Professore Associato Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari"
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- Analisi storica dello sviluppo della tutela brevettuale
tra civil e common law
[Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, I.
This paper offers an overview of the historical evolution of patent pro-
tection, a foundational institution for the modern economy. The origins of patents
can be traced back as early as the Magna Graecia era, the feudal regalia period, and
the 19th century industrial revolution, within an intricate balance between two op-
posing ideological approaches, namely protectionism and liberalism. This equilib-
rium strives to safeguard the individual inventor’s rights while allowing for the free
enjoyment of their inventions, which benefits the community at large and contrib-
utes to scientific and technological progress. This balance remains a central tenet
of European and global economic policy.
- Future Mobility on the Old Continent. The Latest Regulatory Updates for Autonomous Vehicles
[Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, Isabella
Two sets of regulatory filters apply to autonomous driving, operating in parallel at the international and national levels. While the 1968 Vienna Convention, UN/ECE regulations, and NHTSA safety standards provide the international regulatory framework, national legislators set the specific rules within their borders.
This paper examines recent international advances that will allow driverless vehicles to operate on public roads, as well as current national legislation. With the most recent update of the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic in 2022, the baton has been passed to individual states. They must now decide whether, how, when and under what circumstances to allow autonomous driving.
A comparative analysis of the countries where major automakers are based provides some de jure considerations.
- Intellectual Property Protection for Engineers
Prioritizing Innovation, Creativity, and Business Strategies
[Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Ferrari, Isabella
The purpose of this handbook is to provide engineering students with practical tools to navigate and manage intellectual property protection, in order to enhance business opportunities and strategies. It is assumed that they will need to operate in this field in their future careers and professional activities, hence the need to comprehend the legal basis of the subject matter.
[Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Ferrari, Isabella
This volume sets out to provide a comparative analysis of a pivotal topic in the evolution of Industry 4.0, namely the regulation of intellectual property for products or services that utilize artificial intelligence (AI). The advent of AI has prompted a reconsideration of fundamental questions in the field of law. These fields of inquiry pertain to the authorship of AI systems and the protection of data. The
former concerns the question of whether AI systems should be accorded autonomous legal recognition. This necessitates an investigation of the accountability of AI systems and their economic viability. The latter addresses the potential for the comprehensive exploitation of data resources available online by AI, within the constraints of copyright, design, and trademark protection, as well as under the moral rights framework.
[Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, Isabella
This paper presents reflections against the suitability of introducing a new category of subjective personality, headed by AI systems, based on the analysis of a legal experiment initiated on a global scale within the framework of Thaler's so-called Artificial Intelligence Project.
This stance is predicated upon a comprehensive analysis of the technical components of AI systems and their legal implications within the context of the regulatory framework introduced by the European Union. This framework encompasses the Artificial Intelligence Act (proposal), the Data Act, the Data Governance Act and its associated guidelines, the Digital Services Act, and the Digital Markets Act (proposal).
- ‘Tutela della proprietà intellettuale per i prodotti dell'intelligenza artificiale: riflessioni de jure condendo’
Ferrari, I.
La diffusione pervasiva dell'intelligenza artificiale, ormai incorporata in sistemi IoT, in applicazioni e in device utilizzati quotidianamente da un numero via via crescente di utenti globali, ha imposto la presa in carico della materia da parte del diritto. In questa direzione si è mossa in primis l'unione europea, che ha già approntato una serie di regolamenti volti a disciplinare le tante questioni aperte in punto a sicurezza, trasparenza, affidabilità dei sistemi algoritmici e altresì in materia di tutela degli utenti, con particolare riferimento alla tutela dei diritti umani inalienabili.
