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2024 - Riduzione dell’orario e creazione di lavoro. Una nota critica-costruttiva sulla proposta di legge depositata in Parlamento [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

The proposal for a law on the reduction of the working week submitted to the Italian Parliament provides an opportunity for a critical and constructive reflection on the role that a reduction of standard working time can play in pursuing the goal of increasing and maintaining a high employment rate. To this end, the essay proposes to discuss what are the systemic conditions for demand and production growth to manifest their full employment-generating potential, while at the same time creating more employment and more leisure time, potentially for all those who participate in the ongoing process of change (and not only for the few who are in a position to work less). Two conditions are identified: (a) allowing working hours to decrease (tendentially) in line with increasing hourly labour productivity; (b) allowing real hourly wages to increase, also in line with hourly labour productivity. By holding employment growth and wage growth together, a working time reform would thus help to proactively address one of the fundamental problems of our socioeconomic system that has remained unanswered for decades. The essay also emphasises that in order to increase the social sustainability of growth, particularly in this difficult phase of technological and demographic transition, a new system of rules to improve working conditions is indispensable.

2024 - Tasso di occupazione, orario di lavoro e distribuzione del reddito. Le condizioni alle quali i benefici degli aumenti della produttività oraria del lavoro sono indirizzati alla crescita dell’occupazione [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

The aim of this essay is to show how sustained growth in the employment rate, which should be taken as a strategic variable of economic policy, depends - for given growth rates of output and working age population - on two conditions: (a) allowing working hours to decline at the same rate at which hourly labour productivity grows; (b) allowing real hourly wages to increase at the rate at which hourly labour productivity increases. The essay highlights that the two conditions stated and analytically examined are to be considered as necessary conditions for an expansion of demand and output to express the highest potential for employment growth at unchanging distributive shares. Once both are satisfied, the benefits of the increase in hourly labour productivity are transferred to wages in the form of a higher employment growth rate. The analytical framework developed in the essay is used for an initial assessment of the empirical evidence.

2022 - Agents and artefacts in the emerging electric vehicle space [Articolo su rivista]
Russo, Margherita; Alboni, Fabrizio; Bonifati, Giovanni; Carreto Sanginés, Jorge; Pavone, Pasquale; Simonazzi, Annamaria

After COP 21, the targets for reducing CO2 emissions have boosted the commitment of governments and companies to developing alternative technologies for the mobility of people and goods. Electric vehicles are at the heart of this transformation, which is profoundly affecting the characteristics of agents and artefacts. The aim of the paper is to identify the relevant domains of this transformation, and to identify what characterises the space of the agents and artefacts of the electric vehicle and their interactions, as oriented by the public policies promoted by the various countries. The paper presents the results of a multidimensional textual analysis of the news published in English by, a daily newsletter covering a wide range of relevant information on developments in electric transport in Europe and beyond. These results are a preliminary step for the analysis of the social, economic, organisational and technological changes related to sustainable mobility.

2022 - Database elaborated in the paper "Agents and artefacts in the emerging electric vehicle space" [Banca dati]
Russo, M.; Alboni, F.; Bonifati, G.; Carreto-Sanginés, J.; Pavone, P.; Simonazzi, A.

DATABASE elaborated in the paper Agents and artefacts in the emerging electric vehicle space published in Int. J. Automotive Technology and Management, 2022

2021 - Istituzioni, bisogni e direzioni del cambiamento [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Can institutions orient the emergence of new needs and, through their action, address the economic system to their satisfaction? In order to answering this question, the essay proposes a theoretical framework grounded on two elements: the notion of institutions as different types of entities organised around different systems of rules, and the notion of needs as the expression of awareness of what people consider important to build new life plans. The emergence of such an awareness is linked to knowledge-generating process-es. The resulting policy implications focus on the idea that social policies should follow two complementary directions: contributing to build the minimum conditions to design life plans and widening the possibilities of active participation in knowledge-generating processes.

