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Sergio PABA

Professore Ordinario
Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi"

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2022 - Chinese FDI in Italy: Performance, Perception and Prospects [Capitolo/Saggio]
Paba, Sergio; Parolini, Cinzia

Using new and detailed post-acquisition performance data, the article shows that Chinese acquisitions in Italy had an overall positive impact on target companies. The majority of them experienced an increase in turnover, employment, and other performance variables. Some case-studies illustrate the factors that can turn a Chinese takeover into a success story. The rapid growth of Chinese FDI is raising many concerns. The most important is the fear of predatory investments with a one-sided transfer of technology and other strategic assets from acquired Italian firms to China. New regulations in Europe and Italy add to this the risks to national security or public order arising from FDI in specific industries, particularly when the investor is controlled by the government of a third country. This is making the screening of inward FDI increasingly more restrictive. The article shows how a more cautious attitude of the Italian government towards China is affecting Chinese investments in the country. In particular, the use of the so called “golden power” has blocked or constrained some recent Chinese takeovers. Some political parties and stakeholders are pressing the government to extend the use of the “golden power” to block foreign acquisitions in "strategic" industries or national champions, even if there are no strict security reasons. This could significantly reduce the opportunities for Chinese investors in the future. On the other hand, greenfield investments are always welcome, but China probably needs more time and technological updating to increase this type of investments in Europe.

2022 - The Chinese automotive industry at a turning point. An Overview [Working paper]
Paba, S.

China is by far the largest car manufacturing country and the world's biggest auto market. Despite this, Chinese brands and companies are almost unknown in Europe and other advanced markets. The international car oligopoly is still dominated by a group of legacy companies and brands. The recent development of the electric car and the growing emphasis on sustainable mobility represent a great opportunity for China. Backed by the government, Chinese companies can exploit the new technology and follow a leapfrogging strategy by investing in research and development, developing new products, and proposing new business models in order to enter international markets with their own brands. Will the Chinese auto industry be able to achieve this? Will it be able to compete on a level playing field with the powerful foreign multinationals in the global markets? This work tries to offer an answer to these questions by reviewing the Chinese car industry, the main characteristics of its development and its future prospects in the context of the great changes promised by sustainable mobility.

2021 - Chinese acquisitions in Italy: performance of target companies, political reactions and public perception, future prospects [Working paper]
Paba, S.; Parolini, C.

The rapid growth of Chinese FDI is raising many concerns. The most important is the fear of predatory investments with a one-sided transfer of technology and other strategic assets from acquired Italian firms to China. New regulations in Europe and Italy add to this the risks to national security or public order arising from FDI in specific industries, particularly when the investor is controlled by the government of a third country. This is making the screening of inward FDI increasingly more restrictive. By using detailed post-acquisition performance data, we show that in the last decade Chinese acquisitions in Italy had an overall positive impact on target companies. The majority of them experienced an increase in turnover, employment, and other performance variables. Some case studies illustrate the factors that can turn a Chinese takeover into a success story. We also show how a more cautious attitude of the Italian government towards China is affecting Chinese investments in the country. In particular, the use of the so-called “golden power” has blocked or constrained some recent Chinese takeovers. Some political parties and stakeholders are pressing the government to extend the use of the “golden power” to block foreign acquisitions in "strategic" industries or national champions, even if there are no strict security reasons. This could significantly reduce the opportunities for Chinese investors in the future. On the other hand, greenfield investments are always welcome, but China probably needs more market appeal and technological updating to increase this type of investments in Italy and Europe.

2020 - I sistemi produttivi in Italia tra globalizzazione e digitalizzazione [Working paper]
Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S.; Paba, S.; Solinas, G.

