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Ludovica LEONE

Ricercatore t.d. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B
Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi"

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Scapolan, Anna Chiara; Leone, Ludovica; Montanari, Fabrizio; Rodighiero, Stefano

2023 - Festivals & the city: the contested geographies of urban events edited by Andrew Smith, Guy Osborn, and Bernadette Quinn, London, University of Westminster Press, 2022, 308 pp., $29.99 (paperback); $60.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-914386-46-6 (e-copy) [Recensione in Rivista]
Leone, Ludovica

2023 - Is There Still a Place for Space in Organization Studies? [Articolo su rivista]
Leone, Ludovica

2023 - L’impatto culturale degli spazi collaborativi [Capitolo/Saggio]
Leone, Ludovica; Montanari, Fabrizio; de Gennaro, Davide; Buonocore, Filomena

2022 - Gli spazi collaborativi come luoghi a sostegno della creatività [Capitolo/Saggio]
Leone, Ludovica; Scapolan, Anna Chiara; Montanari, Fabrizio

2022 - Spazi collaborativi a orientamento sociale. Funzioni e prospettive nella transizione del lavoro [Articolo su rivista]
Scapolan, A. C.; Leone, L.; Rodighiero, S.; Montanari, F.

2022 - The impact of festivals on the image of a cultural industry: The case of the new Italian dance platform [Articolo su rivista]
Leone, Ludovica; Montanari, Fabrizio

Over the last years, there has been a growing attention on the impacts generated by festivals both on the host territories and the internal dynamics of the celebrated cultural industry. However, extant literature has overlooked the impact that festivals produce on the image of the industry. This study thus aims at filling this gap by exploring how a festival improves the image that the professionals attending the event have of their cultural industry. More particularly, the paper is based on a case study on the New Italian Dance Platform, the Italian biennial contemporary dance festival. Findings suggest that a festival provides industry professionals with the opportunity to conduct two groups of activities: crafting a shared space and building a shared vision. The two groups of activities trigger both social and cognitive mechanisms through which the attending professionals construe and share a positive image of their cultural industry.

Leone, Ludovica; Scapolan, Anna Chiara; Montanari, Fabrizio; Rinaldini, Matteo; Razzoli, Damiano

2021 - Language in collaborative spaces: Advantages and barriers [Capitolo/Saggio]
Leone, Ludovica; Guardiano, Cristina; Irimia, Monica Alexandrina; Mattarelli, Elisa; Montanari, Fabrizio

An indispensable desideratum in collaborative spaces is to foster dynamic, barrier-free environments where professionals from different backgrounds can find common ground for collaborative projects. However, although such goals cannot be met without proficient and effective communication, research on the use of language as the most important means of information exchange in collaborative spaces is still needed. Our contribution in this paper consists of an exploration of the linguistic interactions among coworkers of such spaces. We propose a multi-disciplinary approach integrating insights from the organizational literature on communication and research methods in theoretical linguistics. The sociolinguistic analysis of two coworking spaces reveals essential traits such as language diversity, the use of different formal and informal linguistic registers, as well as the appeal to various media and communication modalities. This type of versatility can foster information exchange, knowledge sharing, and, ultimately, effective collaboration. However, it might also act as a barrier to communication, suggesting the need for collaborative spaces to establish common linguistic ground as the basis for promoting collaboration.

2021 - Searching for creativity in innovative working contexts. The role of embeddedness in collaborative spaces [Articolo su rivista]
Leone, Ludovica; Cochis, Carlotta; Scapolan, Anna Chiara; Montanari, Fabrizio

2020 - Gli spazi collaborativi. Quale futuro dopo l’emergenza Covid-19? PERSONALE E LAVORO [Articolo su rivista]
Montanari, F; Scapolan, A.; Leone, L.

2020 - Gli spazi di lavoro negli hub creativi: una ricerca esplorativa [Articolo su rivista]
Scapolan, A; Montanari, F; Leone, L; Razzoli, D; Rinaldini, M; Rodighiero, S

Il presente articolo intende approfondire le caratteristiche distintive degli spazi collaborativi (coworking, FabLab, hub creativi, ecc.), focalizzandosi sul ruolo dello spazio fisico e sul rapporto tra individui e spazio in questi nuovi contesti lavorativi. L’articolo si inserisce nella letteratura che considera il rapporto tra spazio di lavoro, comportamenti organizzativi, collaborazione e creatività e attraverso una ricerca empirica, condotta tramite multiple case study, si propone di esplorare le caratteristiche fisiche ed estetiche dello spazio, ma anche i meccanismi attraverso i quali gli utilizzatori entrano in relazione con lo spazio di lavoro.

