COLLABORATORE DI RICERCA Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi"
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- Cross-country analysis of science, technology and innovation policies: non-covid-19 related and Covid-19 specific STI policies in OECD countries
[Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Pavone, Pasquale; Meissner, Dirk; Alboni, Fabrizio
In OECD countries, Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policies were seen as key aspects of coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. Now that the pandemic is over, identifying which policy mix portfolios characterised countries in terms of their non-Covid-19 related and Covid-19 specific STI policies fills a knowledge gap on changes in STI policies induced by exogenous shocks. The descriptive nature of this exercise sheds light on the emergency phase, which was addressed in different ways by countries with similar STI policy portfolios in the last decade before the pandemic. Using information on STI policy initiatives in OECD countries, this paper proposes a multidimensional analysis to classify policy initiatives based on both codes (of innovation policy themes, policy instruments and target beneficiaries) and free text policies’ descriptions. Based on text mining and clustering techniques, the multidimensional analysis highlights semantic similarities between the combinations of codes and terms, making it possible to identify policy mixes that characterise non-Covid-19 related and Covid-19 specific STI policies. The cross-country comparison draws attention to the specific policy mix portfolios implemented by countries during the pandemic. The paper contributes to the literature on innovation policy mix in terms of research methods and results in identifying STI policy portfolios and groups of countries with similar structural composition of their innovation policy portfolios, implementing a range of STI strategies in tackling the pandemic. Policy implications of the findings are discussed, with a forward-looking perspective for the analysis of post-pandemic STI policies.
- Proximity and impact of university-industry collaborations. A topic detection analysis of impact reports
[Articolo su rivista]
Rossi, Federica; De Silva, Muthu; Pavone, Pasquale; Rosli, Ainurul; Yip, Nick
The probability to initiate university-industry collaborations (UICs), their intensity and quality, are influenced by the proximity between the collaboration partners. However, little is known about the relationship between collaborators' proximity and impact of UICs. Building on an original database of 415 UICs in the United Kingdom, we analyse the association between collaborators' proximity and the extent to which UICs generate economic, social and knowledge impact. We find that geographical and institutional proximity are substitutes in relation to economic impact, cognitive and institutional proximity are substitutes in relation to knowledge impact, and social impact is associated with cognitive and institutional distance.
- The search for topics related to electric mobility: a comparative analysis of some of the most widely used methods in the literature
[Articolo su rivista]
Alboni, Fabrizio; Pavone, Pasquale; Russo, Margherita
Identifying the topics addressed in a corpus is one of the primary concerns of automated text analysis. This paper aims to contribute to the comparative analysis of various methodologies. Specifically, a comparison is made of the results obtained by applying the most prevalent topic identification techniques to the same corpus. The analysis is conducted on a large database of original text created from an e-mobility newsletter. To evaluate the outcomes of the methodologies, two criteria are used. First, the semantic coherence and similarities of the various methods are assessed. The second step involves processing the degree of association between the topics identified by the various models.
- Agents and artefacts in the emerging electric vehicle space
[Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Alboni, Fabrizio; Bonifati, Giovanni; Carreto Sanginés, Jorge; Pavone, Pasquale; Simonazzi, Annamaria
After COP 21, the targets for reducing CO2 emissions have boosted the commitment of governments and companies to developing alternative technologies for the mobility of people and goods. Electric vehicles are at the heart of this transformation, which is profoundly affecting the characteristics of agents and artefacts. The aim of the paper is to identify the relevant domains of this transformation, and to identify what characterises the space of the agents and artefacts of the electric vehicle and their interactions, as oriented by the public policies promoted by the various countries. The paper presents the results of a multidimensional textual analysis of the news published in English by electrive.com, a daily newsletter covering a wide range of relevant information on developments in electric transport in Europe and beyond. These results are a preliminary step for the analysis of the social, economic, organisational and technological changes related to sustainable mobility.
[Banca dati]
Russo, Margherita; Alboni, Fabrizio; Morlini, Isabella; Pavone, Pasquale; Sartori, Laura
Database and detailed results of the paper LEARNING ONLINE: REMOTE TEACHING AND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT, published by Statistica Applicata- Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 2022
- Database elaborated in the paper "Agents and artefacts in the emerging electric vehicle space"
[Banca dati]
Russo, M.; Alboni, F.; Bonifati, G.; Carreto-Sanginés, J.; Pavone, P.; Simonazzi, A.
DATABASE elaborated in the paper
Agents and artefacts in the emerging electric vehicle space published in Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, 2022
- La risorsa di Italiano Standard ad alta variabilità linguistica per misurare la peculiarità di un corpus
[Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
De Gasperis, Giovanni; Pavone, Pasquale; Bolasco, Sergio
In the automatic analysis of texts, the added value due to the availability of statisticallinguistic resources is indisputable, both for the grammatical tagging of the forms of a corpus, and for the extraction of contents according to their over / under use with respect to the occurrences of a frequency lexicon for identifying the peculiar language. To this end, a corpus is built that is able to estimate the frequency of the so-called Italian Standard as a set of various linguistic typologies. This resource, usable in the TaLTaC software, is of such size as to lend itself to multiple use, both as a whole and in its individual types, each measurable in itself. The first part of the work describes the composition of the lexicon obtained from the corpus. In the second, the resource is tested with respect to a collection of tweets on Russia's war in Ukraine, measuring its specific thematic peculiarity
- Learning online: Remote teaching and university students’ engagement
[Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Alboni, Farizio; Morlini, Isabella; Pavone, Pasquale; Sartori, Laura
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on many dimensions of
living and working conditions, and uncertainties about the developments that we shall still
face in the near future. This paper analyses the implications of a forced overnight push to
online teaching. Drawing upon an online survey conducted during the 2020 lockdown by
the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, this article describes students’ living and
studying conditions revealed by a large set of open and closed questions. The survey
provides significant information on the students’ real off-campus conditions, crucial data
for the multidimensional analysis by combining non-parametric multivariate analysis of
closed questions with textual analyses. It offers important indications about the most useful
tools for inclusive teaching across thematic areas and highlights the main difficulties that
emerged during the lockdown. Reflections on advantages and disadvantages, strengths and
weaknesses in the innovative learning environment set up overnight are offered at a policy
- Mapping regional strengths in a key enabling technology: The distribution of Internet of Things competences across European regions
[Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Caloffi, Annalisa; Colovic, Ana; Pavone, Pasquale; Romeo, Saverio; Rossi, Federica
The Internet of Things (IoT) can trigger innovation processes across all sectors of the economy. However, this potential is not available to all regions. As with other ena-bling technologies, the competences required to develop IoT solutions are numerous and varied, ranging from hardware to software and related services, and are often pro-vided by different companies. To map the application potential of these technologies across European regions, we use textual analysis to identify the NACE codes associat-ed with five main IoT domains. We identify clusters of regions characterised by differ-ent mixes of competences in IoT technologies and we discuss the policy implications of our findings at both European and regional levels.
