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2018 - Evidence of a female-produced sex pheromone in the european pear psylla, cacopsylla pyri [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, S.; Germinara, G. S.; Pati, S.; Civolani, S.; Cassanelli, S.; Sabatini, M. A.; de Cristofaro, A.

Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera Psyllidae) is one of the most important pests of pear orchards in Europe that reduces the market value of pears. Summerform C. pyri males significantly preferred odours from living females or female cuticular extracts in the absence of visual stimuli in a Y-tube olfactometer. Conversely, males as well as females did not show any preference for odours from specimen of the same sex. Electroantennogram recordings showed that female cuticular extracts elicit dose-dependent responses in male antennae suggesting the presence of volatile compounds capable to stimulate the male peripheral olfactory system. Gas-chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry revealed marked quantitative differences between male and female cuticular extracts regarding 13-methylheptacosane, 11,13-dimethylheptacosane, 2-methylheptacosane, and 3-methylheptacosane. These compounds were found in larger amounts in female extracts which suggests their role in male attraction.

2017 - Il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia testimone di biodiversità attuale e passata. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gambarelli, Andrea; Maramaldo, Rita; Tepedino, Ciro; Pederzoli, Aurora; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

La nascita del Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia risale al 1776 e si deve al Duca Francesco III d’Este. Tra le collezioni quella riguardante la “fauna modenese”, inaugurata da Antonio Carruccio nel 1880, rappresenta il primo esempio provinciale di conservazione di vertebrati locali per la regione dell’Emilia. Ne fanno parte esemplari di specie attualmente estinte nel territorio modenese (lontra, grifone e lupo). La collezione fa tuttora parte di apprezzati percorsi tematici rivolti alle scuole, per far conoscere gli animali che vivono intorno a noi, in particolare la biodiversità dei nostri boschi, delle zone umide e dei giardini delle nostre case. In tali percorsi, attraverso attività ludiche e laboratori, gli studenti conoscono gli animali del territorio. La collezione viene anche utilizzata per laboratori didattici durante le aperture straordinarie che il Museo offre al pubblico ed è stata protagonista nell’allestimento di una mostra tenuta a Modena dal titolo “Educare a pensare: Alberto Manzi e l’educazione scientifica”.

2016 - Long Chain Alcohols Produced by Trichoderma citrinoviride Have Phagodeterrent Activity Against the Bird Cherry-Oat Aphid Rhopalosiphum padi [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Grazioso, Pasqualina; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

In this study we report the effects of fungal metabolites isolated from cultures of the fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride ITEM 4484 on the feeding preference of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi, a major pest of cereal crops. Different phagodeterrent metabolites were purified by a combination of direct and reverse phase column chromatography and thin-layer chromatography. Chemical investigations, by spectroscopic and chemical methods, led to the identification of different long chain primary alcohols (LCOHs) of the general formula R-OH, wherein R is a long, unbranched, unsubstituted, linear aliphatic group. LCOHs have been reported as components of lepidopteran pheromone blends, but their phagodeterrent effect to aphids is herein reported for the first time. We studied the effects of LCOHs on R. padi by behavioral and electrophysiological bioassays. Feeding preference tests that were carried out with winged and wingless morphs of R. padi showed that LCOHs have a distinctly high phagodeterrent activity and significantly restrain aphids from settling on treated leaves already at a concentration as low as 0.15 mM (0.036 g/l). The results of different electrophysiological analyses indicate that taste receptor neurons located on the aphid tarsomeres are involved in the LCOHs perception. Behavioral assays carried out with some commercial agrochemicals, including azadirachtin A, pyrethrum and mineral oil based products, in combination with 1-hexadecanol, the LCOH most abundantly produced by T. citrinoviride ITEM 4484, showed that these different active principles can be applied together, resulting in a significant additive phagodeterrent effect. Therefore these compounds can be profitably utilized for novel applications in biotechnical control of aphid pests. The LCOHs tested have no chiral centers and therefore can be obtained in good yields and at low cost through chemical synthesis, beside than from natural sources.

2015 - Effects on Folsomia candida Willem, 1902 of products resulting from anaerobic digestion of biomass tested at different soil pH [Articolo su rivista]
D’Errico, Michele; Mauri, Marina; Taurino, Rosa; Lancellotti, Isabella; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

In recent years, it has become increasingly important to reduce the production and impact of wastes on the environment, and to save and restore natural resources. A way of disposing industrial, agro-industrial and urban wastes is their treatment by anaerobic digestion, with the production of biogas and residual organic material. The latter is commonly called digestate and can be used in agriculture as fertilizer, soil improver or adsorbent material, but only scarce or no evaluations of its biological effects on soil organisms are presently available. The aim of the present research was to study the effects of digestate, when added to soils with different pH values, on the survival and reproduction of the collembolan Folsomia candida. The digestate investigated in this study was obtained from agro-industrial wastes mixed with biological sludge. We exposed springtails to two different concentrations of digestate (2.5%; 5%) in two artificial soils with pH values of 6 and 4.5. The addition of digestate resulted in an increase of experimental-soil pH values, depending on the concentration and original pH value of the artificial soil used. The negative effects of digestate detected on the survival and reproduction of F. candida was mainly attributed to pH values > 6. The high pH value, however, does not explain by itself the strong decrease in number of juveniles in the experimental soil when the highest concentration of digestate was combined with the highest pH value reached: in this case it is possible to assume a combined effect of pH and other digestate characteristics such as nitrogen content and salinity, currently under study.

2015 - Evaluation of two different standard soils for their use in ecotoxicological tests [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
D'Errico, Michele; Mauri, Marina; Sala, Luigi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The quality of soil as a resource is evaluated with ecotoxicological tests, using soil organisms such as Anellida, Nematoda and Collembola. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has developed ecotoxicological tests to obtain information on biological effects of contaminants in soil and to improve the data obtained with the conventional chemical analysis. The ISO guideline 11267 (1999, 2014) describes a standardized method that is based on the determination of sublethal effects of contaminated soils on the collembolan Folsomia candida. However, the standard artificial soil OECD (1984), firstly proposed in ISO 11267 (1999), does not represent the heterogeneity of natural soils, possibly invalidating the transfer of laboratory evaluations to the natural environment. As a matter of fact, the second edition of the ISO 11267 (2014) involves the use of standard natural soils in addition to the artificial soil OECD. The aim of this work is to compare by soil ecotoxicological tests two standard soils included in ISO 2014: the artificial soil OECD and the natural soil LUFA 2.2. The comparison of the two soils was performed assessing the effect on survival and reproduction of F. candida of a secondary product, the digestate, which is used in agricultural practices and it is derived from the anaerobic digestion of agricultural crops and manure. The digestate (pH 7.3) was tested at two concentrations (2%, 4%) in the two soils; two control series without digestate were also prepared. The digestate added did not affect the survival of F. candida in both tested soils. However, the digestate added to the LUFA soil negatively affected the reproduction of F. candida: in the experimental series with 2% digestate, the number of juveniles dramatically decreased with respect to control group, and no juveniles were found in LUFA soil treated with 4% digestate. In the experimental series with OECD soil no effect on reproduction of F. candida was detected. Many Authors affirm that F. candida reproduction is negatively affected by soil pH values >6.6. In our experiment, the pH value of the OECD soil treated with digestate did not change compared to the initial pH value=6, while the pH values of the treated LUFA soil reached 6.8 and 7.4 with 2% and 4% digestate, respectively. The negative effect on reproduction could therefore be attributed to the increase of pH values. Thus, our study deeply questions the interpretation of the results of standardized toxicity tests.

2014 - Ecotoxicological assessment of products resulting from the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes using the collembolan Folsomia candida. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
D’Errico, Michele; Mauri, Marina; Taurino, Rosa; Lancellotti, Isabella; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

In recent years waste disposal has increasingly become greater as a result of the current economic system based on continued growth in production and consumption of goods and services. It is therefore important to reduce the production and the waste impact on the environment, and to save natural resources by waste retrieving. A way of waste disposal is its treatment by anaerobic digestion, which is a treatment technique of industrial, agro-industrial and urban wastes used for their management and to produce biogas. The digested materials resulting from the process are frequently used in agriculture as fertilizers, soil improvers or adsorbent material but scarce or no evaluations of the biological effects on soil community are available. One of the most important problems of agricultural soils is the alteration of structure, which can be addressed by adding organic complex materials, such as digestate. However, if the added material alters the physico-chemical conditions such as pH or buffer capacity, it may cause ecotoxicological problems, such as a release of metals in soluble form, and it can modify the environmental conditions leading to the fitness decrease of the present populations. So, this practice could exacerbate the decline of biodiversity in agricultural soils rather than improve it. The digestate investigated in this study was obtained from the anaerobic digestion under mesophilic conditions of grape-seeds and kernels of plums, mixed at a 1:1 ratio with a biological sludge from the treatment of urban wastewater. The aim of present research was to evaluate the impact of the digestate added on soil on survival and reproduction of the collembolan Folsomia candida. We exposed F. candida to different concentrations of digestate (0; 2.5%; 5%). The alkaline nature of the digestate leads to the variation of soil pH, therefore we set up twoconcentration test series at two different initial soil pH values (4.5 and 6 respectively). Experimental groups at pH 6 and pH 7, respectively, were also arranged in order to evaluate the biological effects of soil pH alone. The ecotoxicological tests with F. candida were carried out according to ISO protocol (ISO 11267:1999, 2014). One-way ANOVA tests were performed to assess the effect of digestate concentration and soil pH on the biological performances. A Student-Newman-Keuls test was then carried out when appropriate. The results highlighted that the pH values of the experimental soils were dependent on the amount of the added digestate and the initial pH of the artificial soil. A statistically significant effect on survival was associated with the increase of the pH of the experimental soil. No effect on survival was directly caused by the addition of digestate to the experimental ground, as the springtail survival significantly decreased with the higher digestate concentration used (5%) only in the experimental group at higher soil pH. No effect on reproduction was detected related to the addition of digestate to the experimental ground, while a statistically significant effect on reproduction was associated with the increase of the pH of the experimental soil. In fact, reproduction resulted significantly modified depending on pH reached in soil. In soils where the higher digestate concentration was used (determining a higher pH value: pH=8) the juvenile number strongly decreased with respect to other experimental groups. In all experimental groups characterized by pH ≥ 7 their reproduction was negatively affected independently from the digestate added (0; 2.5%; 5%). In the group with 2.5% of digestate and experimental soil pH = 6 the number of juveniles was not different from the number of juveniles found in the control group with experimental soil pH = 6. The effect on the survival and reproduction of the springtail F. candida, who normally prefer to settle on weakly acid soils, seemed related to the alkaline nature of the digest

2014 - "Educare a pensare - Alberto Manzi", una mostra sul maestro Manzi e i suoi scritti naturalistici [Articolo su rivista]
Bisanti, Matteo; Pederzoli, Aurora; Altiero, Tiziana; Gambarelli, Andrea; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Dal novembre 2012 al gennaio 2013, presso il Foro Boario di Modena, ha avuto luogo la mostra “Educare a pensare – Alberto Manzi” dedicata alla figura del maestro Alberto Manzi, divenuto famoso grazie alla trasmissione televisiva Rai degli anni ‘60 “Non è mai troppo tardi”. La mostra lo ha ricordato non solo per questo, ma ha preso in considerazione molti aspetti della sua personalità. Egli infatti fu anche biologo e amante della natura, tanto da dedicarsi nel 1955 a uno studio sulle formiche in Sudamerica, e fu autore di numerosi libri per ragazzi, come “Orzowei”, nonché di scrit- ti dedicati alla didattica. La mostra è nata dalla collaborazione tra il Centro Alberto Manzi di Bolo- gna, il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia e docenti e ricercatori dello stesso Ateneo. In particolare, il Centro Alberto Manzi ha curato la parte dedicata alla vita e alle opere di Alberto Manzi, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia si è invece occupata dell’impegno del maestro nell’ambito dell’educazione e divulgazione scientifica, proponendo tra l’altro laboratori didattici ideati seguendo il pensiero di Manzi.

2014 - Long chain alcohols, produced by the fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride as fagodeterrents for aphids control. [Abstract in Rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Grazioso, Pasqualina; Andolfi, A.; Altomare, C.; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Cristofaro, A. De; Evidente, A.

Aphids are insect pests of great economic impact on agricultural production causing yield losses and reduction of quality products. They damage host plants in different ways, indeed during the feeding phase they subtract sap and spread virus diseases. Chemoreception in aphids plays a fundamental role in host plant selection and in host acceptance, therefore the identification of new compounds that interfere with these processes are of great interest for the development of innovative biotechnical control strategies. In this context, our studies aim to identify fungal metabolites that interfere with aphid feeding behavior and to understand the aphid sensory structures involved in their perception. Our previous studies led to the characterization of three distinct groups of structurally related metabolites, produced by an isolate of the fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride, which exhibit fagodeterrent activity towards different species of aphids. The first two are novel metabolites, characterized as a symmetrical disubstituted hexa-1,3-dienyl ester of acetic acid and a tetrasubstituted cyclohexane-1,3-diol, respectively and named citrantifidiene and citrantifidiol (Evidente et al., 2008). Other two compounds belong to the chemical family of bisorbicillinoids, namely bislongiquinolide and dihydrotrichodimerol (Evidente et al., 2009). Further investigations led to the isolation of a fourth group of compounds. They were identified by spectroscopic, chemical and chromatographic methods as primary alcohols: hexadecanol, octadecanol, cis-9-octadecanol and trans-9-octadecanol. Feeding preferences tests showed that these long chain alcohols have a highly significant fagodeterrent activity towards aphids of the species Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), one of the major pests of cereal crops. Antennal responses, obtained by using a standard electroantennographic technique, showed that these long chain alcohols were not able to stimulate significantly the olfactory sensilla of R. padi. Results of single chemosensory cell recordings carried out with long-chain alcohols indicate that the structures involved in their perception, particularly cis-9-octadecanol and trans-9-octadecanol, are taste cells located on the aphid tarsomeres. The tested alcohols, obtained by T. citrinoviride can modify the aphid feeding activity, thus functioning as signalling molecules that can be potentially utilized for novel applications in biotechnical control of aphid.

2014 - Metaboliti di Trichoderma citrinoviride per il controllo biotecnico degli afidi. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Andolfi, A.; Altomare, C.; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Evidente, A.

Funghi appartenenti a diverse specie del genere Trichoderma sono stati fino ad ora utilizzati per il controllo di funghi fitopatogeni e il loro impiego ha confermato l'assenza di effetti negativi per la salute umana e l’ambiente. Nostri precedenti studi hanno messo in evidenza per alcune specie del genere Trichoderma una potenziale attività di controllo degli afidi. Tali insetti rappresentano uno dei più importanti gruppi di fitomizi di molte coltivazioni di notevole interesse economico. Il danno provocato alla pianta ospite non è dovuto solo alla sottrazione di elementi nutritivi e ormonali attraverso la suzione della linfa, ma anche e soprattutto, alla capacità di trasmettere virus. Test di preferenza alimentare da noi condotti, hanno evidenziato una significativa attività fagodeterrente di colture dell’isolato di T. citrinoviride ITEM 4484 nei confronti di diverse specie di afidi tra cui il polifago Myzus persicae (Sulzer) e Rhopalosiphum padi un diffuso parassita dei cereali. Ulteriori indagini condotte mediante metodi spettroscopici (essenzialmente NMR e tecniche MS) e volte ad identificare i composti fungini con attività fagodeterrente prodotti dall’isolato di T. citrinoviride hanno permesso di isolare e caratterizzare quattro distinti gruppi di metaboliti tra di loro strutturalmente correlati. I primi due metaboliti, denominati citrantifidiene e citrantifidiol, sono rispettivamente un esa-1,3-dienil estere dell’acido acetico simmetrico ed un cicloesadien-1,3-diolo tetrasostituito. Altri due composti individuati appartengono alla famiglia dei bisorbicillinoidi, e sono il bislongiquinolide e il diidrotricodimerolo. Il quarto gruppo, il quale mostra una spiccata attività fagodeterrente, è composto da diversi alcoli primari a catena lunga: esadecanolo, octadecanolo, cis-9-octadecanolo e trans-9-octadecanolo. Questi composti non hanno centri chirali e oltre ad essere reperibili in natura possono essere facilmente sintetizzati con una buona resa. Per questi alcoli a catena lunga e per altri ad essi chimicamente correlati è stata depositata una domanda di brevetto nazionale (MI2011A000831), con successiva estensione a livello internazionale (PTC IB2012/052383) per la loro attività fagodeterrente che potrà essere utilizzata per il controllo biotecnico degli afidi.