2020 - Robot, ICT e globalizzazione: gli effetti sui mercati del lavoro locali in Italia. (Robots, ICT and globalization: effects on local labour markets in Italy) [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, Sergio; Bonacini, Luca; Fareri, Silvia; Solinas, Giovanni

Italy, like other advanced economies, is in the midst of a profound transformation of the production system. At the heart of these processes are two long-term shocks: exposure to competition from emerging and newly industrialized countries and exposure to new digital technologies (ICT and robots). Starting from the works of Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) for the United States and Dauth, Findeisen, Südekum and Woessner (2017) for Germany, an empirical analysis of the impact of digitalization and globalization on the employment dynamics of the Italian local labour markets (SLL) is proposed. To this end, a database has been built that unifies the structural data on ISTAT SLLs for the period 1991-2011 with data on robots from IFR (International Federation of Robotics). The database integrated the data on investments in ITC technologies, provided by EU-KLEMS, the data relating to the trade flows of WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution, World Bank) and, lastly, COMTRADE (UN) data. The analysis highlights two results. The first result is that, in the recent history of Italian economic development, the fall in manufacturing employment is due to a much greater extent to competition from emerging and newly industrialized countries compared to the digitization process. The second result is that both in relation to digitization and in relation to globalization the effects on the whole country are far from homogeneous. The effects are spread across the territory according to the different exposure and the different characteristics of the local productive system that suffer the two shocks. In this sense, SLLs are the necessary tool to understand who wins and who loses.

2020 - Robots, Trade and Employment in Italian Local Labour Systems [Working paper]
Paba, S.; Solinas, G.; Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S.

Three main shocks have affected advanced economies over the last 25 years, with significant consequences for work, production and economic growth. The first is technological change associated with robotics and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. The second, which is partly related to the first, is the diffusion of ICT and the development of intelligent software applied both to industry and tertiary activities. The third is the strong competitive pressure from low cost and emerging countries, which have changed the geography of world production and trade flows, often within global value chains. Following the seminal papers of Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) and Dauth, Findeisen, Südekum and Woessner (2017), the aim of this paper is to assess the impact of these three shocks on employment in Italian local labour markets in the period 1991-2011. What is new in our approach is the explicit consideration of the role played by the different typologies of local labour systems and industrial districts. We find that robots do not have any negative effect on employment in local labour markets. On the contrary, robots seem to be associated with a growth in overall employment, mainly due to the tertiary sector. The second result is that there is some evidence of a positive effect of ICT investments on local employment, in particular non-manufacturing employment. The last and most robust result of the econometric analysis is the negative impact of trade with low cost countries on local employment. This result has one almost absolute protagonist: China. All these impacts are not homogeneous across the national territory and partly depend on the characteristics of the local productive systems and industrial districts.

2020 - Robots, ict and globalization: Effects on local labour markets in Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, S.; Solinas, G.; Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S.

Italy, like other advanced economies, is in the midst of a profound transformation of the production system. At the heart of these processes are two long-term shocks: exposure to competition from emerging and newly industrialized countries and exposure to new digital technologies (ict and robots). Starting from the works of Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) for the United States and Dauth, Findeisen, Südekum and Woessner (2017) for Germany, an empirical analysis of the impact of digitalization and globalization on the employment dynamics of the Italian local labour markets (sll) is proposed. To this end, a database has been built that unifies the structural data on Istat slls for the period 1991-2011 with data on robots from ifr (International Federation of Robotics). The database integrated the data on investments in ict technologies, provided by eu-klems, the data relating to the trade flows of wits (World Integrated Trade Solution, World Bank) and, lastly, comtrade (un) data. The analysis highlights two results. The first result is that, in the recent history of Italian economic development, the fall in manufacturing employment is due to a much greater extent to competition from emerging and newly industrialized countries compared to the digitization process. The second result is that both in relation to digitization and in relation to globalization the effects on the whole country are far from homogeneous. The effects are spread across the territory according to the different exposure and the different characteristics of the local productive system that suffer the two shocks. In this sense, slls are the necessary tool to understand who wins and who loses.

2020 - Should we fear or hope for Chinese acquisitions? Evidence from Italy [Working paper]
Paba, S.; Parolini, C.