- Text mining on large corpora using Taltac4: An explorative analysis of the USPTO patents database
[Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Pavone, Pasquale; Martinelli, Arianna; Tamagni, Federico
This paper aims to make a brief presentation of the main features and potential of the Taltac4 freeware software through an exploratory analysis of a large corpus (more than 600 million of occurrences) which includes all the abstracts of the USPTO patent documents. Patents have been extensively used as a source of information on innovative activity but the textual content of patent documents has not been fully exploited in existing research. Our preliminary results are promising and suggest that text analysis of patent abstracts can help developing new classification of innovative activities, overcoming the shortcomings of existing classifications of technologies
- What do we learn by applying multiple methods in topic detection?
A comparative analysis on a large online dataset about mobility electrification
[Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Alboni, Fabrizio; Russo, Margherita; Pavone, Pasquale
Identifying the topics covered in a corpus is one of the central issues in automatic text analysis. The objective of our paper is to contribute to the comparative analysis of different methods. In particular, we compare the results obtained through the use of the most common methods for topic identification, applied to the same corpus. The analysis is performed on a large original textual database created from an e-mobility newsletter. To compare the results between the methods, we refer to two criteria. First of all, the semantic consistency of the different models is evaluated by applying the UMass score and Pointwise mutual information. Secondly, the degree of association between the topics identified by the different models is processed using a heat-map and Cramer's V.
- Evidence-based portfolios of innovation policy mixes: A cross-country analysis
[Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Pavone, Pasquale
In the past decade many papers have discussed innovation policies in terms of their design, assessment and impact. Drawing on those contributions, the ECOECD STIP Compass suggests a detailed taxonomy of innovation policies with regard to their themes, target groups of beneficiaries and instruments. Implemented with a web platform, that taxonomy has promoted an extensive collection of information on innovation policy initiatives across OECD member countries. Using the STIP dataset, in this paper we employ that taxonomy to identify the innovation policy mixes by referring to all the dimensions encompassed in each policy initiative, i.e., themes, targets, instruments. The evidence-based multidimensional analyses yield a typology and set of topics of innovation policy mixes that we use to conduct a cross-country analysis of innovation policy portfolios. Although the results of the cross-country analysis are statistically significant, caution is necessary when using them because of three main fragilities of the current version of STIP Compass: the absence of information on innovation policies at subnational level; the classification of the largest group of target beneficiaries, i.e. innovation intermediaries; the quality of some information essential for enhancing the analysis. The proposed navigation of the STIP Compass data is freely accessible online.
- Mapping the distribution of Internet of Things competences across European regions
[Working paper]
Russo, Margherita; Annalisa, Caloffi; Colovic, Ana; Pavone, Pasquale; Romeo, Saverio; Rossi, Federica
Digital transformation is a key strategic issue for countries and regions aiming to boost economic growth, job creation, technology development and innovation. With a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT) the paper maps the potential of IoT technologies across European regions, using
textual analysis applied to the description of companies’ activities. Results identify three categories of regions (IoT leaders, co-designers and suppliers) capturing their potential to harness opportunities in IoT, based on the variety of IoT competences that are present. This mapping can support regional policies, particularly in the context of smart specialization strategies building on IoT systems.
- Multidimensional Clustering of EU Regions: A Contribution to Orient Public Policies in Reducing Regional Disparities
[Articolo su rivista]
Pavone, Pasquale; Pagliacci, Francesco; Russo, Margherita; Righi, Simone; Giorgi, Anna
This paper applies multidimensional clustering of EU-28 regions with regard to their specialisation strategies and socioeconomic characteristics. It builds on an original dataset. Several academic studies discuss the relevant issues to be addressed by innovation and regional development policies, but so far no systematic analysis has linked the different aspects of EU regions research and innovation strategies (RIS3) and their socio-economic characteristics. This paper intends to fill this gap, with the aim to provide clues for more effective regional and innovation policies. In the data set analysed in this paper, the socioeconomic and demographic classification associates each region to one categorical variable (with 19 categories), while the classification of the RIS3 priorities clustering was performed separately on “descriptions” (21 Boolean categories) and “codes” (11 Boolean Categories) of regions’ RIS3. The cluster analysis, implemented on the results of the correspondence analysis on the three sets of categories, returns 9 groups of regions that are similar in terms of priorities and socioeconomic characteristics. Each group has different characteristics that revolve mainly around the concepts of selectivity (group’s ability to represent a category) and homogeneity (similarity in the group with respect to one category) with respect to the different classifications on which the analysis is based. Policy implications showed in this paper are discussed as a contribution to the current debate on post-2020 European Cohesion Policy, which aims at orienting public policies toward the reduction of regional disparities and to the enhance complementarities and synergies within macro-regions.
