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2023 - Dimmi cosa butti e ti dirò chi sei: informazioni da materiali archeologici, botanici e zoologici in vasche di scarico a Ferrara tra Medioevo e Rinascimento [Capitolo/Saggio]
Guarnieri, C.; Cesaretti, G.; Bosi, G.; Dal Fiume, L.; Mazzanti, M.; Caselli, V.; Pederzoli, A.; Ansaloni, I.

Through waste, the archaeologist can investigate many aspects of the daily life of a site (habits, diet, trade, ...), even describing the urban form. For more than a decade, especially for the urban center of Ferrara, multidisciplinary research has been carried out on these issues. The focus of this paper is on the content of a rubbish pit in the particular context of the Palazzo Ducale Estense.

2020 - Ritorno a Servirola. "Tornerò presto a Sanpolo: non sono mai sazio di esplorare quel luogo, né sicuro di spiegarlo" [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Macellari, R.; Bosi, G.; Benatti, A.; Rinaldi, R.; Torri, P.; Mazzanti, M.; Pederzoli, A.; Demaria, M.; Ansaloni, I.

Back to Servirola. «I will return soon to Sanpolo: I am never fed up to explore that place, nor sure to explain it» Etruscan gate of the Enza river valley in the territory of Reggio Emilia, Servirola hosted a well-planned settlement, with paved and oriented roads, whose maximum extent dates back to the fifth century BC. In the sanctuary that occupied the central space of the town, developed around a deep well, the god of death was venerated, but also Vei, the Etruscan goddess corresponding to the Greek Demeter. The first fruits of the field work had probably been offered to her, such as shown by the analysis of the contents of two jars, religiously placed at the bottom of the well.

2019 - Esperienze di “MusicaBiologica” in musei scientifici e luoghi di natura protetta [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Rebecchi, Christian; Dallai, Daniele; Barbieri, Giovanna; Bosi, Giovanna; Buldrini, Fabrizio; DAL ZOTTO, Matteo; Pederzoli, Aurora

A project of “biological” music was proposed as a new expressive language to promote a better fruition of thematic itineraries of scientific museums and natural reserves. The use of rigorously acoustic musical instruments, the choice of sounds that do not require electric energy to be produced, the creation of unique events where the original composition is focused to the context, together with readings evocating and celebrating nature and its relationship with man, were intended as a stimulus to an unusual sharing among people present to such events, which become a real moment of listening and participation.

2019 - Le analisi archeozoologiche [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Sala, Luigi; Demaria, Martina; Ansaloni, Ivano

Sono descritti i reperti faunistici rinvenuti a Castelfranco Emilia (MO) - Via Valletta durante lavori di indagine preventiva svolti da aprile a novembre 2017 riferibili alla Mansio romana di Forum Gallorum

2019 - Reperti faunistici dello scavo della Rotatoria di Cervia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ansaloni, Ivano; Demaria, Martina; Pederzoli, Aurora

Vengono descritti i reperti faunistici provenienti dallo scavo della Rotatoria 71B di Cervia effettuato nel 2015. Si tratta per lo più di conchiglie sia di Gasteropodi che di Bivalvi che forniscono informazioni riconducibili ad alcune tipologie ambientalidi area costiero-marina. L'analisi dei resti contenuti nel reperto 129 (anfora) ha evidenziato numerose vertebre di pesce e altri frammenti ossei di pesce compatibili con le ossa di scheletro di alici.

2019 - Utilizzo dei reperti osteologici del Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emila come collezione di confronto per indagini storiche su Mutina romana. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Pederzoli, A.; Ansaloni, I.; Mola, L.; Sala, L.; Franchini, A.; Pellegrini, S.; Labate, D.

2018 - I reperti faunistici [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caselli, Valentina; Pederzoli, Aurora; Demaria, Martina; Ansaloni, Ivano

Studio archeozoologico di un campione faunistico proveniente dallo scavo effettuato piazza Anita Garibaldi (Ravenna) nel 2011 per la costruzione di isole ecologiche interrate. Le indagini hanno permesso di osservare lo sfruttamento della fauna domestica nelle diverse fasi abitative di un'unica area dal periodo Romano Medio Imperiale fino ai secoli XVIII-XIX. Nonostante la ricerca abbia interessato un arco cronologico molto ampio la composizione faunistica rimane sostanzialmente invariata e indica un'economia domestica basata soprattutto sull'apporto carneo di suini e caprovini predominanti sui bovini.

2018 - Images and colors from the tombs of Paestum: a multidisciplinary study of the pigments in the flora and fauna iconography [Articolo su rivista]
Ferrari, G.; Bosi, G.; Ansaloni, I.; Sala, L.; Pederzoli, A.; Baraldi, P.; Mussi, L.; Nannini, Matteo; Zannini, P.; Bandini Mazzanti, M.

This work presents the results of a multidisciplinary study on iconographic elements and painting technique of painted tombstones from Paestum (Italy), dated from the end of the V century to the end of the IV century BC. The focus was a botanical and zoological analysis of the flora and fauna present in 33 tombs, from both the iconographic and chemical point of view. Pigments (red, yellow, orange, pink, blue, green, black, grey and brown) have been studied by XRF and Raman techniques. The animal and vegetal elements (the formers gen- erally represented with more accuracy and details) in Paestum funerary art are not simply decorations, but they have numerous meanings, in both decorative systems and figured scenes, related to the ideal image of the dead (the social status of the dead, victory, heroic transfigurations, the voyage to the afterlife, etc.). Their high fre- quency confirms their important symbolism in funeral rituals. The artists' palette is quite limited and coherent with the contemporary funerary art in the Mediterranean basin. The use of Egyptian blue and of a red ochre enriched in manganese is interesting and deeper studies on these materials could help to better clarify the commercial background of Paestum during the 4th century BC.

2018 - Immunohistochemical analysis of the distribution of molecules involved in ionic and pH regulation in the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae (Hubbs, 1922) [Articolo su rivista]
Cuoghi, Ivan; Lazzaretti, Clara; Mandrioli, Mauro; Mola, Lucrezia; Pederzoli, Aurora

The aim of present work is to analyse the distribution of carbonic anhydrase II (CAII), cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (V-H+-ATPase), Na+/K+ ATPase, Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) and SLC26A6 (solute carrier family 26, member 6), also known as pendrin protein, in the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae in order to go in depth in the evolution of osmoregulation and pH regulation in Chordates. In view of their phylogenetic position, lancelets may indeed provide a critical point of reference for studies on osmoregulation evolution in Chordates. The results of present work demonstrated that, except to Na+/K+ ATPase that is strongly expressed in nephridia only, all the other studied molecules are abundantly present in skin, coelomic epithelium, renal papillae and nephridia and hepatic coecum. Thus, it is possible to hypothesize that also in lancelet, as in fish, these organs are involved in pH control and ionic regulation.In the digestive tract of B. floridae, the intestine epithelium was weakly immune-reactive to all tested antibodies, while the hepatic coecum showed an intense immunoreactivity to all molecules. Since in amphioxus the hepatic coecum functions simultaneously as stomach, liver and pancreas, these immunohistochemical results proved the secretion of H+ and HCO3− ions, typical of digestive process. Colocalization studies indicated a co-expression of the studied proteins in all considered organs, excluding NHE and pendrin for renal papillae, since some renal papillae are NHE immunopositive only.

2018 - Le analisi archeobiologiche di Santo Stefano in Vicolongo. Resti animali [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Sala, Luigi

Vengono descritti i riconoscimenti di reperti scheletrici animali effettuati su due lotti di campioni provenienti dal sito medievale di Santo Stefano in Vicolongo, scoperto nel comune di Novi ai margini, settentrionali dell'odierna provincia di Modena. Il materiale esaminato evidenzia attività di allevamento dei più consueti mammiferi domestici utilizzati sia a scopo alimentare sia per attività secondarie, nonchè attività di pesca

2018 - Reperti faunistici di Piazza Municipale a Ferrara [Capitolo/Saggio]
Caselli, Valentina; Pederzoli, Aurora; Ansaloni, Ivano; Pavia, Marco; Costantino, Matteo

2017 - Archeozoologia di Mutina: due siti nelle odierne via Uccelliera e via Leonardo da Vinci. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Sala, Luigi; Mola, Lucrezia; Ansaloni, Ivano

Vengono riportati i dati archeozoologici dei reperti faunistici rinvenuti in due contesti abitativi di età romana, ubicati in due zone di Modena. Tale analisi ha permeso di effettuare alcune considerazioni circa l’allevamento e l’utilizzo di animali domestici e non domestici e le preferenze alimentari delle comunità umane del territorio, fornendo inoltre iimportanti informazioni circa le attività economiche e rituali delle stesse comunità.