Resta tuttavia ancora aperta una questione fondamentale, che mentre potrebbe apparire secondaria rispetto alla tutela dei diritti dell'uomo, costituisce in vero un aspetto dirimente e centrale per i pesanti riflessi in campo economico-finanziario: si tratta dell’autorialità dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale. Si tratta cioè di stabilire ex ante, in diritto, se un sistema algoritmico capace di agire in via autonoma (intelligenza artificiale generativa) possa essere considerato autore dei risultati raggiunti, e conseguentemente possa godere dei diritti economico-patrimoniali che all’autorialità si ricollegano. Ciò ovviamente trascina conseguenze anche in punto ai doveri che ricadono in capo all’autore, che è tenuto al risarcimento di eventuali danni causalmente ricollegabili al suo operato.
La discussione sulle questioni di cui sopra, ancorché non ancora affrontata nelle sedi istituzionali del dibattito legislativo, è stata anticipata per via di un esperimento legale globale, avviato da Stephen Thaler et al., tramite il radicamento di una serie di cause civili atte a ottenere il riconoscimento autoriale in capo all’AI in diciotto uffici brevettuali nel mondo. Questo articolo esamina alcune tra le controversie paradigmatiche promosse nel contesto sopra descritto, in attesa dello sviluppo di soluzioni uniformi in diritto.
- La guida autonoma tra regole internazionali e normative interne – Autonomous driving between international rules and domestic regulations
[Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, Isabella
Autonomous driving passes through a double regulatory filter, running in parallel at both international and nation- al levels. While the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traf- fic, UNECE regulations, and NHTSA safety standards set the international regulatory framework, it is up to national legislators to outline the specific rules to be applied within domestic borders. This paper examines recent international advances that allow driverless vehicles to operate on public roads, along with current national laws. The baton has been transferred to individual states, which are now called upon to decide whether, how, when and under what circumstances to permit autonomous driving. Through a comparative analysis of the countries where the major automakers are based, some de jure condendo reflections can be made.
- A turning point in Italian jurisprudence
Ferrari, I.
The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation: focus on decision No. 9691 of 24/3/2022 of the I Civil Section on PAS.
Ferrari, I.
The following paper assesses the recent reform of Italian family law, provided for by Law No. 206 of November 26, 2021, which will come into force on December 31, 2024.
In addition to establishing a unified family court, competent for all matters relating to children, separation, divorce and protection of the weak, the legislator has drastically changed the rules of civil procedure, in order to facilitate the management of family litigation and to encourage effective collaboration between the parties and their lawyers.
Through the filter of comparative private law, the objectives, timing and tools of the Italian reform are compared with the different solutions adopted abroad in the field of family law, and in particular with predictive and analytical artificial intelligence systems already used in common law, which have proved especially suitable to solve recurring and numerically assessable issues as the determination of the amount of alimony owed to the former spouse, the quantification of child support, the definition of the calendar of visits, the division of property and assets at the time of family breakup.
- Indagine comparata sulla giurisprudenza in materia di responsabilità civile per i danni arrecati dall’uso dei sistemi di intelligenza artificiale
[Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, I.
Nel mondo dell'intelligenza artificiale vengono continuamente scambiate enormi quantità di informazioni per mezzo di una fitta e complessa rete di relazioni.
L’approccio empirico, che permette di affinare le conoscenze, migliorare le performance e massimizzare i risultati attraverso l’acquisizione e lo scambio di dati nel tempo, subisce infatti un’accelerazione esponenziale per effetto del funzionamento in batteria dei sistemi cd. di machine learning, in cui ciascun elemento del sistema opera autonomamente, condividendo in tempo reale con il resto del sistema tutte le informazioni via via acquisite.
Siffatta modalità operativa velocizza la raccolta e l’analisi dei dati, permettendo di accumulare in tempi minimi un bagaglio di conoscenze che l’essere umano potrebbe forse raggiungere solo nell’arco di un’intera vita professionale.
Delegare lavori rapidi e ripetitivi a strumenti di calcolo specializzati, che operano simultaneamente in rete, permette dunque di abbattere considerevolmente i tempi della ricerca e dei processi produttivi, con conseguente risparmio di spesa e promozione dello sviluppo del settore.
[Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Ferrari, I.
- The 2021 reform of family law: a missed opportunity to exploit artificial intelligence within the Italian civil procedure
Ferrari, I.
The following paper assesses the recent reform of Italian family law, provided for by Law No. 206 of November 26, 2021, which will come into force on December 31, 2024.
In addition to establishing a unified family court, competent for all matters relating to children, separation, divorce and protection of the weak, the legislator has drastically changed the rules of civil procedure, in order to facilitate the management of family litigation and to encourage effective collaboration between the parties and their lawyers.
Through the filter of comparative private law, the objectives, timing and tools of the Italian reform are compared with the different solutions adopted abroad in the field of family law, and in particular with predictive and analytical artificial intelligence systems already used in common law, which have proved especially suitable to solve recurring and numerically assessable issues as the determination of the amount of alimony owed to the former spouse, the quantification of child support, the definition of the calendar of visits, the division of property and assets at the time of family breakup.
- "Response from Italy", in Comparative Law Problem & Country Responses
[Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Ferrari, I.
- Analisi comparata in tema di responsabilità civile legata alla circolazione dei veicoli a guida autonoma
Ferrari, Isabella
Self-driving vehicles' technology creates new challenges in the law sector, as current regulations do not provide any specific discipline.
Research, prototyping and experimentation on driverless car proceeds at a fast pace. However, the objective of circulation is still far away, especially because of the existing normative vacuum on the domestic and the international level, slowing down the development of the overall sector.
Among the various legal issues, stands out that of civil liability for damages caused by the circulation of self-driving vehicles.
This paper focuses on the above topic, in a comparative perspective.
- Tell me your surname and I'll tell you where you're from: focus on the negative implications of domestic surname policies on minors with dual citizenship
Ferrari, Isabella
Rules on surnames are governed by the private law of the State where the child is born, which may not comply with the law of the country the child is citizen of.
In fact, surnames' policies differ from State to State: whereas certain States provide all children with double surnames, combining together the surname of the mother and that of the father, other countries preserve a strictly patriarcal approach to the transmission of the surname, and yet other ones assign the newborn the surname of the parent recognising the baby at first, regardless of gender issues.
The chasm has grown to the point where children were required to use a surname in the country of birth and a different one in that of citizenship.
This paper compares rules on surnames, detecting concrete and actual mismatches among the various bureaucratic procedures to obtain legal accreditation of a foreign surname (e.g. in case of dual nationality), in order to investigate into the state of the art and to recommend possible actions.
- La riforma italiana del diritto di famiglia nel processo d'integrazione europea
Ferrari, Isabella
Italian family law is based on the 1942 Civil Code, updated over the years in the wake of the emerging needs of actual society. Even the most recent reform of 2016, which has legally recognized civil unions and cohabitation, has formalized family types already existing in practice, following the continuing pressures of Italian and European jurisprudence.
Moreover, despite the intervention of law no. 76/2016, there are still some unregulated family types: same-sex couples civilly united and their children adopted abroad, or couples with children procreated abroad through surrogacy.
It is clear that the persistent legislative gap in regard to these families inevitably leads to discrimination, the violation of articles 8 and 12 ECHR and to the unacceptable limitation of the freedom of movement. This contribution seeks to highlight how freedom of movement is affected for families that are valid for all legal intents and purposes in the EU Member State were they formed, but not in Italy.
To reach effective European integration, it is necessary that the legal recognition of personal rights goes beyond national boundaries, in order to allow each individual and each family to enjoy the same rights and duties throughout the Union, regardless of domestic contingencies.
- Robots for the family: protection of personal data and civil liability
Ferrari, Isabella
Family law must necessarily engage with the evolution imposed by modern technologies.