- R&I smart specialisation strategies classification of EU regions priorities
[Banca dati]
Pavone, Pasquale
Building on automatic text analysis, this DB proposes an original categorization of Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) priorities and provides a common language (with detailed dictionaries) to classify priorities and then to associate EU regions to multiclass categories of priorities. This result is a powerful tool to interpret the current state of diversification across regions, with its potential of complementarities and synergies that might support territorial integrated development paths. It would also support regions in their future strategic programmes on RIS3.
- Concordanze nell'analisi delle risposte aperte dell'Indagine sulle condizioni di vita e di studio degli studenti di UNIMORE al tempo del coronavirus
[Banca dati]
Pavone, Pasquale
A partire dalle informazione raccolte nell'Indagine sulle condizioni di vita e di studio degli studenti di UNIMORE al tempo del coronavirus, attraverso l’utilizzo del metodo ALCESTE sono state identificate le tematiche discusse nelle risposte aperte dei tre corpora relativi alle domande sui punti di forza (d30), punti di debolezza (d31) e suggerimenti (d32).
Per le concordanze più rappresentative di ciascuna classe, vengono resi disponibili i file con tutte le risposte. Per l'individuazione ed estrazione delle concordanze è stato utilizzato Iramuteq che utilizza l'algoritmo delle modularity elaborato con il metodo di Louvain (Blondel et al 2008) per identificare le communities di lemmi all'interno di ciascuna classe.
- Covid-19 and UNIMORE students: how the emergency changes the study and the university experience
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Colombini, S.; Pavone, P.; Alboni, F.; Sartori, L.; Piscitelli, G.
Questo rapporto di ricerca presenta i risultati della prima rilevazione di monitoraggio online delle condizioni di vita e di studio degli studenti di Economia e Istituzioni dei Distretti industriali (2019-20) di Unimore (rilevazione on line del 21 marzo 2020). Il monitoraggio on line, che si svolgerà periodicamente fino alla fine del corso (lezioni e esami) è un esperimento di collaborazione che mira a superare l’emergenza covid-19 con maggiore consapevolezza e strumenti per praticare una didattica e uno studio che contribuiscano nel dare a ciascuno studente la possibilità di studiare e procedere nel proprio percorso di studi e di vita nel migliore dei modi. Vengono presentati il questionario, gli strumenti di rilevazione e i risultati che emergono da una prima elaborazione dei dati. Il rapporto si conclude con spunti per la prossima rilevazione e proposte per allargare la rilevazione. Le specifiche proposte didattiche e di studio che sono emerse anche grazie al primo monitoraggio non sono presentate in questo rapporto: sono in continua evoluzione e sono condivise con gli studenti nella piattaforma online del corso.
- Covid-19 and UNIMORE students: how the emergency changes the study and the university experience
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Alboni, F.; Colombini, S.; Morlini, I.; Pavone, P.; Sartori, L.
The research report presents the results of the online survey conducted by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia on the living and study conditions of students in the period 8 April - 2 May 2020. The online survey was answered by 20% of students: an adequate participation rate to capture some significant differences between courses of study. The aim of the survey is to overcome the Covid-19 emergency with greater awareness, analysing the living and study conditions of the students and looking for the most useful tools for inclusive teaching and study that contribute to giving each student the possibility to proceed in their own study and life path in the best possible way. The questionnaire, the survey tools and the results that emerge from the multivariate analysis are presented, both for the closed-answer questions and for the openended questions, on which textual analysis techniques have been applied. The different tools and methods are presented to emphasize the specificity of the dataset, which presents a different level of variability of the answers in the different thematic areas. The report concludes with a series of considerations that we offer to the Unimore community to support the discussion on what we have learned and continue to learn thanks to the voice of the students. It is now clear that the exit from the emergency will be a gradual process. The students' point of view, which we gather from this survey, will be really valuable to plan next year's educational activities and services for students, in order to offer a high quality teaching that responds to different needs and study contexts. Further developments of the analysis may concern other in-depth studies on specific teaching methods (distance and in-presence) and on the evaluation of the living and working conditions of teaching and technical-administrative staff. The basic idea is to read, through the Covid-19 emergency lens, the essential dimensions to improve the quality of teaching highlighted by the empirical survey.
- Covid-19 e studenti UNIMORE: come l’emergenza cambia lo studio e l’esperienza universitaria
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Alboni, F.; Colombini, S.; Morlini, I.; Pavone, P.; Sartori, L.
The research report presents the results of the online survey conducted by the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia on the living and study conditions of students in the period 8 April - 2 May 2020. The online
survey was answered by 20% of students: an adequate participation rate to capture some significant differences between courses of study. The aim of the survey is to overcome the Covid-19 emergency with greater
awareness, analysing the living and study conditions of the students and looking for the most useful tools
for inclusive teaching and study that contribute to giving each student the possibility to proceed in their
own study and life path in the best possible way. The questionnaire, the survey tools and the results that
emerge from the multivariate analysis are presented, both for the closed-answer questions and for the openended questions, on which textual analysis techniques have been applied. The different tools and methods
are presented to emphasize the specificity of the dataset, which presents a different level of variability of
the answers in the different thematic areas. The report concludes with a series of considerations that we
offer to the Unimore community to support the discussion on what we have learned and continue to learn
thanks to the voice of the students. It is now clear that the exit from the emergency will be a gradual process.