In 2016, Chinese outward FDI exceeded inward investment flows, making the country a net exporter of capital, like the large advanced economies. The majority of Chinese investments are M&As, with the aim to acquire strategic assets (advanced technology and know-how) and access to markets (brands). The rapid growth of Chinese direct investments has raised many concerns among the advanced economies. The most important one is the fear that these investments will not produce the positive effects on the host economy typically associated with FDI from advanced countries, but a one-sided transfer of technology and know-how from acquired European firms to China. However, there does not seem to be any evidence so far of a negative impact of Chinese investors on the acquired companies and the host economies. In particular, accurate studies on the pre and post-acquisition behaviour of European companies acquired by Chinese investors are still lacking. This research intends to offer a contribution in this direction by providing new and detailed data on Chinese investments in Italy and by trying a first and tentative assessment of the performance of Italian companies recently acquired or controlled by Chinese investors. To this purpose, we have built an original database gathering detailed company information on more than 7.000 Italian companies with Chinese shareholders. Second, we have studied the pre- and post- acquisition performance of 198 Italian target firms. Overall the results appear quite positive. Roughly 2/3 of the acquired companies have seen an increase in turnover, total assets, and shareholder’s funds and 50% has had an increase in fixed assets. Revenues show a decrease soon after the acquisition followed by a steady growth starting from the third year. Employment and profitability results appear more balanced. The number of companies which has registered an increase in employment is roughly similar to the number of those that have experienced a decline, but there is some evidence that Chinese shareholders prefer to avoid layoffs even in front of severe reductions in turnover. This attitude is reflected in profitability, which especially in the first years soon after the acquisition tend to decrease, followed by a recovery in the following years. Overall, the analysis suggest a long term orientation of Chinese acquirers which deserves further investigation.

2020 - Working conditions and quality of work in the digitized factory [Capitolo/Saggio]
Fontana, D.; Solinas, G.; Paba, S.

The recent debate on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (i.e. Industry 4.0) focuses mainly on the issues of the substitution of human labour with robots, the disappearance of old jobs and the emergence of new ones. The impact on workers’ conditions and the quality of work within the production plant are much less explored and often only in an indirect way. This paper represents a contribution in this direction. After discussing some general and controversial aspects of the 4IR, we will present a stylized model of a 4.0 production plant, inspired by several interviews to a sample of highly automated manufacturing companies located in the province of Modena (in the Emilia-Romagna region, one of the most industrialized and innovative regions of Italy). We use his stylized model to critically discuss the idea, often taken for granted in the existing literature, that the quality and working conditions in the digitized factory are clearly better than those present in factories not yet affected by the Fourth Industrial revolution.

2018 - In Favour of Machines (But Not Forgetting the Workers): Some Considerations on the Fourth Industrial Revolution [Capitolo/Saggio]
Paba, Sergio; Solinas, Giovanni

This chapter aims to guide the reader in the analysis of some of the main themes proposed by the debate related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). First, we discuss the impact of the 4IR on employment by reviewing the results of the relevant economic literature, drawing some suggestions for future research. Second, we review some of the policies developed by governments to support the digital revolution. We argue that while Industry 4.0-type policies are common to all advanced countries, policies in favour of digital technologies in the service sector are more fragmented, difficult to implement, and face a stronger resistance from workers. We finish the paper with a discussion of the main policy issues related to the workers and the labour market, with a focus on robot tax, shared robot ownership, and universal basic income. We conclude by emphasizing that while policies in favour of machines are widespread and supported by wide social consensus, effective polices in favour of workers are much weaker and still unable to mitigate the negative effects of the digital revolution.