2017 - Circuiti commerciali e consumo alimentare a Mutina [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bosi, G.; Corti, C.; Pederzoli, A.

La grande varietà di materie prime disponibili per l’alimen- tazione umana in una società è generalmente considerato se- gnale di benessere. Si può affermare che il cibo è un marker sociale potente: avvenne molto presto nella storia che alcuni individui iniziarono a pretendere più risorse alimentari di altri 1 e, sicuramente, anche maggiormente variegate. La connessione tra cibo, ricchezza e potere ha origini molto antiche e con diverse caratteristiche questo legame si è mantenuto fino al- l’oggi 2; la qualità del cibo, oltre alla quantità, ha quindi un grande peso identitario 3. In Italia già con gli Etruschi ci sono i segnali di novità riguardanti ingredienti e modalità di consumo del cibo, ma è solo con i Romani che abbiamo tante prove tangibili di una vera e propria “rivoluzione alimentare” e una particolare attenzione alle pratiche ad essa correlate. Le varietà di cibi e le loro modalità di consumo si legano fortemente alla posizione occupata dal consumatore nella gerarchia della società romana, spesso presentando anche aspetti contraddittori; tra questi, uno dei più significativi per le classi dominanti è quello legato ai prodotti rari ed esotici, da una parte tratto distintivo del potere dovuto al censo, dall’altro marchio dell’eccesso per molto tempo condannato dalla società romana. Della varietà dei cibi pregiati che arrivarono da ogni parte dell’impero sulla tavola dei Mutinenses sono testimonianza i contenitori utilizzati per il loro trasporto, le anfore, da una parte, e le analisi archeobotaniche e archeozoologiche, dall’altra. Seppure in grado di documentare solo una parte delle importazioni e degli acquisti, questi dati costituiscono un imprescindibile strumento per comprendere i consumi e il loro peso socio-economico, oltre che culturale.

2017 - Entomologia in un clic: didattica multimediale all'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bisanti, Matteo; Govoni, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora; Gambarelli, Andrea; Maramaldo, Rita; Tepedino, Ciro

Dal 2009 il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata (MZAC) dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, in collaborazione con il progetto KeyToNature, ha avviato un progetto di promozione della collezione entomologica conservata al museo, attraverso attività di identificazione degli insetti su dispositivi digitali. Il MZAC ha prodotto chiavi dicotomiche digitali utilizzando fotografie di insetti della propria collezione, di donazioni e di collezioni di altri Musei. In particolare la chiave degli "Insetti del MZAC" è utilizzata su supporto tablet nei laboratori didattici e in eventi rivolti alla cittadinanza di Modena come aperture straordinarie del Museo, fiere entomologiche (EntoModena) e mostre a tema. Per valutare l'efficacia comunicativa delle chiavi prodotte si è avviata un'evaluation con questionari e interviste semi-strutturate di cui si riportano i risultati.

2017 - Il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia testimone di biodiversità attuale e passata. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gambarelli, Andrea; Maramaldo, Rita; Tepedino, Ciro; Pederzoli, Aurora; Sabatini, Maria Agnese; Mola, Lucrezia

La nascita del Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia risale al 1776 e si deve al Duca Francesco III d’Este. Tra le collezioni quella riguardante la “fauna modenese”, inaugurata da Antonio Carruccio nel 1880, rappresenta il primo esempio provinciale di conservazione di vertebrati locali per la regione dell’Emilia. Ne fanno parte esemplari di specie attualmente estinte nel territorio modenese (lontra, grifone e lupo). La collezione fa tuttora parte di apprezzati percorsi tematici rivolti alle scuole, per far conoscere gli animali che vivono intorno a noi, in particolare la biodiversità dei nostri boschi, delle zone umide e dei giardini delle nostre case. In tali percorsi, attraverso attività ludiche e laboratori, gli studenti conoscono gli animali del territorio. La collezione viene anche utilizzata per laboratori didattici durante le aperture straordinarie che il Museo offre al pubblico ed è stata protagonista nell’allestimento di una mostra tenuta a Modena dal titolo “Educare a pensare: Alberto Manzi e l’educazione scientifica”.

2017 - The avian community of the karen mogensen reserve, a wealth of biodiversity within the poorly investigated and threatened environments of northwestern costa rica [Articolo su rivista]
Dal Zotto, Matteo; Romeo, Giuseppe; Mena Aguilar, Luis A.; Sonetti, Dario; Pederzoli, Aurora

Despite being characterized by some of the most threatened forest ecosystems of Mesoamerica, the Nicoya Peninsula is among the least known regions of neotropical Costa Rica in terms of its birdlife. Within this region, in the framework of an ongoing international cooperation program between Italy and Costa Rica, we had the opportunity to investigate the Karen Mogensen Reserve, a protected area distinguished by the presence of a variety of habitats, including tropical dry forest and moist forest. Species richness in the Reserve was relatively high compared with similar areas in northwestern Costa Rica. A series of surveys carried out over a 20-year period documented an avian community consisting of 207 species, of which 115 were breeding in the zone and another 14 were potentially breeding. We recorded five IUCN globally Vulnerable or Near-Threatened species, along with six species reported for the first time from the Nicoya Peninsula, each representing range extension of more than 100 km. Twenty-six species, mostly breeding in the area, are at their southernmost range borders, and are likely susceptible to global environmental alterations, such as the effects of climate change. Furthermore, our study revealed the presence of two species endemic to a restricted area of Central America and four subspecies endemic to Costa Rica, along with breeding populations of two species that are geographically isolated from the main ones. The present analysis led to the ecological characterization of the resident avian community, showing that 65% of the species are strictly associated with forested environments, and especially with the understory or middle tree level, hence more vulnerable to environmental change (climatic, anthropogenic, etc.) and susceptible to local extinction. These results underscore the importance of the Karen Mogensen Reserve for bird conservation within a vulnerable environmental context, and warrant the continuation of periodic bird surveys, taxonomic study of isolated populations or endemic taxa, and improvement of local conservation measures. The data collected will be an important tool for future studies aimed at evaluating the consequences of habitat fragmentation and to monitor the effects of climate change on the resident avifauna. We exhort the creation of programs that integrate bird monitoring, ecological research, conservation initiatives, and the involvement of the local communities, by promoting environmental education, capacity-building, and income generation. To this purpose, the Karen Mogensen Reserve may represent a convincing model and valuable example to apply in similar neotropical contexts.

DAL ZOTTO, Matteo; Romeo, Giuseppe; Mena, LUIS A.; Sonetti, Dario; Pederzoli, Aurora

Northwestern Costa Rica is among the least known districts of the country in terms of ornithic fauna, despite being characterized by some of the most threatened forest ecosystems of Mesoamerica. Within this region, in the framework of an ongoing international cooperation program, we had the opportunity to investigate the Karen Mogensen Reserve, a protected area distinguished by the presence of a great variety of habitats. Surveys carried out over a 20-year period revealed an avian community composed of 204 species, a high species richness compared to similar areas of northwestern Costa Rica, of which 115 breeding in the zone and other 14 potentially breeding. We recorded four IUCN globally Vulnerable or Near-Threatened species, along with five species reported for the first time from the region, with range extensions of more than 100 km. Twenty-six species, mostly breeding in the area, are at their southernmost range borders, hence greatly susceptible to global environmental alterations, such as climate change. Besides, our study revealed the presence of two species endemic to a restricted area of Central America and four subspecies endemic to Costa Rica, along with breeding populations of two species that are geographically isolated from the main ones. Our analysis led to the ecological characterization of the resident avian community, showing that the 65% of the species is strictly associated to the understory or middle tree level, therefore more vulnerable to environmental change and susceptible of local extinction. These results stress the importance of the area for bird conservation within a vulnerable environmental context, and prompt the continuation of periodic bird surveys and the improvement of local conservations measures. The data collected will be an important tool for future studies aimed at evaluating the consequences of habitat fragmentation and to monitor the effects of climate change on the resident avifauna. We exhort the creation of programs that integrate bird monitoring, ecological research, conservation initiatives, and the involvement of the local communities, by promoting environmental education, capacity-building, and income generation. On this aim, the Karen Mogensen Reserve may represent a convincing model and valuable example to apply in similar contexts of the Neotropics. Eventually, the present study is a promising starting point for an exchange of ornithological knowledge between Italian and Costa Rican researchers.

