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2024 - Religion and Diversity [Curatela]
Cadeddu, Francesca

Diversity characterises internal dynamics and external relations of all religious groups in their different dimensions: texts – in their origins, exegesis, hermeneutics, critical editions; cults – in their anthropology, aesthetics, adaptations; norms – in their sources, implementation, collection; doctrines – with their languages, narratives, transmissions; practices – in their motivation, evolution, connection or antagonism with other societal actors. A complex system with multiple variants which finds its most visible reasons and outcomes in the way societies transform and represent it into their political, juridical, social systems, but also in the ways that the faith communities generate dialogue or conflict within themselves and towards other communities (religious and non-religious). The four lectures here presented offer insights on some of these outcomes: the power balances between majoritarian, privileged communities and minoritarian, discriminated ones; the role of religious education for today’s European society; the challenges faced by academia in understanding change in religion and theology; the chances that religions may offer in supporting agency and resilience for refugees.

2022 - Analfabetismo religioso: dai dati storici ai costi sociali [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca; Ferrarotti, Franco; Ventura, Marco

2022 - Dagli studi sull’analfabetismo religioso alle buone pratiche [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2021 - John Courtney Murray [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2020 - Comrades in a Sacred Cause. Methodist Women, Social Gospel and the Suffrage Movement in the Early Twentieth Century [Articolo su rivista]
Cadeddu, Francesca

Social Gospel is a distinct product of the history of American Christianity and Methodist churches became part of it after the Civil War. Notwithstanding the predominant historiography of male historians writing about an apparently only-male movement, Social Gospel is tied to the path of female suffrage particularly designed by American Methodist women between 1880 and 1920. The aim of this essay is to present a step in the research related to the specific role of Methodist women in the Social Gospel movement and to grasp how it affected the fight for women’s vote. The figure of Anna Howard Shaw is presented as a preliminary key study.

2020 - Towards Big Religious Data: RESILIENCE research infrastructure for data on religion in the digital age [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Büchler, Marco; Riegert, Sarah; Alpi, Federico; Cadeddu, Francesca

Data in and for religion is arguably as old as humanity. Religious significance has been attached to an immense variety of artifacts and documents, often in written form, in nearly all spoken and written languages over the past millennia. The rise of the digital age gives to the scholar in religious studies the opportunity to build research over a much wider array of data than ever before; institutions which have data repositories (such as libraries, museums, universities, etc.) similarly have the chance to make their collections available to a larger community. On the other hand, however, there is a serious risk that a considerable amount of data gets lost during the "Digital transition". This paper presents the approach of the RESILIENCE Research Infrastructure in dealing with the issue of big data and data loss within the field of religious studies.

2020 - “The Woman’s Cause is Man’s”: Social Gospel, metodismo e lotta per il suffragio femminile negli Stati Uniti [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2019 - Fighting Religious Illiteracy with Knowledge. Presentation of PARS, Portale di formazione e informazione per il contrasto dell’analfabetismo religioso [Articolo su rivista]
Cadeddu, Francesca

The paper presents the research which brought to the development of Portale di formazione e informazione per il contrasto dell’analfabetismo religioso (PARS – www. PARS is the outcome of a synergy which arose between the Education Department of UNIMORE and (Bologna). It is a platform that allows the collection, use and sharing of already-existing, scientific materials related to religious issues. Its intention is to provide the public with a set of high-quality digital resources and tools for self-understanding on religious matters.

2018 - John Courtney Murray: la sfida del consenso negli Stati Uniti degli anni Cinquanta [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2018 - Pars. Il portale contro l'analfabetismo religioso [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ruozzi, Federico; Cadeddu, Francesca; Melloni, Alberto

Scopo dell'articolo è illustrare il Portale contro l'Analfabetismo Religioso, strumento inedito per il panorama italiano, attraverso il quale è stata creata una piattaforma di raccolta, fruizione e condivisione di materiali specifici sul tema delle religioni.