The students' point of view, which we gather from this survey, will be really valuable to plan next year's
educational activities and services for students, in order to offer a high quality teaching that responds to
different needs and study contexts. Further developments of the analysis may concern other in-depth studies
on specific teaching methods (distance and in-presence) and on the evaluation of the living and working
conditions of teaching and technical-administrative staff. The basic idea is to read, through the Covid-19
emergency lens, the essential dimensions to improve the quality of teaching highlighted by the empirical
- Gli studenti EIDI al tempo del coronavirus. Risultati della rilevazione online del 21 marzo 2020
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Colombini, S.; Pavone, P.; Alboni, F.; Sartori, L.; Piscitelli, G.; Di Santo, E.
Questo rapporto di ricerca presenta i risultati della prima rilevazione di monitoraggio online delle condizioni di vita e di studio degli studenti di Economia e Istituzioni dei Distretti industriali (2019-20) di Unimore (rilevazione on line del 21 marzo 2020). Il monitoraggio on line, che si svolgerà periodicamente fino alla fine del corso (lezioni e esami) è un esperimento di collaborazione che mira a superare l’emergenza covid-19 con maggiore consapevolezza e strumenti per praticare una didattica e uno studio che contribuiscano nel dare a ciascuno studente la possibilità di studiare e procedere nel proprio percorso di studi e di vita nel migliore dei modi. Vengono presentati il questionario, gli strumenti di rilevazione e i risultati che emergono da una prima elaborazione dei dati. Il rapporto si conclude con spunti per la prossima rilevazione e proposte per allargare la rilevazione. Le specifiche proposte didattiche e di studio che sono emerse anche grazie al primo monitoraggio non sono presentate in questo rapporto: sono in continua evoluzione e sono condivise con gli studenti nella piattaforma online del corso.
- Regional structural heterogeneity: evidence and policy implications for RIS3 in macro-regional strategies
[Articolo su rivista]
Pagliacci, F.; Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Giorgi, A.
In the future of European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy, a critical feature is how to capitalize on the current Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), introduced in the 2014-20 programming period as an ex-ante conditionality for accessing European Structural Investment Funds. As a contribution to the current debate, this paper frames the socioeconomic comparative analysis of EU regions, considering subnational structural similarities, and referring to population, labour market and the sectoral composition of the economy. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis are performed on 31 input variables, returning 19 different types of EU regions. With an application to the EU macro-regions, the paper supports policy planning in macro-regions as a meso-level of interventions for the future Cohesion Policy.
- Conflict and participation in bargaining at company level: the Lamborghini case
[Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Pavone, Pasquale; Cetrulo, Armanda
In the last 50 years, the nature and quality of industrial relations in Italy have changed considerably. The national bargaining process has been severely weakened and, in the past decade, the social dialogue between parties has been questioned on several occasions. Based on an original corpus of texts documenting bargaining at company level over 50 years within Lamborghini (which was acquired by the Audi VW group in 1998), in this article we analyse the core issues of the debate between the parties, and the very ways in which the debate takes place. Combining techniques of automatic text analysis and reading of individual documents, we obtain a periodisation of the issues at the heart of corporate bargaining that contribute to a discussion of the key elements characterising the virtuous circle of company development and quality of industrial relations.
- Detecting multidimensional clustering across EU regions. Focus on R&I smart specialisation strategies and on socio-economic and demographic conditions
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Righi, S.; Giorgi, A.
This paper applies multidimensional clustering of EU-28 regions to identify similar specialisation strategies and socioeconomic characteristics. It builds on an original dataset where the EU-28 regions are classified according to their socioeconomic and demographic features and to the strategic priorities outlined in their research and innovation smart specialisations strategy (RIS3). The socioeconomic and demographic classification associates each region to one categorical variable (with 19 modalities), while the classification of the RIS3 priorities clustering was performed separately on “descriptions” (21 Boolean categories) and “codes” (11 Boolean Categories) of regions’ RIS3. Three techniques of clustering have been applied: Infomap multilayer algorithm, Correspondence Analysis plus Cluster Analysis and cross tabulation. The most effective clustering, in terms of both the characteristics of the data and the emerging results, is that obtained on the results of the Correspondence Analysis. By contrast, due to the very dense network induced by the data characteristics, the Infomap algorithm does not produce significant results. Finally, cross tabulation is the most detailed tool to identify groups of regions with similar characteristics. In particular, in the paper we present an application of cross tabulation to focus on the regions investing in sustainable development priorities. Policy implications of methods implemented in this paper are discussed as a contribution to the current debate on post-2020 European Cohesion Policy, which aims at orienting public policies toward the reduction of regional disparities and the enhancement of complementarities and synergies within macroregions.
- Digital upgrade in the automotive supply chain in Mexico: issues and challenges
[Working paper]
Carreto Sanginés, J.; Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Simonazzi, A.
The ongoing digital transformation poses diverse challenges to the automotive sector. While the process of digitalisation will lead to technical and organisational changes across and within the global value chains, the ongoing changes in the trade agreements spurred by the Trump administration may change the location advantages of previous plants and their specialisations. In addition, investment in the electric car may offer first-mover advantages in markets, while requiring the re-organisation of the value chains. Mexico, ranked in 2018 as the seventh producer at world level, is an important case study for several reasons: among these, its cost advantages, its privileged access to the US market, that attracted many OEMs from Europe, Asia, the US, and its role in the prospective regionalization of world trade. By using interviews to automotive suppliers, experts and business associations of the automotive industry, the paper aims at providing a first outline on issues to be addressed in an analysis looking at how these changes are affecting opportunities for the OEMs in their value chains based in the Mexican automotive system.
- R&I smart specialisation strategies and on socio-economic and demographic conditions
[Banca dati]
Pagliacci, F.; Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Giorgi, A.