2020 - Towards a critical ontology of socio-economic transformation processes: Marx’s contribution [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

The aim of the article is to contribute to a critical ontology of socio-economic transformation processes. Elements for such an ontology, it argues, can be found in the interaction between three foundational aspects of Marx’s thought: the notion of labour as a human social activity; the meaning and implications of the notion of alienation; and the relationship between quantitative and qualitative changes. After analysing these elements, the article discusses possible developments for an ontology of socio-economic transformation processes and concludes that Marx’s fundamental contribution to such an ontology is to show that the emergence of a new system of division of labour as a qualitative transformation requires a change in the relationships between the entities of an already existing system of division of labour that gives it a new functionality and a new direction. Marx teaches us that we need to identify the turning points in change processes and that, in this last respect, emergence is not a gradual process. The article argues that, in more general terms, the notion of emergence as a process of change in the functionality of an existing system of relationships to which a new direction is given can be used as a method to analyse socio-economic transformation processes at different levels of social reality. Thus understood, emergence involves the rejection of any form of reductionism in the social sciences.

2019 - Is automation beneficial for society as a whole? What we can learn re-reading Ricardo and Marx on machinery and labour [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bonifati, Giovanni

The aim of the chapter is to highlight that Ricardo’s and Marx’s analysis of the introduction of machinery raises relevant theoretical issues that go well beyond the problems of adjustment, though they are important, to new technologies. After arguing that the introduction of machinery is compatible with an increase in net income (profits) and a reduction in gross income, on which the level of employment depends, Ricardo concludes that the possibility of a (partial) recovery of employment depends on how the net income is spent (i.e. how the profits are spent). Even considering that new capital is invested in machinery, with the consequence that the accumulation of capital gives rise to an increase in demand for labour, the latter, however, is in a necessarily decreasing ratio with respect to the investment. Marx introduces three new elements: the capitalist use of machinery, the direct and indirect effects of the introduction of machinery on employment coefficients, and the cascade effects due to the introduction of machinery in the connected sectors (considering both backward and forward linkages). In particular, Marx's rich and complex analysis of the relationship between machinery and labour in Grundrisse is examined. The analysis of the contributions of Ricardo and Marx suggests the need for a critical assessment of the current debate on the issues raised by the specific character of the digital revolution.

2017 - Il contributo di Marx a una critica del determinismo tecnologico. Premesse per una ontologia critica dell’innovazione [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Despite the criticism of being a technological determinist, Marx provides deep on-tological foundations for a critique of technological determinism. The essay elaborates on this thesis with three interrelated arguments. The first one refers to the three elements of Marx's analysis that can contribute to a critical ontology, which allows us to think of social reality as constructed by human activity as such: the notion of work as social praxis; the meaning of fetishism of commodities and its implications; the relationship between quantity, quality and transformation processes. The second argument aims at showing how changes in the characteristics and functions of the division of labour, and the transition itself to the capitalist mode of production, are not reducible, in Marx, to an adaptation to new technological conditions. The third argument draws attention to the need for a critical ontology of innovation as emerging from human activity as such. Grounded on Marx's analysis, the paper concludes on how the notion of work as social praxis, the relationship between quantity and quality and the critical perspective of the fetishism of commodities refer to a complex, and ontologically endogenous, theory of the processes of change.

2016 - Innovation and development after the earthquake in Emilia [Working paper]
Russo, M.; Silvestri, P.; Bonifati, G.; Gualandri, E.; Pagliacci, F.; Pattaro, A.; Pedrazzoli, A.; Pergetti, S.; Ranuzzini, M.; Reverberi, M.; Solinas, G.; Vezzani, P.