2017 - What happens to students with a migrant background in the transition to higher education? Evidence from Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, Sergio; Bertozzi, Rita

As shown by the international literature on educational attainment, in most European countries participation rates of students with a migrant background are usually lower compared to natives, particularly in tertiary education. In Italy, the focus of the debate is mainly on secondary school, while little or no attention has been paid to immigrant students attending universities. This paper tries to fill the gap by providing new empirical evidence on this phenomenon and by discussing some of the main issues related to it. Due to the lack of individual-level data, the analysis is based on aggregate data taken at the level of Italian provinces. The results show that, first, ethnic background probably matters. Transition rates are higher in provinces with a higher share of students of East European and Latin American origin. Second, although attending an academic track in secondary school increases the probability of enrolling in tertiary education, immigrant students with a Liceo diploma enrol at university at a lower rate compared to natives. Third, the local socio-economic environment can affect university enrolments. High youth unemployment rates have a negative impact on the average transition rates of immigrant students. Lastly, in provinces where immigrant communities are more integrated, transition rates are higher.

2016 - What happens to students with an immigrant background in the transition to higher education? Evidence from Italy [Working paper]
Paba, S.; Bertozzi, R.

As shown by the international literature on educational attainment, in most European countries participation rates of students with a migrant background are usually lower compared to natives, particularly in tertiary education. In Italy, the focus of the debate is mainly on secondary school, while little or no attention has been paid to immigrant students attending universities. This paper tries to fill the gap by providing new and extensive empirical evidence on this phenomenon and by discussing some of the main issues related to it. The results show that, first, ethnic background matters. East European and Russian students are more likely to continue their studies, as found in other European countries. Second and contrary to what is expected on the basis of the existing Italian literature, the specific secondary school track is not important for the transition choice. However, while this is true for immigrant students, it does not hold for the native population. For Italian secondary school graduates, the attainment of a liceo diploma increases the probability of enrolling in tertiary education. Third, local labour markets affect the incentive to invest in human capital. High youth unemployment rates have a negative impact on educational attainment for both immigrant and native students. Lastly, the average education level of the local immigrant population has a positive influence on transition choice.

2014 - Towards a History of the Italian Industrial Districts from the End of World War II to the Nineties, [Working paper]
Brusco, S.; Paba, S.

When did the first Italian industrial districts spring up? In which regions have they developed, and over what times, in the forty years of republican Italy from the end of World War II to the nineties? How do districts develop? How do they change their shape in time? By using for the first time comparable census data from 1951 to 1991 and with reference to the main existing literature on the subject, we try to answer these questions and to trace a history of the Italian industrial districts. In the discussion, we enquire into how the importance and role of the districts vary over time, and we attempt to assess their prevailing working conditions, their efficiency and their ability to face up to international competition.

2012 - Commento al saggio di Pierluigi Ciocca. Il protagonista dimenticato: l'Italia dei distretti [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, Sergio

Il saggio di Ciocca trascura il ruolo dei distretti industriali nella storia economica italiana del dopoguerra. Per dimostrare la loro importanza, nel commento viene presentato un confronto tra la matrice degli spillover dei sistemi locali del lavoro nel periodo 1971-1991, basata sul lavoro di Forni e Paba (2002), e la stessa matrice stimata per il periodo 1991-2001. Si mostra come le esternalità dinamiche abbiano caratterizzato l'Italia dei distretti nel ventennio settanta e ottanta, contribuendo alla crescita del reddito del paese nello stesso periodo. Nel decennio successivo, al contrario, i legami dinamici inter e intra-industriali al livello dei sistemi locali del lavoro si sono profondamente attenuati. La crisi e la trasformazione del sistema dei distretti può in parte spiegare il rallentamento della crescita della produttività nel settore manifatturiero italiano a partire dagli anni novanta fino al periodo attuale.