2017 - The avian community of the Karen Mogensen Reserve, wealth of biodiversity within the poorly investigated and threatened environments of Northwestern Costa Rica [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
DAL ZOTTO, Matteo; Romeo, Giuseppe; Mena, Luis A.; Sonetti, Dario; Pederzoli, Aurora

Northwestern Costa Rica is among the least known districts of the country in terms of ornithic fauna, despite being characterized by some of the most threatened forest ecosystems of Mesoamerica. Within this region, in the framework of an ongoing international cooperation program, we had the opportunity to investigate the Karen Mogensen Reserve, a protected area distinguished by the presence of a great variety of habitats. Surveys carried out over a 20-year period revealed an avian community composed of 204 species - a high species richness compared to similar areas of northwestern Costa Rica - of which 115 breeding in the zone and other 14 potentially breeding. We recorded four IUCN globally Vulnerable or Near-Threatened species, along with five species reported for the first time from the region, with range extensions of more than 100 km. Twenty-six species, mostly breeding in the area, are at their southernmost range borders, hence greatly susceptible to global environmental alterations, such as climate change. Besides, our study revealed the presence of two species endemic to a restricted area of Central America and four subspecies endemic to Costa Rica, along with breeding populations of two species that are geographically isolated from the main ones. Our analysis led to the ecological characterization of the resident avian community, showing that the 65% of the species is strictly associated to the understory or middle tree level, therefore more vulnerable to environmental change and susceptible of local extinction. These results stress the importance of the area for bird conservation within a vulnerable environmental context, and prompt the continuation of periodic bird surveys and the improvement of local conservations measures. The data collected will be an important tool for future studies aimed at evaluating the consequences of habitat fragmentation and to monitor the effects of climate change on the resident avifauna. We exhort the creation of programs that integrate bird monitoring, ecological research, conservation initiatives, and the involvement of the local communities, by promoting environmental education, capacity-building, and income generation. On this aim, the Karen Mogensen Reserve may represent a convincing model and valuable example to apply in similar contexts of the Neotropics. Eventually, the present study is a promising starting point for an exchange of ornithological knowledge between Italian and Costa Rican researchers.

2017 - Tracce di "frequentatori" della vasca [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ansaloni, Ivano; Pederzoli, Aurora; Sala, Luigi

2016 - BioSpot: quando l’entomologia urbana diventa citizen science [Articolo su rivista]
Bisanti, Matteo; Villani, G; Mandrioli, Mauro; Pederzoli, Aurora

BioSpot è un progetto di citizen science sviluppato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia nel 2014 e finalizzato alla sensibilizzazione sul tema degli effetti dell’uomo sulla biodiversità mediante lo studio della distribuzione in ambienti urbani di coccinelle e in particolare della specie invasiva Harmonia axyridis. Il primo anno di attività (febbraio 2014 - giugno 2014) ha visto la partecipazione di 30 classi di scuola primaria e secondaria di primo grado della provincia di Ferrara e Modena. Contestualmente alla raccolta delle segnalazioni, è stata condotta una evaluation (con questionari e interviste) per valutare l'efficacia del progetto sia in termini di raggiungimento degli obiettivi che il progetto si proponeva, che in termini di possibili sviluppi. Questo articolo riporta la struttura del progetto e discute i dati relativi alla sua evaluation.

2016 - First data from bird monitoring at Karen Mogensen Reserve, northwestern Costa Rica [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
DAL ZOTTO, Matteo; Romeo, Giuseppe; Carnevali, Maurizio; Bisanti, Matteo; Sonetti, Dario; Mena, Luis; Pederzoli, Aurora

Due to its high sensitiveness, tropical biodiversity is a privileged target for the study of the effects of climate change; furthermore, birds (Aves) are considered excellent bioindicators, as climatic alterations strongly affect their life-cycle. The project CLIMBIO (Climate & Biodiversity), funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, is aimed at the study of tropical ornithic fauna, together with the registration of weather parameters, in order to analyze the potential short and long term effects of climate change on birds. Within this project, we had the opportunity to undertake a periodic bird monitoring at Karen Mogensen Reserve, a protected area located in the Nicoya Peninsula, northwestern Costa Rica (Central America). This region is among the least known of the country in terms of ornithic fauna. The surveyed Reserve, an area of approximately 1,000 square hectares located between 100 and 500 m a.s.l., exhibits a complex of two main habitats: the widespread tropical dry forest and the moist forest surrounding some rivers and streams. These features make the area very suitable to host well diversified animal communities. For our study, fixed points and transects crossing the different habitat typologies and altitudes were identified and geolocalized with a GPS. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected based on direct observations and/or identification of bird songs. Here we provide results from a recent survey along with previous data collected over a 20 years period. The current checklist is made up of over 200 species, stressing the presence of a high species richness compared to similar areas in Costa Rica. We recorded 3 IUCN globally vulnerable or threatened species (Crax rubra, Procnias tricarunculatus, Passerina ciris) and reported for the first time 6 taxa from the Nicoya Peninsula, among which the icterid Molothrus bonariensis, a potential invasive species never observed before on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica. In addition, we revealed the presence of Ortalis vetula and Catharus aurantiirostris, two species that are characterized by isolated populations, restricted to the hills of the Nicoya Peninsula, and whose taxonomy needs further investigation. The information provided suggests that the Reserve represents a very important area for bird conservation within the country, and is confirmed as a suitable site for the continuation of the study on the influence of climate change on tropical biodiversity.

2016 - Molecole coinvolte nella regolazione ionica in due specie di anfiosso provenienti da mari diversi [Articolo su rivista]
Cuoghi, Ivan; Pederzoli, Aurora; Mandrioli, Mauro; Mola, Lucrezia

. Abstract Molecules involved in ionic regulation in two species of lancelets from different seas. The presence of two molecules involved in osmoregulation and pH control (NHE and NKA) was demonstrated by immunocytochemical studies in Branchiostoma lanceolatum and B. floridae, coming from the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, respectively. The different pattern of immunoreactivity to these molecules in the two species of lancelets was discussed and correlated to the variability of chemical-physical parameters of the two seas of origin.

2016 - The early stress responses in fish larvae [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Mola, Lucrezia

During the life cycle of fish the larval stages are the most interesting and variable. Teleost larvae undergo a daily increase in adaptability and many organs differentiate and become active. These processes are concerted and require an early neuro-immune-endocrine integration. In larvae communication among the nervous, endocrine and immune systems utilizes several known signal molecule families which could be different from those of the adult fish. The immune-neuroendocrine system was studied in several fish species, among which in particular the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), that is a species of great commercial interest, very important in aquaculture and thus highly studied. Indeed the immune system of this species is the best known among marine teleosts. In this review the data on main signal molecules of stress carried out on larvae of fish are considered and discussed. For sea bass active roles in the early immunological responses of some well-known molecules involved in the stress, such as ACTH, nitric oxide, CRF, HSP-70 and cortisol have been proposed. These molecules and/or their receptors are biologically active mainly in the gut before complete differentiation of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), probably acting in an autocrine/paracrine way. An intriguing idea emerges from all results of these researches; the molecules involved in stress responses, expressed in the adult cells of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, during the larval life of fish are present in several other localizations, where they perform probably the same role. It may be hypothesized that the functions performed by hypothalamic-pituitary system are particularly important for the survival of the larva and therefore they comprises several other localizations of body. Indeed the larval stages of fish are very crucial phases that include many physiological changes and several possible stress both internal and environmental.