The 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) has shaken up the collective understanding on the socioeconomic importance of a vast territory that generates almost 2% of Italian GDP. The area af-fected by the earthquake is characterized by the presence of important industrial and agricultural districts, and by good practices of local governance that are internationally renowned. Private and public buildings, factories, offices and retail shops, historical and cultural heritage sites have been severely damaged. Not only, but it set in motion transformations in the socio-economic system that might have unexpected consequences and that undermine the quick recovery of the local system: different agents, at different levels, taking individual and collective decisions, generate a cascade of changes that interact with its evolution path. Indeed, earthquakes pose challenges, but provide unprecedented opportunities: strategic decisions by economic and political agents, newly available financial resources, coordination or lack of coordination among main stakeholders, and so on. The following paper provides an overview of the first results of Energie Sisma Emilia research project: it aims at collecting and disseminating relevant knowledge and evidence in order to design poli-cies. In particular, it identifies the agents propelling innovation processes, and analyses their strat-egies in ever-changing environment. The paper starts with a socio-economic analysis of the area struck by the earthquake, followed by the results of three of the focus groups conducted. Eventual-ly, it illustrates a specific innovation: the introduction and implementation of the digital infrastruc-ture “Mude”.

2016 - Innovation and development after the earthquake in Emilia [Working paper]
Russo, M.; Silvestri, P.; Bonifati, G.; Gualandri, E.; Pagliacci, F.; Pattaro, A. F.; Pedrazzoli, A.; Pergetti, S.; Ranuzzini, M.; Reverberi, M.; Solinas, G.; Vezzani, P.

The 2012 earthquake in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) has shaken up the collective understanding on the socioeconomic importance of a vast territory that generates almost 2% of Italian GDP. The area affected by the earthquake is characterized by the presence of important industrial and agricultural districts, and by good practices of local governance that are internationally renowned. Private and public buildings, factories, offices and retail shops, historical and cultural heritage sites have been severely damaged. Not only, but it set in motion transformations in the socio-economic system that might have unexpected consequences and that undermine the quick recovery of the local system: different agents, at different levels, taking individual and collective decisions, generate a cascade of changes that interact with its evolution path. Indeed, earthquakes pose challenges, but provide unprecedented opportunities: strategic decisions by economic and political agents, newly available financial resources, coordination or lack of coordination among main stakeholders, and so on. The following paper provides an overview of the first results of Energie Sisma Emilia research project: it aims at collecting and disseminating relevant knowledge and evidence in order to design policies. In particular, it identifies the agents propelling innovation processes, and analyses their strategies in ever-changing environment. The paper starts with a socio-economic analysis of the area struck by the earthquake, followed by the results of three of the focus groups conducted. Eventually, it illustrates a specific innovation: the introduction and implementation of the digital infrastructure “Mude”.

2016 - Innovazioni e sviluppo dopo il sisma in Emilia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Russo, Margherita; Silvestri, Paolo; Bonifati, Giovanni; Gualandri, Elisabetta; Pagliacci, Francesco; Pattaro, Anna Francesca; Pedrazzoli, Alessia; Pergetti, Silvia; Ranuzzini, Marco; Reverberi, Manuel; Solinas, Giovanni; Vezzani, Paola

Quali sentieri di sviluppo si attivano nei territori colpiti da disastri naturali? Disastri naturali come quelli che si sono verificati in Italia nel secondo dopoguerra e in particolare eventi sismici, alluvioni, frane ed esondazioni richiamano in misura crescente l’attenzione, non solo quella degli studiosi, sulla fragilità del territorio e sulla necessità di interventi di prevenzione per mitigare gli effetti economici e sociali dei disastri naturali. Le riflessioni proposte in questo saggio si basano su una prima lettura dei risultati del progetto di ricerca “Energie Sisma Emilia”. Avviato nel settembre 2014 da un vasto gruppo di ricerca dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, il progetto ha una duplice finalità: contribuire, con l’analisi degli effetti del terremoto sull’assetto economico e sociale della regione, all’accumulo e condivisione della conoscenza necessaria per favorire la maturazione di decisioni strategiche informate. Il ruolo dell’università nel processo di ricostruzione è esso stesso un elemento di innovazione nella fase che segue un disastro naturale: si tratta di un attore centrale perché potenzialmente capace di creare nuove conoscenze necessarie per rispondere alle domande che accompagnano la ricostruzione.