2020 - I lavoratori digitali sognano luoghi di lavoro digitali? L'importanza degli spazi fisici condivisi nel sostenere i lavoratori digitali [Articolo su rivista]
Leone, L.; Scapolan, A.; Montanari, F.

2020 - L'organizzazione e la gestione delle risorse umane nelle imprese internazionali [Capitolo/Saggio]
Leone, L.; Scapolan, A

2020 - The Ratatouille paradox. An inductive study of creativity in haute cuisine [Articolo su rivista]
Leone, L.

Organization literature has extensively explored the crucial role of creativity in enabling organizations to survive in fast-paced environments. However, there are still substantial misunderstandings about the way in which creative processes unfold. In most studies, creativity has been analyzed using a compositional sequential model. Building on interpretive inductive research, conducted in the empirical field of Italian haute cuisine, this study develops a framework for the following creative processes, emerging within the field: improvisation, experimentation, trial-and-error, and imagination. The main difference between these processes is the relationship between four aggregate dimensions: process triggers, planning, the unfolding of creative phases, and trialing. This new framework offers a more comprehensive understanding of creativity as it is enacted, shedding light on its real potential in contemporary organizations. C: In every dish, Chef Gusteau always has something unexpected. I will show you. I memorized all his recipes. L: Always do something unexpected. C: No. Follow the recipe. L: But you just said that… C: No, no, no. It was his job to be unexpected. It is our job to… Follow the recipe. (“Ratatouille,” min. 43, Pixar, 2007) C: What are you doing? You are supposed to be preparing the Gusteau recipe. L: This is the recipe. C: The recipe does not call for white truffle oil! What else have you…? You are improvising? This is no time to experiment. The customers are waiting! (“Ratatouille,” min. 48, Pixar, 2007)

2020 - The relational foundation of collaboration in a cultural and social hub. The case of Le Serre dei Giardini Margherita, Bologna [Capitolo/Saggio]
Leone, L.; Scapolan, A.; Montanari, F.; Mannucci, P. V.

2020 - ‘Times are a-changing’: how coworking spaces could sustain cultural workers. The case of BASE, Milan. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Leone, Ludovica; Montanari, Fabrizio; Scapolan, Anna Chiara; Razzoli, Damiano

This paper explores the role that collaborative spaces play in sustaining cultural workers to perform their job. In particular, our research – based on a single case study – explores how cultural workers leverage on this kind of spaces to develop a surrogate holding environment through three main groups of mechanisms: networking with co-workers, identifying with the space, and living the space. Taken together, our results emphasize the prominent role that the physical space still has for workers even in the digitalization era.

2019 - C’è “spazio” per la creatività e l’innovazione? Luci e ombre degli spazi collaborativi [Articolo su rivista]
Scapolan, A; Leone, L; Rodighiero, Stefano

L’articolo passa in rassegna tre studi pubblicati di recente per offrire un contributo sul ruolo che gli spazi di lavoro denominati collaborativi o creativi possono giocare nei processi di interazione collaborativa per l’innovazione. In particolare, vengono discussi gli effetti potenzialmente positivi del lavorare in luoghi dove si condividono spazi e risorse, ma se ne considerano anche i limiti e le potenziali distorsioni. L’articolo fornisce alcune implicazioni manageriali a partire dalla centralità che la motivazione individuale e il senso di comunità assumono all’interno di questi spazi.

2019 - Dai co-working agli spazi di collaborazione: come i nuovi luoghi di lavoro possono cambiare le aziende. [Articolo su rivista]
Montanari, F; Scapolan, A.; Leone, L.

L'articolo offre una sintetica panoramica della diffusione degli spazi collaborativi in Italia e presentano alcuni considerazioni sui loro possibili effetti sia per i lavoratori, sia per le aziende.

2019 - The resilient organisation: A meta‐analysis of the effect of communication on team diversity and team performance [Articolo su rivista]
Bui, H; Chau, Vs; Degl'Innocenti, M; Leone, L; Vicentini, F

2018 - Improvvisazione e management: indagine sui grandi chef italiani [Articolo su rivista]
Leone, L

2015 - Improvvisazione e creatività: nuove competenze di management dai grandi cuochi [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Leone, Ludovica

2015 - Making visible: Artists and galleries in the global art system [Capitolo/Saggio]
Baia Curioni, S; Forti, L; Leone, L

2014 - Almost Famous: penetrazione commerciale e consacrazione nel settore globale dell’arte contemporanea [Capitolo/Saggio]
Baia, Curioni; Dubini, P; Leone, L

2012 - Role distribution in public-private partnerships: The case of heritage management in Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Dubini, Paola; Leone, Ludovica; Forti, Laura