In particular, the entry into the domestic environment of more or less independent robots (ranging from integrated lighting and heating systems, to household cleaning robots, to robot-butler, robot caregivers or toy and educational robots, etc.) raises various legal issues. In fact, these new technological tools, due to the different degree of automation necessary for their own functioning, require the knowledge of an increasing amount of personal data. For example, an home automation system shall know the family's musical preferences and also the entry or exit times of all the residents; whereas robot caregivers might even get to know sensitive data regarding the health status and possible clinical pathologies of the end user.
Because of the domestic use of these robots, and especially because of their use with and by minors, it is necessary to determine with absolute certainty the legal limits for their functioning, with reference, on the one hand, to the protection of the right to respect for private and family life and of privacy, and on the other hand to the possibility of civil liability for damages that robots, due to their own autonomy, could cause to the other family members and to other items or properties at home.
Given the Italian regulatory vacuum on family robots, the applicable rules must be identified de jure condendo on the basis of both European and international sources of law (among others, the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union) and the Italian case law to be applied by means of analogy.
- Family relationships in Italy after the 2016 reform: the new provisions on civil unions and cohabitation
Ferrari, Isabella
Italian family law has always adapted ex post to the social changes already in place, aligning with extreme delay to foreign legislations. This was the case for the introduction of divorce, of shared parental responsibility and ultimately also for the regulation of same-sex unions and cohabiting relationships.
After a brief excursus on the major reforms in Italian family law, which entirely redesigned the Civil Code's structure of 1942, this paper examines the requests of the Italian Constitutional Court and of the domestic courts of first, second and third instance, as well as the recommendations of the European Court of Human rights and the doctrine to the legislature. These will eventually protect all family unions, regardless of the sexual orientation and gender identity of the partners.
Then follows the detailed analysis of the reform set out in Law No. 76/2016, of the unsolved legal issues devolved by the legislature to the discretion of the judiciary, and of those aspects (step-child adoption, adoption by same-sex couples and surrogacy) purposely neglected by the Law No. 76/2016, which immediately made the 2016 reform partially inadequate.
- Normative europee in materia di cognome e diritto all’identità
Ferrari, Isabella
The free movement of people across the EU may find an obstacle in the various policies on surnames in force in the different Member States.
In fact, whereas certain States provide all children with double surname, combining together the surname of the mother and that of the father, some other countries are strictly preserving a patriarcal approach within the transmission of the surname or assigning the newborn the surname of the parent recognising the baby at first.
It is patent that the increasing number in cross-border families, together with the frequent movement of people across the EU, calls for the mutual recognition (if not standardization at all) of rules on surname, in order to permit everyone to use and be recognised by the same surname. The right to maintain one's own surname is not only linked to personal linings, but has a concrete impact on everyday life: passport, tax declaration, health insurance, electoral activities are all depending on surnames. Thus, despites several sentences of the EU Court of Justice have condamned those States which do not recognise the surname as it is written in the birth or residence Member State, the differences remain and the effective recognition of surnames is yet long to come. This paper analyses the actual rules on surnames in force in several EU Member States, in order to detect a possible line of intervention.
- Parents and Children in a Narrowing World. Issues on Adoption
Panforti, Maria Donata; Ferrari, Isabella
Problems and open issues related to national and intercountry adoption.
- Uniform Parentage Act
[Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Ferrari, Isabella
In Weber v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. (1972), the U.S. Supreme Court held it unjust and inequitable to penalize children born to unmarried parents or to single mothers for their parents' wrongdoing. The court disapproved such a patent violation of the Equal Protection Clause on the basis that no state interest could justify the unfair discrimination against children born to unmarried parents or to single mothers as opposed to children born to married parents.
Thus, the court's revision gave way to a still further change in American society, soon leading to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws drafting a set of uniform rules for the equalization of children regardless of their parents' marital status. The rules were promulgated in 1973 under the Uniform Parentage Act (UPA): an act with mere persuasive power and yet revolutionizing modern family law.