2016 - Investimenti, consumi e occupazione [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

The essay aims to draw attention to the view that the adjustment of productive capacity to expected demand implies a qualitative change in productive capacity, which is transformed by the producers with a view to acquiring the means of production, skills and organization necessary to produce new and existing goods and services in a new way. In particular, the essay focuses on the possible long-term effects arising from feedbacks of this transformation of productive capacity, on employment growth, consumption, production and income. In this theoretical perspective, investments are considered as a long-term autonomous component of demand. A system of relationships between investment, consumption and employment is estimated for the United States and Italy over the period 1960-2013. The results suggest that in our contemporary economies decelerative forces are at work. These forces can essentially be attributed to the reduction in the use of labour per unit of production and to the effects of such a reduction on income and employment growth

2015 - The implications of the concept of exaptation for a theory of economic change [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

The term exaptation, coined by Gould and Vrba, refers to those characters that are useful for survival but that were not selected for this purpose. In this paper I will focus on the notion of exaptation in socio economic systems and on its implications for a theory of economic change. In socio-economic systems, an exaptation is the result of a process through which the initial attribution of new functionalities to existing socio-economic entities (agents, artifacts, social institutions) leads to new entities and new relationships between entities. The notion of exaptation forces to examine the processes of change in socio-economic systems in terms of an interaction-based ontology that I will provide, following the complexity theory of innovation. I will use this ontology to highlight how processes of economic change can be analysed in terms of emergent phenomena and in particular in terms of the emergence of new specific functionalities and qualitatively new entities and relationships. I will refer these processes to the relationships between agent and artifacts, and to the organization of the economy and society. This second type of process of emergence will be examined with reference to the changing characteristics and functions of the division of labour emerging from the historical processes of interaction between quantitative and qualitative changes of production relations. I will conclude that economic change cannot be analysed in terms of a mere recombination of existing things or in terms of selection-variation mechanisms. It must be analysed through the dynamic historical process by which “a new thing leads to another”. In these processes of transformation the causality links are themselves the results of processes in which ex ante potential causality links can be transformed into different (and new) effective (or actual) causality links.

2014 - Investimenti, consumi e occupazione. Capacità produttiva, domanda effettiva e distribuzione del reddito nel lungo periodo [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

In this essay, the theoretical background represented by the classical theory of income distribution and the Keynesian principle of effective demand extended to the long term is used as a guide to identify the problems that the change in productive capacity raises on the long-term relationship between investment, consumption and employment. This theoretical perspective moves away from the neo-kaleckian growth theory, according to which the equilibrium between savings and investment in the-long term is warranted by changes in the steady state degree of capacity utilization. The essay aims to draw attention to the view that the adjustment of productive capacity to expected demand implies a qualitative change in productive capacity, which is transformed by the producers to acquire the means of production, skills and organization necessary to produce new and existing goods and services in a new way. In particular, the essay focuses on the possible long-term effects arising from feedbacks of this transformation of the productive capacity on employment growth, consumption, production and income. In this theoretical perspective, the essay discusses the relationships between investments, effective demand and productive capacity, and the relationship between changes in productive capacity and labor productivity . In the last part of the essay, a system of relations between investment, consumption and employment is estimate for the United States and Italy for the period 1960-2013. The results suggest that in our contemporary economies decelerative forces are at work. These forces can essentially be attributed to the reduction in the use of labor per unit of production and to the effects of such a reduction on income and employment growth. The essay concludes with the formulation of some specific hypotheses for a broader empirical analysis, currently underway, of the relationship between investment, consumption and employment.