In this database the EU-28 regions are classified according to their socioeconomic and demographic features and to the strategic priorities outlined in their research and innovation smart specialisations strategy (RIS3). The socioeconomic and demographic classification returns three, nine, and 19 different types of EU regions. The classification of the RIS3 priorities, based on an automatic text analyisis, returns four and 19 different types of priorities described in free text format and five and 11 types of priorities based in the series of related codes of economic domains, scientific domains and policy objectives.
- R&I smart specialisation strategies: classification of EU regions’ priorities
[Banca dati]
Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Pagliacci, F.; Giorgi, A.
Building on automatic text analysis, this DB proposes an original categorization of Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) priorities and provides a common language (with detailed dictionaries) to classify priorities and then to associate EU regions to multiclass categories of priorities. This result is a powerful tool to interpret the current state of diversification across regions, with its potential of complementarities and synergies that might support territorial integrated development paths. It would also support regions in their future strategic programmes on RIS3.
- R&I smart specialisation strategies: classification of EU regions’ priorities. Results from automatic text analysis
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.; Giorgi, A.
Building on automatic text analysis, this paper proposes an original categorization of Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) priorities and provides a common language (with detailed dictionaries) to classify priorities and then to associate EU regions to multiclass categories of priorities. This result is a powerful tool to interpret the current state of diversification across regions, with its potential of complementarities and synergies that might support territorial integrated development paths. It would also support regions in their future strategic programmes on RIS3. A case study on the Alpine macro-region shows innovation development paths to outline macroregion strategic planning.
- RIS3 in macro-regional strategies: tools to design and monitor integrated territorial development paths
[Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Russo, Margherita; Pagliacci, Francesco; Pavone, Pasquale; Giorgi, Anna
This paper highlights the importance of combining quantitative and qualitative analyses . It combines multidimensional analysis of the characteristics of EU macro-regions with
a comparative, qualitative perspective on priorities outlined in regional innovation strategies. It shows that bottom-up strategies for regions can support integrated approaches, and that the RIS3 database in particular can help with the successful design and implementation of policies
- RIS3 in macro-regional strategies: tools to design and monitor integrated territorial development paths
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pagliacci, F.; Pavone, P.; Giorgi, A.
Building on the broad and diverse picture of strategic interventions on regions' research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) and on macro-regional strategies, this paper outlines a comparative framework to analyse regions' RIS3 priorities (to outline the intended development path that regions aim at) and socioeconomic conditions (to describe the structural features, as they emerge from Eurostat data). The paper integrates results developed in two companion papers, by Pavone et al. (2018) and by Pagliacci et al. (2018), thus providing a multidimensional perspective on similarity across regions. Identifying which are the similarities is essential in a comparative analysis that aims to measure and monitor the impact of integrated investments on the development of the territory across sectors. Implications of the methodology proposed in the paper are discussed with suggestions for policy makers.
- Socioeconomic classification of EU regions
[Banca dati]
Pagliacci, F.; Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Giorgi, A.
This database returns the socioeconomic classification of EU regions, considering sub-national structural similarities, referring to population, labour market, and sectoral composition of the economy. It returns the outcome of a Cluster Analysis, returning three, nine, and 19 different types of EU regions.
This work is part of the Work Package Nr: T-3 "Enhancing shared Alpine Governance project" of the Project "Implementing Alpine Governance Mechanism of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region" (AlpGov) of the Interreg Alpine Space Programme - Priority 4 (Well-Governed Alpine Space), SO4.1 (Increase the application of multilevel and transnational governance in the Alpine Space).
- What innovation policy mix does matter for which countries? Patterns emerging from multidimensional analysis on STIP Compass platform
Russo, Margherita; Pavone, Pasquale
A wide literature on digital transformation in manufacturing and services has explored its impact on long term changes in labour demand and skills and on productivity and growth. A new perspective on the ongoing digital transformation has been prompted by Oecd to highlight specific metrics needed to assess its impact on the economy and society and to support innovation policies. Drawing on these contributions, this paper aims to shed light on the impact of digital transformation on the reorganization and relocation of the various segments of the automotive supply chain. In particular, it will focus on the effects generated by different paces of adoption of digital technologies in this supply chain, with regard to both the various segments and the various sizes of companies, in different countries. The causes of this heterogeneity will be discussed and the implications for the full impact of the ongoing transformation will be considered in relation to industrial and innovation policy in Europe. The paper addresses the issue by reviewing empirical evidence on the automotive supply chain, which includes the most advanced manufacturing and service companies that are now adopting digital technologies. Evidence from case studies in the automotive industry in China, Germany, Italy and Japan will help in identifying the main challenges of digital transformation for European countries, which will involve a strongly interrelated supply chain both within and outside Europe.
- What innovation policy mix does matter for which countries? Patterns emerging from multidimensional analysis on STIP Compass platform
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pavone, P.
An increasing consensus is shared among scholars on the relevance of policy mix in supporting innovation processes. An essential support for a comparative analysis of innovation policies is provided by STIP Compass. As a joint initiative of the European Commission and OECD, STIP Compass contains taxonomies of policies, databases, monitoring tools, and links between various data sources. The paper addresses two research questions: the first one concerns the way to single out a pattern of innovation policy mix. The second one specifically focuses on the dimensions in the narratives adopted to describe the current policy issues. The paper refers to the STIP Compass database downloaded on 24th August 2019. Results can be browsed by using the navigation on Tableau Public. Being aware that the potential of STIP Compass relies on the quality of information that is entered by the countries, this paper aims at enhancing the awareness of both scholars and policy makers involved in the innovation policy field by suggesting its use to outline patterns of policy mix across countries. Although the database is incomplete and currently under revision, the exercise undertaken in this paper outlines methods for text analysis that will be applied to the new updated edition of STIP Compass, when available. One urgent message is drawn from the analysis undertaken in this paper: aiming at providing an effective analytical framework a tools for innovation policies in Europe, the European Commission cannot overlook that subnational policies need to be entered in STIP Compass, and this could be done in a straightforward way, by using information on regional innovation policies already available in the DG Regio.
