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Antonio CECCHI

Personale tecnico amministrativo
Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi"

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2023 - Enteral and Parenteral Treatment with Caffeine for Preterm Infants in the Delivery Room: A Randomised Trial [Articolo su rivista]
Dani, C.; Cecchi, A.; Ciarcia, M.; Miselli, F.; Luzzati, M.; Remaschi, G.; Bona, M. D.; la Marca, G.; Boni, L.

Background: Early treatment with caffeine in the delivery room (DR) has been proposed to decrease the need for mechanical ventilation (MV) by limiting episodes of apnoea and improving respiratory mechanics in preterm infants. Our aim was to verify the hypothesis that intravenous or enteral administration of caffeine can be performed in the preterm infant in the DR. Methods: Infants with 25±0–29±6 weeks of gestational age were enrolled and randomised to receive 20 mg/kg of caffeine citrate intravenously, via the umbilical vein, or enterally, through an orogastric tube, within 10 min of birth. Caffeine blood level was measured at 60 ± 15 min after administration and 60 ± 15 min before the next dose (5 mg/kg). The primary endpoint was evaluation of the success rate of intravenous and enteral administration of caffeine in the DR. Results: Nineteen patients were treated with intravenous caffeine and 19 with enteral caffeine. In all patients the procedure was successfully performed. Peak blood level of caffeine 60 ± 15 min after administration in the DR was found to be below the therapeutic range (5 µg/mL) in 25 % of samples and above the therapeutic range in 3%. Blood level of caffeine 60 ± 15 min before administration of the second dose was found to be below the therapeutic range in 18% of samples. Conclusions: Intravenous and enteral administration of caffeine can be performed in the DR without interfering with infants’ postnatal assistance. Some patients did not reach the therapeutic range, raising the question of which dose is the most effective to prevent MV. Clinical Trial Registration: identifier NCT04044976; EudraCT number 2018-003626-91.

2008 - La mobilità come common ambientale: uno schema per la valutazione delle politiche [Articolo su rivista]
Giovannetti, Enrico; Cecchi, Antonio

The debated issue of sustainable mobility, since the last thirty years, has become one of the main points on every decision-maker agenda. The idea proposed in this work is to redefine the resource "mobility" as a common good, which is produced by a collective action. In other words, the mobility of people and goods is both a structural aspect of the issue of the reconstruction of the environmental common and at the same time is a fundamental asset of social capital of a community of agents. In such way, the common good is socially constructed trough the system of rights related to its use, reproduction or destruction, generated by the relation-ship network between the agents. Analyzing the literature it seems that the debate is focused mainly on the regulation of concurrency under conditions of "external-ities" or market "failures", or the failure of the regulator, while seldom can be found a reflection over the strict linkage between structural generators (growing of the economic activities, demographic pressure, infrastructural weaknesses) and simultaneous failures both of the market and of the regulation policies.For this reasons, the aim of the work is the construction of fitted methodologies for the evaluation of policies of mobility, adopted by local level decision-maker, on a wide area scale. Trough an institutional framework capable to incorporate this social and iterated definition of the resource mobility, indicators capable of modelling a traffic jam in its subjective determinants are built, and several case studies are analyzed trough them to stress their reliability. The work is completed with an example of formalization of a mobility policy done with the proposed in-dicators.JEL Q01 D62 D85 L91 K23

2008 - Spatial mismatch and mobility issues in welfare policies, a common approach [Articolo su rivista]
Giovannetti, Enrico; Cecchi, Antonio

An economic growth which is wide-area scattered is one of the most important indicator of social well-being and is such a strong factor that can induce long-range demographic dynamics. Incoming migration fluxes are scattered across the national territory following patterns that appear mostly relational rather than economically driven. The resulting effect can be the well known problem of Spatial Mismatch, SM. The institutionalist approaches permits to use different scaled units of analysis, with different levels of integration but coexistent under the very same historical-social pattern-determining context. This work will try to explain the relationship between SM and the more general Transaction Costs. With this hypothesis it will be possible to read from a (neo)institutionalist perspective the whole, empirical and theoretical, body of Spatial Mismatch.Trough the introduction of the temporal perspective the present work propose a theoretical framework that shows that the increasing degree of spatial mismatch discussed in the case study has appeared only when the redistributive action so important for the initial devel-opment, and operated mainly trough the increasing of social capital stock, has declined. Therefore upgrade policies of public goods are considered constantly needed in order to promote growth itself. Our work will try to relate SM effects and decreasing in Social Capital in a very interesting test bed, the Province of Modena, world known for its production districts.