2014 - Potential of Trichoderma spp. isolates and Trichoderma bioactive metabolites for biological control of aphid pests of cereals [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Andolfi, A.; Altomare, C.; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Evidente, A.

Different species of the genus Trichoderma have been reported to be effective biocontrol agents of a wide range of important soil-borne and air-borne plant pathogens. Our studies show that some Trichoderma species also have a potential for biocontrol of aphids. Aphids are a major cause of loss of agricultural production and reduction of its quality. They induce a direct noxious effect on crop health, caused by subtraction of sap, and an indirect effect related to the spread of insect-transmitted virus diseases. Cultures of four fungal isolates belonging to different species of the genus Trichoderma had a fagodeterrent effect on the aphid Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), one of the most important pests of cereal crops, in feeding preference tests. All of the tested fungal isolates restrained winged morphs of S. graminum from visiting treated leaves, but only one isolate of T. citrinoviride influenced the preference of wingless morphs as well. Cultures of the isolate of T. citrinoviride showed a significant fagodeterrent activity towards different species of aphids besides S. graminum, including the polyphagous Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), another widespread pest of cereal crops. Trials carried out with supernatants obtained by centrifuging aqueous suspensions of the fungal cultures showed that the feeding preference of aphids was maintained in the absence of fungal spores and mycelia, supporting the hypothesis that at least part of the effect was due to fungal metabolites. Further investigations, aimed at identifying the fungal compounds with fagoterrent activity produced by the isolate of T. citrinoviride led to the isolation and structure determination by spectroscopic methods (essentially by NMR and MS techniques) of four distinct groups of structurally related metabolites with fagodeterrent activity. The first two are novel metabolites, which have been named citrantifidiene and citrantifidiol. and characterized as a symmetrical disubstituted hexa-1,3-dienyl ester of acetic acid and a tetrasubstituted cyclohexane-1,3-diol, respectively. Other two compounds belong to the chemical family of bisorbicillinoids, namely bislongiquinolide and dihydrotrichodimerol. The fourth group, showing a distinctly high fagodeterrent activity, consists of different primary alcohols of the general formula R-OH, wherein R is a long, unbranched, unsubstituted linear aliphatic group. These compounds, have no chiral centers and therefore can be obtained in good yields through chemical synthesis, besides natural sources. For the active compounds an international patent (PTC IB2012/052383) has been filed.

2014 - Studio dei semiochimici intraspecifici ed interspecifici per il controllo di Cacopsylla pyri (L.). [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Germinara, G. S. .; Santo, P. Di; Pati, S.; Civolani, S.; Cassanelli, Stefano; Rama, F.; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Cristofaro, A. De

Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) è uno degli insetti più dannosi al pero; il suo mancato controllo provoca significative riduzioni quali-quantitative della produzione. Cacopsylla pyri produce melata che causa sviluppo di fumaggini, necrosi di tessuti fogliari e frutti, ed è responsabile della trasmissione del fitoplasma “Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’’. Il contenimento del fitomizo è spesso insoddisfacente, soprattutto in assenza del suo predatore naturale, Anthocoris nemoralis. Al fine di promuovere nuove strategie di controllo biotecnico, efficaci e di minor impatto ambientale, sono stati intrapresi studi elettrofisiologici e comportamentali per valutare l’attività biologica di sostanze presenti negli estratti cuticolari di adulti di C. pyri e di composti volatili di origine vegetale emessi da diverse cultivar di pero..Le risposte EAG hanno evidenziato che i composti volatili presenti negli estratti di femmine e maschi di C. pyri, somministrati a 3 dosi crescenti, stimolano le antenne di entrambi i sessi, anche se con diversa intensità.L’analisi gascromatografica abbinata a spettrometria di massa (GC-MS) su estratti cuticolari di femmine e maschi ha permesso l’identificazione, tra gli altri, di quattro composti alifatici a lunga catena.I quattro composti identificati, presenti in quantità maggiori nella cuticola delle femmine rispetto a quella dei maschi, sono i più probabili candidati quali componenti della miscela feromonica di C. pyri.Tra i tanti composti volatili emessi dalle diverse cv di pero, tutti quelli saggiati sulle antenne di femmine e maschi di C. pyri hanno evocato risposte EAG evidenti quantificabili; tali risposte, generalmente maggiori nelle femmine, sono risultate significativamente più elevate solo per alcune aldeidi . Tali composti potrebbero essere utilizzati, ad esempio, nel monitoraggio delle femmine di C. pyri, per modificarne il comportamento nella scelta della pianta ospite, del sito di ovideposizione, o per potenziare l’attrattività del feromone sessuale.

2014 - Studio per una strategia innovativa per il controllo biotecnico di Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Civolani, S.; Ganassi, Sonia; Germinara, G. S; Santo, P. Di; Pati, S.; Fano, E. A.; Cassanelli, Stefano; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Rama, F.; Cristofaro, A. De

Nella moderna difesa delle coltivazioni agricole vi è l’esigenza, raccomandata dall’Unione Europea, di implementare tutte le tecniche innovative di controllo delle avversità che limitino l’impiego di fitofarmaci in un contesto di agricoltura sostenibile. E’ stato pertanto intrapreso uno studio per valutare l’uso di composti volatili (feromoni sessuali e cairomoni), nel controllo di Cacopsylla pyri (L.) uno dei fitofagi più dannosi al pero. L’utilizzo dei semiochimici, pratica consolidata nel controllo di fitofagi, esteso alla difesa del pero da C. pyri può condurre a una diminuzione delle popolazioni del fitomizio e dell’impiego di prodotti fitosanitari, con conseguente aumento quali-quantitativo della produzione; ciò avrebbe un’indubbia ricaduta positiva sull’attività economica e sulla sostenibilità dell’azienda agricola, con beneficio economico ed ambientale. La combinazione di indagini elettroantennografiche e olfattometriche ha evidenziato la presenza di feromone sessuale nella cuticola delle femmine. Le analisi GC-MS, infatti, hanno indicato che 13-metileptacosano, 11,13-dimetileptacosano, 2-metileptacosano e 3-metileptacosano, ottenuti in quantità maggiori (da 3 a 14 volte) da estratti cuticolari delle femmine sono i più probabili candidati quali componenti della miscela feromonica di C. pyri. 13-metileptacosano è stato oggetto di sintesi chimica per valutarne in campo l’attività attrattiva sui maschi.

2013 - Studio dell’attività biologica di semiochimici per una strategia innovativa di biocontrollo di Cacopsylla pyri (Hemiptera, Psyllidae). [Abstract in Rivista]
S., Ganassi; P., DI SANTO; S., Civolani; Cassanelli, Stefano; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; A., DE CRISTOFARO

Cacopsylla pyri è uno dei più importanti insetti dannosi al pero in Emilia Romagna poiché causa una significativa riduzione qualitativa e quantitativa della produzione. Il contenimento del fitofago, basato su un numero limitato di fitofarmaci, è spesso insoddisfacente e con risultati variabili soprattutto quando manca il contributo naturale del suo predatore, Anthocoris nemoralis. E’ stato pertanto intrapreso uno studio per valutare l’attività biologica di semiochimici intraspecifici (feromoni sessuali) ed interspecifici (sostanze volatili di origine vegetale) su C. pyri per una strategia innovativa di biocontrollo di tale fitofago. Lo studio si articola in due linee di indagine; la prima ha previsto l’ottenimento, sia da femmine che da maschi di C. pyri, di estratti cuticolari la cui attività biologica è stata valutata mediante indagini elettroantennografiche (EAG) e comportamentali (olfattometro a Y). Le risposte EAG hanno evidenziato come le miscele di composti volatili presenti negli estratti ottenuti da femmine fossero in grado di stimolare il sistema olfattivo dei maschi. Indagini olfattometriche successive hanno dimostrato come i maschi fossero significativamente attratti sia dalle femmine che dal loro estratto cuticolare, evidenziando la presenza di feromoni sessuali in corso di identificazione. La seconda linea di indagine riguarda l’individuazione di sostanze volatili emesse da diverse cultivar di pero in grado di influenzare il comportamento di C. pyri e di conseguenza la scelta della pianta ospite. Tutte le sostanze volatili saggiate hanno evocato risposte EAG: alcune risposte sono risultate significativamente più elevate per entrambi i sessi.

2013 - Valutazione ecotossicologica dell’utilizzo in agricoltura di prodotti derivanti dalla digestione anaerobica di rifiuti [Abstract in Rivista]
M., D’Errico; Lancellotti, Isabella; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Taurino, Rosa; F., Tatàno; Mauri, Marina

Negli ultimi anni è notevolmente aumentato l'interesse per la digestione anaerobica come tecnica di trattamento di scarti agroindustriali che trasforma la sostanza organica in biogas. I prodotti di scarto del trattamento, i digestati, possono essere utilizzati in agricoltura come fertilizzanti, ammendanti o materiale adsorbente. Il digestato oggetto di questo studio è stato ottenuto dalla digestione anaerobica in condizioni mesofiliche di vinaccioli e noccioli di prugna, miscelati in rapporto 1:1 in termini di soliL’effetto . Al fine di valutare l'impatto che tale digestato potrebbe avere sull'ambiente una volta aggiunto al suolo, ne è stato valutato l’effetto su sopravvivenza e riproduzione del collembolo Folsomia candida seguendo il protocollo ISO in terreno artificiale (ISO 11267:1999). Il test ha previsto l’esposizione di F. candida per 28 giorni a concentrazioni differenti di digestato nel terreno (0, 1%, 2,5%, 4%, 5%). Inoltre, poiché era emerso che l’aggiunta di digestato al terreno artificiale determinava un innalzamento del pH, è stata preparata una serie di campioni senza digestato in terreno portato a pH 7,5. Una diminuzione significativa della sopravvivenza dei collemboli è stata osservata solo per la concentrazione 5% (pH=8,0). La concentrazione al 2,5% (pH=7,8) si è dimostrata sufficiente a produrre un'inibizione della fecondità pari al 41%, mentre non risulta significativa la differenza di fecondità tra il controllo (pH=6,4) e i campioni in cui è stato aggiunto 1% di digestato (pH=7,5). Pertanto la soglia di tossicità per la sopravvivenza può essere collocata fra la concentrazione di 4% e 5% di digestato e per la riproduzione fra 1% e 2,5%. Non sono state evidenziate, invece, differenze significative tra i campioni senza digestato portati a pH=7,5 e i campioni con digestato al 2,5% (pH=7,8). Un possibile effetto biologico legato direttamente alla modificazione di pH del terreno può, pertanto, essere preso in considerazione.

2012 - Composti fagodeterrenti di origine fungina [Brevetto]
C. F., Altomare; A., Andolfi; A., Evidente; M., Favilla; Ganassi, Sonia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

L'invenzione riguarda l'uso di alcoli a lunga catena come fagodeterrenti nei confronti degli afidi, nonché un metodo di trattamento di piante infestate da afidi che comprende la somministrazione di tali alcoli a lunga catena.

2012 - Dal fungo Trichoderma citrinoviride, sostanze con attività fagodeterrente per la lotta contro gli afidi [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Evidente, Antonio; Andolfi, Anna; Altomare, Claudio; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Una delle novità più interessanti degli ultimi anni nel campo della lotta agli insetti dannosi è l’impiego di sostanze naturali con attività fagodeterrente che interferiscono con il processo di scelta della pianta ospite. Saggi comportamentali ed elettrofisiologici condotti nell’ambito di studi precedenti hanno evidenziato che colture del fungo terricolo Trichoderma citrinoviride isolato ITEM 4484 avevano una significativa attività fagodeterrente nei riguardi di diverse specie di afidi, tra cui Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) e Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Dalle colture dell’isolato ITEM 4484 su substrato solido sono stati isolati e caratterizzati diversi metaboliti fagodeterrenti tutti liposolubili e a basso peso molecolare, che sono stati identificati mediante l’uso di tecniche spettroscopiche (essenzialmente NMR), ES MS e di metodi chimici e sono risultati appartenere a differenti famiglie chimiche. Particolarmente interessanti sono risultati alcuni alcoli a lunga catena saturi e insaturi, che in saggi comportamentali hanno mostrato una significativa attività fagodeterrente dosaggio-dipendente nei confronti dell’afide Rhopalosiphum padi, una specie parassita di cereali molto diffusa. Le prove comportamentali sono state effettuate sia sulle forme alate che sulle attere: le forme alate sono risultate sensibili anche a concentrazioni più basse rispetto alle attere. In uno studio successivo l’attività fagodeterrente nei confronti di R. padi è stata evidenziata anche per altri alcoli a lunga catena chimicamente correlati a quelli isolati dal fungo: per tutti è stata depositata una domanda di brevetto nazionale, con successiva estensione a livello internazionale. I risultati ottenuti consentono di ampliare lo spettro di specie di afidi suscettibili all’azione fagodeterrente di metaboliti di T. citrinoviride e hanno incoraggiato ulteriori studi volti al loro impiego nella pratica agricola.

2011 - Composti fagodeterrenti di origine fungina [Phagodeterrent Compounds Of Fungal Origin] [Brevetto]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Ganassi, Sonia; Altomare, Claudio; Favilla, Mara; Evidente, Antonio; Andolfi, Anna

The invention relates to compounds of fuingal origin to be used as phagodeterrents for aphid, and methods for treating plants infested thereby

2011 - Does substrate water content influence the effect ofCollembola-pathogenic fungus interaction on plant health?A mesocosm study [Articolo su rivista]
G., Innocenti; M., Montanari; Ganassi, Sonia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The effect of interaction between the springtail Protaphorura armata (Tullberg) (Collembola Onychiuridae), and the foot and rootpathogenic fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis Von Arx et Olivier var. tritici Walker on number, dry biomass and health of wheatseedlings under two substrate water content levels was studied in a mesocosm experiment. Adult specimens of P. armata were addedto each container consisting in metallic frame enveloped by a wrap to prevent the passage of animals, filled with sand previously inoculatedwith G. graminis var. tritici propagules, where, immediately before the springtails addition, wheat kernels were sown. Containerswere placed in plastic boxes (mesocosms) provided by a system of watering regime regulation. The sand moisture content wasset up at 5 or 15%, which are the lowest and the highest level respectively of available water for plants in a 100% sandy substrate.Mesocosms were maintained in a growth chamber at 12 hours light, 22 °C temperature, and 60% RH for three weeks. Then wheatseedlings were collected, counted, and disease index and dry biomass determined. At 15% water content, in presence of P. armata thedisease severity was lower than that of plants grown in presence of the pathogenic fungus and in absence of animals. At 5% watercontent, no differences between plant parameters in presence or absence of Collembola were found.