- Cinquanta anni di contrattazione di secondo livello: che cosa impariamo dal caso Lamborghini?
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Cetrulo, A.
In the last fifty years, the nature and quality of industrial relations in Italy has changed considerably. The national bargaining process has been severely weakened and social dialogue between the parties has been questioned on several occasions. Corporate bargaining in the Fiat automotive group marked a season where the test of strength between company management and the Trade Union seemed to be played out on the ground of economic development based on a waiver of workers' rights, and where the global dimension of industrial relations in a multinational company could not be questioned because it was not an issue relevant to corporate bargaining. In this context, the existence of some divergent situations, such as that of Lamborghini, is extremely interesting, due to the particular context of regional development in which it is located and to the turning point in its ups and downs when, in 1998, it was acquired by the Audi VW group. A longitudinal analysis of the bargaining at company level offers cues for tracing a periodisation of the issues at the centre of the comparison between the parties, and the methods in which the comparison takes place. Based on the original body of bargaining from 1968 to 2016, the analysis proposed in this essay uses the results of automatic text analysis for a critical reflection that flanks the reading of documents. In addition to identifying an effective periodisation of the issues at the heart of corporate bargaining, the conclusions underline the link between the national level and the corporate level of bargaining.
- Clusters of specializations in the automotive supply chain in Italy. An empirical analysis using text mining
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Russo, M.
The wide literature exploring supply chains is polarized on two perspectives: micro analyses focusing on management strategies of companies, and macro assessment of cross-country interdependences. In order to explore the ongoing innovation paths, this paper adopts a third perspective on the supply chain, focusing on the internal structure of specializations within the automotive supply chain in Italy. If we compare the degree of fragmentation across global value chains, the automotive supply chain has the highest degree of fragmentation. With regard to Italy, its structural characteristics (number, size of companies, location) and dynamics of change deserve attention both for its large share in domestic production and for its interconnections with other supply chains. In this paper, we explore a strategy to identify a classification of specializations within the automotive supply chain grounded on the textual description of activities provided by companies when they register their business. Pending the acquisition of the database for the other years of the Observatory, in this work the analysis refers only to 2017 data.
- Clusters of specializations in the automotive supply chain in Italy. An empirical analysis using text mining
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Russo, M.
The wide literature exploring supply chains is polarized on two perspectives: micro
analyses focusing on management strategies of companies, and macro assessment of
cross-country interdependences. In order to explore the ongoing innovation paths, this
paper adopts a third perspective on the supply chain, focusing on the internal structure of
specializations within the automotive supply chain in Italy. If we compare the degree of
fragmentation across global value chains, the automotive supply chain has the highest
degree of fragmentation. With regard to Italy, its structural characteristics (number, size
of companies, location) and dynamics of change deserve attention both for its large share
in domestic production and for its interconnections with other supply chains. In this
paper, we explore a strategy to identify a classification of specializations within the
automotive supply chain grounded on the textual description of activities provided by
companies when they register their business. Pending the acquisition of the database for
the other years of the Observatory, in this work the analysis refers only to 2017 data.
- La filiera automotive in Emilia-Romagna
Russo, Margherita; Pavone, Pasquale; Bigarelli, Daniela; Baracchi, Monica
In questo capitolo utilizziamo la metodologia sviluppata da Pavone e Russo (2017) per classificare le specializzazioni produttive della filiera automotive. Tale metodologia utilizza un’analisi automatica delle descrizioni testuali delle attività delle imprese contenute nel database della popolazione statistica utilizzata nell’Osservatorio automotive 2017. Il capitolo presenta un quadro dell’industria metalmeccanica dell’Emilia-Romagna e delle specializzazioni nella filiera automotive della regione. Sono commentati i risultati relativi all’indagine dell’Osservatorio ed un approfondimento realizzato grazie alle interviste condotte dagli studenti dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Le conclusioni del capitolo propongono uno sviluppo dell'indagine empirica sui temi della digitalizzazione.
- Strategie, pubbliche e private, in azione per ri-costruire meglio. Analisi dei testi di quattro interviste
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Russo, M.
In questo lavoro presentiamo la metodologia e i risultati dell'analisi automatica delle trascrizioni delle interviste realizzate nell'ambito dell’instant book "BBB: idee e progetti per ricostruire meglio" (Esposito et al. a cura di, 2017). Sono presi in esame quattro ambiti strategici:
dell'Agenzia della Coesione Territoriale, del Piano Casa Italia, della Protezione Civile, e quello
di un'impresa modello di azione nella comunità. L'obiettivo del lavoro è duplice. Da un lato si
intende offrire una lettura sistematica delle specificità e degli elementi comuni ai diversi ambiti
presi in esame. Dall'altro lato, si vogliono approfondire alcuni spunti metodologici nell'analisi
automatica dei testi in merito a: integrazione di strumenti di analisi, limiti che derivano dalla
ridotta dimensione del corpus, potenzialità interpretative della rappresentazione grafica dei risultati, integrazione tra analisi automatica dei testi, annotazione automatica di un corpus di testi
e lettura esperta.
- Strategie, pubbliche e private, in azione per ri-costruire meglio. Analisi dei testi di quattro interviste
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pavone, P.
