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Dipartimento Educazione e Scienze Umane

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2024 - Metaphorical Aspects of Creative Memes. A Commentary on Recent Studies [Capitolo/Saggio]
Giuliani, Alice

2023 - Exploring pandemic metaphors in educational contexts: a survey on the language of teachers and educators in Reggio Emilia, Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

2023 - Il significato metaforico come problema filosofico: un confronto tra Black, Goodman e Davidson [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

This article deals with the confrontation of Max Black, Nelson Goodman and Donald Davidson on the topic of metaphorical meaning. In particular, some aspects of their discussion are outlined as reasons for Black’s criticism of his own interaction view. Goodman’s connection between metaphor and expression, and Davidson’s criticism of nonliteral meaning of metaphor will be analyzed in the light of Black’s outstanding questions about metaphor. The examination aims to outline some limits and potential of Black’s still influential view and to motivate the encounter between the analytical approach and the questioning of aesthetics in the contemporary debate

2023 - Ivor Armstrong Richards and Max Black on metaphor: comparing modes of argumentation [Capitolo/Saggio]
Giuliani, Alice

This essay compares Ivor Armstrong Richards’s and Max Black’s conceptions of metaphor and philosophy. Richards advances an interpretative perspective, starting from a critique of the analytical reduction of philosophy to science. According to Richards, philosophy is tasked with “guaranteeing order”: it must preserve different modes of language from interfering with each other to enable authentic collaboration between different disciplines. He also assigns metaphor the role of presiding over the “ordinary functioning” of language, arguing for a study of language that is “a study of metaphor, through metaphor”. Max Black accepts some of Richards’s assumptions but charges Richards with the same reductive tendency the latter attributed to the analytic perspective. Black attempts to show that the analysis of metaphor that Richards claims to exclude from the referential field is instead possible. His critique is premised in an original and almost humorous argumentative method: on one hand, Black accepts some of his opponent’s arguments; on the other, he intends to show that their implications are actually close to the theses his opponent is contesting, nullifying the foundations of the latter’s argument. The effort to defend the analytical approach to the problem posed by metaphor is an important premise for Black’s interaction view.

2023 - Max Black on metaphorical language: exploring the line between analysis and aesthetics [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

This paper deals with Black’s philosophical proposal on metaphor as opening a threshold between analysis and aesthetics. Black was willing to show that analysis was adequate in explaining the cognitive and creative value of metaphor. But Black’s analysis also focused on innovation and metaphorical insight as aspects exceeding analytical skills and categories. Therefore, his interaction view is charged with aesthetic interest for two reasons: on the one hand, the method of analysis might have favoured the assimilation of metaphor to the conceptual metaphor of the cognitive approach; on the on the other hand, his studies provide the conditions to approach metaphor using aesthetic categories with greater critical awareness.

2022 - Conoscere per metafore. Aspetti estetici della metafora conoscitiva. [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Giuliani, Alice; Manera, Lorenzo

La riflessione filosofica contemporanea, attraverso autori come Max Black e Paul Ricoeur, ha posto le basi concettuali per le teorie di ispirazione cognitivista che oggi attestano in modo pressoché unanime il valore conoscitivo della metafora e che sono un riferimento condiviso nell’ambito degli studi sull’apprendimento e nell’ambito specifico della science education. D’altra parte, sia nella riflessione teorica che negli studi sull’uso delle metafore in chiave didattica, emergono aspetti peculiari che sembrano sollecitare l’intervento di categorie estetiche. A partire da una ricognizione teorica e dalla discussione dei risultati di una ricerca empirica di impostazione transdisciplinare sull’uso della metafora nella didattica delle scienze, svolta presso il Dipartimento di Educazione e Scienze Umane dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, il libro intende mostrare il contributo dell’estetica per chiarire l’impatto della metafora sulla conoscenza e la sua valenza creativa.