2010 - Bioaccumulo ed effetti biologici di Pd sul collembolo Folsomia candida (Willem) [Abstract in Rivista]
Marcheselli, Marco; Mauri, Marina; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

L’aumento della concentrazione di metalli rari quali il palladio (Pd) nei suoli a seguito dell’introduzione delle marmitte catalitiche sta assumendo un crescente interesse nell’ambito della ricerca ambientale per il potenziale impatto sugli ecosistemi terrestri. Ai fini della validazione di un metodo per la valutazione dell’impatto della contaminazione di microinquinanti da traffico, è stato valutato l’effetto di Pd su esemplari del collembolo Folsomia candida, esposto per 28 giorni in terreno artificiale a dosi del metallo nel range 0-800 ng/g, in termini di bioaccumulo, sopravvivenza e riproduzione. Folsomia candida ha mostrato di accumulare Pd proporzionalmente alla frazione solubile del metallo presente nel terreno, senza alcuna efficace regolazione nel periodo considerato. Un effetto significativo sulla sopravvivenza dei collemboli è stato osservato a partire dalla concentrazione di 200 ng/g, mentre una dose di 50 ng/g si è mostrata sufficiente a produrre una inibizione della fecondità dell’ordine del 25% rispetto al controllo.La dimostrazione di effetti su parametri importanti a livello di popolazione a partire da concentrazioni che sono già rilevabili nei suoli urbani, evidenzia come la contaminazione da Pd sia da considerarsi seria minaccia e quanto siano necessari ulteriori studi sull’impatto dei contaminanti da traffico sulle comunità del suolo.

2010 - Effects of the fungus Lecanicillium lecanii on survival and reproduction of the aphid Schizaphis graminum. [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Grazioso, Pasqualina; A., Moretti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

This study investigated the effects of a strain of the fungus Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimm.) Zare and Gams (Hypocreales: Ascomycota) on the aphid Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)(Hemiptera: Aphididae). The fungus was administered to fourth instar nymphs and to alate and apterous adult morphs as a ground rice-kernel formulation. This study showed that L. lecanii formulation affected the survival of the aphids and interacted differently with the studied morphs, the Lethal Time values being lower for alate compared to apterous morphs and nymphs. The treatment also caused a significant reduction in the fecundity of the three treated aphid groups. Histological analysis revealed that the hyphae invaded the host hemocoel of a limited number of alate and apterous morphs: the fungus only entered through the spiracles. Scanning Electron Microscope observations revealed that L. lecanii adhered to the body surface of both adults and nymphs without differentiation. In conclusion, the present study suggests that this strain might be a good candidate for a programme of biological control of S. graminum and other aphid species.

2010 - Interazioni collemboli–fungo patogeno: effetto sulle piante in funzione dell’umidità del suolo [Abstract in Rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; M., Montanari; Ganassi, Sonia; G., Innocenti

Studi precedenti hanno evidenziato l’effetto benefico dell’interazione collemboli-funghi patogeni sulle piante. Nel presente lavoro tali interazioni sono studiate in relazione all’umidità del substrato. Semi di frumento sono stati posti in sabbia inoculata con il fungo patogeno Gaeumannomyces tritici, posta in contenitori di rete metallica rivestiti da un tessuto atto ad impedire il passaggio dei collemboli. Subito dopo sono stati aggiunti gli esemplari di Protaphorura armata. Gruppi di tre contenitori sono stati posti in mesocosmi contenenti sabbia e muniti di un sistema di regolazione dell’umidità del substrato. In metà dei mesocosmi l’umidità era pari a 5%, nell’altra a 15%, limiti minimo e massimo di acqua disponibile per le piante in un terreno sabbioso. I mesocosmi sono stati posti per 3 settimane in condizioni di 12 ore di luce e 20°C. Quindi sono stati determinati indice di malattia e peso secco. Gli animali sono stati estratti per flottazione ed è stato esaminato il contenuto intestinale. Peso e indice di malattia delle piante cresciute con 5% di umidità non sono stati influenzati dagli animali, mentre per le piante cresciute con 15 % di umidità in presenza di P. armata, la severità della malattia è risultata significativamente più bassa ed il peso secco più alto. L’umidità del substrato sembra, quindi, influenzare l’effetto dell’interazione collemboli-fungo patogeno sulle piante.

2009 - Bisorbicillinoids produced by the fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride affect feeding preference of the aphid Schizaphis graminum. [Articolo su rivista]
Evidente, A.; A., Andolfi; A., Cimmino; Ganassi, Sonia; C., Altomare; M., Favilla; A., De Cristofaro; S., Vitagliano; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

We report the effects of some bisorbicillinoidsisolated from biomass of the fungus Trichoderma citrinovirideon settling and feeding preference of the aphidSchizaphis graminum. Purification of the fungal metaboliteswas carried out by a combination of columnchromatography and thin-layer chromatography usingdirect and reverse phases. Chemical identification wasperformed by spectroscopic methods including nuclearmagnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. The identifiedbisorbicillinoids appeared to be bislongiquinolide, its16,17-dihydro derivative, trichodimerol, and dihydrotrichodimerol.A feeding preference test with alate morphs of S. graminum was used to identify the active fractions. Among the four bisorbicillinoids, dihydrotrichodimerol and bislongiquinolide influenced aphid feeding preference, restraining specimens from settling on leaves treated with metabolites.Taste neurons sensitive to these compounds, particularly tobislongiquinolide, were located on tarsi of the S. graminumalate morphs.

2009 - Interazioni tra funghi del genere Trichoderma e Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) per l'individuazione di strategie di controllo biologico [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Altomare, C; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Gli afidi (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) rappresentano uno dei più importanti gruppi di insetti nocivi delle piante coltivate. Studi in laboratorio hanno dimostrato che funghi del genere Trichoderma sono in grado di influenzare direttamente e/o tramite i loro metaboliti diversi aspetti della biologia degli afidi. La presente ricerca è stata condotta utilizzando la specie Myzus persicae, un afide cosmopolita e polifago. L’isolato Trichoderma harzianum ITEM 908 ha mostrato una considerevole attività entomopatogena, con effetti statisticamente significativi sulla riduzione della sopravvivenza degli afidi. E’ stata anche rilevata una maggior sensibilità delle forme alate, responsabili della dispersione e della colonizzazione di nuove piante. Una innovativa strategia di controllo degli afidi si basa sull’impiego di sostanze naturali in grado di interferire con il processo di scelta della pianta ospite. Colture degli isolati T. harzianum ITEM 908 e Trichoderma citrinoviride ITEM 4484 sono risultate in grado di esercitare un'azione fagodeterrente su M. persicae. I risultati ottenuti potrebbero costituire la base per lo sviluppo di nuovi principi attivi da utilizzare per la protezione delle colture agrarie da attacchi di afidi.

2009 - Response of plant growth to Collembola, arbuscular mycorrhizal and plant pathogenic fungi interactions [Articolo su rivista]
G., Innocenti; Ganassi, Sonia; M., Montanari; M. B., Branzanti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

We studied the effects of interactions among the collembolan Protaphorura armata (Pa), the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (Gi), and the foot and root pathogenic fungus Fusarium culmorum (Fc) on the growth and health of durum wheat plants cv. Creso in modified Leonard plastic bottle-jars containing sterile soil added with peat and sand. Five weeks old mycorrhizal plants were grown in the presence of Fc propagules and specimens of Pa for five weeks under controlled conditions. The control plants consisted in non treated plants, non mycorrhizal plants infected with Fc, and mycorrhizal plants with and without Collembola. The mycorrhizal colonisation, the root and shoot dry weight, and the disease index were determined at the end of the experiment. Also the number of animals was determined, and their gut content analysed. Under the experimental conditions considered, the presence of Collembola did not decrease the positive effect of G. intraradices on the plant biomass and did not reduce the biocontrol capacity of the AM fungus.

2009 - The complexity of sensory perception in insect: study of an aphid-plant-fungal system [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, S.; C., Altomare; A., De Cristofaro; A., Andolfi; A., Evidente; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

This study is framed in the context of an innovative approach on the search of natural compounds of fungal origin interfering with the insect pest processes of host plant selection. Aphids (Hemiptera Aphidoidea) are important crop pest; they are sap sucking insects able to induce heavy damage directly by nutrient drain or indirectly via several mechanisms, including virus transmissionPrevious studies revealed that the fungal isolates Trichoderma citrinoviride Bisset ITEM 4484 and Trichoderma harzianum ITEM 908 can influence feeding preference of two different species of aphids restraining specimens from feeding on treated leaves. The studied species are Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), widespread and dangerous for various cereals of agricultural interest, and Myzus persicae (Sulzer), a cosmopolitan species that attacks plants in the field, readily infests vegetables and ornamental plants in greenhouses. A multidisciplinary study, aiming to identify the metabolites of T. citrinoviride and T. harzianum responsible of the effects on aphid feeding, have been carried out. At the moment, the purification of the bioactive metabolites from organic extracts of T. citrinoviride culture carried out with chromatographic techniques combined with behavioral tests has lead to obtain and characterize six metabolites, belonged to three distinct chemical family: a symmetrical disubstituted hexa-1,3-dienyl ester of acetic acid and a tetrasubstituted cyclohexane-1,3-diol, respectively, and four bisorbicillinoids. Four of the six metabolites influence aphid feeding preference. These metabolites could constitute the base for the development of new active principles for crop protection from aphids. Purification of the extract of T. harzianum was carried out by a combination of column chromatography and thin layer chromatography using direct and reverse phase. Preliminary results showed that the fungus produces several different bioactive metabolites some of which could be identical to those isolated from T. citrinoviride. In terms of the aphid sensory organs involved in the perception of the metabolites, electroantennographic studies carried out with the two aphid species showed that the volatile compounds of the behaviourally active suspensions and extracts of fungal cultures or identified metabolites were not able to stimulate the antennal olfactory sensilla of both aphid species. Using a Single Cell Recording technique we demonstrated that taste cells located on the aphid tarsomeres are involved in the perception of fungal metabolites. Moreover single-cell responses to some fungal metabolites are dose-dependent and consistent with behavioral results. Studies also pointed out a different sensitivity across the winged and wingless morphs of S. graminum towards the fungal cultures and some of the characterised metabolites. Indeed, some metabolites influence winged but not wingless morph feeding preference. It has been argued that the different sensitivity of the two aphid morphs might be due to the different distribution and number of adequate gustatory receptors. This hypothesis is largely supported both by the lower percentage of taste cells that evoke spike activity in wingless morphs and by the lack of responses to the tested compounds. SEM and TEM studies will be carried out to describe the morphological features of the implicated sensorial structures in aphids. In particular, we aim to functionally and morphologically define the sensory structures located on the tarsi which remain unknown to date.

2009 - Trophic interactions of soil fungi and Collembola [Articolo su rivista]
Innocenti, G; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Ganassi, Sonia; M., Montanari; M. B., Branzanti

Results of our studies on interactions between different species of soil fungi and collembola in vitro, and in planta are summarised. The feeding preference of collembolan Protaphorura armata, Mesaphorura krausbaueri, Onychiurus tuberculatus, and Folsomia candida were investigated in Petri dishes, each containing contemporaneously Fusarium culmorum (Fc), Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), Bipolaris sorokiniana (Bs) and Rhizotonia cerealis (Rc) colonies. In some experiments Bs was replaced by Trichoderma harzianum (Th). All springtails grazed preferably on the mycelium of Fc, but Ggt and Rc hyphae were also consumed. Bs mycelium had repellent and/or lethal effect on animals, Th mycelium was repellent, whereas conidia of both fungi were palatable. A diet based on Fc, Ggt, and Rc mycelium or Bs conidia showed different impact on the life processes of M. krausbaueri. The fate of conidia during gut passage was also considered. The majority of Th conidia were not damaged during transit through the gut, and thus they were viable and formed colonies. On the contrary, transit through gut damaged the conidia of Fc. In planta studies have shown that P. armata significantly controlled disease caused by Fc or Ggt on wheat seedlings. The compatibility between Th and springtails in presence of Ggt was also investigated in in planta assays. It has been observed that when Th propagules coated wheat seeds, springtails showed biocontrol effect against Ggt disease. On the contrary, when Th inoculum was mixed with the substrate of plant growth, the animals were not able to control disease severity. In all experiments the biomass of wheat plants was not reduced by springtails.

2008 - Citrantifidiene and Citrantifidiol: Bioactive Metabolites Produced byTrichoderma citrinoviride with Potential Antifeedant Activity toward Aphids [Articolo su rivista]
A., Evidente; G., Ricciardiello; A., Andolfi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Ganassi, Sonia; C., Altomare; M., Favilla; D., Melck

Two novel metabolites with potential antifeedant activity were isolated from cultures of the fungus Trichoderma citrinoviride strain ITEM 4484 grown in solid-state fermentation on sterile rice kernels. The producing strain was identified at species level by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS-1 and ITS-2 of the nuclear rDNA and a fragment of the translation elongation factor gene TEF-1R. Fractionation by column chromatography and TLC of the culture organic extract, followed by feeding preference tests on the aphid pest Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), allowed the purification of 5.8 and 8.9 mg/kg of culture of two bioactive metabolites, which were named citrantifidiene and citrantifidiol (1 and 2). Citrantifidiene and citrantifidiol, whose structures were determined by spectroscopic methods (NMR and MS) are a symmetrical disubstituted hexa-1,3dienyl ester of acetic acid and a tetrasubstituted cyclohexane-1,3-diol, respectively. The pure metabolites influenced the feeding preference of S. graminum restraining individuals from feeding on wheat leaves dipped in 5% aqueous methanol solution containing 0.57 mg/mL of citrantifidiene or 0.91 mg/mL of citrantifidiol.

2008 - Interazione Collemboli-funghi fitopatogeni-funghi AM: risultati preliminari. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
G., Innocenti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Ganassi, Sonia; M., Montanari; M. B., Branzanti

Il terreno è un serbatoio di organismi che interagiscono fra di loro. Tali interazioni sono molto importanti per lo sviluppo delle piante e per il loro stato sanitario: I collemboli rappresentano una componente importante degli animali del suolo; sono prevalentemente fungivori e si nutrono, oltre che di funghi, della sostanza organica su cui i propaguli fungini si trovano. Fra i funghi del suolo, i collemboli interagiscono sia con i funghi fitopatogeni, sia con quelli micorrizici arbuscolari. Numerosi studi hanno esaminato l’interazione collemboli-funghi fitopatogeni, la maggior parte dei lavori ha evidenziato un effetto di contenimento da parte degli animali dell’attività parassitaria dei funghi patogeni. Meno studiata è l’interazione collemoli-funghi micorrizici arbuscolari (AM). Nel presente studio è stato valutato l’effetto dell’interazione del collembolo Protaphorura armata (Pa), del fungo patogeno Fusarium culmorum (Fc), e del fungo AM Glomus intraradices (Gi), su piante di frumento duro cv Creso in prove svolte in vasi di Leonard di plastica posti in ambiente controllato. In ogni vaso (1,5 l) sono stati posti 400 g di substrato costituito da terreno di campo sterile + sabbia di fiume sterile + torba sterile (1:1:0,5 vol:vol:vol), cui è stato aggiunto, quando previsto, l’inoculo commerciale di G. intraradices (1% peso). In ogni vaso sono stati trapiantati sei semenzali di frumento: Dopo 4 settimane è stato eseguito il controllo della micorrizazione, quindi sono stati aggiunti al substrato di crescita delle piante, l’inoculo del patogeno (1% in peso; cstituito da cariossidi sterili di frumento colonizzate da Fc) e 110 esemplari di Pa. Dopo due settimane, le piante sono state raccolte e sono stati determinati l’indice di malattia e il peso secco. Dal substrato sono stati estratti per flottazione gli animali che sono stati contati e successivamente fissati per l’esame del contenuto intestinale. Dai dati ottenuti è emersa compatibilità fra la presenza dei collemboli e l’effetto di biofertilizzazione e di biocontrollo del fungo AM.