2013 - Exaptation and emerging degeneracy in innovation processes [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

In socio-economic innovation processes, exaptations emerge from processes through which an initial attribution of new functionalities to existing artifacts or organizations leads to new artifacts and eventually to new markets. In this paper, I argue that exaptation may generate degeneracy, defined as the property according to which structurally different elements provide overlapping functionalities. I propose a theoretical framework to analyze exaptation–degeneracy processes and use two case studies to show that exaptation can generate new artifacts providing functionalities similar to those provided by existing structurally different ones. This paper is intended to provide a contribution to an exaptation–degeneracy perspective in innovation theory

2013 - Exaptation in innovation processes: theory and models [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bonifati, Giovanni; Villani, Marco

In this chapter we present a contribution to a theory of exaptation phenomena in innovation processes. In section 1 we define exaptations and discuss some related conceptual issues. In order to contribute to the development of an exaptation-based view in the economics of innovation, in the remaining sections we propose a theoretical framework and simulation models for the study of the processes of exaptation. In section 2, we relate exaptation phenomena at different levels of organization and provide a framework for their analysis. In section 3 we argue that in innovation theory an exaptation-based perspective can be considered, at least potentially, an alternative to the “adaptation through selection” perspective. In sections 4-6 we represent and clarify the theory presented above, by means of two agent-based simulation models. In the first model, exaptation occurs through the exchange of artifacts and information between two agents. In the second model many agents are producers and consumers of thousands of artifacts and are able to introduce innovations. The latter model is explicitly designed to simulate the emergence of recurrent patterns of interactions, and their changes, as consequence of locally introduced innovations. Section 7 concludes the chapter.

2011 - The capacity to generate investment. An analysis of long-term determinants of investment [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bonifati, Giovanni

What do we know about long-term determinants of investment? It seems to me that both neoclassical and Keynesian theory of economic growth provide a poor answer to this question so important for any theory of growth and accumulation. If we consider the traditional theory in which the interest rate represents the key variable for studying investment decisions, both theoretical and empirical considerations suggest, as is well known, to change direction. In the Keynesian theories of economic growth, the investment decisions are reduced to the mechanism of adjusting the productive capacity to the demand according to the accelerator principle, whose use presupposes a constant full (or normal) utilisation of capacity, no technical change and a mechanical behaviour of firms. I propose to adopt a different observation point and to regard investment decisions as the result of a series of inducing mechanisms by which these decisions are activated. After analysing the significance of satisfying the need to adjust productive capacity to expected demand and the need for profitability, I refer to the general characteristics of the actual working of competition and define the notion of capacity to generate investment understood as capacity to create and exploit new investment opportunities through inducing mechanisms linked with the innovative activity of firms. In the Hirschman, Perroux and Dahmèn tradition, these inducing mechanisms are defined in terms of dynamic linkages and are connected with four strategic factors in investment decisions: focusing mechanism and learned processes, complementarities and interdependences, expectations and uncertainty, growth in demand.Abandoning the neoclassical paradigm, this paper disputes the antithesis between demand factors and supply factors in the investment determinants. Expected demand induces investment decisions as far as it is regarded as permanent and this forces an enquiring into the way in which expectations concerning the future demand are formulated. On the supply side, the technological characteristics of the investment, the economic reasons behind it (product innovation, opening up of new markets, goals of cost reduction), the decisions concerning localisation and the economic and social environment within which firms reach their investment decisions are considered crucial elements in the explanation of the long-term determinants of investment in a way wholly independent of the full capacity saving of the economy. (J.E.L. E22, O30.).

2010 - Exaptation, Degeneracy and Innovation [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

In innovation processes, exaptations are innovation-development processes through which an initial attribution of new functionality to existing artifacts leads to new artifacts and eventually new markets. In this article I focus on the theoretical foundations of these processes, proposing a theoretical framework to analyze them. The essay provides a contribution in the following two directions: • a discussion of the different levels of organization through which exaptations emerge in a market system;• an analysis of the complex links between exaptation and degeneracy (a many-to-many rather than one-to-one map between structure and function).Using this theoretical framework, I focus on the need for an analysis of the consequences of exaptations, arguing that exaptations may contribute to emerging degeneracy, which, in turn, may trigger further exaptations. In market systems one form of degeneracy is the coexistence of many structurally different artifacts providing at least in part the same functionality. I present historical examples that suggest that degeneracy increases the complexity of the system: the attribution of functionality previously provided by existing artifacts to new artifacts potentially able to provide them in a new way is a significant process giving raise to new artifacts and new markets.