- Abitare. Contratti e tutela giudiziaria
Panforti, Maria Donata; Ferrari, Isabella; Valente, Cinzia
Raccolta di saggi sul tema della casa familiare e sul contratto di locazione
- Adoption and foster care: doubled family solidarities?
Ferrari, Isabella
Trough fostercare and adoption, minors gain a second family, as their biological one is absent or in need of aid, due to financial, legal or psychological problems.
Fostercare may be a volunteer choice taken up by natural parents, deemed in their children's best interest, or it can be a prescribed measure ordered by the Court. Though, it poses a temporary remedy, which does not interfere with the natural parents-children relationship (with an only exception, in case of removal of parental authority). It is therefore patent that fostercare gives way to the establishment of a strong affection between children and accepting parents: an essential affection for the balanced growth of the minor's personality and, in most cases, a long lasting intercourse.
The perspective is totally overturned in case of adoption of minors. Adoption (may it be domestic or intercountry) is the safest way for allocating abandoned children or orphans.
In case of adoption, it is very unlikely that natural parents have any wish to safeguard their parental relationship. Statistics say that in the vast majority of cases the discovery and reunification procedure is taken over by the once adopted, looking for his/her origins; in the meantime, biological parents are carrying on with their ordinary lives, showing no wish to find out the issue.
What happens when biological origins are revealed? What happens in case the adopted gets in touch with his/her natural parents? The vast majority of domestic systems provide one only rule regulating the natural parents-adopted relationship: the matrimonial ban (no wedding between them). No other case is provided or foreseen by the law.
It appears therefore interesting to see how Courts have compensate the silence of the law, regarding the following aspects.
Has the natural grandparent any right of visit on the adopted/fostercare child (e.g. in case the child was abandoned against the will of the grandparents by a teenager mother)? Can the natural parent or grandparent apply for fostercare in case the adopting family is in crisis (financially or legally)? In nowadays globalized world, it can happen that an adopted child becomes very famous and is therefore recognized by his/her biological parents on TV or magazines: have natural relatives any right (to succession/inheritance/support) towards the once abandoned child?
It is obvious that the above problems do not invest most of the people; nevertheless they are of great importance to the subjects involved: children, biological and adopting parents.
- Informal Divorce
[Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Ferrari, Isabella
Many technical expressions are used in everyday life with different meanings, with the result that colloquial words often arise out of specific terms. Such a linguistic process has been totally reversed in the case of informal divorce. Having emerged as an outcome of informal marriage, informal divorce has now become a legal institute governed in the United States.
- International Divorce
[Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Ferrari, Isabella
International divorces in the U.S., with a specific focus on contested issues, child custody, child support and forum shopping.
- Italy dealing with orphanages' closing: make a virtue of necessity
Ferrari, Isabella
After the orphanages' closing in Italy: reflections on the outcomes. The new rules for fostercare and adoption in Italy. Following an initial success of the Hague Convention, with the number of international adoptions rising up due to the entering into the Convention of many sending countries (Russia, Belarus, Poland, Cameroon, Morocco, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil...), problems have started to appear: many sending countries, in order to avoid any risk of children's trade, have restrained the scope of international adoption, requiring that children be held for long periods to explore in-country placement options, before any placement abroad. Indeed, nowadays it has became extremely rare for children under the age of one to be placed, with the immediate consequence of a recent consistent drop in the number of international adoptions.
In addition, national laws (implementing the Hague Convention) have introduced complicated bureaucracy, different from country to country: e.g. in Italy it is compulsory to get the former approval by the Minor Court before any further step can be taken by the adoptive parents, while in China it is up to the Central Government the duty to accept applicants for adoption into the so called “Log in Date” Program and allow them to start the adopting process.
As a result, only a tiny fraction of those who might want to adopt a child from another country are therefore able to succeed: in fact, only few of them can get an extended leave at work to accomplish with the adoptive-proceeding, and even less are able to bear the high costs of it.