2018 - Religious Literacy, Law and History. Perspectives on European Pluralist Societies [Curatela]
Melloni, Alberto; Cadeddu, Francesca

The book profiles some of the macro and micro factors that have impact on European religious literacy. It seeks to understand religious illiteracy and its effects on the social and political milieu through the framing of the historical, institutional, religious, social, juridical and educational conditions within which it arises. Divided into four parts, in the first one, One literacy, more literacies?, the book defines the basic concepts underpinning the question of religious illiteracy in Europe. Part II, Understanding illiteracies, debating disciplines?, highlights the theological, philosophical, historical and political roots of the phenomenon, looking at the main nodes that are both the reasons religious illiteracy is widespread and the starting points for literacy strategies. Part III, Building literacy, shaping alphabets, examines the mix of knowledge and competences acquired about religion and from religion at school as well as through the media, with a critical perspective on what could be done both in the schools and for the improvement of journalists’ religious literacy. Part IV, Views and experiences, presents the reader with the opportunity to learn from three different case studies: religious literacy in the media, religious illiteracy and European Islam, and a Jewish approach to religious literacy. Building on existing literature, the volume takes a scientific approach which is enriched by interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives, and deep entrenchment in historical methodology.

2018 - Secularism and religious literacy [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

The lack of knowledge of the signposts – religious illiteracy – renders a phenomena illegible, transforming migrants into potential terrorists and ‘radical’ faith into an excess to be feared. In 2007, Charles Taylor’s milestone work, A Secular Age, marked the beginning of a new reflection on secularization. In Taylor’s philosophical perspective, secularism is no longer a goal achieved through human progress, nor is it the only refuge of reason where human rights and globalization can leave aside national, cultural or religious boundaries. The ways in which the religious and the secular not only imagine themselves but also take on actual form through norms, customs, recognized rights, denied protections, narrated stories and recollected memories have the power to determine the degree to which religions may take part in public discourse. Educational systems, the mass media and public actors play a pivotal role in the construction of knowledge and of what we call religious literacy.

2018 - Sostenere l’islam in Europa attraverso la conoscenza [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2018 - «I did this as a religious action». Appunti di ricerca sul martirio come strumento di contestazione contro la guerra in Vietnam [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2017 - Cristiani evangelici nella polis: il contributo metodista al Patto di integrazione e alle intese [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

Il contributo presenta i risultati di una ricerca volta a comprendere l’idea di unità e di integrazione emersa all’interno del metodismo italiano in epoca repubblicana, al fine di individuare lo spazio pubblico nel quale esso ha ambito a collocarsi e delineare lo specifico contributo metodista al dibattito sulle intese con lo Stato. L’analisi si concentra principalmente sulla teologia politica che Sergio Aquilante, Franco Becchino e Giorgio Spini posero prima alla base del progetto di integrazione con la chiesa valdese e di federazione delle chiese evangeliche italiane e poi nella scelta della strada per l’intesa.

2015 - A Call to Action. John Courtney Murray, S.J., and the Renewal of American Democracy [Articolo su rivista]
Cadeddu, Francesca

As a Jesuit and an American intellectual, John Courtney Murray believed that U.S. society in the post–World War II era lacked a public philosophy and that intellectuals could reformulate the societal consensus so crucial to the early Republic. Invoking St. Thomas Aquinas, Murray formulated the concept of a city composed of democratic ideals and believed that Catholics could challenge the academy to preserve this city and the consensus that built it. Murray committed his life to work within Catholic and other intellectual circles and to the interpretation of U.S. democracy that could reveal the truths held by Americans.

2015 - Blasfemia, diritti e libertà : una discussione dopo le stragi di Parigi [Curatela]
Melloni, Alberto; Cadeddu, Francesca; Meloni, Federica

Le carneficine che hanno sconvolto Parigi nel 2015 cambiano il nostro modo di vivere? Se è così riflettere sui problemi posti dalle stragi di gennaio è un atto di resistenza. Papa Francesco ha dichiarato che chi uccide in nome di dio è un idolatra del sangue e un bestemmiatore del Nome. Ma cosa vuol dire veramente "blasfemia"? E il diritto di non essere offesi non è in contrasto con la pienezza di una democrazia basata sulla libera discussione? Muovendo dalla convinzione che il sapere possa e debba portare il proprio contributo al dibattito pubblico, questo volume, avvalendosi delle riflessioni di storici, teologi e giuristi indaga il rapporto fra blasfemia e Scritture, blasfemia e satira, blasfemia e diritto.

2015 - Fede e istituzioni. A trent’anni dall’Intesa tra lo Stato italiano e la Chiesa valdese [Curatela]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2015 - Trent’anni dall’Intesa, trent’anni di intesa? Tematiche e problemi, 1984-2014 [Articolo su rivista]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2014 - Definizioni e strumenti di alfabetizzazione religiosa nel panorama internazionale [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca

2014 - L’analfabetismo religioso in Italia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Cadeddu, Francesca