2008 - Prospettive d’impiego di funghi del genere Trichoderma per il controllo di afidi dannosi alle colture agrarie [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; C., Altomare; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

I funghi e i loro metaboliti bioattivi sono considerati candidati promettenti per l'individuazione di innovative strategie di biocontrollo degli insetti dannosi, finalizzate alla progressiva riduzione dell'impiego dei prodotti chimici ad elevato rischio ambientale, al conseguimento di una maggiore sicurezza alimentare e alla salvaguardia degli ecosistemi naturali attraverso un’agricoltura a basso impatto.Gli afidi (Hemiptera Aphidoidea) rappresentano uno dei più importanti gruppi di insetti nocivi delle piante coltivate. Studi in laboratorio da noi condotti hanno dimostrato che funghi del genere Trichoderma e/o i loro metaboliti, sono in grado di influenzare differenti aspetti della biologia degli afidi, quali la sopravvivenza, la fecondità e le scelte alimentari. Gli studi sono stati condotti con due specie di afidi, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), un fitofago di vari cereali di interesse agrario molto diffuso in natura e Myzus persicae (Sulzer), cosmopolita, polifago, considerato tra gli insetti più dannosi a livello mondiale, a causa della sua capacità di trasmettere virosi vegetali.L’isolato Trichoderma harzianum Rifai ITEM 908 ha mostrato una considerevole attività entomopatogena, con effetti statisticamente significativi sulla sopravvivenza e sulla fecondità degli afidi oggetto di studio. Inoltre in entrambe le specie la ricerca ha rilevato una maggior sensibilità delle forme alate, responsabili della dispersione e colonizzazione di nuove piante, all'azione entomopatogena rispetto alle attere: il fungo aderisce e si sviluppa sul corpo delle forme alate determinandone la morte, mentre praticamente non aderisce al corpo delle forme attere.Nell'ambito delle strategie di biocontrollo un approccio innovativo è orientato alla ricerca di sostanze naturali di origine fungina che interferiscano con il processo di scelta della pianta ospite da parte di insetti fitofagi. Colture degli isolati T. harzianum ITEM 908 e Trichoderma citrinoviride Bisset ITEM 4484 sono risultate in grado di esercitare un'azione fagodeterrente su S. graminum e M. persicae. Studi comportamentali ed elettrofisiologici hanno permesso di evidenziare che la percezione da parte degli afidi, avviene mediante strutture gustative localizzate sui tarsi non ancora morfologicamente identificate. Uno studio multidisciplinare mirante alla identificazione dei metaboliti di T. citrinoviride responsabili di tale effetto, ha condotto alla purificazione di molecole dotate di attività fagodeterrente delle quali è stata anche determinata la struttura chimica e che potrebbero costituire la base per lo sviluppo di nuovi principi attivi da utilizzare per la protezione delle colture agrarie da attacchi di afidi.

2007 - Detection of fungal metabolites of various Trichoderma species by the aphid Schizaphis graminum [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., De Cristofaro; Grazioso, Pasqualina; C., Altomare; A., Logrieco; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The feeding preferences of alate and apterous morphs of the aphid Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were evaluated using leaves treated with powdered rice cultures of four fungal isolates belonging to different species of the genus Trichoderma (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes). All of the fungal isolates restrained alate morphs of S. graminum from visiting treated leaves, but only Trichoderma citrinoviride Bisset also influenced the preference of apterous morphs. Trials carried out with supernatants obtained by centrifuging aqueous suspensions of the fungal cultures showed that the feeding preference of aphids was maintained in the absence of fungal spores and mycelia, supporting the hypothesis that at least part of the fungal metabolites responsible for this effect were water-soluble compounds. Electrophysiological studies showed that the structures involved in the perception of the fungal metabolites are located on the aphid tarsomeres.

2007 - Isolamento e caratterizzazione chimica di metaboliti prodotti da Trichoderma spp. e studio della loro attività fagodeterrente nei confronti degli afidi. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., Andolfi; C., Altomare; A., De Cristofaro; A., Evidente; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Le sostanze naturali sono un’inesauribile fonte di molecole bioattive che possono trovare impiego in agricoltura nella lotta contro gli insetti dannosi. Un campo relativamente poco esplorato, sebbene vi siano importanti esempi di sviluppi biotecnologici e applicativi, è quello dei metaboliti microbici. Saggi comportamentali ed elettrofisiologici condotti nell’ambito di precedenti studi, hanno evidenziato che colture di funghi appartenenti al genere Trichoderma hanno un’azione fagodeterrente nei riguardi di alcune specie di afidi, tra cui Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Hemiptera, Aphididae), uno dei più importanti fitomizi dannosi alle colture cerealicole. E’ stato pertanto intrapreso un lavoro di frazionamento di estratti organici ottenuti da colture su riso di due isolati appartenenti alle specie Trichoderma citrinoviride Bisset e Trichoderma harzianum Rifai al fine di purificare i metaboliti responsabili dell’attività fagodeterrente. Le varie fasi di purificazione sono state seguite da prove comportamentali, effettuate utilizzando esemplari alati della specie S. graminum, che hanno permesso di valutare l’attività biologica delle frazioni, individuando quelle attive da sottoporre ad ulteriore purificazione. Attualmente sono stati isolati dalle colture di T. citrinoviride cinque metaboliti mostranti una significativa azione fagodeterrente nei confronti degli afidi. Le strutture di tre metaboliti sono state parzialmente caratterizzate utilizzando metodi spettroscopici (NMR e MS) e chimici. Tali metaboliti, tutti liposolubili ed a basso peso molecolare, sono risultati appartenere a tre differenti gruppi di sostanze naturali e due di essi sembrano essere nuovi composti naturali. Saggi elettrofisiologici condotti su S. graminum hanno permesso di rilevare che gli estratti sono percepiti da recettori per gli stimoli da contatto, in particolare gustativi, localizzati sui tarsi; al momento si sta procedendo con la valutazione delle risposte degli afidi ai metaboliti fin qui purificati.

2007 - Laboratory studies to assess the effects of the fungus Lecanicillium lecanii on the aphid Schizaphis graminum. [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Grazioso, Pasqualina; Logrieco, A; Moretti, A; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The pathogenic effects of Lecanicillium lecanii ITEM 3757 towards winged and wingless adult morphs of the species Schizaphis graminum were investigated under laboratory conditions. Fungus was applied to aphids in the form of ground dried cultures grown in solid state fermentation on rice kernels. This formulation affected aphid survival and reproduction, and it interacted differently with winged and wingless aphid morphs. Scanning Electron Microscope observations pointed out a higher amount of adhering formulation and faster rates of fungal germination and sporulation on the winged cuticle. Our results suggest that the strain might be a good candidate for a programme of biocontrol against S. graminum and other aphids species.

2007 - Trophic interactions between soil fungi and Collembola [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
G., Innocenti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Ganassi, Sonia; Montanari, Matteo; M. B., Branzanti

Collembola are important components of soil mesofauna, abundant in natural and agricultural soils where they fed on fungal propagules and organic matter colonised by fungi. These animals interact with mycoparasitic, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AMF), and phytopatogenic fungi, they cdeeply influence plant growth and health; however knowledge in this field are still scarce. The aim of our research was to investigate interactions between different species of soil fungi and Collembola in vitro, and in planta. The studies in vitro were carried out introducing springtails in Petri dishes, each containing different fungi growing on agarised medium. In this way animals interacted contemporaneously with Fusarium culmorum (Fc), Gaeumannomyces graminis tritici (Ggt), Bipolaris sorokiniana (Bs) and Rhizotonia cerealis (Rc), some of the most important foot and root fungal pathogens of winter cereals world-wide. In some experiments Bs was replaced by the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma harzianum (Th). The results of these studies showed that collembolans Protaphorura armata, Mesaphorura krausbaueri, Onychiurus tuberculatus, and Folsomia candida grazed preferably on the mycelium of Fc, but Ggt and Rc hyphae were also consumed. Bs mycelium had repellent and/or lethal effect on animals, Th mycelium repellent, whereas conidia of both fungi were palatable. A diet based on Fc, Ggt, and Rc mycelium or Bs conidia showed different impact on the life processes of M. krausbaueri. The fate of conidia during gut passage was also considered. The majority of Th conidia were not damaged during transit through the gut, and thus they were viable and formed colonies. On the contrary, transit through gut damaged the conidia of Fc. microcosms studies that P. armata grazing activity significantly control disease caused by Fc or Ggt on wheat seedlings. The compatibility between Th and springtails in presence of Ggt was investigated in tests carried out under controlled conditions in the glasshouse. It has been observed that when Th propagules coated wheat seeds, the biocontrol effect of springtails against the disease caused by Ggt was high. On the contrary, when Th inoculum was mixed with the substratum, the animals were not able to control disease severity. In all experiments the biomass of wheat plants was not reduced by springtails. The interactions between Colllembola and AMF Glomus intraradices are still under investigations. From preliminary results, springtails seem compatible with the biocontrol effect of AMF.

2006 - Afidi e attività antifeedant di metaboliti estratti da funghi del genere Trichoderma [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., Andolfi; C., Altomare; A., De cristofaro; A., Evidente; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Negli ultimi decenni, i fitofarmaci di sintesi hanno consentito di controllare con successo gli artropodi dannosi per le colture agrarie. Tuttavia, l’uso intensivo di insetticidi desta preoccupazione per i possibili effetti negativi per l’uomo e l’ambiente. Inoltre, in alcuni casi, tali prodotti hanno determinato l'insorgenza di resistenze nei fitofagi bersaglio, nonché effetti indesiderati su antagonisti naturali e su insetti impollinatori. Pertanto le tecniche di difesa fitosanitaria si sono orientate verso forme di controllo maggiormente eco-compatibili quali l’uso di molecole bioattive di origine naturale, ritenute più facilmente biodegradabili e dotate di più elevata specificità d’azione. Queste sostanze possono inoltre servire come modelli strutturali per la sintesi di nuovi principi attivi a ridotto impatto ambientale. Saggi comportamentali ed elettrofisiologici hanno evidenziato che colture di funghi del genere Trichoderma sono in grado di esercitare un’azione “antifeedant” nei riguardi di alcune specie di afidi e che le strutture responsabili della percezione sono localizzate sui tarsi. Si è ipotizzato che tale attività sia legata alla produzione di metaboliti secondari e sono iniziate indagini multidisciplinari per individuare metaboliti con attività antifeedant prodotti da Trichoderma citrinoviride e T. harzianum. Estratti organici ottenuti dalle colture su riso dei due isolati e risultati attivi in test comportamentali ed elettrofisiologici, sono stati purificati mediante metodi cromatografici ottenendo gruppi di frazioni omogenee, alcune delle quali hanno mostrato una significativa attività. Indagini cromatografiche e spettroscopiche preliminari hanno dimostrato una natura lipofila ed un peso molecolare medio-basso associato ad alcuni metaboliti attivi.

2006 - Interazioni Collemboli-funghi terricoli: quale effetto sulla salute delle piante? [Articolo su rivista]
G., Innocenti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; M. B., Branzanti; M., Montanari; Ganassi, Sonia

Collembola are mostly mycophagous animals living in the upper soil layers where they interact with propagules of plant pathogenic, antagonistic and mutualistic fungi, therefore their feeding activity can indirectly influence the plant health. In the present work interactions between the collembolan Protaphorura armata and i) the arbuscula mycorrhizal fungus glomus intraradices, ii) the antagonistic fungus Trichoderma harzianum against the disease caused by the pathogenic fungi Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici o Fusarium culmorum respectively on wheat plants were studied in microcosms under controlled conditions.

2006 - Survival and feeding activity of Protaphorura armata in different composts [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti; M., Montanari; Ganassi, Sonia

Effects of compost products, enriched or not-enriched with a strain of the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma atroviride, on the survival of the collembolan Protaphorura armata and the viability of fungal conidia after the transit through the springtail gut were investigated. The effect of compost enriched with Ca-Lignosulphonate (Ca-Ls), a low cost by-product of the acid sulphite pulping process, with lignin-like structure, on P. armata was also evaluated. All compost products enriched or not with the mycoparasitic fungus or Ca-Ls did not affect P. armata survival. No statistical differences were found in animal survival for different types of product or in enriched and not-enriched products. In addition to adults, live juveniles were also observed in all compost products. The gut content of animals, collected at the end of the survival test from compost enriched with T. atroviride, was examined under the light microscope, and in a few cases observations revealed the presence of some T. atroviride conidia. Subsequent tests carried out to study the viability of conidia after the transit through the springtail gut showed that colonies of the fungus developed from all faecal pellets produced by adult and juveniles specimens of P. armata previously fed on conidia of T. atroviride. These results suggest compatibility between Collembola and Trichoderma or Ca-Ls in the composts

2005 - Laboratory bioassay to assess the effects of the fungus Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimm.) Gams and Zare on the aphid Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Grazioso, Pasqualina; A., Logrieco; A., Moretti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The interactions between the entomopathogenic fungus Lecanicillium lecanii ITEM 3757 (syn. Verticillium lecanii), isolated from aphids, and winged and wingless adult morphs of the species Schizaphis graminum were investigated under laboratory conditions. The fungus was applied in the form of finely ground dried culture grown on autoclaved rice kernels. The growth on cereal grains is one of the most utilized method for the production of fungal biomass of bio-pesticides and is also fully compatible with organic farming and other forms of environmental friendly agriculture. The aphids were treated by dipping in a suspension containing two different dosage of fungal formulation (25 mg ml-1 or 25 g ml-1). The Colony Forming Unit/g value of the fungal formulation was 2.18 108. The strain affects the survival and the reproduction of treated aphids, but it interacts differently with the two aphid morphs. Scanning electron microscope observations point out a different distribution of the fungal formulation over the integument of the two treated morphs, with a higher amount of adhering formulation and faster rates of fungal germination on the winged cuticle. We therefore hypothesize a crucial role played by the cuticle in the different initial spore adhesion, retention and germination, considered as a most effective reason of the survival difference between the two morphs, after treatment by using fungal formulation. Histological analysis revealed that hyphae invaded the host hemocoel of a limited number of winged and wingless specimens, suggesting that the lethal action of formulation might be expressed independently from penetration. In terms of route of penetration, the analysis revealed that the strain entered only through the spiracles. The fungus was also transferred from sporulating colonies on cadavers to uninfected individuals. Our results suggested that this strain is a good candidate for a programme of bio-control against S. graminum and other aphid species.

2004 - A laboratory study on colonisation of aphids by some filamentous fungi. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., Moretti; A., Logrieco; Pagliai, Anna Maria; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Interactions between the fungi Fusarium proliferatum, and Trichoderma harzianum, and the aphid Schizaphis graminum, a cereal pest, were studied by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. Fungi were applied in form of formulations. The fungus F. proliferatum adhered to the entire body of winged and wingless aphid morphs, though the wings were the preferred point of attachment. The hyphae penetrated the natural openings such as the spiracles reaching the tracheoles, from where they invaded the hemocoel and proliferated in the internal tissue. The formulation of T. harzianum interacted differently with winged and wingless aphid morphs. In particular, the formulation did not adhere to the wingless body, instead it tended to adhere to the wings in the winged morph, where T. harzianum subsequently developed with hyphae colonising the rest of the body. Even though penetration was not detected, treatment with the formulation was lethal for the winged morphs.

2004 - Compost as substrate for Trichoderma. [Articolo su rivista]
Montanari, M; Ventura, M; Innocenti, G; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The survival and establishment of a Trichoderma atroviride strain in three compost products were evaluated. Spent mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) compost at two different maturity levels (young and mature) and green compost from garden wastes were enriched with a sporal suspension of the antagonistic fungus. Peat moss and potting soli were used as controls. The population dynamic of T. atroviride was estimated at different times over a period of 140 d after enrichment. The potential toxic effect of enriched composts on the survival of the collembolan Protaphorura armata was also investigated. All compost products were suitable for the establishment of T. atroviride. Survival was the highest in mature spent mushroom compost. In particular, over the experimental period this compost product was able to sustain the population level of the antagonistic fungus obtained by enrichment. Moreover, mature spent mushroom compost promoted the highest level of rhizoplane colonisation ability of the antagonistic fungus. None of the tested products was toxic for P. armata specimens. Among microbial, physical and chemical parameters considered the survival of T. atroviride resulted only related to N form; the fungus seemed to survive better where NH4 was prevalent on NO3.