2012 - University funding: a comparison between Italy and England [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, Sergio

According to Aghion et al. (2007, 2008, 2010), the research performance of universities is positively correlated to the amount of budget per student. Italian universities usually perform poorly in international rankings, while the English university system is widely recognized as one of the best in the world. In this paper, Italian university funding is discussed by comparing data from the consolidated financial statements of English and Italian universities. Our main results indicate that English universities are on average much better funded than Italian universities, from both public and private sources, but there are no noticeable differences in the amount of block grants per FTE student received by the State (FFO and Recurrent Grants, data 2007/08). There are differences, however, in the share of the block grant distributed competitively after an independent quality assessment of research activity. In England, this share amounts on average to roughly one quarter of the grant. In Italy, a quality assessment has recently been introduced but it involves only 7% of the grant. The gap in the total available resources between the two university systems is due to two other main sources: student fees and research funding. The gap in research funding is both quantitative and in the way in which resources are allocated. In England, research funds amount to 47% of the block grant, while in Italy the share is only 21%. In particular, the amount of public funds available for research is 12.5 times higher than in Italy, a huge difference. More importantly, two thirds of total research funds are awarded through peer review and open competition, compared to Italy’s one fourth. The lack of funds and the lack of incentive effects due to the limited role of open and competitive allocation of resources can explain the poor research performance of the Italian university system.

2011 - Per la ricerca risorse scarse e poco competitive [Altro]
Paba, Sergio

I problemi dell'università italiana non dipendono solo dai tagli al Fondo di finanziamento ordinario decisi dal governo. Altrettanto importanti sono le risorse, pubbliche e private, destinate a finanziare le attività di ricerca. Il confronto con l'Inghilterra fa emergere come siano particolarmente scarse in Italia. E come quelle che pur esistono vengano allocate in gran parte con procedure non competitive.

2009 - Il finanziamento dell'università italiana. Un confronto con l'Inghilterra usando i bilanci degli atenei [Working paper]
Paba, Sergio

Secondo Aghion at al. (2007, 2008, 2010), la performance di ricerca degli atenei è positivamente correlata all'ammontare complessivo di risorse a disposizione. In questo lavoro si discute il tema del finanziamento dell’università italiana utilizzando un approccio comparato: i bilanci delle università inglesi vengono confrontati con i bilanci delle università italiane. I dati si riferiscono al 2007/08. Lo scopo è comprendere se e in quale misura il sistema universitario italiano è sotto-finanziato prendendo come riferimento uno dei migliori sistemi universitari al mondo. Queste le principali conclusioni. Il sistema universitario inglese dispone di molte più risorse finanziarie rispetto a quello italiano. Le risorse provengono da diverse fonti, pubbliche e private. Se si pesano correttamente gli studenti fuori-corso, non emergono differenze apprezzabili nel finanziamento pubblico corrente tra i due sistemi (FFO e Recurrent Grants). Esistono tuttavia differenze rilevanti nella quota del finanziamento ordinario distribuita su base competitiva dopo una valutazione della qualità della ricerca. Il divario nelle risorse complessive a disposizione dipende soprattutto da altre due voci: le tasse pagate dagli studenti e il finanziamento della ricerca. Su quest’ultimo terreno, il divario non è solo quantitativo ma anche qualitativo. In Inghilterra, le entrate per la ricerca in rapporto al finanziamento pubblico corrente ammontano al 50%, mentre in Italia al 21%. Il divario è dovuto soprattutto al totale delle risorse pubbliche destinate alla ricerca universitaria, che risulta in Inghilterra 12,5 volte maggiore rispetto a quanto distribuito in Italia. Non vi è solo una differenza di quantità tra i due sistemi: in Inghilterra, ben due terzi dei fondi complessivi disponibili per la ricerca vengono allocati attraverso bandi aperti e competitivi, contro appena un quarto in Italia. La scarsità di finanziamenti e il ruolo limitato degli effetti incentivanti propri dei sistemi competitivi di allocazione delle risorse possono contribuire a spiegare il deludente posizionamento nelle classifiche internazionali delle università italiane.

2009 - Il finanziamento dell’università Italiana Un confronto con L’Inghilterra usando i bilanci degli atenei [Working paper]
Paba, S.

