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2010 - Multidisciplinary geological excursion in the open-air laboratory of the Island of Malta. 11-18 November 2010. Field-Trip Guide. [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Soldati, Mauro; Barbieri, Massimo; S., Biolchi; Buldrini, Fabrizio; Devoto, Stefano; E., Forte; S., Furlani; Gualtieri, Alessandro; Lugli, Stefano; M., Mantovani; A., Mocnik; Padovani, Veronica; A., Pasuto; Piacentini, Daniela; Prampolini, Mariacristina; Remitti, Francesca; J., Schembri; Tonelli, Chiara; Vescogni, Alessandro

Si tratta della guida all'escursione geologica multidisciplinare tenutasi a Malta dall'11 al 18 novembre 2010, nell'ambito del progetto di internazionalizzazione dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia dal titolo "Multidisciplinary research in the open-air laboratory of the island of Malta: an internazional network for landslide hazard assessment in coastal areas" (2008-2010) finanziato dalla Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena e Reggio Emilia, per i Corsi di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Geologiche e Magistrale in Scienze e Tecnologie Geologiche.

2009 - Il patrimonio geomorfologico come risorsa per un turismo sostenibile: l'esempio dell'Alta Val Badia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Barbieri, Massimo; Coratza, Paola; Marchetti, Mauro; Panizza, Mario; Piacentini, Daniela

Nella presente nota vengono presentate alcune attività di valorizzazione del patrimonio geologico che il Gruppo di Geomorfologia dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia ha messo a punto nell'alta Val Badia (Dolomiti) in collaborazione con l'associazione turistica della valle. In particolare sono stati realizzati alcuni itinerari escursionistici nell'Alta Val Badia, adatti a rappresentare un percorso di approfondimento delle tematiche geologico-geomorfologiche per la comprensione del paesaggio circostante. Gli itinerari così selezionati sono già stati pubblicati in carte geo-turistiche tradizionali. Inoltre, poiché si è individuato nelle nuove frontiere e applicazioni della cartografia digitale un valido supporto ai tradizionali strumenti di rappresentazione dei dati geografici, si è poi anche proceduto alla pubblicazione dei dati su WebGIS che, intergrata da spiegazioni, hyperlink, simulazioni di volo e visibilità virtuale da punti panoramici selezionati, è stata considerata un valido e completo strumento per la fruizione gratuita on-line da parte di un pubblico vasto e non specialistico.

2008 - Additional Causes of Seismically-Related Landslides in the Northern Apennines, Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Tosatti, Giovanni; Castaldini, Doriano; Barbieri, Massimo; D’Amato Avanzi, G.; Giannecchini, R.; Mandrone, G.; Pellegrini, Maurizio; Perego, S.; Puccinelli, A.; Romeo, R. W.; Tellini, C.

The results of a multidisciplinary research on the additional causes in historical landslides induced by earthquakes in the north-western sector of the Northern Apennines (Italy) are discussed. 18 well documented landslides induced by seismic shocks were identified. Up to 11 landslides were set in motion by a strong (6.5 magnitude) earthquake which struck the Tyrrhenian side of the Northern Apennines on September 7th 1920. Other landslides were triggered by earthquakes occurring from 1779 to 2003. These landslides were triggered by earthquakes ranging from 3.3 to 6.5 magnitude (IV to X MCS degrees). The earthquake-related landslides studied are mainly complex or slide-type movements. The rock types involved are prevalently calcareous flysch, clay shales and debris. Detailed studies on geology, hydrogeology, geomorphology, soil/rock mechanics and meteorology were carried out in each landslide area. According to the data collected during research, it comes out that earthquakes seem to be just the triggering cause for a great number of these landslides whereas the intrinsic causes mainly result from the amount of precipitation in the preceding periods (soil saturation conditions and build-up of pore-water pressures). Out of the 18 landslides investigated, earthquakes undoubtedly played a decisive role in 5 cases only. Also the lithological characteristics and weathering conditions of the bedrock appear to be extremely important since the five cases previously mentioned affected loose debris materials or weak rocks.