2004 - Do collembola affect the competitive relationships among soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi? [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; M., Ventura; G., Innocenti

The feeding preference of the collembolan Protaphorura armata in the presence of Fusarium culmorum and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, two soil-borne fungi pathogenic for winter cereals, was studied in a simplified experimental system including wheat seedlings. Analysis of gut content of all animals from microcosms containing inoculum of both fungi showed that F. culmorum was clearly preferred but that G. graminis var. tritici was also fed. At microscopic examination the majority of F. culmorum conidia present in the gut lacked cytoplasmic content, and only few conidial cells were intact. The feeding preference of P. armata favoured G. graminis var. tritici over F. culmorum in the competition for infection sites on wheat plants; in fact, the former resulted the prevalent cause of plant disease. The viability of fungal propagules after passage through the gut of P. armata was also studied. No colonies of G. graminis var. tritici and only a few colonies of F. culmorum developed from faecal pellets set on agar medium. Fungal propagules dispersed by springtails were not sufficient to induce disease, as demonstrated by introducing animals, previously fed on fungal cultures separately, into microcosms containing a sterile substrate where wheat kernels were seeded. & 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

2004 - Establishment and survival of a Trichoderma mycoparasitic strain in some compost products. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
M., Montanari; M., Ventura; G., Innocenti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The effects of some compost products, enriched or not enriched with a strain of the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma atroviride, on the survival of the collembolan Protaphorura armata and the viability of fungal conidia after the transit trough the springtail gut were investigated. The compatibility of Collembola with compost enriched with Ca-Lignosulphonate, a low cost by-product of the acid sulphite pulping process with lignin-like structure, was also evaluated.All compost products enriched or not with the mycoparasitic fungus or Ca-Lignosulphonate did not affect P. armata survival, and in no case did they block animal reproduction or development. No statistical differences were found among animal survival in different type of product or in enriched and un-enriched products. In addition to adults introduced into the jars at the beginning of the experiments, live juveniles were also observed in enriched and un-enriched products.The gut content of all animals collected at the end of the survival test from compost enriched with T. atroviride, were examined under light microscope and in a few cases observations revealed the presence of some T. atroviride conidia. Subsequently test carried out to study the viability of conidia after the transit trough the springtail gut showed that colonies of the fungus developed from all faecal pellets produced by adult and juveniles specimens of P. armata previously fed on conidia of T. atroviride.These results seem indicate compatibility between Collembola and composts fortified or not into the soil.

2004 - Laboratory evaluation of antifeedant activity of Trichoderma spp. isolates in aphid biocontrol [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., Logrieco; A., De Cristofaro; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Fungi offer several potential strategies against pest insects to reduce crop losses. Indeed, fungi and their metabolites can influence, by different modalities, several traits of the insect biology, such as survival, development, growth, fecundity and feeding behaviour. Nonetheless, in general, very few data are available on the repellency of fungi towards insect pests. We started a laboratory study aimed at evaluating the potential of secondary metabolites synthesized by fungal isolates belonging to different species of the genus Trichoderma (Deuteromycetes) as antifeedant compounds towards phytophagous insects such as aphids. The final goal aimed to understand the mechanism behind the capacity of aphids to detect certain metabolites and walk off. Repellency offers an alternative management strategy interfering with aphid processes of host plant selection and feeding behaviour and may lead to a reduction of both direct feeding damage and virus transmission. Tests were carried out utilising three species of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae): Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), one of the most important pest of cereal crops; Megoura viciae Buckton, an insect pest of leguminous crops; and Myzus persicae (Sulzer), a cosmopolitan species that attacks plants in the field, readily infests vegetables and ornamental plants grown in greenhouses, and is highly noxious due to its ability to transmit plant viruses. The fungi isolates were administered to aphids in the form of a fungal culture that was cultured on rice kernels and than dried and finely ground. Trials, carried out utilising adult aphids pointed out an antifeedant activity of some isolates belonging to different species of the genus Trichoderma against aphids of the three species. A repellent effect was detected over the entire duration of the trials lasting 9 hours. However, a different sensitivity was observed across the winged and wingless morphs of S. graminum towards the fungal cultures applied on leaves of the host plant. Indeed, some isolates were repellent for winged but not for wingless morphs. In terms of the sensory organs involved in the perception of metabolites, electroantennographic studies, carried out with two species, S. graminum and M. viciae, showed that volatile compounds of fungal cultures were not able to stimulate the olfactory sensilla of antennae of both aphid species; as a consequence these substances cannot be responsible for the repellent effect. Taste sensilla lodged on the mesothoracic distal tarsomere of both aphid species were more strongly stimulated by aqueous solutions of fungal cultures than aqueous solutions containing the rice kernels finely ground alone. The observed aphid behaviour might be due to their sensitivity to water soluble compounds, with a repellent activity, produced by Trichoderma isolates.

2004 - Laboratory evaluation of antifeedant activity of Trichoderma spp. isolates in aphid biocontrol. [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Logrieco, A; DE CRISTOFARO, A; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Fungal isolates of two species of the genus Trichoderma were evaluated as antifeedant compounds towards winged and wingless morphs of the aphid Schizaphis graminum and wingless morph of Megoura viciae. The three tested isolates resulted repellent towards winged morph of S. graminum and wingless of M. viciae; only T. citrinoviride proved to be repellent towards wingless of S. graminum. Electrophysiological studies showed that the structures involved in the perception of the fungal metabolites are located on the aphid tarsomeres supporting the hypothesis that at least part of the fungal metabolites responsible for the repellent effect are water soluble compounds.

2004 - Sensilli antennali o sensilli tarsali? Come gli afidi percepiscono i metaboliti fungini con effetto repellente [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., De Cristofaro; A., Logrieco; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Molti isolati fungini appartenenti al genere Trichoderma sono risultati repellenti per differenti specie di afidi e quindi possono essere considerati potenziali agenti di biocontrollo. Funghi appartenenti a questo genere sono già utilizzati nella lotta contro funghi fitopatogeni. La ricerca è continuata in più direzioni con lo scopo di individuare i metaboliti responsabili dell’effetto repellente e le strutture coinvolte nella percezione dei metaboliti stessi da parte degli afidi. Gli esperimenti sono stati effettuati utilizzando afidi di tre specie: Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), Megoura viciae Buckton, Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Gli isolati fungini sono stati saggiati sotto forma di formulati ottenuti da colture fungine su cariossidi di riso (seccate e finemente macinate) e sospesi in acqua distillata. Indagini elettroantennografiche condotte sulle antenne delle specie S. graminum e M. viciae hanno messo in evidenza che nei formulati non sono presenti sostanze volatili percepite dagli afidi e, quindi, possibilmente coinvolte nell’effetto di repellenza. A seguito di questi risultati è stato ipotizzato che la sensibilità degli afidi alla presenza dei formulati possa essere dovuta a stimoli di contatto (in particolare gustativi). Per individuare recettori per gli stimoli gustativi è stato effettuato uno studio al SEM dei tarsi di individui delle tre specie. Le osservazioni hanno evidenziato la presenza di numerosi sensilli papillari con probabile sensibilità gustativa disposti sul segmento basale e apicale dei tarsi in tutte e tre le specie. Una prima serie di indagini elettrofisiologiche ha evidenziato che i sensilli localizzati sui tarsi sono stimolati intensamente dalle sospensioni acquose dei formulati saggiati e non dal riso macinato, confermando l’ipotesi di un coinvolgimento di tali sensilli nella percezione dei metaboliti fungini con azione repellente.

2004 - Survival and feeding activity of Protaphorura armata (Collembola) in different composts [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti; M., Montanari; M., Ventura; Ganassi, Sonia

Composting is a biological process in which organic biodegradable wastes are converted into a hygienic humus-rich product, compost, used in agriculture as amendment to improve soil structure and promote plant growth. Compost has also been shown to have the potential to provide biological control against plant diseases caused by different microrganisms. The suppressive effect seems to be related to indigenous microbial consortia. However, this effect is not stable, depending mostly on the origin and quality of the compost. To improve the stability and reproducibility of the biocontrol effect, selected strains of microbial antagonists have been added to composts. In soils enriched or not-enriched composts come in contact with components of the soil community; however, the effects of composts on soil animals have been scarcely investigated. In this study we intend to evaluate the interactions between some composts, enriched or not enriched with a strain of the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma atroviride, with the collembolan Protaphorura armata. In our previous studies this collembolan species had a biological control effect against diseases caused by different soil-borne fungal pathogens. The products used are: i) spent mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) compost derived from wheat straw-bedded horse manure taken after steaming at the end of the mushroom production process; ii)and taken 3 months later, iii) compost derived from fruit, vegetable and garden wastes. One half of these organic products were enriched with a sporal suspensio of T. atroviride to obtain a final concentration of 8 x 105 conidia ml-1 product. A part of mature spent mushroom compost was amended with Calcium-Lignosulphonate (Ca-Ls) (1% v/w), a by-product of the acid sulfite pulping process with low pH and chelating activity potentially improving the establishment of T. atroviride in the compost and thus the biocontrol effect of this organic product. Interactions with P. armata were studied by introducing sexually mature animals, starved for 48 h, in glass jars containing 30 ml each organic product separately. All jars were maintained under controlled conditions at 20°C for two months. Thereafter, animals were extracted, counted and their gut content examined.All compost products enriched or not with the mycoparasitic fungus did not affect P. armata survival, and in no case did they block animal reproduction or development. Moreover, the presence of Ca-Lignosulphonate did not affect the animal survival. In a few cases light microscope observations of gut content of all animals used in the test revealed the presence of T. atroviride conidia. Tests carried out to study the viability of conidia contained in the faecal pellets, showed that these conidia were able to germinate on agar medium. The data obtained support a condition of coexistence between P. armata and T. atroviride in composts. The next step will be to study the biocontrol effect of composts enriched with T. atroviride and Collembola against plant diseases caused by soil borne fungi.

2003 - ACTH occurrence in teleosts supramedullary neuron clusters: a neuron-glial common language? [Articolo su rivista]
Cuoghi, Barbara; L., Blasiol; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The cross-talk between neurons and glia is receiving increased attention because of its potential role in information processing in the nervous system. We choose the cluster of supramedullary neurons (SN) and glial cells of pufferfish as a suitable model for studying neuron-glial interactions, identifying the implicated cell types and the signalling involved. In particular, among pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, adrenocorticotrope hormone (ACTH)-immunopositivity was found both in SN and in microglial cells. The present results for the first time show the presence of ACTH in microglia of a vertebrate. The role of ACTH is discussed, including its possible neuroprotective function. Moreover, SN immunoreactivity supports the idea that ACTH participates in neurotransmission and/or neuromodulation. In addition to these possible functions, the hypothesis is put forward that ACTH represents a common language by which neurons and glial cells communicate with each other. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

2002 - Attività “antifeedant” di isolati fungini del genere Trichoderma nei confronti di due specie di afidi: risultati preliminari. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Altomare, C; Pagliai, Anna Maria; Logrieco, A; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Antifeedant activity of fungal isolates of the genus Trichoderma on two species of aphids: preliminary results - Fungal isolates of the genus Trichoderma were tested on aphids for the production of metabolites with antifeedant activity. The tests revealed a different sensitivity of the wingless and winged morphs of Schizaphis graminum towards the fungal cultures applied. Indeed, some isolates proved to be repellent for the winged but not for the wingless morphs, suggesting that the capability to interact with fungal metabolites is associated with the secondary rhinaria that are located on the antenna of the winged and absent on the wingless morphs. Wingless morphs of the species Megoura viciae bearing antennae with secondary rhinaria were also sensitive to the fungal isolate tested.

2002 - Effects of Beauvericin on Schizaphis graminum (Aphididae) [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; Moretti, A.; Pagliai, Anna Maria; Logrieco, A.; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The effects of beauvericin, a toxic fungal metabolite common contaminant of maize and wheat, on aphid fitness were studied in three consecutive generations of females. Aphids were reared on wheat leaves inserted into a sandy substratum wetted with a solution of beauvericin. Ingestion of this solution through leaves did not significantly decrease the lifespan of females of all generations as compared to controls. However, the mean number of offspring from the third generation of treated females was significantly smaller than those in controls. Furthermore, treated second and third generation females produced a greater number of abortive embryos. Histological analysis revealed abundant DAPI and Feulgen positive material in the cytoplasm of some bacteriocytes of treated third generation females. This material was attributed to the endosymbionts of bacteriocytes. Tests by contact were also carried out and revealed a significantly lower survival of treated first instar aphids as compared to controls 18 h after the start of the trial.

2002 - Effetto repellente di isolati fungini su due specie di afidi. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., Logrieco; C., Altomare; A. M., Bonvicini Pagliai; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

L'effetto repellente di isolati fungini del genereTrichoderma è stato studiato su due specie di afidi: Schizaphis graminum, Megoura viciae,

2002 - I Collemboli e la competizione tra funghi del terreno patogeni dei cereali. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Ganassi, Sonia; G., Innocenti

Studi precedenti hanno indicato che i Collemboli si nutrono di due funghi patogeni per i cereali, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici e Fusarium culmorum, pur con una significativa preferenza per F. culmorum; inoltre studi condotti in microcosmi in cui i due funghi erano stati impiegati separatamente, avevano dimostrato un attivo ruolo di bioprotezione dei Collemboli nei confronti della malattia causata da entrambi i patogeni. Dal presente studio è emerso che Onychiurus armatus ha confermato, anche in presenza della pianta, la sua preferenza per i propaguli di F. culmorum. L'esame del contenuto intestinale di tutti gli esemplari utilizzati nella prova, ha infatti evidenziato una cospicua presenza di conidi di F. culmorum in gran parte privi di contenuto cellulare e di pochi frammenti di ife di entrambi i funghi. Ciò ha favorito G. graminis var. tritici per cui le piante di frumento sono risultate colpite prevalentemente dalla malattia di cui è responsabile questo patogeno.

2002 - Interactions between Onychiurus armatus and Trichoderma harzianum in take-all disease suppression in a simple experimental system [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Grazioso, Pasqualina; C., Altomare; G., Innocenti

In a simple experimental system with wheat plants, interactions between the collembolan Onychiurus armatus and Trichoderma harzianum, a soil-borne fungus parasite of several plant pathogenic fungi, were studied in the presence of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, one of the most important foot and root fungal pathogens of cereals world-wide. Trichoderma harzianum was used according to two different modalities: fungal inoculum applied to seed or mixed with substrate. The isolate of T harzianum proved to be ineffective against the pathogenic fungus, independent of the application modality, as shown in the experiments where this fungus was used alone, whereas Collembola used alone significantly reduced disease severity. However, the mode by which harzianum was applied significantly influenced the disease control ability of Collembola. In fact, only when T harzianum was coated to seed were springtails able to reduce the disease caused by G. graminis var. tritici. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

2002 - Interactions between Onychiurus armatus and Trichoderma harzianum in take-all disease suppression in a simple experimental system. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Grazioso, Pasqualina; C., Altomare; G., Innocenti

In a simple experimental system with wheat plants, interactions between the collembolan Onychiurus armatus and Trichoderma harzianum, a soil-borne fungus parasite of several plant pathogenic fungi, were studied in the presence of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, one of the most important foot and root fungal pathogens of cereals world-wide. Trichoderma harzianum was used according to two different modalities: fungal inoculum applied to seed or mixed with substrate. The isolate of T. harzianum proved to be ineffective against the pathogenic fungus, independent of the application modality, as shown in the experiments where this fungus was used alone, whereas Collembola used alone significantly reduced disease severity. However, the mode by which T. harzianum was applied significantly influenced the disease control ability of Collembola. In fact, only when T. harzianum was coated to seed were springtails able to reduce the disease caused by G. graminis var. tritici.