2006 - “I distretti industriali tra immigrazione e internazionalizzazione produttiva” [Capitolo/Saggio]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

In questo lavoro si mostra come i flussi di immigrazione straniera low-skilled rappresentino l’aspetto più rilevante che ha caratterizzato i distretti industriali italiani negli ultimi dieci anni. Utilizzando i dati disaggregati dei censimenti delle attività economiche e della popolazione e riaggregandoli a livello dei sistemi locali del lavoro, emerge come i flussi si dirigano in larga misura verso i settori del Made in Italy, con due effetti principali. Da un lato, l’immigrazione straniera ha consentito la tenuta occupazionale del settore manifatturiero nei distretti nell’ultimo decennio, nonostante la forte pressione concorrenziale dei paesi emergenti. Dall’altro, l’impiego dei lavoratori immigrati low-skilled contribuisce a spiegare la bassa dinamica della produttività nei settori di tradizionale specializzazione italiana, rallentando il processo di ricomposizione della struttura industriale verso i settori più innovativi e a maggior valore aggiunto.

2005 - "I distretti industriali italiani tra globalizzazione e riorganizzazione" [Capitolo/Saggio]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

Diversi economisti hanno recentemente sollevato il tema della competitività e della specializzazione dell’industria manifatturiera italiana e, all’interno di questo, il problema della tenuta del modello dei distretti industriali. Nella prima parte di questo lavoro viene discussa la performance dei distretti e dei settori Made in Italy nei mercati internazionali nel periodo di maggiore intensità dei processi di globalizzazione. L’analisi mostra un generale indebolimento nei mercati internazionali, ma dietro la contrazione delle quote di esportazione dell’Italia vi è evidenza di un effetto di riallocazione verso beni di maggiore qualità e più alto prezzo unitario. Nella seconda parte si è analizzata la dinamica occupazionale dei distretti relativamente agli altri sistemi locali del lavoro, ricostruita attraverso il confronto intercensuario. E’ emersa una sostanziale tenuta dell’occupazione distrettuale avvenuta attraverso una significativa riallocazione tra i settori di specializzazione e un marcato processo di terziarizzazione.

Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

2004 - Come cambiano le attività economiche e i distretti industriali: un'analisi dell'andamento dell'occupazione tra i due censimenti (1991-2001) [Working paper]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


2004 - Imprese e immigrati in Provincia di Modena. I risultati di un’indagine [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertolini, Paola; Paba, Sergio


2004 - International migration, outsourcing, and Italian industrial districts [Working paper]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

The international outsourcing of production and the flows of migration are generally analyzed in the literature as independent phenomena. This paper draws attention to some possible interactions between the two. From the point of view of individual firms, both the employment of immigrants and the outsourcing of production can represent useful strategies to curb the costs of labor and satisfy the tight constraints imposed by the international markets. The evidence provided in the paper shows that, while most of the developed economies are increasingly involved in outsourcing activities, many small and medium sized exporting firms of the Italian industrial districts are using low-skilled immigrant labor instead of outsourcing production. For a country as a whole, however, the choice of one or the other strategy can have significantly different implications in terms of international specialization and economic growth. These implications are discussed in a model of growth and international trade. The model’s main prediction is that the utilization of the unskilled immigrant labor in the manufacturing sector of the advanced countries tends to drive their specialization towards the low-skilled intensive sectors and to reduce their long-run growth rate.

2004 - International migration, outsourcing, and Italian industrial districts [Working paper]
Murat, M.; Paba, S.

2003 - "Clusters, industrial districts and firms. The challenge of globalization”, international conference, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio; Marchi, Gianluca; Solinas, Giovanni


2003 - Global Brands and Industrial Districts [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Paba, Sergio; S., Montermini


2003 - I lavoratori extracomunitari nella provincia di Modena: un’indagine sulle imprese associate all’API [Working paper]
Bertolini, P.; Paba, S.

