Professore Ordinario Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari"
Insegnamento: Manufacturing and Assembly Technologies/Science and Technology of Metallic and Composite Materials
Advanced Automotive Engineering (Offerta formativa 2023)
Obiettivi formativi
The main objectives are:
- to provide the student with a wide range of information on the effects of the microstructure of metallic and composite materials on the final properties of such materials, to understand their behaviour during manufacturing and assembly, and to know how their processing affects them.
- to show the main processing, thermal and thermo-chemical treatments on advanced metallic materials.
- to give operative knowledge of the manufacturing and assembly technologies used in the automotive field.
- to present an overview of polymeric, metallic and ceramic matrix composites and their manufacturing.
Specific objectives are:
- understanding microstructure-properties relationships in metallic and composite materials
- making critical choices among several manufacturing/assembly options for a given product, recognizing the main process parameters and their effect on part quality, evaluating possible manufacturing problems
- to present an exhaustive list of automotive applications of metallic and composite materials, by a holistic approach to the material/process system
Crystal structure of metals, Fe-C phase diagrams, heat treatment of metal alloys
Fundamentals of the mechanical behaviour of metals, concepts of stress and strain, stress criteria, plastic deformation, strain-hardening
Fundamentals of metal casting and solidification phenomena
Fundamentals of metal cutting: lathing, drilling, milling
Programma del corso
-Steels (designation, surface topography, advanced high strength steels for car body: HSLA, Dual Phase, TRIP, TWIP, Maraging, PH); cast irons (types, ADI and its applications in automotive) (1 CFU)
-Aluminum alloys: production process, alloys for use in body structures, lighter Al alloys, heat treatments; magnesium and its alloys (1CFU)
-Stainless steel: properties, designation, corrosion mechanisms, automotive aplications (1 CFU)
-Titanium and its alloys (0.5 CFU)
-Superalloys and intermetallics for automotive high temperature applications; copper based alloys (0.5 CFU)
-Composite materials: polymer matrix composites (general properties, processing, advanced composites for competition cars); Metal- and Ceramic- matrix composites (general properties, processing, automotive applications: brakes, chassis, wear resistant parts, engine parts) (1 CFU)
-Corrosion and protection of the automotive structure: relevant corrosion processes, corrosion of aluminum and other non-ferrous body materials, materials used for protection of the body structure, zinc-coated steels, painting of the automotive body structure (1 CFU)
Innovation and costs in manufacturing ( 1 CFU)
Additive Manufacturing (1 CFU)
Casting processes for automotive components: lost foam casting, die casting (high-pressure, gravity, vacuum, squeeze) (1 CFU)
Bulk deformation processes for automotive components: extrusion, forging, hydroforming (0.5 CFU)
Metalworking for automotive components: deep hole drilling, boring, grinding, honing, CAM software (1 CFU)
Welding and assembly for automotive components: arc welding, laser welding, resistance welding, friction welding, adhesive bonding (0.5 CFU)
Manufacturing of engine components: cylinder block, camshaft, crankshaft, piston (1 CFU)
Smart and emerging materials and processes for automotive applications
Shape memory alloys, nano-materials, foams, self healing materials, powder metallurgy for near net shape manufacturing of complex parts
Computer aided selection of materials and processes for automotive applications, test-cases of material and process design
Metodi didattici
The course includes: theoretical lectures made with the aid of multimedia systems (in presence or remotely, in all cases recorded). The didactic material is uploaded before each lecture on the platform “Dolly” (http://dolly.ingmo.unimore.it);
Presentation of automotive case studies, role-playing and team work for material selection , educational visits, seminars by industry representatives. The material selection activity and the test-case development will be presented in a short report by each group and they will be discussed during the course.
Testi di riferimento
- Hiroshi Yamagata, "The science and Technology of materials in automotive engines", Woodhead Publishing and Maney Publishing on behalf of The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, CRC Press.
- Geoffrey Davies, "Materials for Automobile Bodies", Elsevier.
- Mel M. Schwartz, Composite Materials, Volume I: Properties, Non-Destructive Testing, and Repair,Prentice Hall
- M. F. Ashby, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Verifica dell'apprendimento
The exam includes two independent written tests, whose scores are averaged. In case of average score below 21/30 an additional oral test is compulsory, otherwise it is optional.
The written test of the Materials module is based on a questionnaire with multiple choice questions and open questions, for testing the knowledge of the course content. The written test of the Manufacturing module includes 6 open questions requiring graphical/tabular/numerical answers and it tests the capability of critical choice/problem solving starting from the topics taught in the module. It lasts around 90 minutes.
The oral exam tests the understanding and application of the course content, it lasts approximately 15 minutes. The evaluation of the oral test adjusts slightly the average of the written tests.
Remote or in presence exams will be organized, depending on the COVD-related situation.
Risultati attesi
Knowledge and understanding: Through lectures, seminars, educational visits and audio-video projected in the classroom, the student learns the science and technology of metals and composites applied to the automotive field; the student also acquires the ability to select the material and the process, through exercises with the help of dedicated software. As for manufacturing and assembly processes, the students learns: phases, equipment, tools, process parameters, types of parts, performances, main problems and defects
Applying knowledge and understanding: Through practical exercises on the computer, the students are able to apply their knowledge to the selection of materials and processes. They also gain ability to calculate and optimize the main process parameters and to estimate the production costs, to desing a semifinished part from the design of the final product, to identify the main production defects and the possible corrective strategies.
Making judgments: Through written reports on group work, the student is able to understand, discuss collectively and critically, choose between several options, evaluate the choice; as well as to expose the results obtained and to abstract the gained knowledge.
Communication skills: written reports allow to develop the ability to present the data obtained in an effective and concise way; group presentations related to individual classes of materials allow to express the concepts learned with appropriate language and to hold a discussion about the topics covered, as in a conversation with customers, colleagues and suppliers.
Learning skills: the activities described allow the students to acquire the methodological tools to continue their studies and to be able to arrange the update of their knowledge.