2015 - Dimmi cosa butti e ti dirò chi sei: informazioni da materiali archeologici, botanici e zoologici in vasche di scarico a Ferrara tra Medioevo e Rinascimento [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Guarnieri, C.; Cesaretti, G.; Bosi, Giovanna; Dal Fiume, L.; Mazzanti, Marta; Caselli, Valentina; Pederzoli, Aurora; Ansaloni, Ivano

Ferrara presenta caratteristiche peculiari di giacitura che ne fanno un caso di estremo interesse, prima tra tutte la perfetta conservazione dei resti organici tra cui gli oggetti in legno ed i resti di pasto. Lo studio che s’intende presentare in questa sede prende in considerazione dapprima i butti di età medievale che venivano gettati in semplici buche realizzate nel terreno passando poi ad una forma di smaltimento più “strutturato” e cioè le camere da butto; si tratta di vani sotterranei in muratura nei quali veniva smaltita la spazzatura, pertinenti a comunità religiose, case di ceto medio- alto o appartenenti ai palazzi estensi. Si cercherà così di analizzare la presenza di oggetti di produzione locale o d’importazione, che evidenziano in maniera talvolta macroscopica, il ceto d'origine di questi butti; attraverso lo studio dei resti botanici e zoologici, particolarmente numerosi, saranno indagate le abitudini alimentari. Butti e camere da butto saranno poi contestualizzate in un quadro più generale che ponga in rapporto queste strutture con le norme pertinenti allo smaltimento dei rifiuti.

2014 - Cetacei del Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia [Articolo su rivista]
Bisanti, Matteo; Pederzoli, Aurora; Guidetti, Roberto; Gambarelli, Andrea

Il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata (MZAC) dell’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia ha una vasta collezione storica di vertebrati. Tra questi, pur essendo numericamente pochi, i reperti di cetacei sembrano avere un importante valore storico. Nel presente articolo viene presentato l’elenco dei reperti storici del MZAC e segnalate le nuove recenti acquisizioni.

2014 - "Educare a pensare - Alberto Manzi", una mostra sul maestro Manzi e i suoi scritti naturalistici [Articolo su rivista]
Bisanti, Matteo; Pederzoli, Aurora; Altiero, Tiziana; Gambarelli, Andrea; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

Dal novembre 2012 al gennaio 2013, presso il Foro Boario di Modena, ha avuto luogo la mostra “Educare a pensare – Alberto Manzi” dedicata alla figura del maestro Alberto Manzi, divenuto famoso grazie alla trasmissione televisiva Rai degli anni ‘60 “Non è mai troppo tardi”. La mostra lo ha ricordato non solo per questo, ma ha preso in considerazione molti aspetti della sua personalità. Egli infatti fu anche biologo e amante della natura, tanto da dedicarsi nel 1955 a uno studio sulle formiche in Sudamerica, e fu autore di numerosi libri per ragazzi, come “Orzowei”, nonché di scrit- ti dedicati alla didattica. La mostra è nata dalla collaborazione tra il Centro Alberto Manzi di Bolo- gna, il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia e docenti e ricercatori dello stesso Ateneo. In particolare, il Centro Alberto Manzi ha curato la parte dedicata alla vita e alle opere di Alberto Manzi, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia si è invece occupata dell’impegno del maestro nell’ambito dell’educazione e divulgazione scientifica, proponendo tra l’altro laboratori didattici ideati seguendo il pensiero di Manzi.

2014 - Expression of carbonic anhydrase, cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) and V-H+-ATPase in the lancelet Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Pallas, 1774) [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Mandrioli, Mauro; Mola, Lucrezia

Sequencing of the amphioxus genome revealed that it contains a basic set of chordate genes involved in development and cell signalling. Despite the availability of genomic data, up till now no studies have been addressed on the comprehension of the amphioxus osmoregulation. Using primers designed on Branchiostoma floridae carbonic anhydrase (CA) II, cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) and V-H+-ATPase, a 100bp long region, containing the protein region recognized by the respective antibodies, has been amplified and sequenced in B. lanceolatum indicating the presence of hortologous V-ATPase, CFTR and carbonic anhydrase II genes in Branchiostoma lanceolatum. Immunohistochemical results showed that all three transporting proteins are expressed in almost 90% of epithelial cells of skin in B. lanceolatum adults with a different degree of positivity in different regions of body wall and with a different localization into the cells. The comparison of results between young and adult lancelets showed that the distribution of these transporters is quite different. Indeed, in the young specimens the expression pattern of all tested molecules appears concentrated at the gut level, whereas in adult the gut loses its key role that is mostly supported by skin.

2014 - Occurrence and possible role of heat shock protein 70 in the developing sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). [Capitolo/Saggio]
Mola, Lucrezia; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are cellular proteins highly conserved to polypeptide folding, identified in cells subjected to high temperature (as the name indicate). Many members of three families (HSP90, HSP70 and HSPs with low molecular weight) are present in both invertebrates and vertebrates, including the fish. The production of HSPs is one of the most common ways cell responds to a stressor to maintain its integrity and function. From several years we have been undertaking immunohistochemical studies on the appearance and distribution of regulatory molecules during the larval stages of the sea bass, a fish widely studied for its commercial value. In this study the results of immunolocalization of HSP70 in sea bass larvae, both in control and in specimens subjected to a biological stressor (LPS), are reported. The results showed a different pattern of immunoreactivity (IR) in LPS-treated vs. untreated sea bass larvae. LPS stress increases the amount of HSP70-IR in cells of skin, gills, terminal gut, liver and pituitary gland and induces the expression of HSP70 in the kidney collecting ducts; these effects are particularly evident in a short time (1 h). The present immunohistochemical data on the sea bass larvae suggest an involvement in stress-induced HSP-response of liver, gut, skin, gills, kidney collecting ducts and pituitary gland. In previous our research it has been hypothesized that some molecules involved in stress responses, such as ACTH, nitric oxide and CRF, may play an active role, via autocrine/paracrine ways, in early immune responses of sea bass larvae, before the complete development of gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). This hypothesis comes from observations of IR to these molecules in gut epithelium, liver, pronefric tubules, skin and from the different pattern of IR following LPS treatment carried out with the same experimental design as in the present work. In particular, the distribution of IR to HSP70 in 24 day-old larvae LPS treated is very similar to that described previously for ACTH-IR in the same larval stages LPS treated. The data of present work may indicate that HSP70 also is a member of the pool of molecules involved in the early immune responses of larval sea bass. In the present research it has also been demonstrated, first in teleosts, HSP70-IR in untreated sea bass pituitary gland and its increase after LPS stress. HSP expression is already known for mammals. These data support the idea of a functional relationship between HSP expression and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis that could be a common trait for vertebrates.

2014 - Percorsi didattici museali: il caso di studio della sezione di educazione e divulgazione scientifica della mostra “Educare a pensare - Alberto Manzi” [Articolo su rivista]
Bisanti, Matteo; Razzoli, Joel; Gambarelli, Andrea; Altiero, Tiziana; Pederzoli, Aurora

Accanto alla mostra “Educare a pensare - Alberto Manzi”, dedicata alla vita e agli scritti di Alber- to Manzi, è stata avviata una ricerca per valutare l’efficacia comunicativa delle sale esposte. In par- ticolare ci si è focalizzati sulle sale dedicate agli ambienti naturali, allestite dal Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e docenti e ricercatori dello stes- so Ateneo. Per fare questo si sono messe in campo varie metodologie di analisi: tracking dei visita- tori, osservazioni in incognito, questionari di gradimento somministrati al pubblico. Inoltre si è aggiunta anche un’analisi dei laboratori didattici proposti per la mostra grazie alla collaborazione di due classi della scuola primaria “L. Bassi” di Scandiano (RE) e due classi della scuola seconda- ria di primo grado “G. Marconi” di Modena. Lo scopo è stato quello di valutare l’apprendimento da parte degli alunni, ma anche di raccogliere informazioni per migliorare i laboratori didattici futuri.