In this paper we present the methodology and results of the automatic analysis of the transcripts of the interviews carried out under the project "ideas and projects for better reconstruction" (Esposito et al., 2017). Four strategic areas are considered: the Territorial Cohesion Agency, the Casa Italia Plan, the Civil Protection, and that of a community model of action in the community. The goal is twofold. On the one hand, it is intended to offer a systematic reading of the specificities and elements common to the various aspects considered in the interviews. On the other hand, we want to explore some methodological ideas in the automatic analysis of the texts on the following issues: integration of analytical tools, constraints resulting from the size of the corpus, interpretative potential of graphical representation of results, integration between automatic information retrieval, auto-coding of a corpus and expert reading.
- WPTIP 1993-2017: a longitudinal analysis of issues, connections and impact of the discussion on technology and innovation policy at Oecd
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pavone, P.
The occasion of the 50th plenary meeting of the OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technolo-gy Policy (TIP) is being taken to elaborate a reflexive analysis of the WPTIP activity to ground a discussion for future activities, particularly in view of the discussion of the next budget plan and for a future mandate after that of 2014-2019. This analysis aims at providing an overview of the theo-ries and analyses grounding the recommendations proposed by WPTIP on technology and innova-tion policy, in a period in which 'innovation' has become the catchword for any discussion on poli-cies to support economic development and social inclusion. To place this analysis in a historical perspective, this paper adopts a systematic automatic text analysis to organize figures and facts over 25 years. The analysis considers text documents on WPTIP events (such as conferences, workshops, plenary meetings) and activities (such as reports on specific topics).
- Documentare e comunicare l'attività di trasferimento tecnologico. Analisi testuale della comunicazione dei poli di innovazione
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Russo, M.
There is an increasing attention on the needs to support SMEs in enhancing their innovation opportunities and capabilities. Through a policy measure to foster the regional innovation system, 12 innovation poles were active in Tuscany in the period 2011-2014 to provide to their members (affiliation is needed) a range of knowledge-intensive services such as knowledge and technology mapping, R&D partnership formation, technical assistance in R&D projects, technology transfer. Each pole was created as a consortium of organizations operating as public or private research centres and service centres (universities, innovation centres or technology transfer centres and firms).
In this paper we adopt a statistical analysis of textual content produced by the innovation poles to identify distinctive or common elements in the various texts they produced in three years of activity and to draw some assessment of their communication on their activities. Documents under analysis are of different types: designed as written texts (on Smart Specialization Strategy and monitoring the activities of the poles), transcripts of spoken language (the recordings of interviews); web communication. Through and automatic analysis we propose a systematic comparison of all these documents that would not be possible through direct reading of texts: on the whole it is over 56,000 graphic forms, for a total of over two million occurrences. To compare both the intra diversity across the same type of document and across the different types of documents, first we analyse each of the four body separately, in order to identify the specific content and the four languages used by the poles of innovation: "report", texts structured in the format
of the monitoring; "design", the documents on smart specialization strategy; "reflection and analysis", in the transcription of interviews; and "communication", that characterizes the web sites. For this analysis, each document is associated with one or more categories (such as, for example, pole' band category, date of the document) that allow us to group or isolate relevant content in different contexts.
In this work we first introduce the set of processing of texts aimed at the selection of graphic forms on which we focus our analysis. Then, we present for each corpus the description of the analysed documents, the results of calculations performed for the treatment of the text and the analysis of the main components that explain the variability of language within each corpus. These analyses (represented by the factorial of two main components) interpret the selection of graphic forms being analysed with respect to categorical variables, defined for each document in each of the corpora.
The analysis concludes with some ideas for the modelling of regional system of innovation clusters in Tuscany.
- Documentare e comunicare l'attività di trasferimento tecnologico. Analisi testuale della comunicazione dei poli di innovazione
[Working paper]
Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Fiordelmond, o. V.
There is an increasing attention on the needs to support SMEs in enhancing their innovation op-portunities and capabilities. Through a policy measure to foster the regional innovation system, 12 innovation poles were active in Tuscany in the period 2011-2014 to provide to their members (af-filiation is needed) a range of knowledge-intensive services such as knowledge and technology mapping, R&D partnership formation, technical assistance in R&D projects, technology transfer. Each pole was created as a consortium of organizations operating as public or private research cen-tres and service centres (universities, innovation centres or technology transfer centres and firms).
In this paper we adopt a statistical analysis of textual content produced by the innovation poles to identify distinctive or common elements in the various texts they produced in three years of activi-ty and to draw some assessment of their communication on their activities.
Documents under analysis are of different types: designed as written texts (on Smart Specializa-tion Strategy and monitoring the activities of the poles), transcripts of spoken language (the re-cordings of interviews); web communication. Through and automatic analysis we propose a sys-tematic comparison of all these documents that would not be possible through direct reading of texts: on the whole it is over 56,000 graphic forms, for a total of over two million occurrences. To compare both the intra diversity across the same type of document and across the different types of documents, first we analyse each of the four body separately, in order to identify the specific con-tent and the four languages used by the poles of innovation: "report", texts structured in the format of the monitoring; "design", the documents on smart specialization strategy; "reflection and analy-sis", in the transcription of interviews; and "communication", that characterizes the web sites. For this analysis, each document is associated with one or more categories (such as, for example, pole' band category, date of the document) that allow us to group or isolate relevant content in different contexts.
In this work we first introduce the set of processing of texts aimed at the selection of graphic forms on which we focus our analysis. Then, we present for each corpus the description of the analysed documents, the results of calculations performed for the treatment of the text and the analysis of the main components that explain the variability of language within each corpus. These analyses (represented by the factorial of two main components) interpret the selection of graphic forms be-ing analysed with respect to categorical variables, defined for each document in each of the corpo-ra. The analysis concludes with some ideas for the modelling of regional system of innovation clusters in Tuscany.