In light of the reflections above, several different contrasts between the Hague Convention and the Human Rights protection can be pointed out:
1- the international adoption itself could be considered as a violation of human rights, depriving children of their heritage birthright, of their original cultural, religious and national values;
2- an inexcusable human right violation is committed by those sending countries, which consider international adoption as “ultima ratio”, applicable only after children have already spent quite a long stay in national orphanages or institutions (with insufficient health care, non adequate education, and all the other foreseeable problems), waiting for a in-country adoption;
3- the Hague Convention, by imposing more and more requirements on both parties, have stretched out the overall length of the adoptive procedure, with the result that thousands of children every year are forced to stay in institutions, despite the fact that many adopting parents would be able and pleased to welcome them as soon as possible.
The procedure outlined by the Hague Convention works at slow motion, since it requires a central check governed by the two national agencies of the sending and of the receiving country; each agency therefore has to gather information from local representatives as well as from the central agency of the other country. It is of immediate evidence that such a strict centralization takes much more time, than if the process was handled directly by the local representatives involved in the first steps of the procedure.
The conflict described above, between the Hague Convention and the Human Rights protection, takes place in several countries.
The current paper aims at analysing whether the contrast above could lead to the illegal violation of any human right, with the consequent need of a dramatic change in the operating scheme drawn by the Hague Convention.
- Land Law nell'era digitale. Le recenti riforme britanniche
[Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Ferrari, Isabella
Il Parlamento del Regno Unito ha aperto, con il nuovo millennio, la stagione delle riforme in materia di gestione ed amministrazione della real property.
Le modifiche introdotte per via normativa investono non solo principi, istituti, diritti, ma riguardano altresì modalità di trasferimento dei diritti, garanzie, registrazione, trascrizione dei titoli di proprietà e di godimento, oltre che i soggetti autorizzati ad operare nel settore, i cd. solicitor e conveyancer. In breve, il Land Registration Act 2002 (LRA 2002), le Land Registration Rules 2003 (LRR 2003) e il Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 hanno sostituito antiche procedure con le moderne tecniche della contrattazione contemporanea, con un'operazione rivolta a tutti coloro che operano nel settore immobiliare: impiegati pubblici, singoli cittadini, investitori stranieri.
Le riforme, epocali e subitanee sulla carta, hanno invero richiesto tempo per entrare pienamente a regime, a causa della necessità di introdurre gradualmente le nuove procedure. Nell'arco del primo decennio del nuovo secolo sono stati pertanto adottati via via nuovi statutes, al preciso scopo di coordinare i vari settori del diritto coinvolti dal processo in atto di modernizzazione della land law: con il Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 2009 è stato fortemente ridotto l'ambito applicativo della rule against perpetuities3, con il Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc) Act 2010 è stata rafforzata la tutela dei debitori soggetti a procedura di espropriazione4, mentre con l'Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Act 2011 sono state modificate le regole in materia successoria.
Numerose altre disposizioni di carattere miscellaneo sono poi intervenute in materia attraverso l’entrata in vigore del Civil Partnership Act 2004, del Housing Act 2004, del Regulation of Financial Services (Land Transactions) Act 2005, del Consumer Credit Act 2006, del Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007, del Housing and Regeneration Act 2008,dell'Equality Act 2010, del Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc) Act 2010 e del Charity Act 2011.La riforma del Regno Unito si inserisce così appieno nell'odierno contesto europeo, addirittura ponendosi quale esempio per una più ampia ed indispensabile armonizazzione, che possa mediare le diversità esistenti e giungere alla combinazione degli istituti interni in forme nuove5. Perché l’armonizzazione sia effettiva, occorrerà però sacrificare i particolarismi nazionali, di cui è ad oggi ancora particolarmente ricco il settore immobiliare, ed avvicinare regole ed istituti in materia di diritti, obblighi e potestà, oltre che di garanzie, titoli di godimento e di possesso, locazione, usufrutto, multiproprietà e così via.