2007 - Le Salse di Nirano [Software]
Castaldini, Doriano; Conti, Stefano; Conventi, M.; Dallai, Daniele; DEL PRETE, Carlo; Fazzini, M.; Fontana, Daniela; Gorgoni, Carlo; Ghinoi, A.; Russo, Antonio; Sala, Luigi; Serventi, Paolo; Verri, D.; Barbieri, Massimo

Questo CD-Rom, organizzato in appositi capitoli contrassegnati da colori differenti, riunisce i diversi aspetti della Riserva Naturale delle Salse di Nirano in cinque unità tematiche, alle quali è possibile accedere attraverso il menu di navigazione o attraverso un'apposita pagina introduttiva.Il primo capitolo s'intitola HOME e contiene, oltre alla pagina iniziale, i paragrafi relativi alla guida al CD-Rom, agli autori e alla mappa del sito.Il secondo, chiamato RISERVA, ha come oggetto la Riserva Naturale delle Salse di Nirano, descritta sotto il profilo storico-istituzionale, negli aspetti legati alle strutture di accoglienza e dei servizi offerti, oltre a fornire le informazioni sul regolamento di fruizione dell'area e sulle pubblicazioni inerenti le Salse di Nirano .Il terzo, ASPETTI SCIENTIFICI, raggruppa appunto gli aspetti più prettamente scientifici della riserva naturale delle Salse di Nirano, e contiene i "paragrafi" relativi alla geologia, al clima, alla geomorfologia, ai fossili, alla flora e vegetazione ed alla fauna.Il quarto capitolo, ASPETTI TURISTICI, fornisce una serie di utili informazioni turistiche ed allega una lista di interessanti attrazioni nei dintorni di Nirano; esso contiene inoltre un paragrafo dedicato alla Carta Geoturistica della Riserva.Il quinto capitolo, GALLERIA MULTIMEDIALE, contiene una ricca raccolta d'immagini delle Salse di Nirano, di suoni registrati all'interno della Riserva e di filmati delle salse; di particolare rilievo il volo virtuale sulla Riserva, un modo tutto nuovo di osservare il territorio di Nirano. La galleria multimediale presenta inoltre una significativa bibliografia scientifica sul fenomeno generale delle Salse e sui vari aspetti della riserva di Nirano, un'apposita sitografia (una raccolta di siti web) assieme ad una galleria studi in cui si possono scaricare i pdf di pubblicazioni scientifiche che permetteranno al lettore particolarmente interessato di approfondire i singoli aspetti sulle salse di Nirano.

2006 - Large reactivated landslides in weak rock masses: a case study from the Northern Apennines (Italy) [Articolo su rivista]
Borgatti, L.; Corsini, Alessandro; Barbieri, Massimo; Sartini, G.; Truffelli, G.; Caputo, G.; Puglisi, C.

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide-earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range Of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5-15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.

2006 - Space-borne and ground-based SAR interferometry as tools for landslide hazard management in civil protection [Articolo su rivista]
Corsini, Alessandro; Farina, P.; Antonello, G.; Barbieri, Massimo; Casagli, N.; Coren, F.; Guerri, L.; Ronchetti, Francesco; Sterzai, P.; Tarchi, D.

In recent years, SAR interferometry has become one of the most popular emerging techniques for the assessment of ground displacements, and, as such, it is of great interest as a possible operational tool for civil protection institutions having to deal with landslide risk. The paper presents some of the results obtained in northern Italy during a research project aimed at testing the potentiality of the application of C-band space-borne interferometry and Ku-band ground based interferometry during different specific civil protection activities. Main research objectives were the detection of the movements of complex earth and rock slides affecting built-up areas during the 1990s, and the near real-time monitoring of a reactivated rotational earth slide over an emergency period of 15 days. Results of space-borne interferometry did qualitatively fit with the geological interpretation of the mass movements and with ground truths such as damaged buildings and in situ monitoring systems. However, this was not achieved in quantitative terms, suggesting that this technique should be used limitedly for displacement recognition and not monitoring. On the other hand, ground-based interferometry proved valuable both for a qualitative and a quantitative estimate of slope movements. Nonetheless, the research has also enabled the limitations that are still to be tackled in order to bring these systems to an operational usage in civil protection to be highlighted.

2006 - Stelle sulla Terra. Museo Universitario "Gemma 1786", Giornata internazionale dei Musei, 18 maggio 2006 [Esposizione]
Bertacchini, Milena; Barbieri, Massimo; Coltellacci, Marco Maria; Padovani, Veronica; Pattuzzi, Edda; Sighinolfi, Giampaolo; Zinanni, M.

