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2023 - Effect of plant age, light-spectra, and winter/spring vernalization alleles on the cold acclimation of barley photosynthetic apparatus [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Borbély, Péter; Pálmai, Tamás; Ahres, Mohamed; Caccialupi, Giovanni; Francia, Enrico; Galiba, Gábor

Cold temperature has a Janus-face effect on winter-hardy cereals: cold acclimation increasing their frost tolerance, while it also induces vernalization, resulting in a vegetative-generative transition. The degree of cold hardiness is determined by the CBF-regulon while the vernalization requirement is determined by the VRN1 gene. VRN1 has an epistatic effect on the CBF genes, as plants lose their freezing tolerance when the vernalization requirement is fulfilled. However, sudden frost spells could occur both during the vegetative-generative transition phase as well as when the generative transition has completed. By the approaching of the cold season in temperate climate, red:far-red (R:FR) photon ratio decreases, while blue:red (B:R) photon ratio increases in the sunlight spectrum. In contrast to this, from spring to summer, changes with the opposite direction could be observed. Many publications discuss the influence of light spectra on the development of frost tolerance in cereals. Recently, we reported that when frost-tolerant winter barley genotype ‘Nure’ illuminated by White light (W) with FR enrichment (WFR) increased its frost tolerance. The process was more successful, when WFR light was further enriched with blue light. These effects have been observed even at 15°C, where the cold-induced acclimation processes are mostly inactive. However, this effect is known to be negligible in spring varieties. Diminished freezing tolerance can also result from less efficient cold acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus, however, the spectral dependence of the process is less investigated. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters could serve as a physiological marker of photosystem II acclimation to cold as well as an indicator of freezing damages. Therefore, we aimed to investigate how winter/spring VRN1 alleles (vrn-H1/Vrn-H1) influence the light-induced cold acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus of barley plants under different spectral illumination (W, WFR, WFRB) at 15°C for 10 days after a pre-growing phase in W. The pre- and early post-freezing chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of detached leaves were compared in vegetative-generative transition- and early generative developmental phases between two reciprocal Near Isogenic Lines (Cod.43s: Nure background carrying the Tremois Fr-H1 and Nure Fr-H2 alleles; Cod.30s: Tremois background carrying Nure Fr-H1 allele and Tremois Fr-H2 alleles) and the two parents. Interestingly the Nure vrn-H1 allele improved the quantum yield of photosystem II in the Tremois background after freezing, which was further enhanced by WFR treatment.

2023 - Evaluating the impact of drought stress in Nure and Tremois barleys (Hordeum vulgare) treated with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) at seedling phase [Poster]
Caccialupi, Giovanni; Cattabiani, Nicolò; Nur Avci, Fatma; Milc, Justyna; Francia, Enrico; Caradonia, Federica

Barley is the fifth cultivated herbaceous crop in the world, and its important is due to its economic and nutritional value. Climate change is posing a new challenge to barley production. While drought stress was traditionally associated with the flowering and caryopsis filling stages in barley plants, a new form of drought is now emerging in seedling stage. To mitigate the impact of environmental stresses, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been proposed to promote nutrient absorption and plant growth with the production of a range of beneficial substances, such as phytohormones, organic acids, and enzymes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotype response and the impact of PGPR treatment on two cultivars of barley, Nure (Italian feeding barley, winter habitus) and Tremois (French malting barley, spring habitus) in seedling phase under drought stress. At sowing, the soil was treated with PGPR and after two weeks of control condition two different water regimes were applied on seedlings (control at 25% and stressed at 12% of soil moisture). The results showed that both genotypes exhibited analogous stress response, however the PGPR treatment showed different effects on the two cultivars. Specifically, PGPR treatment increased root dry weight in stress conditions in Nure seedlings (by 36.6%) and increased dry weight in control conditions in Tremois seedlings (by 31.1%). Furthermore, the treatment increased the photosynthesis efficiency (PhiPS2) in Tremois seedlings (by 6.2%) and generally in both cultivars (by 7.6%) under drought stress. These findings suggest that the use of PGPR could be a useful tool for protecting barley seedlings against drought stress in early stages of development. However, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of action to determine the optimal conditions for using this approach in the field.

2023 - The Triticeae CBF Gene Cluster—To Frost Resistance and Beyond [Articolo su rivista]
Caccialupi, Giovanni; Milc, Justyna; Caradonia, Federica; Nasar, Muhammad Fazail; Francia, Enrico

2022 - Effect of foliar fertlizers from fish by-product on growth and development of Lettuce (L. sativa)in green-house conditions [Poster]
Ben Hassine, M.; Caradonia, F.; Milc, J. A.; Caccialupi, G.; Masino, F.; Pulvirenti, A.; Francia, E.; Antonelli, A.