2010 - L'economia classica e Keynes [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bonifati, Giovanni; A., Simonazzi

Il saggio analizza la relazione fra le teoria economica degli economisti classici (Smith, Ricardo e Marx) e la teoria keynesiana dell'occupazione.

2010 - “More is different”, exaptation and uncertainty: three foundational concepts for a complexity theory of innovation [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Increasingly, economists concur that innovation processes are far from equilibrium phenomena. Indeed, these processes are characterized by complex qualitative changes in the relations between producers, sellers and users, from which new products and new markets emerge. In order to understand such processes, many economists have begun to draw on ideas and methods from “the sciences of complex systems” literature. In this paper, I examine in detail three concepts from this literature, and I show how, taken together, these concepts provide a foundation for a complexity theory of innovation. I briefly characterize these concepts as follows: 1.The “more is different”principle The need to reach new potential consumers in the face of increased production capacity induces qualitative changes in artifact functionality, agent interaction patterns, and the relations between production and consumption.2.Exaptation New patterns of interaction among agents around the use of new kinds of artifacts lead to the emergence of new functionality, which in turn induces new kinds of relationships among production, technology and consumption.3.Ontological uncertainty New artifacts, new patterns of interaction around their production and use, and new attributions of functionality generate perpetual novelty in innovation contexts, which makes prediction impossible: not only because agents are unable to decide which among some set of well-defined consequences will happen as a result of actions they contemplate taking, but also because some of the very subjects, objects and criteria of value with which these consequences of their possible actions would have to be expressed simply do not exist at the historical moment in which agents must act.The paper argues that a theory of innovation capable of providing deep insight into the way in which innovation processes unfold in historical time must begin by embedding these three concepts in its foundation.

2008 - Dal libro manoscritto al libro stampato. Sistemi di mercato a Bologna e a Firenze agli albori del capitalismo [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Questo volume trae origine da uno studio di caso condotto all’interno del progetto di ricerca europeo Information Society as a Complex System (ISCOM). In generale la ricerca intende fornire un contributo all’analisi delle modalità con le quali emergono nuovi mercati in connessione con l’emergere di nuovi tipi di prodotti, di nuovi usi per tali prodotti e di nuovi agenti. Il passaggio dal libro manoscritto al libro stampato è un caso particolarmente significativo per riflettere sulla costruzione dei mercati perché consente di definire e confrontare diversi tipi di produzione e di uso del libro e di esaminare gli elementi che concorrono a un cambiamento profondo nei rapporti fra produzione e domanda di libri. Ad aumentare l’interesse per questo caso è la considerazione che tali cambiamenti sono avvenuti molto prima che i rapporti economici e sociali e le forme organizzative per la maggior parte delle attività economiche assumessero in modo compiuto le connotazioni proprie dell’economia capitalistica. Nella sua impostazione teorica la ricerca fa riferimento a tre elementi portanti: (a) l’idea, che risale a Marx e a Polanyi, secondo cui le relazioni economiche sono immerse nelle relazioni sociali e culturali; (b) l’idea che i mercati emergano in quanto costruiti intorno a una serie di relazioni ricorrenti fra produttori, venditori e utilizzatori di beni e servizi; (c) l’idea, risalente agli economisti classici e a Marx, che i prezzi capaci di assicurare la remunerazione di produttori, venditori e finanziatori emergano indipendentemente dal meccanismo della domanda e dell’offerta.Nella ricerca sono stati utilizzate tre tipi di fonti: documenti di archivio pubblicati, cataloghi delle edizioni bolognesi e fiorentine nel Quattrocento e del Cinquecento e una vasta letteratura secondaria di cui si dà conto nelle note e nella bibliografia.Una caratteristica particolare della ricerca riguarda la definizione stessa di cosa debba intendersi per libro. Un libro, infatti, non può essere definito se non in termini dell’interazione di un insieme mutevole di elementi: la sua tecnica di produzione, il materiale usato per produrlo, la sua veste grafica e la funzionalità che il lettore attribuisce soggettivamente a un particolare tipo di libro.Quest’ultimo elemento, l’attribuzione di funzionalità, si è dimostrato un aspetto importante quanto problematico nella analisi della costruzione di nuovi sistemi di relazioni e di nuovi tipi di libri in quanto, in generale, l’attribuzione di funzionalità da parte dei lettori è essa stessa un processo sociale. Dalla ricerca è emerso che il lettore attribuisce le funzionalità soggettivamente ma in un processo di interazione in cui la Chiesa, gli editori, le università o anche singoli personaggi della vita intellettuale, religiosa e politica hanno svolto un ruolo da cui non si può prescindere. Aver ricostruito il complesso insieme di interazioni fra produttori, venditori e utilizzatori di libri nel passaggio dal manoscritto al libro stampato ha consentito di mettere in luce che aldilà delle differenze nelle caratteristiche tecniche della riproduzione dei libri, i mutamenti quantitativi e qualitativi nella produzione, vendita e uso di diversi tipi di libri ruotano in ultima analisi intorno a un elemento meno immediatamente percettibile e più difficilmente rappresentabile ma molto importante: i diversi usi attribuiti a diversi tipi di libri da parte del pubblico di lettori. Da questo punto di vista il mio lavoro è un tentativo di esaminare le scelte di consumo, non in termini di un comportamento definito a priori sulla base degli assiomi della scelta razionale del consumatore individuale, ma immergendo le attribuzioni di funzionalità, e dunque le scelte di consumo, per diversi tipi di libri nelle relazioni sociali e culturali.

