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Dipartimento di Comunicazione ed Economia

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2024 - The intersection between traditional roles and a fragmented labor market: a propensity score matching analysis of gender wage gap in Ecuador [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, S.; Yepez, J.

Abstract Purpose – This study aims at estimating the gender wage gap in Ecuador, and its evolution over the last decade and a half, exploring its heterogeneity through different working conditions (formal/informal, full employment/underemployment, short term/long term and tenure/no tenure) and workers personal characteristics (education level; age and children). Design/methodology/approach – Propensity score matching (PSM) and coarsened exact matching (CEM) are used to examine the gender pay inequality of wage earners in Ecuador, using the National Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment Survey (ENEMDU) data set from 2007 to 2022. Findings – Results show a persistent gender pay gap, evidencing a significant heterogeneity through the different dimensions taken into account, in terms of working conditions and workers personal characteristics. The evolution of the pay gap during the years analyzed hardly shows any reduction of differences in earnings between men and women; on the contrary, women exposure to precarious and unregulated jobs seems to be increasing wage inequality. Practical implications – The results make the case for active policies oriented not only at containing the negative effects of the traditional division of labor within the family but also at improving labor law enforcement, mitigating informality and workers rapid turnover. Originality/value – This study is one of the few that use matching techniques to study the gender wage gap and the first in Ecuador; the time span taken into account is larger than previous studies, allowing a mediumlong run perspective across different economic phases

2023 - Políticas industriales andinas durante el auge de materias primas. ¿Estados desarrollistas o rentistas? [Articolo su rivista]
de la Cruz, Fernando; Caria, Sara

El inicio del siglo xxi ofreció dos experimentos destacados en materia de políticas industriales en América Latina: la Bolivia de Evo Morales y el Ecuador de Rafael Correa. Este trabajo realiza un análisis comparado de ambas experiencias a través de la puesta en relación de sus modelos de inserción internacional y de sus efectos sobre el marco institucional encargado de desplegar las políticas industriales. El trabajo concluye que el patrón de inserción internacional de estos países presenta un sesgo hacia la “maldición de los recursos”, inhibiendo la creación de instituciones y políticas industriales genuinamente orientadas a la promoción de la productividad y la competitividad internacional, y fomentando comportamientos rentistas en el sector público.

2023 - Shadowing Industry 4.0: an empirical study of digitalisation in a German/Italian automotive firm [Articolo su rivista]
Rinaldini, Matteo; Caria, Sara; Garibaldo, Francesco

2022 - Cooperation Regimes and Hegemonic Struggle: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, Sara

There is an increasing convergence in the international relations literature around the idea that changes in the world econ‐ omy during the last decades are reshaping the international order; although the outcome of such a reconfiguration is yet unclear, many scholars argue that a dispute over global hegemony is already underway. At the same time, drawing on realist and neorealist approaches, international cooperation can be seen as a means to gain legitimacy and tighten alliances. In this framework, this article analyses three cooperation regimes as terrains of dispute to expand—or maintain—international leadership. The first, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda, reflects mainly the attempt to maintain the legit‐ imacy of the United Nations system and the multilateral institutions that make up the traditional cooperation regime. This framework still responds to Western interests, despite China’s efforts to contest and contain US influence. The second, South–South Cooperation, wrapped up in the rhetoric of horizontality and common challenges, is the privileged terrain of middle powers and emerging countries, aiming at increasing regional influence. Finally, the third scheme, International Cooperation for Structural Transformation, is China’s new development doctrine and the fulcrum of its struggle to pro‐ mote itself as a successful new model for global development. In my conclusions I reflect on the opportunities that the co‐existence of different regimes offers for developing countries, as well as the challenges that they continue to face in their search for autonomous development paths.

2020 - COVID-19 in Latin America: the pandemic’s impact on an already fragile and unequal economy [Altro]
Caria, Sara

2020 - Cooperación internacional, nuevos actores e instrumentos: perspectivas contemporáneas [Curatela]
Caria, Sara; Giunta, Isabella

2020 - Ecuador [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara

2020 - Epílogo: desafíos de las políticas de desarrollo y cooperación internacional [Prefazione o Postfazione]
Caria, Sara

2020 - La encrucijada del sistema productivo en la crisis del 2020 [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara

2020 - Las agendas de cooperación internacional como instrumento de promoción internacional: perspectivas para América Latina [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara

2020 - Pasado y presente de la cooperación internacional: una perspectiva crítica desde las teorías del sistema mundo [Curatela]
Caria, Sara; Giunta, Isabella