In Liguria Region, as in all coastal areas, fish represents a relevant part of human diet due to its high-quality protein content, low fat content, and importance as a source of vitamins and minerals (Prato and Biandolino, 2015). Therefore, in the contest of circular economy, the huge quantity of fish by-product produced could be a resource instead of an environmental issue, thus producing materials with high added value. Such an example are fertilizers or biostimulants obtained from fish by-product that can be used to increase the sustainability of crops cultivation. Under the frame of project “FISH – Fertilizzante Innovativo Suolo e Habitat” (PSR Regione Liguria 2014 – 2020 Misura 16), the effect of foliar fertilizers obtained from fish by-product were evaluated on the growth and development of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. ‘Summerbel’) in green-house conditions.

2022 - Mendelizing Barley VRN-H1/FR-H1 and FR-H2 Quantitative Trait Loci in alternative backgrounds [Poster]
Caccialupi, Giovanni; Rizza, Fulvia; Badeck, Franz; Terzi, Valeria; Milc, Justyna Anna; Francia, Enrico

Freezing temperatures is one of the major limitations among the abiotic stress in cereals. In Triticeae tribe, several genetic studies have revealed the phenotypic variation for frost tolerance (FT) is attributed to two QTLs located in the long arm of homoeologous group 5 chromosome: Frost Resistance 1 (FR-1) and Frost Resistance 2 (FR-2). Besides these QTLs, the genotype background might also play a role in the phenotype. Considering barley as a model specie for the Triticeae tribe, in order to study the impact of the FR-H1 (VRN-H1), FR-H2 (cluster of 13 CBFs) locus and the genotype background, a series of experiments in controlled environment (Votsch chamber) has been carried out to test the freezing resistance of the QTL-NILs (Nure or Tremois x DH/RIL), Nure (winter genotype, resistance FT) and Tremois (spring genotype, susceptible FT). Temperature stress ranges from -10°C to -12°C. Plants at seedling stage (1-2 leaves) were firstly acclimated at 3/1°C (200 uE, 8/16H light/dark regime) for 4 weeks. Frost resistance score was measured using chlorophyll fluorescence analysis (Fv/Fm parameter). A marker-assisted backcross scheme was used to develop four QTL-Near Isogenic Lines aiming at separating FR-H1 and FR-H2 genomic regions in different alternative backgrounds. PCR-based molecular markers for HvCBF3 (Fr-H2) and HvBM5 (Vrn-H1/Fr-H1) were used to select plant with the desired allelic state, and after at least BC4 generation, heterozygous plants multiple selfing generations were obtained. At early selfing generations, the genotypic status of the lines was tested using 19 polymorphic SSR markers scattered throughout the barley genome. Moreover, a Cod42 Nu-Fr-H2 in Tremois background and Cod44 Tr-Fr-H2 in Nure were genotyped with barley 50K chip (Trait genetics). The result of the freezing tests showed that putatively the Fr-H2 (CBF cluster) appears to have a greater effect compared to FR-H1 (VRN-H1). Moreover, the data showed a difference between Nure and the QTL-NILs with Nure background with at least one allele from the spring Tremois. It can be hypothesized that the spring allelic state at the locus negatively affected the phenotype even in a winter background. All the treatments showed that the role of the background is secondary compared to the two FR locus. To confirm these hypothesises, gene expression analysis will be carried out to evaluate VRN-H1, the impact of the whole cluster and each CBF gene on the FT phenotype. Additionally, further investigation will be assessed on open field trials to evaluate recombinants genotype coming from the cross between Nure (winter genotype, resistance FT) and Pamina (facultative genotype, highly resistance FT).

2022 - Plant Biostimulants Increase the Agronomic Performance of Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia) in Northern Apennine Range [Articolo su rivista]
Caccialupi, Giovanni; Caradonia, Federica; Ronga, Domenico; BEN HASSINE, Mortadha; Truzzi, Eleonora; Benvenuti, Stefania; Francia, Enrico

Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia) belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is a shrub cultivated in the Mediterranean region for essential oils used to produce cosmetic, aromatherapy, and pharmaceutical ingredients. Nowadays, interest in plant biostimulants is rising due to their ability to increase biomass production in a sustainable way. The scope of the present study was to assess the effects of two plant biostimulants, one based on hydrolyzed proteins (FITOSIM®) and one based on seaweed extracts (FITOSTIM ALGA®), on the cultivar Grosso for two consecutive years in three different farms, located in the Italian Tuscan-Emilian Apennine Mountains. A difference in the efficiency of treatments among farms was shown, probably due to the plant age. In 2020, FITOSTIM ALGA® increased inflorescence fresh weights (+35%), while FITOSTIM® and FITOSTIM ALGA® enhanced stem and total fresh weights (+23% and +22%, respectively) compared to the untreated control. In 2021, both treatments enhanced the fresh and dry weights of inflorescence (+47% and +38%, respectively), while FITOSTIM ALGA® also improved the total plant dry weights (+34%). The plant biostimulants did not affect the chemical composition of essential oils. Our results indicate plant biostimulants as a supplement for sustainable management practices, enhancing Lavandin’s performance in mountainous agricultural areas.