2007 - Risparmio e investimento nell’economia globale: da cosa dipende il disavanzo di parte corrente degli Stati Uniti? [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Il saggio esamina le determinanti del disavanzo commerciale degli Stati Uniti dal 1995 a oggi

2005 - Beni e servizi: un’analisi intersettoriale dell’economia americana [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

In questo articolo esamino l’interdipendenza fra la produzione di beni e la produzione di servizi nell’economia americana alla fine degli anni Novanta utilizzando le matrici intersettoriali. La dimensione quantitativa delle interdipendenze fra beni e servizi non è calcolabile mediante la “matrice inversa di Leontief” che si riferisce all’intero sistema economico. Per distinguere i diversi effetti di attivazioni fra beni e servizi, ho utilizzato il metodo di Miyzawa che consente di studiare sia le relazioni di interdipendenza all’interno del settore dei beni e del settore dei servizi sia gli effetti delle relazioni intersettoriali fra i due settori. I risultati empirici raggiunti testimoniano che nell’economia americana il settore dei servizi è divenuto un’importante forza coesiva fra le diverse attività produttive sia attraverso la creazione di attività specializzate – come è avvenuto in modo particolare nel caso dei servizi alle imprese – sia con l’accresciuto ruolo dei servizi finanziari, di commercializzazione, trasporto e immagazzinamento dei beni. Due implicazioni della forte complementarità fra beni e servizi sono messe il luce. La prima è che una comprensione profonda del funzionamento di una economia terziarizzata deve tener necessariamente conto dell’operare del sistema di interconnessioni fra beni e servizi. La seconda implicazione riguarda il ruolo di tali interdipendenze nella relazione fra la crescita della produzione e della produttività dell’economia americana. Dagli studi empirici risulta, infatti, che la crescita della produttività nell’economia statunitense nella seconda metà degli anni Novanta si è concentrata largamente, oltre che nella produzione di computer, nel settore dei servizi, in particolare distribuzione e servizi alle imprese. In presenza di un settore dei servizi relativamente competitivo, gli aumenti di produttività nel settore dei servizi hanno così contribuito indirettamente alla riduzione dei costi nell’industria manifatturiera.