2003 - International Migration, Outsourcing and Italian Industrial Districts [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


2003 - International migration, manufacturing industry and industrial districts [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


2002 - Capitale umano specifico e flussi migratori [Articolo su rivista]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

Why are internal migration rates so low in Italy and other European countries whereregional unemployment is high? The recent literature focuses on factors affecting labor supply: i.e.workers’ decisions to migrate and reservation wages. We emphasize the role of labor demand. Weargue that the shift from standardized methods of production to flexible production systems, whichoccurred in the last two decades, has increased the demand for skilled workers. In addition, as ithappens in Italian industrial districts, part of the human capital required is region specific -itbelongs to native workers, but can only be acquired at a positive cost by migrants. We provideempirical evidence and a theoretical model that show that this change in labor demand can explainthe reduction of internal migration flows.

2002 - Knowledge Spillovers and the Growth of Local Industries [Articolo su rivista]
Forni, Mario; Paba, Sergio

The literature on localized knowledge spillovers and growth focuses on the relative importance of intra vs. inte r-industry externalities, but the nature and the characteristics of the dynamic linkages across manufacturing sectors are not investigated. In this paper we perform a very disaggregated analysis in order to identify, for each 3-digit industry, which composition of industrial activity is more conducive to growth. We find that diversity matters for growth, but each industry needs its own diversity. We provide some evidence of clustering of industries based on dynamic externalities. We find that many spillovers occur within input-output relationships. They often originate in downstream sectors favoring the growth of upstream industries. Lastly, the importance of spillovers does not depend on the technological intensity of the industry.

2002 - Spillovers and the growth of local industries [Articolo su rivista]
Forni, Mario; Paba, Sergio

In this paper we investigate the nature and directions of inter-industry dynamic linkages across Italian manufacturing sectors. We perform a very disaggregated analysis in order to identify, for each 3-digit industry, which composition of industrial activity is more conducive to growth. We find that diversity matters for growth, but each industry needs its own diversity. We provide some evidence of clustering of industries based on dynamic externalities. We find that many spillovers occur within input-output relationships. They often originate in downstream sectors favouring the growth of upstream industries. Lastly, the importance of spillovers does not depend on the technological intensity of the industry.

2001 - “Flussi migratori e modelli di sviluppo industriale. L’esperienza italiana dal dopoguerra agli anni novanta” [Capitolo/Saggio]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

In Italia e in alcuni paesi europei si osservano differenziali crescenti nei tassi di disoccupazione interregionale, accompagnati da una diminuzione nei flussi migratori interni e da una crescita dei flussi migratori internazionali. Nel cercare di spiegare le ragioni di questo andamento contraddittorio, la letteratura ha concentrato l’attenzione sui fattori di offerta di lavoro. In questo studio si mostra come anche fattori legati alla domanda di lavoro possono contribuire a spiegare il fenomeno. In particolare, l’abbandono dei sistemi di produzione di massa in favore dei sistemi di produzione flessibile ha previlegiato la domanda di lavoratori qualificati, da una parte, ed a basso costo, dall’altra. La prima parte della domanda viene soddisfatta soprattutto da lavoratori con capitale umano che spesso è specifico al territorio, soprattutto nei distretti industriali, mentre la seconda componente viene soddisfatta dai lavatori extra-europei, e non più da quelli provenienti dalle regioni meno ricche d’Italia.

2000 - A Fuzzy Approach to the Empirica! Identification of Industriai Districts [Working paper]
Facchinetti, G.; Mastroleo, G.; Paba, S.

2000 - A fuzzy approach to the geography of industrial districts [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Facchinetti, Gisella; G., Mastroleo; Paba, Sergio

We face the problem of individuation of italian Industrial district using a new approach based on fuzzy expert systems

2000 - Flussi migratori e modelli di sviluppo industriale [Working paper]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

2000 - Flussi migratori e modelli di sviluppo industriale. L'esperienza italiana dal dopoguerra agli anni novanta [Working paper]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


2000 - The sources of local growth: evidence from Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Forni, Mario; Paba, Sergio

The aim of this paper it to identify the main determinants of growth for local areas belonging to the same country. We examine the impact of a number of social, structural, and political variables on the economic performance of the Italian provinces during the period 1971-1991. Many of these variables appear for the first time in the Barro-regression literature. We analyze growth not only in terms of income, but also in terms of employment and population. First, we find that local growth is strongly affected by the diffusion of specialized industrial districts made up of small and medium-sized firms. Second, we find weak evidence of the importance of social capital for growth, whereas variables indicating political sub-cultures and social cohesion are strongly related with economic performance. Lastly, we show that crime and labor conflicts have a clear negative impact on employment.