2014 - Sulle tracce della biodiversità vegetale per riscoprire la biodiversità animale: esempio di uno studio integrato presso il Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata di Modena [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Mingucci, Marta; Mazzanti, Marta; Bosi, Giovanna; Guidetti, Roberto

In the Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy of the Modena and Reggio Emilia University restoration works on mounted skin specimens have been recently done. Among primates, a triptych formed by a male, a female and a young specimens of Colobus guereza without the historical identification tag has been renewal. During the cleaning steps of the Guereza specimens fur, two mericarps belonging to Cynoglossum amplifolium were found. The distribution area of this species allowed to possibly identify the place of origin of Guereza specimens as Ethiopia.

2013 - I reperti faunistici [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ansaloni, Ivano; Pederzoli, Aurora

Lo studio archeozoologico del campione faunistico di via Curte n. 66, a Forlì, è di particolare importanza perchè di evidenziare lo sfruttamento della fauna da parte di una singola unità abitativa dal periodo Romano Repubblicano fino all'altomedioevo. E' stata evidenziata la presenza di animali domestici comuni come bovini, suini e caprovini, ma anche avifauna e malacofauna.

2013 - Immunolocalizzazione dei recettori Trk nel tratto digerente di anamni in sviluppo. [Abstract in Rivista]
I., Cuoghi; Mola, Lucrezia; Pederzoli, Aurora

Nel digerente di entrambe le specie sia fibre e neuroni del sistema nervoso enterico, sia cellule epiteliali ed endocrine hanno mostrato immunoreattività (IR) ai tre anticorpi. In salamandra il quadro dell’IR è risultato più intenso ed esteso ad un maggior numero di cellule e di regioni del digerente di esemplari in premetamorfosi. Diversamente la spigola ha evidenziato una maggiore reattività negli stadi fino a 23 giorni dalla schiusa; nell’adulto resta comunque un’intensa IR al TrkB, presente sia a livello epiteliale che nervoso. In letteratura risultano dati sulla localizzazione dei recettori Trk nel digerente di anfibi anuri, ma non di urodeli. In Xenopus l’IR ai recettori Trk aumenta temporaneamente durante i primi stadi metamorfici. Nonostante la metamorfosi degli urodeli non sia così vistosa quanto quella degli anuri e il regime alimentare rimanga invariato, i nostri dati supportano l’idea che durante lo sviluppo della salamandra il digerente sia bersaglio di neurotrofine, in particolare in premetamorfosi. Nei teleostei adulti l’IR ai recettori Trk è nota in diverse specie; nella spigola, oltre che nell’adulto, l’IR. è stata riscontrata nel digerente di avannotti da 1 a 3 mesi. Dai nostri risultati si evince che il passaggio dall’alimentazione endotrofica a quella exotrofica dei teleostei (in spigola corrispondente al 18° giorno di sviluppo) rappresenta un momento cruciale dello sviluppo del tubo digerente che richiede l’azione delle neurotrofine

2013 - Possibile ruolo immunitario della HSP70 in larve di Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). [Abstract in Rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

I risultati hanno mostrato un diverso quadro di immunoreattività (IR) nelle larve trattate rispetto ai controlli; lo stress con LPS incrementa l’IR alla HSP70 in cellule della pelle, delle branchie, dell’intestino terminale, del fegato e dell’ipofisi e induce l’IR nei dotti collettori renali. Tali effetti sono particolarmente evidenti negli esemplari fissati immediatamente dopo il trattamento. Questi dati indicano un coinvolgimento della HSP70 nelle risposte allo stress di molti organi larvali. In precedenti indagini abbiamo ipotizzato che alcune molecole notoriamente implicate nelle risposte allo stress (ACTH, ossido nitrico e CRF) possano avere un ruolo, svolto con modalità paracrine e/o autocrine, nelle precoci risposte immunitarie della spigola, prima del completo differenziamento del GALT. I risultati qui riportati potrebbero indicare che la HSP70 fa parte del pool di molecole responsabili delle precoci risposte immunitarie nelle larve di spigola. Inoltre in questa ricerca è stato dimostrata, per la prima volta nei teleostei, un’IR alla HSP70 nell’ipofisi larvale e un suo incremento dopo stress con LPS. Ciò supporta l’idea che una relazione funzionale tra l’espressione di HSP e l’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-adrenale, già avanzata per i mammiferi, possa essere un tratto comune dei vertebrati.

2012 - Capitolo 5- Apparato digerente [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pederzoli, Aurora

Viene descritto l'apparato digerente nei vertebrati con particolare attenzione alla struttura microscopica.

2012 - Indagini archeobotaniche sui riempimenti delle buche da rifiuti e del pozzo nero di via Cavestro a Parma (X - XI sec. d.C.) [Capitolo/Saggio]
Bosi, Giovanna; Mercuri, Anna Maria; Pederzoli, Aurora; Torri, Paola; Florenzano, Assunta; Rinaldi, Rossella; Mazzanti, Marta

Archaeobotanical analyses were carried out on pits and latrine, dated to the 10th – 11th centuries AD, from the site of Piazza Garibaldi. According to archaeological data, the site was a market square in Mediaeval times. Data from pollen and seeds/fruits were useful for both palaeoenvironmental and palaeoethnobotanical reconstruction, and together with NPPs including parasite remains contributed to add details on the function of the site. In the Middle Ages, cereal fields, together with legumes, grapevines and fruit trees to be grown in the area, together olive trees and Prunoideae. The analyses of plant and parasite remains in four pits and one latrine suggested that their infillings consisted of waste, human and animal excrements, deteriorated vegetable food and marcs. Human parasite eggs of Ascaris and Trichuris were found in the latrine, while parasites of animals were found also in the pits.

2012 - The Significance of Intestinal Parasite Remains in Pollen Samples from Medieval Pits in the Piazza Garibaldi of Parma, Emilia Romagna, Northern Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Florenzano, Assunta; Mercuri, Anna Maria; Pederzoli, Aurora; Torri, Paola; Bosi, Giovanna; Olmi, Linda; Rinaldi, Rossella; Mazzanti, Marta

This paper presents the study of parasite remains recovered in pollen samples collected from archaeological layers. Laboratory treatment enabled us to ob- tain very high concentrations of both pollen and parasite eggs from the same samples. The case study of the site of Piazza Garibaldi in Parma, a town in the Po plain, is reported. The site was a sacred area in Roman times and a market square in Medieval times (10th–11th century A.D.). Pollen, seeds, and fruits from the latter phase were collected from four Medieval pits and one cesspit. After a palynological treatment including sieving, floating, and light acetolysis, abundant quantities of parasite eggs were extracted. Human and animal parasite eggs belonging to Trichuris, Ascaris, Taenia/Echinococcus, Capillaria, Dicrocoelium, and Diphyllobothrium were found. The analyses of an- imal and plant remains identified in the same samples suggested that the pit infillings consisted of waste, human and animal excrements, deteriorated plant food, and refuse of grapes. Therefore, parasite remains help the inter- pretation of archaeobotanical data in identifying human behaviors and site functions.

2011 - Espressione di anidrasi carbonica, CFTR e V-H+-ATPase nella pelle dell'anfiosso (Branchiostoma lanceolatum, pallas 1774) [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Pederzoli, Aurora; L., Gavioli; Mola, Lucrezia; Mandrioli, Mauro

Abbiamo ridato nuovo valore scientifico alla sezione zoologica di questa Collezione con l’aggiornamento sistematico dei reperti. Tale fase di revisione e riordino, ancora in atto, si concluderà con la stesura di un Catalogo aggiornato dal punto di vista sistematico che rispecchi la consistenza e lo stato di conservazione dei reperti. Le indagini immunoistochimiche sono state condotte su adulti di anfiosso (circa 7-8 cm), forniti dal Prof. Pestarino (Univ. Genova) fissati in paraformaldeide 4%, utilizzando gli anticorpi anti-V-H+-ATPasi, anti-CFTR e anti-anidrasi carbonica II. La loro specificità è stata valutata amplificando porzioni dei geni corrispondenti disponibili nel database di B. floridae (’amplificazione e sequenziamento di porzioni dei geni V-H+-ATPasi, CFTR e anidrasi carbonica II conferma che B. lanceolatum ha un ortologo per i tre geni e che gli anticorpi riconoscono regioni conservate. Tutte le cellule dell’epidermide sono risultate intensamente positive all’anti-anidrasi carbonica; molte cellule sono inoltre positive ad anti-CFTR e anti-V-H+-ATPasi.L’espressione di queste tre proteine di trasporto ionico nella pelle di adulti ne suggerisce il coinvolgimento nella regolazione acido-base. Indagini precedenti su giovani avevano evidenziato immunoreattività a queste proteine prevalentemente nell’apparato digerente. Pelle e digerente, in momenti diversi, potrebbero svolgere la funzione che nelle missine, osmoconformi marine, compiono le branchie.

