 - Mutant p63 causes defective expansion of ectodermal progenitor cells and impaired FGF signalling in AEC syndrome [Articolo su rivista]
Ferone, Giustina; Thomason, Helen A; Antonini, Dario; De Rosa, Laura; Hu, Bing; Gemei, Marica; Zhou, Huiqing; Ambrosio, Raffaele; Rice, David P; Acampora, Dario; van Bokhoven, Hans; Del Vecchio, Luigi; Koster, Maranke I; Tadini, Gianluca; Spencer-Dene, Bradley; Dixon, Michael; Dixon, Jill; Missero, Caterina

Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate (AEC) syndrome, which is characterized by cleft palate and severe defects of the skin, is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the gene encoding transcription factor p63. Here, we report the generation of a knock-in mouse model for AEC syndrome (p63+/L514F) that recapitulates the human disorder. The AEC mutation exerts a selective dominant-negative function on wild-type p63 by affecting progenitor cell expansion during ectodermal development leading to a defective epidermal stem cell compartment. These phenotypes are associated with impairment of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling resulting from reduced expression of Fgfr2 and Fgfr3, direct p63 target genes. In parallel, a defective stem cell compartment is observed in humans affected by AEC syndrome and in Fgfr2b-/- mice. Restoring Fgfr2b expression in p63+/L514F epithelial cells by treatment with FGF7 reactivates downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling and cell proliferation. These findings establish a functional link between FGF signalling and p63 in the expansion of epithelial progenitor cells and provide mechanistic insights into the pathogenesis of AEC syndrome.

2011 - TAp63 is important for cardiac differentiation of embryonic stem cells and heart development [Articolo su rivista]
Rouleau, Matthieu; Medawar, Alain; Hamon, Laurent; Shivtiel, Shoham; Wolchinsky, Zohar; Zhou, Huiqing; De Rosa, Laura; Candi, Eleonora; de la Forest Divonne, Stéphanie; Mikkola, Marja L; van Bokhoven, Hans; Missero, Caterina; Melino, Gerry; Pucéat, Michel; Aberdam, Daniel

p63, a member of the p53 family, is essential for skin morphogenesis and epithelial stem cell maintenance. Here, we report an unexpected role of TAp63 in cardiogenesis. p63 null mice exhibit severe defects in embryonic cardiac development, including dilation of both ventricles, a defect in trabeculation and abnormal septation. This was accompanied by myofibrillar disarray, mitochondrial disorganization, and reduction in spontaneous calcium spikes. By the use of embryonic stem cells (ESCs), we show that TAp63 deficiency prevents expression of pivotal cardiac genes and production of cardiomyocytes. TAp63 is expressed by endodermal cells. Coculture of p63-knockdown ESCs with wildtype ESCs, supplementation with Activin A, or overexpression of GATA-6 rescue cardiogenesis. Therefore, TAp63 acts in a non-cell-autonomous manner by modulating expression of endodermal factors. Our findings uncover a critical role for p63 in cardiogenesis that could be related to human heart disease. STEM CELLS 2011;29:1672-1683

2010 - Transcriptional repression of miR-34 family contributes to p63-mediated cell cycle progression in epidermal cells [Articolo su rivista]
Antonini, Dario; Russo, Monia T; De Rosa, Laura; Gorrese, Marisa; Del Vecchio, Luigi; Missero, Caterina

p63, a p53 family member, is highly expressed in the basal proliferative compartment of the epidermis and its expression has been correlated with the growth ability and regenerative capacity of keratinocytes. In this study we report a mechanism through which p63 maintains cell cycle progression by directly repressing miR-34a and miR-34c. In the absence of p63, increased levels of miR-34a and miR-34c were observed in primary keratinocytes and in embryonic skin, with concomitant G1-phase arrest and inhibition of the cell cycle regulators cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (Cdk4). p63 directly bound to p53-consensus sites in both miR-34a and miR-34c regulatory regions and inhibited their activity. Concomitant downregulation of miR-34a and miR-34c substantially restored cell cycle progression and expression of cyclin D1 and Cdk4. Our data indicate that specific miR-34 family members have a significant role downstream of p63 in controlling epidermal cell proliferation.

2009 - p63 Suppresses non-epidermal lineage markers in a bone morphogenetic protein-dependent manner via repression of Smad7 [Articolo su rivista]
De Rosa, Laura; Antonini, Dario; Ferone, Giustina; Russo, Monia T; Yu, Paul B; Han, Rong; Missero, Caterina

p63, a p53 family member, plays an essential role in epidermal development by regulating its transcriptional program. Here we report a previously uncovered role of p63 in controlling bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling, which is required for maintaining low expression levels of several non-epidermal genes. p63 represses transcription of the inhibitory Smad7 and activates Bmp7, thereby sustaining BMP signaling. In the absence of p63, compromised BMP signaling leads to inappropriate non-epidermal gene expression in postnatal mouse keratinocytes and in embryonic epidermis. Reactivation of BMP signaling by Smad7 knockdown and/or, to a lesser extent, by BMP treatment suppresses expression of non-epidermal genes in the absence of p63. Canonical BMP/Smad signaling is essential for control of non-epidermal genes as use of a specific inhibitor, or simultaneous knockdown of Smad1 and Smad5 counteract suppression of non-epidermal genes. Our data indicate that p63 prevents ectopic expression of non-epidermal genes by a mechanism involving Smad7 repression and, to a lesser extent, Bmp7 induction, with consequent enhancement of BMP/Smad signaling.

2008 - Tprg, a Gene Predominantly Expressed in Skin, Is a Direct Target of the Transcription Factor p63 [Articolo su rivista]
Antonini, Dario; Dentice, Monica; Mahtani, Parvesh; DE ROSA, Laura; Della Gatta, Giusy; Mandinova, Anna; Salvatore, Domenico; Stupka, Elia; Missero, Caterina

p63 and p73 are highly homologous members of the p53 family that originated by gene duplication at the invertebrate-to-vertebrate transition. We characterize here a previously unreported gene, Transformation-related protein 63 regulated (Tprg), located upstream of the p63 gene in the vertebrate genome, with striking similarity to Transformation related protein 63 regulated like (Tprgl), an uncharacterized gene located upstream of p73, suggesting that p63/Tprg and p73/Tprgl are embedded in a paralogue region originated from a single duplication event. Tprg is predominantly expressed in the epithelial compartment of the skin, more abundantly in differentiated cells. Consistent with its relative higher expression in differentiated keratinocytes, finely tuned p63 expression levels are required for optimal Tprg expression in primary keratinocytes. p63 is essential for Tprg expression as shown in p63-knockdown keratinocytes; however, high levels of p63 result in Tprg down-regulation. p63 directly binds in vivo to a canonical p63-binding site in an evolutionary conserved genomic region located in Tprg intron 4. This genomic region is sufficient to function as a p63-inducible enhancer in promoter studies. Thus, we demonstrate that the Tprg gene is predominantly expressed in skin, is physically associated with the p63 gene during evolution, and directly regulated by p63 through a long-distance enhancer located within the Tprg locus.