1999 - A Statistcal and Fuzzy Algorithm for the Identification of Industriai Districts [Working paper]
Facchinetti, G.; Mastroleo, G.; Paba, S.

1999 - Knowledge Spillovers and the Growth of Local lndustries [Working paper]
Forni, M.; Paba, Sergio

1998 - Industriai Districts, Social Environment and Local Growth Evidence from Italy* [Working paper]
Forni, M.; Paba, S.

1997 - Le politiche per la qualità dei prodotti [Capitolo/Saggio]
Paba, Sergio


1997 - Per una storia dei distretti industriali italiani dal secondo dopoguerra agli anni novanta [Capitolo/Saggio]
S., Brusco; Paba, Sergio


Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


1996 - Economie Growth, ocial Cohesion and Crime [Working paper]
Forni, M.; Paba, S.

1994 - Imprese visibili, accesso al mercato e organizzazione della produzione [Working paper]
Paba, S.

1993 - L'industria verde [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
R., Malaman; Paba, Sergio


1992 - Connessioni, competenze e capacità concorrenziale dell'industria in Sardegna [Capitolo/Saggio]
S., Brusco; Paba, Sergio


1992 - Teorie della disoccupazione involontaria [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio

Raccolta e traduzione di articoli, curata dagli autori.

1992 - Teorie della disoccupazione involontaria: alcuni sviluppi recenti [Capitolo/Saggio]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


Paba, Sergio

The evidence from the European white goods industry, discussed in this paper, shows that once a brand segmentation of the market turns out to be sufficiently stable that is when brand-quality reputation becomes an important factor in the competitive game. It represents a strong inertial factor in the growth of firms even if market structure is far from being efficient in terms of plant size. The paper shows how the inertial role of brands has strongly affected the route of industrial concentration: it has been an incentive to mergers and takeovers rather than to internal growth, particularly when demand stabilized.

1991 - Reputazione ed efficienza. Crescita e concentrazione nell'industria europea degli elettrodomestici bianchi [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Paba, Sergio

Analisi dell'evoluzione dell'industria europea degli elettrodemistici bianchi. Studio del ruolo della reputazione dei marchi e delle economie di scala nel processo di concentrazione industriale. Analisi delle tecniche di produzione, dell'organizzazione del lavoro e della loro modificazione nel tempo negli impianti di produzione delle imprese italiane.

1991 - Teoria delle connessioni e sviluppo del Mezzogiorno. Alcuni risultati di un'indagine sull'industria della Sardegna [Articolo su rivista]
S., Brusco; Paba, Sergio


1989 - Gli effetti previsti del completamento del Mercato Unico: il settore tessile-abbigliamento [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, Sergio


1988 - The "Cost of Non-Europe" in the Textile-Clothing Industry [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
M., Breitenacher; Paba, Sergio; G., Rossini


1987 - Coalizioni e segmentazione nel mercato del lavoro: il caso dei porti [Articolo su rivista]
Murat, Marina Giovanna; Paba, Sergio


1986 - 'Brand-naming' as an Entry Strategy in the White Goods Industry [Articolo su rivista]
Paba, Sergio

This paper focuses on a particular type of export sale of manufactured goods: the supply of final products to a foreign firm which produces the same or similar goods and which markets this prearranged supply under its own brand labels. Such "brand-naming" agreements cannot be described either as a typical subcontracting agreement or as a simple cooperative arrangement between independent firms. The aim of this study is to show how the use of this practice, as an entry strategy into markets protected by high product differentiation barriers due to brand asymmetries, helped the Italian white goods industry to rise to world prominence.