Il Museo Universitario “Gemma 1786” espone per la prima volta al pubblico in un allestimento permanente le Collezioni di Meteoriti e di Pietre Lavorate per gran parte nate nel XVIII secolo dalla passione per le Scienze Naturali dell’Arciduca Massimiliano d’Este insieme ai documenti storici che ne raccontano origini e sviluppo.L’inaugurazione delle Collezioni di Meteoriti e di Pietre Lavorate è stata organizzata in occasione della Giornata Internazionale dei Musei indetta il 18 maggio 2006 dall’International Council of Museums (ICOM).L'iniziativa è stata accompagnata dalla conferenza “Meteoriti: dal Mito alla Scienza” di Giampaolo Sighinolfi, esperto di meteoriti e docente di Geochimica e di Vulcanologia presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, per svelare segreti e curiosità di questi tanto affascinanti quanto misteriosi corpi celesti.

2004 - Space-borne and ground-based SAR interferometry for landslide activity analysis and monitoring in the Appennines of Emilia Romagna (Italy): review of methods and preliminary results [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Barbieri, Massimo; Corsini, Alessandro; Casagli, N.; Farina, P.; Coren, F.; Sterzai, P.; Leva, D.; Tarchi, D.

This work concerns the application of SAR interferometry for the assessment of the long-term analysis of the state ofactivity of deep seated mass movements affecting some urban areas in the northern Appennines of Emilia Romagnaregion (from 1994-2001 space-borne ERS data) and for the real-time monitoring of active flow-like landslides in year2002 (from ground-based system). These activities are part of an ongoing research project supported by civil protectionauthorities of the Emilia-Romagna region that involves several research institutes with diverse expertises. A set of testsites characterized by a high landslide risk have been selected mainly taking into account phenomena characteristicssuch as deformation rates and vegetation coverage, with respect to the employed techniques. After a preliminarydetailed geomorphologic characterization of the sites, the interferometric analyses, still in progress, have beenimplemented. In particular space-borne DInSAR has been applied for 10 unstable areas using a set of ERS1/ERS2 dataacquired in the last 7 years. From 9 interferograms, the line-of-sight displacement maps have been calculated and, lateron, post processed in GIS environment in order to have on-slope-direction displacement maps that could fully beintegrated with geomorphologic and ancillary data and that could semi-quantitatively be compared with other traditionalmonitoring data. The results obtained have been rather satisfactory, especially in some test sites where entire villagesare settled on the mass movement, as in the case of Berceto (Parma) presented in the paper, and post-processed productshave proved a significant amelioration of basic interferometric ones. Moreover, in order to measure terraindisplacements induced by landslide characterized by high deformation rates and little urbanisation, ground-based SARinterferometry (GBInSAR) has been used for the monitoring of a test site located in the province of Bologna. Thisapplication proved that the LISA system adopted performs well even in clayey wet material, where signal attenuation isgenerally very strong.

2003 - The triggering factors in landslides induced by earthquakes in the Northern Apennines, Italy [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Castaldini, Doriano; Barbieri, Massimo; D’Amato Avanzi, G.; Giannecchini, R.; Mandrone, G.; Pellegrini, Maurizio; Perego, S.; Pochini, A.; Puccinelli, A.; Romeo, R. W.; Tellini, C.; Tosatti, Giovanni

Several cases of earthquake-related landslides occurring in the Northern Apennines (Italy) have been studied. A detailed analysis of all predisposing and triggering causes of mass wasting processes were taken into account, assessing the real importance of seismic shocks in the reactivation of landslide bodies.

2002 - A GIS-based model for Geomorphological Impact Assessment of a railway track [Articolo su rivista]
Barbieri, Massimo; Bonachea, J.; Corsini, Alessandro; Giusti, C.

The paper illustrates a method for the assessment of geomorphological impacts and risks related to the construction of an high speed railway track. The method has been applied in the study area of Castelfranco Emilia Municipality (Province of Modena, northern Italy) as part of the activities of the EC-project GETS. The method fits into general Multi-Criteria Analysis procedures and it is based on the use of GIS, to store, elaborate and manage maps making up the basic components of impact and risk matrices. Three possible tracks of the railway and geomorphological components falling into the assets, resources and processes categories, have been considered in the analysis. In the end, a number of impact and risk maps has been generated and combined in order to estimate impacts and risks for each alternative and provide decision makers with cartographic tools to evaluate the best possible alternative track from the geomorphological standpoint.