Allineati i modelli operativi, si dovrà quindi procedere alla fase conclusiva di un simile auspicabile processo di armonizzazione, mediante l'introduzione di strumenti tecnici fruibili su scala internazionale, sul modello del portale internet EULIS-European Land Information Service (infra), che permette la consultazione e modifica on-line dei registri immobiliari di tutti gli stati europei aderenti.
Solo così facendo si possono porre le basi per permettere in concreto la libertà di circolazione entro i confini europei, di cui all'art. 21 del Trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione Europea.
- Registration: il sistema inglese della trascrizione immobiliare
Ferrari, Isabella
Il sistema della trascrizione immobiliare, recentemente introdotto in UK, viene esaminato in chiave comparata rispetto al sistema italiana, evidenziando punti in comune e difformità.
- Geteilte Obsorge: Die jüngste italienische Reform im Familienrecht
[Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, Isabella
La riforma italiana sull'affido condiviso dei figli minori
- I più invisibili degli invisibili: i minori
Ferrari, Isabella; Panforti, Maria Donata; Valente, Cinzia
Il saggio affronta i temi della giustizia minorile, dell'acquisto della cittadinanza, del ricongiungimento familiare, del ricongiungimento, del minore conteso fra i genitori, della sottrazione internazionale di minori.
- Gran Bretagna
Ferrari, Isabella
Risposte ad un survey di diritto comparato sul tema della famiglia, dei minori e dei diritti sottesi. L'articolo risponde alle domande aventi ad oggetto il sistema inglese, in ottica comparata con quello italiano.
- L'adozione internazionale
Ferrari, Isabella
L'articolo esamina il tema dell'adozione dopo la chiusura degli orfanotrofi in Italia, e pone a confronto la condizione dei minori in stato di abbandono in Italia e all'estero.
- La casa familiare nel diritto italiano: effetti e condizionamenti delle norme fiscali sugli istituti del diritto sostanziale.
Ferrari, Isabella; Panforti, Maria Donata
La casa di abitazione rappresenta un punto di riferimento essenziale per la qualità della vita privata. In prospettiva più ampia, altresì, è l’elemento attorno a cui ruotano numerose questioni aperte dicarattere pubblicistico, quali la forma degli assettiurbanistici, il mercato locativo, gli incentivi all’acquisto dell’abitazione, le politiche di gestione delterritorio ma anche l’integrazione e l’esclusionesociale. Questo volume, il primo di una serie di tre, raccoglie gli atti del convegno tenutosi a Modena,su questo tema, nonché alcuni contributi originalidei partecipanti alla ricerca.
Il volume esamina due dei profili più problematici per la vita reale degli individui: da un lato gli aspetti connessi al diritto alla casa, al contratto dilocazione, e ai rapporto con i terzi, dall’altro i profili legati alle vicende della famiglia che vi abita, specie in conseguenza dello scioglimento dellacoppia. Nella seconda parte del libro si offrono approfondimenti su temi di particolare interesse: le interazioni fra norme fiscali e gli istituti del diritto sostanziale, l’inquadramento comparativo, il raccordo con il diritto europeo delle famiglie e le prospettive di uniformazione in materia.
- La casa familiare tra diritto italiano e straniero
Ferrari, Isabella
Analisi comparata dei provvedimenti in materia di assegnazione e godimento della casa familiare a seguito di separazione dei coniugi.
- La casa familiare. Conflitti interpersonali e dinamiche sociali in Europa, in Prospettive di diritto comparato
Ferrari, Isabella; Panforti, Maria Donata
Analisi comparata in tema di provvedimenti di assegnazione della casa familiare a seguito della rottura della coppia genitoriale
- La casa familiare tra diritto italiano e straniero: disciplina giuridica e incentivi fiscali
Ferrari, Isabella
analisi comparata dei provvedimenti giudiziali di assegnazione della casa familiare.