2001 - Effect of Fusarium, Paecilomyces and Trichoderma formulations against aphid Schizaphis graminum [Articolo su rivista]
Ganassi, Sonia; A., Moretti; C., Stornelli; Fratello, Bernardo; Pagliai, Anna Maria; A., Logrieco; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Fungal strains belonging to the genera Fusarium Paecilomyces and Trichoderma were tested in vitro in order to study their effects against Schizaphis graminum one of the major pests of cereal crops around the world. Biological assays were performed using a solid formulation that was obtained from fungal cultures grown on rice and then finely ground (less than or equal to0.2 mm). The occurrence of toxic secondary metabolites (fumonisin B-1 and beauvericin) produced by these fungi was also investigated. In each experiment, three groups of aphids: 15-hour old larvae, 5-day old nymphs with wing buds and wingless morphs were treated with a suspension of a fungal formulation. Some strains belonging to the genera Fusarium and Trichoderma significantly controlled the specimens of the three groups of S. graminum. The F. proliferatum strain ITEM 1407, producing a high level of fumonisin B-1 in the culture (1250 mug/g), and F. larvarum strain ITEM 2139 had high insecticidal activity (> 60%) within 10 minutes after application. As F. larvarum ITEM 2139 did not produce metabolites toxic to mammals, it might be a good candidate as a biocontrol agent of S. graminum in the field.

2001 - Effects of Collembola on plant-pathogenic fungus interactions in simple experimental systems [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti

Take-all and brown foot rot, caused respectively by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and Fusarium culmorum, are two important components of the foot and root fungal disease complex of winter cereals world-wide. These fungi persist in soil and in crop debris in the same layer of agricultural soil as Collembola, a well represented taxon of soil animals. Previous in vitro tests showed that these fungi grown on agarised medium were readily consumed by springtails. In a simplified experimental system with wheat plants and the pathogenic fungi grown on millet and wheat kernels, the severity of disease was significantly reduced by collembolan feeding activity.

2001 - Interazione Trichoderma-Collemboli: effetti sulla pianta e sul ciclo vitale degli animali. [Articolo su rivista]
Innocenti, G; Ventura, M; Altomare, C; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

E' stata studiata l'interazione tra il fungo micoparassita Trichoderma harzianum ITEM 908 e collemboli della specie Onychiurus armatus, per verificare la compatibilità tra questi organismi che vivono nella stessa porzione di suolo. Si è valutato sia l'effetto di T. harzianum sugli animali, sia l'effetto dell'interazione fungo-collemboli sulle piante di frumento (Triticum durum cv. Parsifal). Sono state allestite prove in vitro e in vivo in microcosmi posti in ambiente controllato. Nelle prove effettuate nei microcosmi il fungo è stato miscelato al substrato di crescita delle piante o somministrato per concia. Dai dati ottenuti nelle prove condotte in vitro, è emerso che gli esemplari di O. armatus si sono cibati sia dei conidi, sia delle ife. I propaguli del fungo non sono risultati tossici nei confronti di questi animali ed hanno dimostrato di essere dieta sufficiente per la riproduzione degli stessi. Le prove eseguite nei microcosmi hanno confermato che T. harzianum è compatibile con le funzioni vitali di O. armatus indipendentemente dalla modalità di somministrazione. E' stato, inoltre, rilevato che i collemboli non hanno interferito con l'effetto di biofertilizzazione di Trichoderma nei confronti delle piante.

Ganassi, Sonia; A., Logrieco; A. M., Bonvicini Pagliai; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

E' stato effettuato uno studio sulle interazioni tra il fungo Trichoderma harzianum e l'afide Schizaphis graminum, uno dei più importanti agenti nocivi delle colture cerealicole. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza una diversa sensibilità delle forme attere e alate: infatti il fungo aderisce e si sviluppa sulle forme alate, mentre non aderisce e non ha nessun effetto sulle forme attere.

2001 - Microglial cells in the supramedullary neuron cluster of the teleost Tetraodon fluviatilis: neuroimmunoprotection elements? [Abstract in Rivista]
B., Cuoghi; L., Blasiol; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Marini, Milena

We choose the cluster of supramedullary neurons (SN) and glial cells of pufferfish as a suitable model for studying neuron-glial interactions, identifying the implicated cell types and the signalling involved.

2001 - Trichoderma, Collembola, pathogenic fungus, plant interactions [Articolo su rivista]
Innocenti, G; Montanari, M; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Trichoderma harzianum, Collembola, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, biocontrol

2000 - APHIDS: NOT ONLY A PEST INSECT [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Pagliai, Anna Maria; A., Moretti; A., Logrieco; Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Aphids are considered major pests of crops, as they are sap sucking insects that can inducegreat damage by nutrient drain or other mechanisms, includine virus transmission. Of the organisms proposed for biocontrol of pest insects, fungi producine biactive metabolites are considered promising candidates, and aphids are considered a very good organism for testing their insecticidal properties. Aphids have parthenogenetic reproduction and short generation times that allow rapid increase in population size, and their colonies have numerous individuals that are closely related genetically. Moreover, due to heteromorphism, with wingless and winged morphs, they represent pest insects with different ecological value. Some fungal species produce toxins, and aphids present characteristics that make them excellent test organisms for verifying the toxic activity against target and non-target organisms. The sap sucking behaviour allows them to be used to evacuate crops contaminated by toxigenic fungi. Furthermore, due to the peculiar feature of “telescopic generations” it is possibile to treat and observe the effects of mycotoxins on twoor three generations at a time.

2000 - Effects of a sulfonylurea herbicide on soil microarthropods [Articolo su rivista]
Rebecchi, Lorena; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; C., Cappi; Grazioso, Pasqualina; A., Vicari; G., Dinelli; Bertolani, Roberto

The short-term effects on soil microarthropods of the herbicide triasulfuron, belonging to the chemical class of sulfonylureas, were evaluated in two fields which had never been treated with sulfonylureas, and were cultivated with winter wheat. In particular, the effects of single applications at rates corresponding to two- (rate 2) and sixfold (rare 6) the recommended agricultural rare (7.5 g active ingredient ha(-1)) were analysed and compared with controls. The changes in the populations of the main groups of microarthropods were evaluated. Rate 2 had very low effects, whereas rate 6 produced a significant decrease in the number of microarthropods, Acarina and Collembola in the surface soil layer (0-7.5 cm). The Collembola were analysed at the species level. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences only for a few species, and only after treatment with the highest rate of triasulfuron. Finally, the results of the field tests were compared to those of laboratory tests carried out previously, which examined the effects of the same herbicide on a collembola species.

2000 - Functional relationships between Collembola and plant pathogenic fungi of agricultural soils [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti

The interactions between the collembolan Mesaphorura krausbaueri and four soilborne plant pathogenic fungi all living in the same layer of agricultural soil were studied under laboratory conditions. Mycelia of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Fusarium culmorum and Rhizoctonia cerealis were palatable to Collembola and were a food source adequate for reproduction. Hyphae of Bipolaris sorokiniana were toxic and repellent for M. krausbaueri, but its conidia were eaten and proved to be a sufficient diet for reproduction. The four fungi fed had a different impact on the life processes of M. krausbaueri. Depending on the species of fungus, the animals produced significantly different numbers of eggs and had different life spans. In particular, animals fed with G. graminis var. tritici showed early maturation, early burst in egg production, early loss of fertility and early death. The different nutritional values of the four fungi pathogen for cereals might have a different influence on the life strategy of Collembola in the field. Thus, since these fungi usually coexist in agricultural soils, though in different percentages, this influence might also affect the capacity of different fungi to attack the plant and thus modulate the appearance of disease.

2000 - Soil-borne plant pathogenic fungi in relation to some collembolan species under laboratory conditions [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti

Interactions between springtails (Onychiurus armatus, O. tuberculatus, Folsomia candida) and plant pathogenic fungi (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Fusarium culmorum, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Rhizoctonia cerealis) living in the same soil layer were investigated under laboratory conditions. The fungi are responsible for the foot and root disease complex of winter cereals and can cause serious reduction in yield. Since these species coexist in agricultural soils, feeding preference tests were performed in such a way that the springtails were allowed to interact simultaneously with all the tested fungi. O. armatus, O. tuberculatus and F. candida fed on the mycelia of G. graminis var. tritici, F. culmorum and R. cerealis: in the first hours of the trials individuals of all springtail species distributed themselves among the colonies, though moving from one to the other. Subsequently F. culmorum mycelium became the preferred food of all species tested; however, the other two fungi continued to be consumed. Mycelia of G. graminis var. tritici, F. culmorum and R. cerealis were shown to be an adequate food source for reproduction of Folsomia candida. Bipolaris sorokiniana mycelium had both repellent and lethal effects on F. candida and O, armatus is, whereas this fungus was lethal, although not repellent. for O. tuberculatus. Long-term experiments on T. candida indicate that conidia of B. sorokiniana were eaten and proved to be a sufficient diet for reproduction.

1999 - Caratterizzazione delle cellule gliali nel cluster di neuroni sopramidollari di Tetraodon fluviatilis (Osteichthyes). [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
B., Cuoghi; Mandrioli, Mauro; L., Blasiol; Marini, Milena; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Uno studio ultrastrutturale delle cellule gliali del cluster di neuroni sopramidollari di Tetraodon fluviatilis ha evidenziato chiaramente la presenza di almeno due tipi cellulari morfologicamente identificabili come microglia ed astrociti. Il dato morfologico è stato confermato immunocitochimicamente con anticorpi diretti contro la proteina acida fibrillare gliale (GFAP), marker astrocitario. La reazione infatti è risultata positiva in alcune delle cellule situate attorno ai neuroni sopramidollari. A livello molecolare, una porzione corrispondente ai primi due esoni ed al primo introne del gene codificante per la GFAP è stata amplificata dal genoma di T. fluviatilis tramite PCR utilizzando primers disegnati sulla base di sequenze presenti in bnca dati. Il frammento amplificato è stato clonato, sequenziato e confrontato con sequenze omologhe note.

1999 - I Collemboli nell’interazione pianta-fungo patogeno. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti

In microcosmi allestiti in tubi di vetro contenenti un substrato sterile e posti in condizioni controllate di luce, temperatura e umidità, è stata studiata l’interazione fra Collemboli funghi patogeni (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Fusarium culmorum)e piante di frumento duro. I dati ottenuti indicano che gli animali hanno svolto un attivo ruolo di bioprotezione determinando una significativa riduzione della malattia causata da entrambi i patogeni, principali responsabili del marciume del sistema radicale e della parte basale del culmo dei cereali vernini in Italia.

1999 - Interactions supramedullary neurons-glial cells in Tetraodon fluviatilis (Osteichthyes) in vivo and in vitro. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
B., Cuoghi; Mandrioli, Mauro; Marini, Milena; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The cluster of supramedullary neurons and glial cells of the teleost Tetraodon fluviatilis is presented as an excellent model for the study of the interactions neurons-glia. Furthermore, the cluster is well defined, easy to locate and to single out. Explants from the cluster of about 0.2-0.5 mm3 (from 6 to 12 neurons each) were cultured for 24 and 48 h. The preliminary findings, such as the good preservation of the cultured cells and the maintenance of the relations between neurons and glia in culture, are encouraging in order to go deep in such an interesting model.

1998 - Effetti della micotossina fusaproliferina sulla fitness dell'afide Schizaphis graminum. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; A. M., Bonvicini Pagliai; A., Moretti; A., Logrieco; Fratello, Bernardo

Il trattamento di afidi di tre generazioni consecutive con fusaproliferina, un sesterpene isolato dal fungo Fusarium proliferatum, somministrata per suzione attraverso piante di frumento, evidenzia la tendenza ad una diminuzione del numero dei nati e della media dei giorni di vita. Contemporaneamente vi è un aumento in seconda e terza generazione del numero degli animali abortiti e del numero degli esemplari che muoiono subito dopo la nascita. In qusi tutti gli afidi della terza generazione osservati, i simbionti di alcuni micetociti presentano ammassi Feulgen e DAPI positivi che mancano negli afidi della prima e della seconda generazione trattate e nei controlli.

1998 - Formulati fungini nelle strategie di lotta biologica contro gli afidi. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ganassi, Sonia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; A. M., Bonvicini Pagliai; A., Moretti; A., Logrieco; Fratello, Bernardo

Sono state eseguite in laboratorio prove per saggiare gli effetti dei funghi appartenenti a più specie di generi diversi utilizzando quale organismo test l'afide Schizaphis graminum. Molti degli isolati analizzati hanno dimostrato un'azione antagonista nei confronti degli afidi.

1998 - Le popolazioni di Isotoma notabilis Schäffer (Collembola) in ambienti diversi. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
C., Cappi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Lo studio è stato effettuato dal luglio 1995 all'ottobre 1996 per rilevare l'andamento della popolazione dei collemboli e in particolare della specie Isotoma notabilis in due campi adiacenti, quindi con uguali caratteristiche pedologiche e soggetti alle stesse condizioni climatiche, ma sottoposti a diversi interventi antropici. Nel periodo in studio la densità dei collemboli nel prato non ha subito rilevanti variazioni numeriche, mentre nel campo coltivato ha mostrato drastiche variazioni con un numero di individui molto elevato nella primavera e nell'estate1996. Tale aumento è risultato essere prevalentemente a carico della specie, partenogenetica telitoca I. notabilis che sembra essere fortemente influenzata dalla coltura in atto.

1998 - Side effects of the herbicide triasulfuron on collembola under laboratory conditions [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Rebecchi, Lorena; C., Cappi; A., Guidi; G., Dinelli; A., Vicari; Bertolani, Roberto

Triasulfuron, a member of the sulfonylureas class of herbicides, was tested under laboratory conditions on the collembolan Onychiurus pseudogranulosus. Pure triasulfuron and commercial formulations at different rates (starting from a dose about 5 times the recommended agricultural rate) were tested separately on one-week old juveniles and adults reared in the laboratory. The persistence of the herbicide at the end of the trials lasting 30 and 60 days was verified by HPLC analysis. Laboratory tests indicated that only the rates exceeding 500 times the soil concentration expected soon after field application of the herbicide directly affected the tested species. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Innocenti, G; Cappi, C; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

In laboratory tests we examined the interactions between different species of collembola abundant in cultivated soils and the major foot and root fungal pathogens of cereals Fusarium culmorum, Gaeumannomyces graminis tritici, Bipolaris sorokiniana and Rhizotonia cerealis. Collembola response to fungal food source was evaluated in Petri dishes inoculated concomitantly with the mycelium of the four pathogenic fungi. These tests revealed that, except for B. sorokiniana, which was repellent or lethal for all animals, the other mycelia attracted the Collembola to different degrees depending on the fungal species. Toxicity tests carried out with B. sorokiniana isolates showed a species-specific sensitivity to toxic metabolite/s produced by the fungus. The interactions of the collembolan species Mesaphorura krausbaueri and the well known biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum, effective against several root-infecting fungi, was also investigated. Laboratory feeding tests carried out introducing Collembola in Petri dishes containing the mycelium of F. culmorum, G. graminis tritici, R. cerealis and T. harzianum showed that specimens were more attracted to fungal pathogens than to the fungal biocontrol agent

1997 - Laboratory and field approaches to evaluate the effects of the herbicide triasulfuron on Collembola. [Abstract in Rivista]
Rebecchi, Lorena; C., Cappi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Grazioso, Pasqualina; A., Guidi; A., Vicari; G., Dinelli; Bertolani, Roberto

The effects of the herbicide triasulfuron on Collembola are evaluated in laboratory and field studies.

1997 - Long-term effects of three different continuous tillage practices on Collembola populations [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Rebecchi, Lorena; C., Cappi; Bertolani, Roberto; B., Fratello

The long-term effects on Collembola populations of three types of soil tillage (minimum tillage, conventional ploughing to a depth of 25 cm and conventional ploughing to a depth of 50 cm), with four-year rotation (sugar beet, winter wheat, maize, winter wheat), were studied. The responses to rate of N fertilization were also tested. The analysis, which started after 15 years of continuous treatment and extended over a four-year period, revealed very large variations in Collembola abundance in the various years, but found very few significant treatment effects on overall abundances of Collembola. However, analysis carried out at the species level did reveal differences related to tillage; some species were significantly more abundant in plots with minimum tillage and others in plots with conventional ploughing. Moreover, N fertilization affected some species.