2002 - A GIS-based model for Geomorphological Impact Assessment of a railway track in Castelfranco Emilia territory (Italy) [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Giusti, C.; Barbieri, Massimo; Bonachea, J.; Corsini, Alessandro

ISBN 2951831706This article illustrates a model for the assessment of geomorphological impacts and risks related to the construction of an high speed railway track. This model fits into general multi-criteria analysis methods based upon the use of GIS techniques, and has been tested in the study area of Castelfranco Emilia (Province of Modena, northern Italy). The core of the analysis is based on a series of crossing operations between thematic maps that enable the network of mutual interrelationships between geomorphological component and the alternative for the project to be outlined in impact and rick matrixes of maps.

2002 - A methodology for medium-scale seismic susceptibility maps: an example from the Modena Apennines (northern Italy) [Articolo su rivista]
Castaldini, Doriano; Barbieri, Massimo; Bettelli, Giuseppe; Capitani, M; Panizza, Mario

This paper describes a methodology for the implementation of medium-scale (1:50,000 scale) seismic susceptibility maps for assessingseismic hazard in territorial planning. It illustrates the research carried out in the Modena and Reggio Emilia Provinces with an examplein the Modena mid-Apennines (area between Zocca and Rocca Malatina).The research, supported by bibliographical investigations on Quaternary active faults and on earthquake-induced surface effects, wasorganised according to the following studies: 1) Study of the geological characteristics. Elaboration of “Geological maps”. 2) Study ofthe litho-technical characteristics for the identification of the areas which may show homogeneous litho-technical behaviour in theoccurrence of earthquakes. Elaboration of “Litho-technical maps” and of “Simplified litho-technical maps” 3) Study of geomorphologicalcharacteristics for the determination of geomorphological situations which may give local responses by causing relative amplification ofseismic waves and/or earthquake-induced instability. Elaboration of “Geomorphological maps” and of “Simplified geomorphologicalmaps”; 4) Study of seismic susceptibility characteristics for the identification of the areas prone to seismic amplification and/or earthquake-induced instability on the basis of previous data. Elaboration of “maps of seismic susceptibility”. In these maps, the litho-technicalfeatures potentially causing amplification are shown with zones classified from 1 to 5 according to the increase of amplification (amplificationfrom Low to High); the morphological features causing amplifications (scarps higher than 20 m, narrow and long ridges) areshown with linear symbols. The features causing earthquake-induced instability are shown with zones indicated with letters from A to Daccording to the following classes of instability: A) stable areas and intermediate stability areas; B) potentially unstable areas with possibleproblems regarding the bearing capacity of soils; C) potentially unstable areas prone to mass movements; D) unstable areas proneto mass movements. The Quaternary faults are also shown in the map. Therefore, in the maps of seismic susceptibility the classes ofsusceptibility can be shown as zones with an alphanumeric code defined through the combination of numbers, from 1 to 5, and letters,from A to D (or with different areal symbols or different corresponding colours).The collected information was stored by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The procedures for the implementation ofthe “Maps of seismic susceptibility” were obtained by means of GIS operations starting from the geological map, geomorphological mapand the data base of the inventories of Quaternary active faults and earthquake-induced surface effects. These maps give a sufficientlydetailed picture of seismic hazard and susceptibility in the study area and can be easily consulted and understood by technicians fromadministration boards. The research herein described is qualitative and not quantitative and therefore, considering also the scale adopted,it can be considered as a grade 1 zonation (cf. TC4, 1999).

2002 - Geological and geomorphological data set for seismic susceptibility maps of Modena and Reggio Emilia Provinces (Northern Italy) [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Castaldini, Doriano; Barbieri, Massimo; Bettelli, Giuseppe; M., Capitani; Panizza, Mario

This paper illustrates the documents necessary for the implementation of medium-scale (1:50,000 scale) seismic susceptibility maps for assessing seismic hazard in territorial planning. It describes the research carried out in the Modena and Reggio Emilia Provinces with an example in the Modena mid-Apennines.

