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Docente Interateneo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari"

Insegnamento: Racecar Vehicle Dynamics

Advanced Automotive Engineering (Offerta formativa 2024)

Obiettivi formativi

The main objectives are:
• module I Race track data analysis, performance parameters
• module II Racecar indoor testing
• Module III Correlation between racetrack data and simulator models


vehicle dynamics

the course is elective and the teaching language is English.
Students from all MUNER degrees can enroll.
'Veicoli' Master Degree students can enroll as well.

Programma del corso

The course is split into three modules:

1. Indoor Testing of Components (springs, anti-roll bars, dampers, fixtures) and Full Vehicle (stiffness, compliance, and kinematics). 4 and 7 Post (sensors, performance index).

2. Track Data Analysis: Problems issues, data interpretation, math channels, performance index and comparison between drivers and vehicles

3. Virtual Testing: Driving Simulator: kinematics, vehicle dynamics analysis, performance, setup adjustments, driver in the loop, hardware in the loop. Correlation between track data and sim data. Driving Simulator as a tool for Design and Development. Labs

Metodi didattici

The course includes:
(i) Lectures
(ii) Lab tests (simularo, inertia rim post rig)
(iii) Visit to a race track with ongoing activities

Testi di riferimento

B. Fey: Data Power; using racecar data acquisition, J.Robert Towery Publishing
Analysis Tecniques for Racecar Data Acquisition ( J. Segers SAE 2nd edition ) Dynamic Testing of Vehicles

(opt) The science of Vehicle Dynamics - M.Guiggiani ( 2nd edition )
(opt) Going Faster - Skip Barber Racing School

(nice reading) Principles of Race Driving A. Senna 1995
(nice reading) The unfair Advantage - M. Donohue Drive to Win C. Smith 1996

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Written report for module I (at home)
Written test for modules II and III. (in the classroom)

Risultati attesi

Conoscenza dei metodi di misura di componenti e di veicoli; metodi di interpretazione dei dati di pista e impiego del simulatore come struemnto di sviluppo.