2011 - Iconografia zoologica a Ercolano. Pitture e mosaici dell'Insula V [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ansaloni, Ivano; Del, Villano Luigi; Iotti, Mirko; Pederzoli, Aurora

Lo studio condotto sulle pitture e i mosaici dell’insula V ha permesso di mettere in luce la complessità degli apparati decorativi delle domus. Accanto ad animali ricorrenti, quali cigni, aquile, pavoni e leoni, carichi di simbologie, si incontrano presenze più discrete quali farfalle, sardine, anatre, frosoni, merli e ghepardi, per i quali prevale sicuramente l'aspetto decorativo. Nelle analisi delle raffigurazioni zoologiche si è evidenziato un elemento comune: l'importanza dell'ispirazione naturalistica nella realizzazione dei soggetti, anche di quelli prettamente ornamentali, sebbene liberamente interpretati e riproposti dal pictor. In sinergia con approcci analoghi inerenti la botanica, si vuole sottolineare quanto questo tipo di ricerca, basato su rigorosi criteri morfologici, sia utile ad allargare gli orizzonti delle conoscenze su temi decorativi dell'antichità, soprattutto dove le condizioni di leggibilità lo permettono o la necessità di revisione di identificazioni sommarie lo imponga.

2011 - Immunolocalization of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) andcorticotropin-releasing factor receptor 2 (CRF-R2) in the developinggut of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) [Articolo su rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

Our previous data indicated an important role for adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)-like moleculesco-operating with macrophages to control the modifications in body homeostasis during the firstperiod of the life of sea bass (up to 30 days post-hatching) before the lymphoid cells have reachedcomplete maturation. The aim of the study was to determine the immunolocalization of corticotropinreleasingfactor (CRF), which is a very important mediator of stress-related responses. Our data showedthat immunostaining for CRF is localized already at 8 days after hatching in nerve fibers of thegastrointestinal tract wall from the pharynx to the anterior gut, when the larvae are still feeding onyolk. This pattern of immunolocalization appeared similar to that in 24-day-old larvae, but at this stagethere were also large cells immunopositive to CRF located in the wall of the midgut and hindgut.Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment, which is a known stimulator of stress hormone responses, did notmodify the CRF immunostaining pattern, though it did affect the immunolocalization of the peripheralCRF receptor, i.e. CRF-R2. Immunolocalization of CRF-R2 appeared in nerve fibers of the gut wall inlarvae fixed 1 h after the end of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment. The present results suggest that CRFplays important autocrine and/or paracrine roles in the early immune responses at the gut level in thelarval stages of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) as already proposed for ACTH. Moreover, our studiestaken together with other research on fish, in comparison with mammals, suggest a phylogeneticallyold role of CRF in immune–endocrine interactions.

2011 - Seeds/fruits, pollen and parasite remains as evidence of site function: Piazza Garibaldi - Parma (N Italy) in Roman and Mediaeval times [Articolo su rivista]
Bosi, Giovanna; Mazzanti, Marta; Florenzano, Assunta; MASSAMBA N'SIALA, Isabella; Pederzoli, Aurora; Rinaldi, Rossella; Torri, Paola; Mercuri, Anna Maria

Archaeobotanical analyses were carried out on layers from the site of Piazza Garibaldi in Parma, a town located in the plain of Emilia Romagna, in northern Italy. The layers dated to the 3rde2nd centuries BC, around the time of the foundation of the Roman town, and to the 10the11th centuries AD. According to archaeological data, the site was a sacred area in Roman times, while it was a market square in Mediaeval times. Data from pollen and seeds/fruits were useful for both palaeoenvironmental and palae- oethnobotanical reconstructions, and together with NPPs including parasite remains contributed to add details on the function of the site in the different chronological phases.Since Roman times, woods have grown far from the site, and human activities highly influenced the landscape. Cereals, legumes and hemp were cultivated together with figs, grapevines, and a number of medicinal, vegetables and spice plants. Altogether, data confirmed the presence of votive offerings, and particularly the association of opium poppy and cereals suggested that they were mainly offered to Ceres, the goddess of crops and soil fertility.In the Middle Ages, cereal fields, together with legumes, grapevines and fruit trees continued to be grown in the area, but olive trees and Prunoideae revealed a different arboricultural economy. The analyses of plant and parasite remains in four pits and one latrine suggested that their infillings consisted of waste, human and animal excrements, deteriorated vegetable food and marcs. Human parasite eggs of Ascaris and Trichuris were found in the latrine, while parasites of animals were found also in the pits.The interpretation of archaeobotanical data was so tightly linked to the archaeological context that similar spectra must be differently interpreted in the two chronological phases.

Mola, Lucrezia; V., Mingolla; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

The immunoreactivity to HSP70 was tested in 24 day-old larvae of sea bass both controls and after treatment with LPS. This stress rouses an induction of immunoreactivity in several tissue, such as skin, gills, gut, liver, renal tubules and hypophysis. The possible role of HSP70 in earlier mechanisms of stress response was discussed.

2010 - La collezione erpetologica del Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia [Articolo su rivista]
G., Viotti; Pederzoli, Aurora; Guidetti, Roberto

Il Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia ospita diverse collezioni zoologiche prevalentemente risalenti ai secoli XIX e XX. Tali collezioni necessitano di interventi di restauro, di revisioni tassonomiche e di una catalogazione aggiornata.La collezione erpetologica risulta essere composta da 309 esemplari appartenenti a 149 specie. In particolare gli anfibi sono rappresentati da 61 esemplari, di cui 10 appartenenti all’ordine Caudata e i restanti 51 appartenenti all’ordine Anura, per un totale di 37 specie. Gli esemplari di anfibi provengono dal territorio modenese, altri provengono dall’Italia meridionale ma molti provengono dal Sudamerica, oltre ad alcune specie di origine africana. Per quanto riguarda i rettili, il museo conta 248 esemplari, di cui 210 appartenenti all’ordine Squamata (106 Ofidi, 104 Sauri), 27 appartenenti all’ordine Testudines e 11 appartenenti all’ordine Crocodylia. La provenienza è estremamente varia, accanto a numerosi esemplari italiani ne troviamo moltissimi provenienti da Asia, Africa, Americhe e Australia.

2010 - La formazione del docente di sostegno [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Pederzoli, Aurora; M. A., Barbieri

Viene riportata la descrizione dell'organizzazione didattica e delle finalità del corso della Scuola di Specializzazzione per l'Insegnamento Secondario dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia per la formazione dei docenti di sostegno. Vengono inoltre riportati i risultati della valutazione del percorso formativo ottenuti dall'analisi delle schede di valutazione sottoposte agli specializzandi.

2010 - Progetto integrato sull'evoluzione come concetto unificante delle Scienze Naturali: tematiche diverse ma interagenti. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Fioroni, Chiara; Fregni, Paola; Guidetti, Roberto; Pederzoli, Aurora; Pini, Lorenza; Veronesi, Paola

-Numerosi sono gli argomenti che si possono prestare all’integrazione fra discipline scientifiche e in special modoquelle afferenti alle scienze della natura che risultano imprescindibili l’una dall’altra.Poiché l’evoluzione fornisce importanti nozioni e spiega i meccanismi fondamentali per la comprensione delmondo naturale, i curricula didattici e gli insegnanti dovrebbero enfatizzare la sua importanza come concettounificante delle Scienze Naturali per la poliedricità di argomenti coinvolti.Vista la rilevanza della tematica si è sentita la necessità di elaborare una proposta didattica che costituisse unapossibile risposta al problema presentato.