1995 - Effects of Collembola on some soil-borne cereal pathogenic fungi. [Abstract in Rivista]
G., Innocenti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The interactions between some species of Collembola and four of the most important soil-borne pathogenic fungi of the foot and root of cereals are studied in the laboratory.

1995 - Interactions between Collembola and soil-borne cereal pathogen fungi [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Innocenti

Laboratory studies on the interactions between some species of Collembola and the most important pathogenic fungi of the foot and root of cereals were performed. Onychiurus armatus and Onychiurus tuberculatus actively grazed on the hyphae of Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Fusarium culmorum and Rhizoctonia sp. They did not have a higly specific feeding preference; they fed on the mycelium of all the three fungi even when present contemporaneously.Experiments carried out utilising another cereal pathogenic fungus, Bipolaris sorokiniana, indicate that its hyphae were repellent and produced one or more non-volatile metabolites that were lethal at least for some species of Collembola. Our investigations suggest that B. sorokiniana did not produce the toxic metabolite or metabolites throughout its entire life cycle. The substance(s) is/are produced when only hyphae are present, whereas we observed that Onychiurus pseudogranulosus actively fed on conidia that the forms only later.

1995 - La lavorazione del terreno e i suoi effetti sulle comunità di microartropodi del suolo [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Rebecchi, Lorena; Grazioso, Pasqualina; B., Fratello

We performed a study on the long-term effects of three types of soil tillage practices and enrichment with two doses of nitrogen fertilizers on soil microartropods. The study carried out in two succesive yeras found no significance differences in the overall population densities of Acarina or Collembola to the species level revealed differences to tillage. it is important that in studeis on agroecosytems at least one of the principal soil micorarthropod taxa be analysed at level species.

1995 - Localization of fibronectin and beta1 integrin in cultured skin fragments of larvae of salamandra salamandra salamandra. [Abstract in Rivista]
Pederzoli, A.; Restani, Cinzia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

As part of a study on the pigmentary system of Salamandra salamandra salamandra we cultured skin fragments from 7-10 day old larvae in order to examine the expression of molecules implicated in both cellular adhesion and migration and in regulating the relationships among cells. Skin fragments were cultured for 10-15 days on glass coverslips in Petri dishes. Fragments attached to the coverslips within 24h and fibroblastic and epithelial cells gradually migrated from the fragments. Keratinocytes formed a monolayer above the fibrobasts. Whitin 36-48 h Leydig cells, melanophores and xantophores were observed beneath the keratinocytes. In vitro melanophores and xantophores have two shapes: dendritic when mobile and round when stationary. Immunofluorescence method was applied to the cultures to localize fibronectin and beta1 integrin. Many keratinocytes and fibroblasts showed variably strong immunofluorescence against anti-fibronectin or anti-beta1 integrin. The staining reaction for beta1 integrin was diffuse on the surface of the round melanophores, whereas it did not seem to be expressed on the dendritic chromatophores.

1995 - Veal calf liquid manure effects on Collembola populations. [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Cappi, C; Dugoni, F; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The effects of enrichments with liquid manure from veal calf fed exclusively on a powdered milk diet on Collembola populations were investigated. The manure was sprayed in a single application in different seasons and amounts in two contiguous parts of a field. Enrichment performed in autumn with a dose containing N-NH4+/ha at the maximum threshold used for agronomic management resulted in a consistent numerical decrease of the Collembola as a whole two weeks after treatment, whereas in June following spraying with one half the dosage, the Collembola number did not change. The results obtained with the two treatments can be attributed to the different species composition of the Collembola population in the two seasons, in addition to the different sensitivity of individual species to the treatment dosage. Enrichment with even marked amounts of veal calf liquid manure in a single dosage did not seem to have persistent impact, since changes in the biocenosis generally recovered in a relatively short time.

1994 - Insetti euedafici e funghi del terreno patogeni dei cereali: studio in laboratorio. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Innocenti, G; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

E' stato condotto uno studio sulle interazioni fra Onychiurus pseudogranulosus e i più diffusi agenti del mal del piede dei cereali. Esemplari di O. pseudogranulosus allevati in laboratorio, introdotti in scatole Petri contenenti substrato agarizzato inoculato con Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Fusarium culmorum, collemboli, Rhizoctonia sp. hanno attivamente ricercato e mangiato le ife dei tre funghi. Prove condotte utilizzando Bipolaris sorokiniana hanno invece evidenziato che questo fungo esercita un effetto repellente e letale nei confronti di O. pseudogranulosus.

1993 - Cell-specific effects of lead on cultured neurons of the freshwater snail Planorbarius corneus [Articolo su rivista]
F., Bianchi; Amf, Bolognani; Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Sonetti, Dario

Cultures of isolated neuronal populations from the central ganglia of the gastropod mollusc Planorbarius corneus were used for testing the effects of inorganic lead. The examined parameters were cell survival, neurite outgrowth and cytoskeletal morphology. In large heterogeneous neuronal populations as obtained from a whole cerebral or pedal ganglion, the different sensitivity to lead is reflected mainly on the cell survival. The neurons belonging to the homogeneous E cluster population are more sensitive; in fact a higher percentage of them do not survive in the presence of lead. Moreover, in this neuronal cell type the neurite outgrowth is dramatically affected by lead only when the neurons are cultured on conditioned substrate. Possibly, membrane mechanisms activated for the neurite outgrowth represent a target for inorganic lead. The few neurites sprouted in presence of lead do not evidence changes in the cytoskeletal components.

1993 - Il ruolo della pedofauna nell'evoluzione della sostanza organica. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Vengono riportate le tecniche di campionamento dei vari componenti della pedofauna bei terreni coltivati e illustrato il ruolo della pedofauna nella decomposizione della sostanza organica del suolo.

1992 - Microarthropod communities in hay-meadow supplied with veal calf liquid manure. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; NOTARI P., L; Dugoni, F; Fratello, B.

The effect of enrichment with veal calf liquid manure on microartropod communities was studied.

I., Benedetti; Mola, Lucrezia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The morphogenesis of the gut during nauplius stages of Lernaea cyprinacea was reported to occur, without apparent morphogenetic movements, by a non-simultaneous and spatially determined differentiation of the various regions. A developing foregut was first seen at the nauplius-II stage, immediately after moult; on the other hand, the midgut did not appear until the moult to nauplius III. Gut development initially involved some cells containing refractive granules in their cytoplasm. At the nauplius-III stage, strongly Pyronin-positive cells without granules appeared among those with granules. Subsequently, the mouth parts and the hindgut were formed. Only in the late nauplius III and early copepodid-I stages did all parts fuse into a continuous digestive tube. The finding that the entire gut apparatus develops during the naupliar life was taken to suggest that this stage is part of the embryonic development of L. cyprinacea.

1992 - Promotion and inhibition of neurite regeneration in cultured neurons [Abstract in Rivista]
Sonetti, Dario; F., Bianchi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Baraldi, Enrica; Fratello, Bernardo

The majority of neurons belonging to the central nervous system of the mollusc Planorbarius corneus is capable of neurite regeneration in vitro only in presence of factors released from the periesophageal ganglionic ring. Even each individual ganglion produces unknown stimulating factors sufficient for a complete neurite regeneration. The percentage of neurons showing neurite regeneration is nearly the same independent of ganglionic type and it increases following a rise in the concentration of promoting factors. We identified by RIA an insulin -like molecule among the released substances. Adding antisera against molluscan insulin -like neuropeptides to the culture medium we obtained an almost complete inhibition of neurite regeneration when the factors are released by cerebral or pedal ganglia. No inhibition occurs if the neural factors are released by visceroparietal ganglia.

1990 - Chromosomes of Pauropoda. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fratello, B; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

The karyotypes of 4 species of Pauropoda belonging to two genera of the family Pauropodidae are studied. The chromosomes of different species are found to vary in number between 2n=12 and 2n=28. This range of variation is similar to that known for Chilopoda and Diplopoda. We also succeeded in analyzing the female meiotic process of two pauropod species which in other myriapods has hitherto proved problematical. Sex determination is of the X0 type for Pauropus furcifer and Pauropus huxleyi, and of the XY type for Allopauropus danicus.

1990 - Presenza di Chirocephalus ruffoi Cottarelli e Mura, 1984 (Crustacea, Anostraca) nell'Appennino Tosco-emiliano e descrizione del cariotipo. [Articolo su rivista]
Rebecchi, Lorena; S., Leonardi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Viene segnalata la presenza di Chirocephalus ruffoi Cottarelli e Mura, 1984 per l’Appennino tosco-emiliano in due pozze temporanee di alta quota situate sotto il crinale del monte Rondinaio (Modena, Italy). Tale segnalazione rappresenta la seconda in assoluto dopo il locus typicus nell’Appennino calabro-lucano. Gli individui adulti erano presenti da giugno a novembre. Vengono segnalate alcune differenze con il materiale tipico: nella disposizione dei dentelli dell’emipene e nell’aspetto dei processi del corion delle uova. L’analisi cariologica ha messo in evidenza un numero cromosomico aploide di n=12, non diverso da quello delle altre specie congeneri finora studiate. Tuttavia i cromosomi sono risultati tutti metacentrici, a differenza di quelli di C. diaphanus, unica specie per la quale si conosce non solo il numero cromosomico, ma anche il cariotipo.

1989 - Chromosome studies in Protura Eosentomoidea [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fratello, B; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Karyological investigations on specimens diagnosed as Eosentomon transitorium, collected in different sites, was carried out.

1989 - Development od the crustacean copepod lernaea cyprinacea L. [Abstract in Rivista]
I., Benedetti; Mola, Lucrezia; Monari, Emanuela; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Marini, Milena; B., Fratello

The cleavage, gastrulation and naupliar stage of the copepod L. cyprinacea are described. the naupliar stages is considered an embryonal stage for the lack of a mouth or developing gut.

1989 - Effects of agricultural practices on soil arthropoda: organic and mineral fertilizers in alfalfa fields [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia; C., Uscidda; C., Gessa

Microarthropod populations were studied in alfalfa fields treated with the following organic fertilizers: poultry manure, sheep manure, worm compost, urban sludge, sterilized urban sludge, straw and vetch green manure. The manures were added to enrich the soil to the same level of 4% organic matter. Two different doses of mineral fertilizers were also tested. The experiment was carried out on randomized block field plots on two adjacent areas, one of which was irrigated by sprinklers. Irrigation strongly influences the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers on microarthropod population densities. The effects are different depending on the taxon considered and may even be species specific.

1989 - Effects of tillage practices on collembola populations [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

The data show that the positive effects on the population density of collembola of the change of ploughing with superficial tillage are not evident in the short time, but only in the long term. Thus , the substitution of ploughing with superficial tillage can produce a greater and more varied fauna and , consequently, a higher productivity of an agroecosystem.

1989 - Il popolamento a microartropodi in un medicaio concimato con materiali organici di diversa provenienza [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]

La consistenza numerica delle popolazioni di microartropodi in un terreno agrario coltivato ad erba medica può variare con il diverso concime organico utilizzato, anche in relazione al regime idrico. Per la concimazione organica sono stati utilizzati: pollina, letame ovino, vermicompost, fanghi urbani, fanghi urbani sterilizzati, sovescio con favino e paglia, tutti in dosi tali da raggiungere il valore del 4% in sostanza organica. Un anno dopo il trttamento è stato riscontrato un aumento dei collemboli nelle parcelle concimate con letame ovino. Una significativa riduzione si osserva per gli acari nei terreni trattati con vermicompost.

1989 - Preliminary findings on the development of the parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea L. from cleavage to hatching [Articolo su rivista]
Benedetti, I; Mola, Lucrezia; Monari, Emanuela; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Marini, Milena; Fratello, Bernardo

We report preliminary findings on the development of Lernaea cyprinacea from cleavage to hatching. The eggs are centrolecithal with superficial cleavage. Nucleoli were found in the nuclei of the perilecithal syncytium. Gastrulation occurs by in situ aggregation of cells, without evident morphogenetic movements.

1988 - Association between calcareous Clathrina cerebrum (Haeckel) and bacteria: electron microscope study [Articolo su rivista]
Burlando, B; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Gaino, E.

A homogeneous population of gram-negative elongated bacteria grows within the canal system of the calcareous sponge Clathrina cerebrum (Haeckel). The location of symbionts is probably related to the ascon organization of the host sponge. Bacteria have outer and inner membranes in the cell envelope and a number of lamellar mesosomes in the cytoplasm. They show a rough surface and peduncles at both extremities, due to a complex folding of the outer membrane. Most bacteria live in close association with the choanocytes, cells lining sponge canals. After in vitro sponge dissociation, bacteria still embrace isolated sponge cells, and show gliding motility and flexibility. Owing to motile properties and surface topography, these bacteria are tentatively referred to the genus Cytophaga, a group related to flexibacteria. A survey of three Clathrina species, C. cerebrum, C. coriacea, and C. clathrus, living in the same or in neighbouring habitats, shows that only C. cerebrum can host a well-developed population of bacterial symbionts. This association is probably based on some species-specific mechanism, and shows distinctive features with respect to those which have been described to date in sponges.

1988 - Effetti delle pratiche agronomiche sui microartropodi del terreno del suolo: l'aratura [Poster]
Mola, Lucrezia; Manicardi, Gian Carlo; R., Lumetti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Bertolani, Roberto; P., Loro

sono stati messi a confronto due campi contigui arati in profondità per diversi anni; in uno di essi l'aratura profonda è stata sostituita con un 'aratura superficiel (10-15 cm). A 4 anni dalla sostituzione il numero sia degli acari che dei collemboli è significativamente maggiore nel campo arato solo superficialmente.

1988 - Is the neurotrophic factor for the outgrowth of new neurites from cultured neurons of Planorbarius corneus (Mollusca) released by a specific ganglion? [Abstract in Rivista]
Sonetti, Dario; F., Bianchi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Fratello, Bernardo

The outgrowth of new neurites from cultured neurons of Planorbarius corneus (Mollusca) is required to have in the culture medium a neurotrophic factor released from a number of complete ganglionic rings. Preliminary results show that even partial ganglionic rings are satisfactory for the releasing of the neurotrophic factor. The best results were obtained with a medium incubated only with the cerebral ganglia.

1988 - La "metamorfosi" delle femmine di Lernaea cyprinacea L. (Crustacea, Copepoda): uno studio al microscopio elettronico a scansione. [Poster]
R., Lumetti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia; Marini, Milena; Fratello, I. B. e. n. e. d. e. t. t. i. B.

Lo studio ha dimostrato che le femmine di L. cyprinacea nel corso della muta da copepodite ad adulto producono già la cuticola che consentirà loro il notevole accrescimento cui vanno incontro dopo la fecondazione. tale accrescimento è reso possibile dal distendersi della cuticola preformata e fittamente pieghettata.

1987 - Cytofunctional changes in E.U.E. cells adapted to hypertonic medium: scanning and transmission electron microscopy observations [Articolo su rivista]
BOLOGNANI FANTIN A., M; Franchini, Antonella; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; FUHRMAM CONTI, A. M.

In E.U.E. cells adapted to hypertonic medium, cytomorphological changes were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy . SEM observations both on free cells and on cells cultured on coverslips pointed out that microvilli increase in number and size. An increase of anchorage plates was also observed. SEM observations were also performed on synchronized cells in different cell cycle phases. After 10 days of culture in hypertonic medium, the following cytological changes were observed by TEM in E.U.E. cells: 1) mitochondria appeared swollen, 2) Golgi apparatus number decreased and the organelle appeared to be in an active phase, 3) the rough reticulum and free ribosomes were noticeably decreased, 4) the intermediate filaments were considerably increased, 5) lipid droplets become more numerous, 6) the nucleus presented more numerous indentations and chromatin was more dispersed. After 5 days of deadaptation from hypertonic medium, the cell features appeared to became the same as in control.