- Text Mining and network analysis to support improvements in legislative action. The case of the earthquake in Emilia-Romagna
[Articolo su rivista]
Pavone, Pasquale; Russo, Margherita; Righi, Simone; Righi, Riccardo
In the three years after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna, through the enactment of more than 350 ordinances, the Commissioner has structured interventions to cope with emergency and reconstruction. The intense law-making, essential to fill a legal vacuum, has enabled to overcome the uncertainties of the difficult phase of recovery. There is agreement among experts and policy makers that a large number of those ordinances was due to the absence of national rules governing the urgent intervention in case of natural disasters. On the push of actions taken in Emilia-Romagna, the Italian Parliament has reopened the debate on a national law on emergency after natural disasters. Through a systematic content analysis of the corpus of ordinances issued in Emilia-Romagna, in this paper we propose a contribution in drafting the decrees related to the law on emergency. Two main strands of analysis have been developed. In the first one, an automatic text analysis, supported by Taltac2, has provided inputs for a factor analysis and a cluster analysis of the thematic areas covered by the ordinances. Four main topics have been singled out: Contribution grant criteria; management of allocation of resources; urgent works for municipalities, schools and churches buildings; interventions to support population. Having associated each ordinance to one of the four topics, a temporal analysis of the issues addressed during the emergency and reconstruction phase highlights the sequence of actions that were undertaken in Emilia. In a second step, the set of terms characterizing each cluster it is used to obtain a redefinition of disjunctive classification towards a fuzzy multi-class. Furthermore, by adopting an hybrid system of text mining, it is possible to extract the legislation (and other ordinances) cited in the ordinances and identify clusters of regulatory areas of reference to meet the emergency and reconstruction following natural disasters. In this second strand, clusters of citations are detected with an algorithm of network analysis (Infomap) based on information theory (Rosvall & Bergstrom, 2008; De Domenico et al, 2015). This analysis highlights subsets of nodes and allows to outline which are the most relevant issues involved in the areas of intervention after a natural disaster
- Analisi lessico testuale delle ordinanze del Commissario Delegato alla ricostruzione in Emilia-Romagna: Un contributo alla legge nazionale su emergenza e ricostruzione
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Russo, M.
In the three years after the 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna, through the enactment of more than 350 ordinances, the Commissioner has structured interventions to cope with emergency and reconstruction. The intense law-making, essential to fill a legal vacuum, has enabled to overcome the uncertainties of the difficult phase of recovery. There is agreement among experts that a large number of those ordinances was due to the absence of national rules governing the urgent intervention in case of natural disasters. On the push of actions taken in Emilia-Romagna, the Italian Parliament has reopened the debate on a national law on emergency after natural disasters.
Through a systematic content analysis of the corpus of ordinances issued in Emilia-Romagna, in this paper we propose a contribution in drafting a law on emergency. Two main strands of analysis have been developed.
In the first one, an automatic text analysis, supported by Taltac2, has provided inputs for a factor analysis and a cluster analysis of the thematic areas covered by the ordinances. Four main topics have been singled out: grant criteria and contributions; management of allocation of resources; urgent works for municipalities, schools and churches buildings; interventions to support population. Having associated each ordinance to one of the four topics, a temporal analysis of the issues addressed during the emergency and reconstruction phase highlights the sequence of actions that were undertaken in Emilia. In a second step, the set of terms characterizing each cluster it is used to obtain a redefinition of disjunctive classification towards a fuzzy multi-class.
- Analisi lessico testuale delle ordinanze del Commissario Delegato alla ricostruzione in Emilia-Romagna: un contributo alla legge nazionale su emergenze e ricostruzione
[Working paper]
Pavone, P.; Russo, M.
Il Commissario delegato all'emergenza e alla ricostruzione dopo il sisma in Emilia-Romagna del 20 e 29 maggio 2012, ha gestito gli interventi a favore delle popolazioni colpite at-traverso l'emanazione di ordinanze commissariali. In particolare dal 8 giugno 2012 al 23 febbraio 2015, sono state emanate 349 ordinanze. Si è trattato di una produzione normativa, indispensabile per colmare un vuoto legislativo, che ha consentito di superare le incertezze della difficile fase di ripresa dopo lo shock sismico. È opinione diffusa tra gli esperti che un gran numero di quelle ordi-nanze sono state necessarie per l'assenza di una normativa nazionale che disciplini gli interventi urgenti in caso di calamità naturali. Sulla spinta delle azioni messe in atto in Emilia-Romagna, è stato ripreso il dibattito parlamentare su una legge nazionale sull'emergenza, la cui discussione è attualmente in corso alla Camera dei Deputati.
In questo documento proponiamo un contributo a quel disegno di legge attraverso un'analisi automatica dei testi delle ordinanze in grado di fornire una lettura temporale delle tematiche af-frontate e degli atti normativi in esse citati. L'analisi lessico-testuale, effettuata utilizzando il soft-ware Taltac2 sul Corpus costituito dalle Ordinanze, mira ad una classificazione automatica delle tematiche e ad un'analisi temporale dei temi affrontati dall'azione normativa nel corso del tempo. Sono state individuate quattro tematiche principali: criteri di concessione dei contributi; gestione e assegnazione delle risorse; opere urgenti per scuole, municipi e chiese; interventi di assistenza alla popolazione. Avendo associato a ciascuna ordinanza a uno dei temi individuati dall'analisi cluster, abbiamo analizzato la sequenza di azioni intraprese nel corso della ricostruzione. I termini che caratterizzano ciascun cluster sono stati utilizzati per ottenere una definizione di classi disgiunte attraverso una categorizzazione fuzzy plurima.