2022 - Inclusive Science Education Through Metaphors and Narrative [Capitolo/Saggio]
Contini, Annamaria; Giuliani, Alice

The project that will be presented in this chapter concerns the use of metaphors and narrative in science education. The need to support science literacy in an inclusive manner has been affirmed and reiterated in the most recent European programmes for research and innovation (Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe). The “Italian National Guidelines for the curriculum of preschool and first cycle of education” also emphasize the need to support the connection of humanistic and scientific culture and to orient learning towards the acquisition of key competences. In order to achieve these aims, educational practices based on interdisciplinary studies have been designed and improved, especially in STEM education. In this paper, we present the essential theoretical assumptions and the most important results of the project “Knowing through metaphors”. The project is an exploratory survey designed through interdisciplinary planning aimed at empirically testing the hypothesis that metaphors foster the acquisition of scientific knowledge. The narrative-metaphorical mode, in the context of the exploratory survey, led to the acquisition of more complex, longer-lasting, more evenly distributed knowledge with positive effects for the development of autonomy-oriented skills.

2022 - Metaphor and Metaphoric Processes [Capitolo/Saggio]
Contini, Annamaria; Giuliani, Alice

2021 - Dialectics of Madness: Foucault, Hegel, and the Opening of the Speculative [Capitolo/Saggio]
Giuliani, Alice

This paper aims to offer a preliminary account of the continuity between Hegel’s speculative philosophy in the Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) and Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical approach in the Histoire de la folie (1961). We seem to find a speculative dynamic in Foucault’s work, since his configuration of madness in the classical and modern age mark a path leading to self-awareness for Western rationality. Moreover, dialectical mediation seems at play in Foucault’s articulation of discourse: the encounter between poverty and unreason in the Hôpital and in Philippe Pinel’s asile can be considered as figures of dialectical movement. Further elements of continuity could be argued for based on the ways that “difference” and “discontinuity” take on enhanced meanings in the speculative context. The paper concludes by gesturing past continuity to outline some implications of how Hegel’s speculative opening looks beyond the dynamic of objectification.

2021 - Metafore teatrali e alienazione nella "Storia della follia" di Michel Foucault [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

2021 - The Distance between Black and Lakoff on Metaphor [Capitolo/Saggio]
Giuliani, Alice

2020 - Il significato metaforico in Max Black: interazione, conoscenza, innovazione [Capitolo/Saggio]
Giuliani, Alice

2020 - Introduzione [Prefazione o Postfazione]
Contini, Annamaria; Giuliani, Alice

Le autrici illustrano il senso del volume da loro curato, ripercorrendo alcuni nodi dell'odierno dibattito sulla metafora e sottolineando come quest'ultima si sia mostrata, alla luce di un confronto multidisciplinare, un luogo di ciristallizzazione di temi determinanti per la filosofia: una chiave per riflettere sui rapporti tra pensiero e linguaggio, percezione e concettualizzazione, verità e oggettività, conoscenza e creatività.

2020 - La metafora tra conoscenza e innovazione. Una questione filosofica [Curatela]
Contini, Annamaria; Giuliani, Alice

Il volume affronta in chiave multidisciplinare questioni di grande rilevanza all’interno dell’odierno dibattito sulla metafora: da cosa dipende la funzione conoscitiva della metafora? In che rapporto sta la funzione conoscitiva della metafora con la sua capacità di innovare significati e concetti? E quali sono le implicazioni teoriche e pratiche dell’uso deliberato della metafora rispetto a quelle di un suo uso inconsapevole? Affiancando contributi di carattere filosofico a contributi provenienti dalla linguistica e dalla psicologia cognitiva, il volume suggerisce di considerare la metafora come un fenomeno sia del pensiero che del linguaggio, come un processo in grado di far emergere strutture concettuali inconsapevoli ma anche di combinare i concetti secondo schemi inattesi. Nella metafora, conoscenza e innovazione appaiono fra di loro complementari: la conoscenza tende sempre a caratterizzarsi come un’attività di riconfigurazione, mentre l’innovazione semantico-concettuale tende sempre ad assumere un qualche valore euristico.

2020 - Qualitative aspects in scientific knowledge: the philosophical perspective of objectification [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Giuliani, Alice

The focus of this contribution is Silvana Borutti’s theoretical perspective about knowledge as we find it expressed in Filosofia delle scienze umane. Le categorie dell’Antropologia e della Sociologia (1999), since it offers a key to overcome the dichotomy between explanatory paradigm, which would apply only to quantifiable objects in science, and hermeneutical paradigm, devoted to qualitative, irreducible properties. Overcoming the unilateral essences of both approaches might come from understanding knowledge as “objectification”. According to this perspective, knowledge is a formal constitution - or a configuration - of possible-objects that allows their understanding. It follows that “qualitative” aspect is not to be considered as a specific feature of hermeneutical objects, but it relates also the models shaping the scientific theories that investigate quantitative properties. Therefore, this conception of knowledge provides the basis to rethink the difference between empirical sciences and the humanities, considering both of them as fields of different forms of objectification. In conclusion, our attempt will be to draw some educational consequences of this perspective.