2010 - Sulle tracce della biodiversità vegetale per riscoprire la biodiversità animale: uno studio integrato presso il Museo di Zoologia [Abstract in Rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; M., Mingucci; Mazzanti, Marta; Bosi, Giovanna; Guidetti, Roberto


2010 - The city of Parma (Emilia Romagna - Italy). Seeds and fruits, pollen and parasite remains from layers dated to Medieval Age [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Florenzano, Assunta; Pederzoli, Aurora; Mazzanti, Marta; Bosi, Giovanna; Rinaldi, Rossella; Torri, Paola; Mercuri, Anna Maria

Archaeobotanical analyses have been carried out on the site Piazza Garibaldi of Parma, a city located in the Po plain in Emilia Romagna, a region of Northern Italy. The studied layers were dated to the 4th - 2nd cent. BC, i.e. around the time of the Roman foundation of the city, and to the 9th – 12th cent. AD. In Roman times the site was probably a sacral area, while in Medieval Age it was a market square. Concerning Medieval Age, the archaeological structures which were archaeobotanically studied included four pits and one latrine. Pollen, seeds/fruits and parasite remains were useful for both palaeoenvironmental and palaeoethnobotanical reconstructions. Analyses of plant and parasite remains suggested that the infillings consisted of waste, human and animal excrements, deteriorated vegetal food and marcs. Pollen samples were treated according to a method using Na-pyrophosphate, HCl 10%, filtration, acetolysis, heavy liquid separation, HF 40%. Eggs of intestinal parasites belonging to Trichuris, Ascaris, Taenia, Capillaria, Dicrocaelium, Diphyllobotrium genera were observed during pollen analyses. Eggs of Ascaris and Trichuris are present in large amount in all samples. Eggs of Ascaris are extremely abundant in the medieval sites in Europe, and they are considered a faecal pollution indicator. Ascaris lumbricoides and A. suum (human and pig parasite respectively) have morphologically similar eggs. Contrarily, eggs of Trichuris trichiura (human parasite) are statistically considerably smaller than those of T. suis (pig parasite). Therefore, 100 eggs of genera Trichuris were measured and data were statistically analyzed. Concerning the latrine are all distributed around the mean size value of T. trichiura. The combination of T. trichiura and Ascaris sp. is typical for human escrements (Bouchet et al., 2003). Thus may be assumed that this latrine was not used for animal faeces. Interestingly pollen from entomophilous plants was common in the latrine, possibly partly due to human consumption of honey (Pearsall, 2008). Concerning pits, Trichuris eggs showed a wider size range and probably belong to both the species. Moreover, eggs of other animal parasites (Capillaria, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Diphyllobothrium) were found in small amount. The combination of human and animal parasite eggs and the large amount of Graminae pollen, suggest that pits placed in the market square were used to eliminate plant and animal waste products.References Bouchet F., Harter S., Le Bailly M., 2003. The state of the art of paleoparasitological research in the old world. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 98(Suppl. 1): 95-101.Pearsall D.M., 2008. Paleoethnobotany. A handbook of procedures. Emerald Group Publishing Limited

2010 - The city of Parma (Emilia Romagna, Italy) in the Roman and Medieval Periods: seeds and fruits, pollen and parasite remains [Abstract in Rivista]
Mercuri, Anna Maria; Bosi, Giovanna; Florenzano, Assunta; Rinaldi, Rossella; Torri, Paola; Pederzoli, Aurora; Mazzanti, Marta

Archaeobotanical analyses have been carried out on the site Piazza Garibaldi of Parma, a city located in the plain of Emilia Romagna, a region of Northern Italy. The studied layers were dated to the 4th - 2nd cent. BC, i.e. around the time of the Roman foundation, and to the 9th – 12th cent. AD. In Roman times the site was probably a sacral area, while in Medieval Ages it was a market square. Pollen and seeds/fruits data were useful for both palaeoenvironmental and palaeoethnobotanical reconstructions. Oak woods and hygrophilous woods grew far from the site, while human activities highly influenced the environment in early times. Cereals, legumes and hemp were probably cultivated together with chestnut trees, fig trees, grapevines and Pomoideae. Moreover, a number of medicinal/ vegetables/spices plants were present. Papaver somniferum, Coriandrum sativum, together with Fragaria vesca, were characteristic in the carpological record. Altogether, archaeobotanical data well correspond to votive offerings to several gods, and particularly some of them including opium poppy and cereals would have been offered to Demeter/Ceres, the goddess of crops and soil fertility. Concerning Medieval Ages, the archaeological structures which were studied included four pits and one latrine. Analyses of plant and parasite remains have suggested that the infillings were made by waste, human and animal excrements, deteriorated vegetal food and marcs. In particular, human parasite remains (belonging to the genera Ascaris and Trichuris) were found in the latrine, while also parasites of animal (such as species of Capillaria, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Diphyllobothrium) were present in pits. Pollen from entomophilous plants (such as Digitalis purpurea which lives wild today only in Sardinia) were common in the latrine, possibly also due to human consumption of honey. Cultivated fields of Triticum aestivum/durum/turgidum, T.monococcum, T. dicoccum and other cereals, together with legumes, grapevine and fruits trees, were grown in the area. Some olive trees were probably cultivated in the hills. Many wild species were found in the deposits, including Agrostemma githago and Thymelaea passerina. The archaeobotanical record from the Medieval Age revealed two main ‘agro-ethno-botanical’ features this city: a) a particular consideration for Prunus spinosa whose fruits are still today collected and prepared as an alcoholic drink (“Bargnolino”); b) a low consideration and importance of Cucumis melo in the economy of this area with respect to other areas of Emilia Romagna (e.g., provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna ).

2009 - Analisi del campione faunistico di alcuni butti di Faenza [Capitolo/Saggio]
J., Ori; Ansaloni, Ivano; Pederzoli, Aurora

Sono stati esaminati circa 2500 reperti scheletrici e circa 1000 gusci di molluschi provenienti da una serie di siti in particolare butti e fosse per rifiuti urbani della città di Faenza tra la fine del XIV e il XVIII secolo.

2009 - Espressione di molecole coinvolte nella regolazione ionica in Branchiostoma lanceolatum [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Mandrioli, Mauro; Mola, Lucrezia

The presence of CFTR, V-ATPase and carbonic anidrase II were demonstrated by immunocytochemical and bioinformatics studies in Branchiostoma lanceolatum. The physiological role of these molecules and the possible evolutive implications were discussed.

2009 - Forlì, ex Monte di Pietà: analisi del campione faunistico [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pederzoli, Aurora; G., Zanotti; C., Franceschi; Ansaloni, Ivano

Vengono riportati i risultati dell'analisi di reperti ossei e gusci di molluschi provenienti dall'isolato urbano che ospitava l'ex monte di Pietà di Forlì. Sono stati esaminati i resti di 32 us che hanno restituito più di 1500 repeti ossei e più di 300 resti di molluschi. I reperti appartengono in prevalenza a taxa di interesse economico.

2009 - Iconografia zoologica in pitture parietali e mosaici degli Scavi di Ercolano [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ansaloni, Ivano; S., Battaglioli; L., Del Villano; M., Iotti; Pederzoli, Aurora

Sono state effettuate indagini relative all'iconografia zoologica nelle pitture murali e nei mosaici di 13 case del sito archeologico di Ercolano finalizzate alla determinazione tassonomica specifica. Fra i soggetti utilizzati per la loro ricchezza di significato predominano nettamentegli uccelli ed in particolare Aquila chrysaetos, Pavo crystatus e Cygnus cygnus.

2009 - Iconografia zoologica nelle pitture parietali e nei mosaici della Casa del Centenario a Pompei [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Ansaloni, Ivano; L., Del Villano; M., Iotti; Pederzoli, Aurora; G., Sala

E' stata effettuata una campagna di studio relativa all'iconografia zoologica delle pitture murali e dei mosaici dell'Insula del Centenario(Pompei) al fine di identificare tassonomicamente le specie animali rappresentate collegandole ad eventuali simbologie e significati.