2019 - La economía ecuatoriana en la encrucijada: balance de una década polémica, 2007-2017 [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Caria, Sara; Orbe León, Jorge

2019 - Neoestructuralismo, regionalismo abierto y problemas ambientales: lecciones para el nuevo TLCAN [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara; Domínguez Martín, Rafael

2019 - Perfil economico productivo de Ecuador: Trayectorias históricas, desafíos y oportunidades para la trasformación de la matriz productiva en formas social y ambientalmente sostenibles [Working paper]
Caria, Sara

2019 - Postdevelopment’s forgotten ‘other roots’ in the Spanish and Latin American history of development thought [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara; Domìnguez Martìn, Rafael

2018 - Especialización primario-exportadora y cabo estructural en Ecuador [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Caria, Sara

2018 - Raíces latinoamericanas del otro desarrollo: estilos de desarrollo
 y desarrollo a escala humana [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, Sara; Domínguez, Rafael

2017 - Buen Vivir: Praise, instrumentalization, and reproductive pathways of good living in Ecuador [Articolo su rivista]
Dominguez, R.; Caria, S.; Leon, M.

In this article, we trace the avatars of the official concept of Buen Vivir (Good Living), and its understanding and translation as Sumak Kausay in the new Constitution of Ecuador, where it was converted from a subaltern concept that emerged in the 1990s to the country’s trademark. Our main hypothesis is that although Buen Vivir may be described as a social phenomenon in some specific social contexts (such as among Amazonian Sarayaku indigenous communities), it mostly represents an invented tradition. As a subordinate hypothesis, we argue that Buen Vivir, which originally appeared at the margins of the State and political power, later became an empty signifier, allowing for its instrumentalization and co-optation by the Citizens’ Revolution and generating an opening for future prospects in the way of operationalization and internationalization that converged with efforts to promote alternative measures and notions of development to the GDP.

2017 - Can the Monkeys Leave the Export Processing Zones? Exploring the Maquiladora Bias in the Economic Complexity Index in Latin America [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, Sara; Troyano, Miguel Carrera; Martín, Rafael Domínguez

2017 - Extrae que algo queda. Extractivismos andinos en el auge y caída de los commodities (2006-2016)”, [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Caria, Sara; Domínguez Martín, Rafael

2017 - Oil in Ecuador, 2000-2015: Curse, blessing or just a resource? [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, S.

Oil has been Ecuadors most important export product since the 70s; the current low prices of commodities have placed the need of a productive diversification in the center of the debate about development strategies. In this paper, it is aimed at establishing whether the dependence on oils exports has been an obstacle for the diversification of Ecuadorian economy during the recent commodities boom (2003-2014), as the «product trap» thesis suggests. For this purpose, a survey on the literature about the so called «resources curse» will be made in order to identify the main rationales that support this thesis and the policy recommendations that literature on this topic suggests to oil-rich countries. Then, the Ecuadorian case will be analyzed to search evidence that confirm the existence of an «oil curse» in Ecuador. The results show that oil dependence and low diversification are empirically associated, but no clear causal relation can be established between them.

2016 - Cambio de la matriz productiva y estructura exportadora [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara

2016 - ECUADOR IN THE MIDDLE-INCOME TRAP [Articolo su rivista]
Dominguez, R.; Caria, S.

The middle income trap (MIT) alludes to the challenges that middle income countries face in converging with developed nations, due to their inability to complete the productive transition from low value-added sectors (commodities and natural resource- and labor-intensive manufactured goods) to high value-added sectors (technology-intensive manufactured goods). The objective of this paper is to evaluate the causes behind the MIT in which Ecuador has been entrenched for the past 60 years and the country's prospects for emerging from this trap, analyzing official development strategies and the conditions that the emerging literature about the MIT (which connects with the theory of the developmentalist State and its problematic exportation to the Latin America region) has found are needed for countries that export just a few commodities to make strides forward in development.

2016 - Ecuador’s Buen vivir: A New Ideology for Development [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, Sara; Domìnguez, Rafael

2016 - Extractivismos andinos y limitantes del cambio estructural [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caria, Sara; Domínguez Martín, Rafael

2015 - Estructura productiva primario-exportadora y Buen vivir 2009-2014 [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, Sara; Dominguez Martin, Rafael

2014 - El porvenir de una ilusión: la ideología del Buen Vivir [Articolo su rivista]
Caria, Sara; Domínguez Martín, Rafael