2020 - Realtà e interpretazione: i fenomeni naturali attraverso lo sguardo dei bambini [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Landini, Alessandra; Crespi, Chiara; Giuliani, Alice

2020 - Stories about nature as aesthetic experience in science education [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Contini, Annamaria; Giuliani, Alice; Manera, Lorenzo

In recent decades, constructivist and cognitivist research recognized the important role played by imagination in science education. In particular, the potential of imaginative approaches to attract students to the scientific contents has been highlighted, in addition to the importance of routinely engaging learners’ imagination in everyday learning experiences. The function performed by emotions and, in particular, by the feeling of pleasure appears to be less investigated in scientific literature: it is still not clearly defined how it is possible to facilitate learning processes related to the scientific contents by making them more enjoyable. A branch of research is exploring the possibility of using metaphors and narratives for this purpose: to mobilize the emotional and affective dimension, integrating it with the logical one. This contribution aims to deepen the role that the feeling of pleasure can play in science education experiences in which metaphors and narratives are used systematically. There is an area in which the feeling of pleasure is intertwined in a paradigmatic way with the knowledge of peculiar elements: in the aesthetic experience, we consider an object (artistic or natural) to be beautiful to the extent that we perceive a feeling of pleasure aroused by it. In this regard, the more pleasant stories about nature are to read, the more effective they are in terms of educational effectiveness. Stories need to be not only clear, precise, explanatory; stories need in fact not only to be understood, but also aesthetically enjoyed. By taking “The Winter Story” as example (Fuchs, 2011), the paper focuses on the characters that make stories enjoyable. The pleasure of the text is indeed an essential ingredient in the narrative understanding of natural phenomena: the presence of metaphors, personifications, of a "grammar of stories", meaning the elements that are involved in the cognitive value of the narration.

2018 - Pedagogical Premises of Digital Storytelling [Capitolo/Saggio]
Contini, Annamaria; Giuliani, Alice

2017 - Max Black prima della metafora: la questione della «significanza» [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

The "articulation of concepts" is the element of continuity in the philosophy of Max Black, mostly oriented to redefine the limits of language including issues - as the status of metaphor - that were supposed to have no place in philosophy. This paper examines one of Max Black's earlier writings about philosophical analysis in order to find some theorical pre-conditions of his study of metaphor. More specifically, here it is to be shown how the emerging concept of «significance» leads Black to justify metaphor as a semantic transformation, dissociating from riductionist logicism. Finally, it will be mentioned the philosophical significance of metaphor emerging in Black's, since it makes explicit some features of the constitution of meaning.

2016 - La metafora [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

Rassegna bibliografica sul tema della metafora relativamente ai seguenti volumi: A. Burkhardt, B. Nerlich (eds.) Tropical truth(s). The epistemology of metaphor and other tropes, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2010; E. Gola, F. Ervas, Metaphor in focus. Philosophical perspectives on metaphor use, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013; T.G. Amin, F. Jeppsson, J. Haglund (eds.), Conceptual metaphor and em­bo­died cognition in science learning, “International Journal of Science Education”, n. 5-6 (2015), pp. 745-991

2015 - Percorso di estetica. Note sul progetto-laboratorio "E per voi cos’è la bellezza?" [Articolo su rivista]
Giuliani, Alice

The aim of this article is to outline a model for interaction of aesthetics within the teaching of philosophy, especially in secondary school. I will pursue my aim by illustrating a teaching project focused on the notion of “beauty”. I will both present the reasons motivating this project and dwell on its goals, schedule and organization. Before going into the details of the project, I will introduce some remarks concerning the relationship between teaching of philosophy in general and the formative purposes of different school programs. In the conclusions, after reviewing the results of the actual implementation of the project, I will consider some possible improvements for this model.