2022 - Un nuovo biostimolante dai sottoprodotti della filiera ittica [Articolo su rivista]
Caser, M; Masino, F; Gervasio, S; Fassio, F; Ben Hassine, M; Benedetti, P; Caradonia, F; Cocchiara, S; Milc, J. A.; Caccialupi, G; Pulvirenti, A; Antonelli, A; Torri, L; Cevasco, R; Rovera, F; Scariot, V; Francia, E; Bertora, C; Ertani, A; Bertelli, C.

I sottoprodotti della pesca contengono proteine, grassi e amminoacidi, rendendoli così ottimi candidati per la produzione di biostimolanti. Il progetto FiSH (Fertilizzante idrolizzato Suolo e Habitat), al quale collaborano sei aziende agricole liguri, ha come obiettivo lo studio di un idrolizzato proteico fermentato derivato da scarti del pescato sulla crescita, resa e qualità di diverse colture floricole e orticole (Ranunculus asiaticus, Anemone x hybrida ‘Mistral Blu’, Solanum tuberosum ‘Quarantina’, Ocimum basilicum, Cucurbita pepo ‘Trombetta d’Albenga’, Allium sativum e Allium cepa). Durante il primo anno di progetto (2020-2021) sono stati testati in campo quattro concentrazioni (0,3 ml/L, 0,5 ml/L, 1 ml/L e 2 ml/L) del prototipo Fish n.7 in applicazione fogliare. Su patata è stata prevista anche un’applicazione su tubero preimpianto e valutato l’attacco di peronospora (Phytophthora infestans). I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato un’ampia variabilità di risposta. Tra le sei varietà di ranuncolo, ‘Elengance bianco’ ha mostrato una tendenza a produrre piante più rigogliose e fiori più grandi in risposta alla dose più elevata di Fish n.7, mentre la dose 0,5 ml/L ha indotto un maggiore sviluppo vegetativo e maggior produzione di rizomi nella varietà ‘Venere’. Su patata i risultati suggeriscono di evitare l’immersione del tubero, di mantenere i trattamenti rameici e di utilizzare concentrazioni < 1 ml/L. Su basilico e zucchina è stata osservata una maggiore produzione di biomassa nelle piante trattate alla concentrazione 2 ml/L. Nessun effetto è emerso in anemone, cipolla e aglio anche se, i dati delle ultime due specie sembrano indicare un beneficio fornito dalla dose 1 ml/L. Sulla base dei risultati, sono in corso valutazioni con otto nuovi prodotti.

2022 - Use of biostimulants to increase biomass production in Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia) cultivated in Tuscan-Emilian Apennines [Poster]
Caccialupi, Giovanni; Caradonia, Federica; BEN HASSINE, Mortadha; Truzzi, Eleonora; Benvenuti, Stefania; Ronga, Domenico; Francia, Enrico

Lavandin Lavandula x intermedia is one the most important perennial aromatic shrub widespread in the Italian marginal areas and is mainly cultivated for essentials oils production. Nowadays, in rural areas, biostimulants are gaining interest as useful product to enhance the biomass production, following the concept of sustainable agriculture. The present work aimed to evaluate the effects on biomass production of two biostimulants on lavandin crop cv “Grosso.” The biostimulants evaluated were: FITOSIM® composed from hydrolysed animal epithelium and FITOSIM ALGA® formulated from brown marine algae. The trial was conducted in three farms located in the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine area (Northern Italy). The products were applied as foliar spray fertilization during the blooming phase (weekly, in two times) of the years 2020 and 2021. The crops were transplanted in three different years: at Preci farm in 2016, at Campazzo farm in 2013 and at Pedroni farm in 2009. In the 2020, results showed that FITOSIM ALGA® increased the fresh weight of the inflorescence, moreover FITOSIM® and FITOSIM ALGA® treatments enhanced the stem and total fresh weights compared to the control. In 2021, treatments enhanced the inflorescence and total fresh weights, and the dry weight of the inflorescence, while FITOSTIM ALGA improved only the total plant dry weigh. Furthermore, the results showed that the year of transplant influenced the agronomic performances of the investigated biostimulants. In conclusion, this work suggests the ability of the biostimulants to enhance the biomass production on lavandin crop. However, further investigation will be required to evaluate the most efficient number of treatments, the effect of the biostimulants on yield parameters and on the quality of the essential oils.