2002 - Geological and geomorphological studies in seismic hazard assessment for territorial planning [Capitolo/Saggio]
Castaldini, Doriano; Barbieri, Massimo; Bettelli, Giuseppe; Capitani, M.; Panizza, M.

This paper proposes a methodology of geological and geomorphological studies for assessing seismic hazard in territorial planning. In particular, it illustrates the research in progress in the Provinces of Modena and Reggio Emilia (northern Italy) with a case study in the Modena Apennines (the Pavullo nel Frignano area, which was the epicentre of the latest and strongest earthquake affecting the study area). The research is organised according to the following studies at different scales: 1) Research on geological, structural, neotectonic, seismological and seismotectonic characteristics, 2) Historical and bibliographic research on earthquake-induced surface effects, 3) Study of geological characteristics, 2) Study of litho-technical characteristics, 5) Study of geomorphological characteristics, 6) Study of seismic susceptibility characteristics

2001 - Historical Landslides Reactivated by Earthquake in the NW Apennines (northern Italy) [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Castaldini, Doriano; D'Amato Avanzi, G.; Mandrone, G.; Panizza, Mario; Pellegrini, Maurizio; Puccinelli, A.; Tellini, C.; Tosatti, Giovanni; Barbieri, Massimo

The results of a multidisciplinary research on historical landslides reactivated by earthquakes in the NW Apennines (Italy) are discussed. Investigations have led to the collection of 12 landslides reactivated by seismic shocks ranging from 3.3 to 6.5 magnitude. The rock-types involved are weak rocks, lithologically and/or structurally complex (flysch, clay shale and debris). In the study cases, earthquakes are considered as a triggering cause of reactivation of landslides controlled by rainfall.

2001 - Procedura per la Valutazione d'Impatto Ambientale (VIA) del Tracciato ad Alta Velocità nel comune di Castelfranco Emilia e aree limitrofe ((Provincia di Modena, Italia) [Articolo su rivista]
Panizza, Mario; Barbieri, Massimo; Bertens, J.; Bonachea, J.; Castaldini, Doriano; Corsini, Alessandro; Giusti, C.; Gonzalez Diez, A.; Marchetti, Mauro

This paper is about a procedure that has been developed for the assessment of geomorphological impacts and risks related to the construction of an High Speed Railway track. The method fits into general Multi-Criteria Analysis procedures and it is based on the use of GIS to store, elaborate and manage maps making up the basic components of impact and risk matrices

2000 - Integrated GIS data set and 3d analysis for environmental impact assessment in the Castelfranco Emilia area (Modena Province, Northern Italy). [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Barbieri, Massimo; Bertens, J.; Castaldini, Doriano; Giusti, C.; Gonzalez Diez, A.; Marchetti, Mauro; Panizza, Mario

In this work is presented a database sets in order in order to analyse an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Geographical Information System (GIS), Geomorphology, Castelfranco Emilia, Modena Province

2000 - Study of flood hazard in the Castelfranco Emilia area (Modena Province, Northern Italy) [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Bertens, J.; Castaldini, Doriano; Giusti, C.; Marchetti, Mauro; Barbieri, Massimo; Bonachea, J.

The Castelfranco Emilia area is located in the Po Plain. The Panaro River have periodically caused flooding in the studyarea. The more recent floods took place between 1966 and 1973 (3 events).In order to reduce flood hazards, several meander cuts were carried out along the river. As these interventions resultedto be ineffective, a flow-regulation system was constructed west of Castelfranco Emilia. It consists of a regulating dambuilt across the riverbed and a storage basin bordered by embankments. This structure is operating since 1985 but wasfinished in 1999: no flooding events have occurred since it is in operation.The paper illustrates some aspects of flood hazard induced by the Panaro River, related to the construction of a highvelocity railway in the study area, a tract of the connection between Milano and Bologna.The relationship between precipitation data and the occurrence of a number of flooding events is studied, in order toestablish whether or not a significant relationship between the two can be identified. Furthermore, a distributed dynamichydrological model is constructed for simulation of the spatial and temporal proceedings of a flood event.On the basis of merely precipitation no predictions can be made with respect to the occurrence of a flood event. Theinclusion of alternative routes for the proposed railway allows for the evaluation and comparison of the spatial effects ofa flood event. Critical points in the model are calibration and the calculation of soil saturation prior to the event.