2002 - Produzione, investimenti e produttività. Rendimenti crescenti e cambiamento strutturale nell’industria manifatturiera americana (1960-1994) [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

L’articolo esamina la relazione cross-industry fra produzione, investimenti e produttività nell’industria manifatturiera americana, disaggregata a 4-digit, nel periodo 1960-94. I risultati empirici sono valutati tenendo conto che 8 industrie a forte crescita della produttività e tasso di crescita medio del prezzo negativo influenzano le relazioni esaminate. Un’analisi per serie temporali condotta su un sottoinsieme di industrie conferma i risultati cross-industry. Dall’analisi empirica è emerso che non è possibile osservare una forte relazione diretta fra investimenti e produttività in presenza di rendimenti crescenti in virtù dei quali all'aumentare del prodotto aumenta sia il prodotto per addetto sia il prodotto per unità di capitale impiegato. Per questo stesso motivo, le differenze interindustriali nei tassi di crescita della produttività risultano simultaneamente associate, positivamente, con la crescita del prodotto e, negativamente, con quella degli investimenti. Guardando ai rendimenti crescenti in termini degli effetti dell'aumento della divisione del lavoro nei suoi molti aspetti, l’articolo suggerisce che la crescita della produttività può essere ricondotta al prevalere degli effetti derivanti dallo sviluppo delle capacità tecnologiche e organizzative realizzabili nell’attività produttiva in quanto tale (JEL E22, L60, O40).

2002 - The Relationships Between Goods-Producing and Services-Producing Activities in the US Economy: an Intersectoral Analysis [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

2000 - Produzione, Investimenti e Produttività. Rendimenti crescenti e cambiamento strutturale nell'industria manifatturiera americana (1960-1944) [Working paper]
Bonifati, G.

1999 - The Capacity to Generate Investment An analysis of the long-term determinants of investiment [Working paper]
Bonifati, G.

1998 - Il saggio dell'interesse come fenomeno monetario e il saggio di rendimento del capitale impiegato nella produzione [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bonifati, Giovanni; Vianello, F.

Il saggio esamina le basi teoriche della determinazione monetaria del saggio del profitto

1997 - Progresso tecnico, concorrenza e decisioni di investimento [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Il saggio esamina le determinanti di lungo periodo degli investimenti

1995 - Cambiamento tecnico e crescita endogena: una valutazione critica delle ipotesi del modello di Romer [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni


1995 - Progresso tecnico, concorrenza e decisioni di investimento: una analisi delle determinanti di lungo periodo degli investimenti [Working paper]
Bonifati, G.

1994 - Progresso tecnico, investimenti e capacità produttiva [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni


1993 - Progresso tecnico e accumulazione di conoscenza nella teoria neoclassica della crescita endogena [Working paper]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Il saggio presenta una analisi critica del modello di crescita endogena di Romer

1991 - Saggio dell'interesse e distribuzione del reddito [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Il libro esamina le origini e gli sviluppi della teoria monetaria della distribuzione del reddito attraverso le teorie di Wicksell, Hayek, Sraffa, Keynes e Tobin

1990 - Saggio dell'interesse e saggio del profitto [Articolo su rivista]
Bonifati, Giovanni

Il saggio esamina il ruolo del saggio dell'interesse nella determinazione del saggio del profitto e dell distribuzione del reddito

1986 - Saggio dell'interesse e crisi. Note su Wicksell, Keynes, Hayek e Sraffa [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Bonifati, Giovanni


1982 - Chi produce dove. Paesi e imprese nell’industria mondiale dei trattori. [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Bonifati, Giovanni


1978 - L'economia italiana al tempo del Piano del lavoro [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bonifati, Giovanni; Vianello, F.

Il saggio esamina le scelte di politica economica dell'immediato secondo dopoguerra e la situazione dell'economia italiana al tempo del Piano del lavoro della CGIL