1987 - Effects of atrazine on two species of Collembola (Onychiuridae) in laboratory tests. [Articolo su rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Fratello, Bernardo; Bertolani, Roberto

Laboratory tests were performed to investigate the effects on Onychiurus armatus (Tullberg) and O. apuanicus Dallai of the herbicide atrazine at serial concentrations of 2.5 to 160 ppm. In O. apuanicus the lowest doses caused a mortality of 18.7 % after 30 days and 46.7% after 60 days. The 2 species showed different sensitivity to atrazine, especially at the higher doses. The LD50 after 30 days was 17.2 ppm for O. apuanicus and 20 ppm for O. armatus. Oviposition does not occur at 20 ppm or greater, whereas at lower doses no effects were found on reproduction.

1987 - Morphological observations on molluscan neurons in culture. [Abstract in Rivista]
Sonetti, Dario; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; F., Bianchi; Fratello, Bernardo

The morphological features of the neurons long-term cultured of the molluscan Planorbis corneus were reported.

1987 - The digestive apparatus of the parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea L. during development and in the adults. [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Marini, Milena; Fratello, Bernardo; Gelosini, C; Mola, Lucrezia; Benedetti, Ivan

The digestive apparatus of the parasitic crustacean copepod, Lernaea cyprinacea L., from copepodid I to metamorphosed female is described. Histological examination of the various parts of the digestive apparatus was carried out and the mouth parts were also analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy. In vivo observations were also carried out in order to clarify the motions of the gut. The relationship between the morphology of the digestive apparatus and the feeding habits is discussed.

1986 - Effects of the herbicide atrazine on Collembola [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fratello, Bernardo; Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

Vengono esposti i risultti ottenuti sia da ricerche in campo che da test di laboratorio condotte per valutare gli effetti dell'erbicida atrazina suli Collmboli

1986 - Preliminary observations on neurite outgrowth in molluscan cell cultures: Planorbarius corneus (L.). [Abstract in Rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; F., Bianchi; Sonetti, Dario

The neurite outgrowth of dissociated cells from the central ganglia of the molluscan Planorbarius corneus (L.) was observed. The best conditions for the neurite outgrowth were found.

1985 - Cytoskeleton and morphology of dissociated sponge cells. A whole-mount and scanning electron microscopic study [Articolo su rivista]
Gaino, E; Burlando, B; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Buffa, P.

Whole-mounted cells from the sponge Clathrina cerebrum have been studied by electron microscopy. The cytoskeleton, whose major component is actin, is organized into either a reticular meshwork of filaments or a ramified system of bundles. The reticular arrangement is associated with phenomena of cell motility, such as lamellipodium extension, occurring in rounded cells. The existence of relationships between cytoskeletal arrangement and structural organization of the whole sponge is suggested.

1985 - Development of a parasitic copepod crustacean (Lernaea cyprinacea L.): histomophological and histochemical aspects. [Abstract in Rivista]
M., Marini; B., Fratello; I., Benedetti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

The histological and istochemical methods showed the presence of neurosecretory glands containing numerous secretory granules.For rheir close relationship with the vervous system the ventral complex appear a neuroendocrine system or, at least, an endocrine system.

1985 - Effects of atrazine on soil microarthropods in experimental maize fields. [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia; Rassu, M. A.

Atrazine treatment of experimental fields cultivated with maize may or may not cause significant decreases in microarthropod populations living in the 0-10cm layer. Immediate negative effects on Acarina and Collembola population density were found in one field and no effects in another. In the first field atrazine had only very limited or nil effects on soil microarthropod populations at the recommended agricultural dose of 2 kg /ha treated plot, any negative effects were followed by a recovery one month from treatment. The microarthropods living below 10 cm depth never showed any significant reduction in numbers.

1985 - Enzymatic characterization of E.U.E. (embryonal human explants) cells adapted to hypertonic media. [Articolo su rivista]

E.U.E. (embryonal human explants) cells (general population) were submitted to biochemical and cytoenzymatic tests to compare the enzymatic profile of E.U.E. cells (controls) with that E.U.E. adapted to hypertonic medium. The adapted cells are characterized by very high oxoreductase activity (LDH, HBDH; G-6-P DH) and very high alkaline-phosphatase activity. Clones derived from general population were also submitted to biochemical tests to characterize those more strictly relatedto the enzymatic profile of adapted cells. The profile of clone N. 13 resembles on tis respect that of the adapted cells. The high redox activity is a prerequisite supporting energy supply for osmotic work. The increased activity of plasma membrane enzymes of the adapted cells is also demonstrable in cells exposed for short time to salinity.

1985 - Evoluzione del cariotipo negli animali del suolo: i miriapodi Pauropodi. [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Vengono presentati i primi dati sulla cariologia dei Pauropodi al momento praticamente nulli. Si riferiscono i dati preliminari dell'analisi cariotipica di tre diverse specie. Allopauropus (A.) brevisetus, Allopauropus (A.) danicus e pauropus huxleyi

1985 - Morphological transformations and metabolic energy sources in Lernaea cyprinacea L. during development and adult life. [Abstract in Rivista]
B., Fratello; I., Benedetti; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

The investigation showed that glycogen is an impportant reserve both during development and in the adult; whereas lipids are important only during embryonic development, as a costituent of the yolk.

1985 - Relationship between growth inhibition and mitochondrial function in petite-negative yeasts. II Effects of central nervous system drugs upon pathogenic and non- pathogenic Candida species. [Articolo su rivista]
Marmiroli, N; Tedeschi, F; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Truzzi, G; Ferrari, C; Puglisi, P. P.

Six nervous system drugs which inhibited vegetative reproduction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae arrested also mitotic division of Candida utilis, C. albicans and C. tropicalis. Chlorpromazine and chlorpheniramine which proved to be the most effective, affected respiration and cytochrome biosynthesis. Electrophoretic bands with MW 100K were faint in silver-stained electrophoregrams of proteins from cells grown in the presence of a sub-inhibitory concentration of chlorpromazine.

1984 - Effects of some central nervous system drugs upon mitochondrial morphology in pathogenic and non-pathogenic Candida species. [Articolo su rivista]
N., Marmiroli; F., Tedeschi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Truzzi; C., Ferrari; P. P., Puglisi

We have reported that six nervous system drugs determined inhibition of the vegetative reproduction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida utilis, Candida albicans e Candida tropicalis cultured in presence of glucose as carbon source. Chlorpheniramine and chlorpromazine are effective inhibitors of the vegetative reproduction of both pathogenic and non pathogenic strains, had also some effects upon the biogenesis or the assembly of the inner mitochondrial membrane system without any observable effect upon other subcellular structures.

1984 - Glycogen in a parasitic crustacean, Lernaea cyprinacea L., during development and in adult life. [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Benedetti, Ivan; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

The distribution of glycogen in a parasitic crustacean, Lernaea cyprinacea L., during development and in adult life was studied.

1984 - Il glicogeno e i lipidi nel crostaceo parassita Lernaea cyprinacea L. durante lo sviluppo e nell'adulto [Abstract in Rivista]
B., Fratello; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; I., Benedetti; Mola, Lucrezia

E' stata studiata con metodiche istochimiche la distribuzione di importanti riserve energetiche come il glicogeno e dei lipidi durante lo sviluppo del crostaceo copepode parassita di pesci d'acqua dolce L. cyprinacea dall'uovocita all'animale adulto.

1984 - Morfologia del sistema sensoriale cutaneo di Planorbarius corneus (Mollusca, Gastropoda) [Abstract in Rivista]
Sonetti, Dario; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

In questo studio si è proceduto a un esame estensivo dell'epidermide di Planorbarius corneus con particolare interesse alla identificazione e disribuzione delle cellule nervose recettrici. La combinazione di tecniche di impregnazione argentica, un uso originale del colorante fluorescente Lucifer Yellow e la microscopia elettronica a scansione hanno permesso di ottenere un quadro completo della morfologia di ogni zona esaminata. Le cellule recettrici, fornite di cigla e/o microvilli sulla loro terminazione distale, sono neuroni bipolari primari il cui corpo cellulare si trova direttamente nella zona subepiteliale o dislocato nei gangli centrali. Alla base dei tentacoli, sul bordo delle labbra e del piede, sulla superficie della regione buccale, sul bordo della cavità mantellare e del pneumostoma e nell'annesso organo osfradiale sono state individuate maggiori concentrazioni di recettori.

1983 - Distribution of sensory cells in the skin of the freshwater snail Planorbis corneus. [Abstract in Rivista]
Sonetti, Dario; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Lombardo, Ferdinando

The distribution of sensory cells in the skin of the freshwater snail Planorbis corneus was studied.

1983 - Macrobiotus joannae, primo Macrobiotidae ermafrodito (Eutardigrada). [Articolo su rivista]
Bertolani, Roberto; G., Pilato; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Viene segnalato il primo caso di specie ermafrodita nella famiglia Macrobiotidae. Come negli altri casi accertati, anche macrobiotus joannae è provvisto di ovotestis. Oltre che nei Macrobiotidae, altre specie ermafrodite sono state riscontrate nella famiglia Hypsibiidae e, probabilmente, Amphibolidae (tutti Eutardigradi).

1982 - Effect of antibiotics and centrally acting drugs on mitochondrial function and morphology and its relevance in the mitotic reproduction of pathogenic and non pathogenic Candida species [Articolo su rivista]
N., Marmiroli; C., Ferrari; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; G., Truzzi; P. P., Puglisi; F., Tedeschi

The effect of antibiotics and centrally acting drugs on mitochondrial function and morphology and its relevance in the mitotic reproduction of pathogenic and non pathogenic Candida species was studied.

1982 - Effects of antibiotics on mitochondrial function and morphology during vegetative growth and gamete formation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. [Articolo su rivista]
N., Marmiroli; M., Ferri; P. P., Puglisi; C., Ferrari; F., Tedeschi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Fratello, Bernardo

Effects of antibiotics erytromycin and neomycin on mitochondrial function and morphology during vegetative growth and gamete formation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied.

1982 - Effetti diretti e indiretti di un erbicida sui microartropodi del suolo: studi in laboratorio [Abstract in Rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; B., Fratello; M. A., Rassu; Bertolani, Roberto

Collemboli di due specie affini (Onychiurus armatus e O. apuanicus) allevati in laboratorio, sono stati esposti per 30 e per 60 ggiorni a varie dosi di atrazina, in terreni di sabbia silicea sterilizzata. I risultati riguardo la mortalità e la fecondità hanno indicato che la sensibilità all'erbicida è specie-specifica.

1982 - Effetti diretti e indiretti di un erbicida sui microartropodi del suolo: studi su terreni agrari. [Abstract in Rivista]
B., Fratello; Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; M. A., Rassu; Mola, Lucrezia

L'effetto dell'atrazina è stato valutato esaminando la popolazione di acari e collemboli in campi sperimentali trattati con tale erbicida. L'effetto è diverso per le diverse famiglie di colleemboli, e in qualche caso anche per le diverse specie.

1982 - Interazioni nucleo-mitocondriali nell'espressione dei geni per la meiosi e la sporificazione nel lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
N., Marmiroli; T., Lodi; M., Ferri; C., Ferrari; F., Tedeschi; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; B., Fratello; P. P., Puglisi

Sono state studiate le interazioni nucleo-mitocondriali nell'espressione dei geni per la meiosi e la sporificazione nel lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Lo studio è stato effettuato trattando S. cerevisiae con eritromicina.

1982 - Role of mitochondrial protein synthesis in meiosis and ascospores formation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. [Abstract in Rivista]
N., Marmiroli; T., Lodi; C., Ferrari; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; F., Tedeschi; P. P., Puglisi

The role of mitochondrial protein synthesis in meiosis and ascospores formation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied.

1981 - Metodi per la rilevazione degli effetti dell'atrazina ed altri erbicidi sulla pedofauna. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Fratello, B.

Vengono presentati metodi per la valutazione degli effetti sulla pedofauna di erbicidi con particolare riguardo all'atrazina. Vengono prese in considerazione prove in laboratorio e prove in campo.

1981 - Ricerche sui Collemboli XXVIII. Su di una nuova specie endogea di Schaefferia. [Articolo su rivista]
Dallai, R; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Viene descritta la nuova specie Schaefferia scossirolii. La specie è caratterizzata dalla presenza di 3+3 occhi e 6+6 setole sui Denti. Gli esemplari sono stati ottenuti da campioni di terreno di un campo coltivato localizzato nei dintorni di Caserta.

1979 - Il popolamento dei microartropodi in terreni trattati con atrazina [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertolani, Roberto; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; . B., Fratello

L'effetto del trattamento con differenti dosi dell'erbicida atrazina è stato studiato in tre campi sperimentali. I tre campi, tutti coltivati a mais e trattati in parte con atrazina, si diversificavano per aver subito in precedenza differenti trattamenti e per la collocazione geografica. Effetti dell'atrazina sui microartropodi sono sono stati evidenziati solo nel campo che negli anni precedenti a quello del prelievo non era mai stato sottoposto al trattamento con l'erbicida.

1979 - Inquinamento delle acque e parassitismo da Lernaea cyprinacea L., crostaceo copepode parassita di pesci dulciacquicoli. [Abstract in Rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; M., Secchi; Fratello, Bernardo

Vengono riportati i dati di studi relativi agli effetti di metalli pesanti (piombo, rame, zinco) degli ioni ammonio, nitroso e nitrico e di una sostanza base di molti detersivi (sale sodico dell'acido dodecil-benzen-sulfonico, sul cipepode ectoparassita di pesci dulciacquicoli Lernaea cyprinacea.

1979 - Karyotypes and habitat interrelations among soil Arthropoda: Collembola and Protura [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

In five species of Onychiurus (Collembola Onychiuridae) the diploid chromosome number is higher in animals of narrower width. In three species of Acerentomon (Protura, Acerentomidae) the number of the chromosome arms (FN), not the chromosme number, is inversely correlated to the length of the foretarsus and consequently to the narrowness of the passages they can frequent.

1979 - Microarthropod communities in soil treated with atrazine [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; B., Fratello; Bertolani, Roberto; Pederzoli, Aurora

The effects of atrazine on soil microarthropod populations was studied in an experimental field cultivated with maize. Three doses of herbicide (2,4, 6 Kg/ha) were tested in three different periods and on four layers. Controls were employed. Collembola and Oribatid mites were studied at species-level. The number of microarthropod specimens in the treated plots was not significantly different from that in the control plots.

1976 - Cariologia e tassonomia negli Insetti Apterigoti Entognati [Abstract in Rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; V., Gioia; G., Tagliazucchi

Sono riportati i dati relativi all'analisi cariologica di alcune specie di Proturi e Collemboli onichiuridi. Entrambi i gruppi presentano variabilità numerica nell'ambito del genere.

1974 - Analisi cariologica di tre specie di Onichiuridi (Collembola, Insecta) [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Fratello, Bernardo

L'analisi cariologica di tre specie di collemboli onichiuridi, tutti appartenenti allo stesso genere Onychiurus (Protaphorura) ha messo in evidenza l'alto numero di cromosomi del corredo diploide di queste specie, con 2n= 16 in O. quadriocellatus e 2n= 18 in O. armatus e O. glebatus. Questi numeri sono i più alti finora accertati nei collemboli.

1972 - Cariologia e sistematica di Lernaea cyprinacea L. (Crustacea, Copepoda). [Articolo su rivista]
Fratello, Bernardo; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Vengono riferiti i primi risultati sulla cariologia di Lernaea cyprinacea L..Tutti gli esemplari sono stati raccolti in Italia (Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Lombardia) ed erano parassiti di varie specie di Teleostei. L'analisi cariologica ha evidenziato per tutti gli esemplari 2n= 16.