2007 - Rapporto 2006: La sostenibilità dello sviluppo in area vasta. Indicatori, scenari di medio periodo (2014) e politiche pubbliche [Curatela]
Cecchi, Antonio; Giovannetti, Enrico

Il rapporto di ricerca comprende tre sezioni. La prima è una stima aggiornata di cinque classi di indicatori: cambiamenti climatici, territorio e natura, qualità dell'ambiente in area vasta, qualità dell'ambiente urbano, salute ed economia. La seconda sezione illustra scenari di evoluzione delle principali variabili di pressione. L'ultima sezione raccoglie quattro approfondimenti tematici: dinamica demografica e immigrazione, sostenibilità del welfare, mobilità e trasporti in area vasta, processi decisionali e partecipazione. Il tema della sostenibilità dello sviluppo è misurato su un'unità di analisi definita su area vasta, in grado di dare conto di fenomeni di sviluppo multipolare e del loro impatto sull'uso e la riproduzione delle risorse umane ed ambientali.

2006 - Ecoprofit environmental certification as a public good: SWOT analysis of a relationship network [Working paper]
Bertolini, P.; Giovannetti, E.; Cecchi, A.

2006 - Ecoprofit environmental certification as a public good: SWOT analysis of a relationship network [Working paper]
Cecchi, A.; Bertolini, P.; Giovannetti, E.

The present work aims at carrying out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Ecoprofit certification through an institutionalist framework capable of incorporating the role of enterprises, institutions and relationship networks. Through the analysis of case studies on cooperation and on the food farming industry it is possible to subdivide the possible markets into 4 stages of maturity, according to the different degree of interaction among the agents, and to investigate the present and future role of environmental certifications seen as social capital increase vectors, thanks to their capability of recognizing and producing a culture of quality and, therefore, of sustainable development.

2006 - Spatial Mismatch and Mobility Involvements: a Common Approach for the Urban Sprawl Parma-Bologna [Working paper]
Giovannetti, E.; Cecchi, A.

2006 - Spatial Mismatch and Mobility Involvements: a Common Approach for the Urban Sprawl Parma-Bologna [Working paper]
Cecchi, A.; Giovannetti, E.

An economic growth which is wide-area scattered is one of the most important indicator of social well-being and is such a strong factor that can induce long-range demographic dynamics. Incoming migration fluxes are scattered across the national territory following patterns that appear mostly relational rather than economically driven. The resulting effect can be the well-known problem of Spatial Mismatch, SM. The institutionalist approaches permits to use different scaled units of analysis, with different levels of integration but coexistent under the very same historical-social pattern-determining context. This work will try to explain the relationship between SM and the more general Transaction Costs. With this hypothesis it will be possible to read from a (neo)institutionalist perspective the whole, empirical and theoretical, body of Spatial Mismatch. Trough the introduction of the temporal perspective the present work propose a theoretical framework that shows that the increasing degree of spatial mismatch discussed in the case study has appeared only when the redistributive action so important for the initial development, and operated mainly trough the increasing of social capital stock, has declined. Therefore upgrade policies of public goods are considered constantly needed in order to promote growth itself.

2006 - Ökoprofit as a Public Good: SWOT Analysis of a Relationship Network [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bertolini, Paola; Cecchi, Antonio; Giovannetti, Enrico

The present work aims at carrying out an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses ofthe ÒKOPROFIT certificationthrough an institutionalist framework capable of incorporating the role of enterprises, institutions and relationshipnetworks.Through the analysis of casestudies on cooperation and on the food farming industry it is possibie to subdivide thepossible markets into 4 stages of maturity, according to the different degree of interaction among the agents, and toinvestigate the present and future role of environmental certifications seen as social capital increase vectors, thanksto their capability of recognizing and producing a culture of quality and, therefore, of sustainable development.

2005 - Costruzione di uno schema per la valutazione delle politiche di mobilità [Working paper]
Cecchi, A.; Giovannetti, E:

2005 - Costruzione di uno schema per la valutazione delle politiche di mobilità [Working paper]
Giovannetti, E.; Cecchi, A.

2005 - La filiera delle materie prime seconde da raee, dalla raccolta al reinserimento nei cicli produttivi ceramici e dei colorifici: genesi normativa e determinanti del mercato [Working paper]
Cecchi, A.; Giovannetti, E.

2005 - La filiera delle materie prime seconde da raee, dalla raccolta al reinserimento nei cicli produttivi ceramici e dei colorifici: genesi normativa e determinanti del mercato [Working paper]
Barbieri, L.; Cecchi, A.; Giovannetti, E.; Piccagliani, V.