2009 - L'evoluzione come concetto unificante delle Scienze Naturali [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Fioroni, Chiara; Fregni, Paola; Guidetti, Roberto; Pederzoli, Aurora; Pini, L.; Veronesi, P.


2009 - Osservare gli animali per capire l'evoluzione: scelte tematiche ed espositive all'interno della mostra "Darwin: Modena e 200 anni di evoluzione" [Articolo su rivista]
Guidetti, Roberto; Pederzoli, Aurora

Vengono discusse le tematiche ed espositive effettuate nella trattazione di tematiche biologiche e evolutive all'interno della mostra "Darwin: Modena e 200 anni di evoluzione"

2008 - La collezione entomologica del Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia [Articolo su rivista]
Bisanti, Matteo; Pederzoli, Aurora; Guidetti, Roberto

Negli ultimi anni è nata l'esigenza di creare un database completo delle varie collezioni presenti all'interno del Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata dell?università di Modena e Reggio Emilia in modo da poterne quantificare il reale valore scientifico e storico. Questa esigenza trova risposta oggi nel catalogo della collezione entomologica museale qui propostoche, oltre a puntualizzare lo stato attuale della collezione, si propone anche come base dinamica, suscettibile di aggiornamento e miglioramento, per successive ricerche scientifiche e di carattere storico.

2008 - Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia Comparata [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ansaloni, Ivano; Pederzoli, Aurora; Guidetti, Roberto; Baraldi, Laura

Vengono trattati diversi aspetti del Museo di Zoologia e Anatomia comaparata dell'Universotà di Modena: storia, attività dei conservatori, direttori, acquisizioni;attività didattica

2008 - Un possibile precoce ruolo immunitario per il CRF durante lo sviluppo larvale di Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Mola, Lucrezia; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

Nell’ambito di ricerche volte ad esaminare la comparsa e localizzazione di molecole regolative durante lo sviluppo larvale della spigola, abbiamo suggerito che l’ormone adrenocorticotropo (ACTH) (Mola et al., 2004, 2005) e l’ossido nitrico prodotto dalla iNOS (Pederzoli et al., 2007) possano avere un ruolo nei precoci meccanismi di risposta allo stress prima che sia completo il differenziamento del sistema immunitario, in particolare a livello della parete dell’intestino nelle zone dove si differenzierà il GALT. Attualmente stiamo valutando la possibilità di un ruolo simile per il fattore di rilascio ipotalamico dell’ACTH (CRF), altra molecola coinvolta nella risposta allo stress, per il quale abbiamo già osservato immunoreattività (IR) nelle fibre nervose della parete del tubo digerente anteriore-medio nelle larve di 8 e 24 gg e in voluminose cellule della parete intestinale medio-posteriore nelle larve di 24 gg. Siamo ora passati ad esaminare larve di 24 gg trattate per 1 ora con LPS: sia in quelle fissate immediatamente dopo il trattamento che in quelle fissate dopo 1 ora dal termine del trattamento il quadro dell’IR al CRF non presenta sostanziali differenze rispetto alle larve non trattate. Le larve di 24 gg sono state saggiate anche per la ricerca di un’eventuale IR al recettore per il CRF (anti Rec2-CRF). Sia nelle larve non trattate che in quelle trattate e immediatamente fissate non è stata riscontrata IR ad alcun livello del tubo digerente, mentre nelle larve trattate e fissate 1 ora dopo la fine del trattamento è evidenziabile IR al Rec2-CRF in fibre nervose localizzate nella parete di tutti i livelli del tubo digerente (dal faringe all’intestino terminale). I dati sembrano indicare un’induzione dell’espressione della molecola del recettore specifico per la forma non ipotalamica del CRF a seguito di un trattamento con antigeni

2007 - Fantastic animals as an experimental model to teach animal adaptation [Articolo su rivista]
Guidetti, Roberto; L., Baraldi; C., Calzolari; L., Pini; P., Veronesi; Pederzoli, Aurora

Background: Science curricula and teachers should emphasize evolution in a mannercommensurate with its importance as a unifying concept in science. The concept of adaptationrepresents a first step to understand the results of natural selection. We settled an experimentalproject of alternative didactic to improve knowledge of organism adaptation. Students wereinvolved and stimulated in learning processes by creative activities. To set adaptation in a historicframe, fossil records as evidence of past life and evolution were considered.Results: The experimental project is schematized in nine phases: review of previous knowledge;lesson on fossils; lesson on fantastic animals; planning an imaginary world; creation of an imaginaryanimal; revision of the imaginary animals; adaptations of real animals; adaptations of fossil animals;and public exposition. A rubric to evaluate the student's performances is reported. The projectinvolved professors and students of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and of the "G.Marconi" Secondary School of First Degree (Modena, Italy).Conclusion: The educational objectives of the project are in line with the National Indications ofthe Italian Ministry of Public Instruction: knowledge of the characteristics of living beings, themeanings of the term "adaptation", the meaning of fossils, the definition of ecosystem, and theparticularity of the different biomes. At the end of the project, students will be able to graspparticular adaptations of real organisms and to deduce information about the environment in whichthe organism evolved. This project allows students to review previous knowledge and to form theirpersonalities.

2007 - Identificazione zoologica della fenice rappresentata sulla facciata della Caupona di Euxinus [Articolo su rivista]
Ansaloni, Ivano; Pederzoli, Aurora; M., Iotti; L., Del Villano


Mola, Lucrezia; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

Immunoreattivity to antibody against CRF was demonstrated in the gut of sea bass larval specimens of 8 and 24 days after hatching. Our data were correlated with the early immune response, very important in aquaculture, on the basis of previous research on immunoreactivity to ACTH in the same stages and localizations and other data on fish present in literature.

2007 - Occurence of two NOS isoforms in the developing gut of sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, A.; Conte, A.; Tagliazucchi, D.; Gambarelli, A.; Mola, L.

In this work we have examined the appearance and distribution of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), with histochemical, immunohistochemical and biochemical methods, during development of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) gut. The data showed that both the calcium-calmodulin dependent neuronal isoform (nNOS) and calcium-independent inducible isoform (iNOS) are present in the larval gut of sea bass. The nNOS-immunoreactivity was present in the epithelial cells and enteric nerve cells of gut both in the 8-day-old specimens and in the 24-day-old-larvae. In the adult nNOS-immunoreactivity disappeared from epithelial cells, remaining in the wall intramural neurons and fibers. The iNOS-immunoreactivity was present in the epithelial cells of 24-day-old-larvae and was not detectable in the adult gut. Western blot analysis and determination of NOS activity also demonstrated the presence of the two NOS isoforms, nNOS and iNOS, in the gut of 24-day-old specimens. The presumably different roles played by the two isoforms of enzyme are discussed. The presence of nNOS isoform in the gut enteric neurons of the same larval stages of D. labrax in which we previously demonstrated the presence of substance P and Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP), may suggest that all these three components of the motility control system are already present in the larval phase. Nitric oxide (NO) may be also involved in the early immune response. The present results on the occurrence of iNOS isoform in epithelial gut cells of the same regions in which the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) will differentiate, may suggest for NO a role in early defence mechanisms, before the establishment of immune responses in GALT. Finally, the developmental and regional differences in nNOS and iNOS expression also suggest a regulatory role in development and differentiation of the sea bass gut.

2007 - Reperti ossei recuperati nell'alveo del fiume Po e conservati presso il "Museo Archeologico" di Ostiglia (MN). Riconoscimento e determinazione tassonomica [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; J., Ori; V., Caselli; Ansaloni, Ivano

Sono stati analizzati circa 200 reperti ossei raccolti dal gruppo Archeologico Ostigliense (G.A.O.) durante i periodi di secca del fiume Po, in una vasta area compresa tra Correggio Micheli e Isola Bianchi (Mn), dagli anni '90 al 2005. Il materiale osteologico informa sulla fauna della Pianura Padana, costituita da specie principalmente domestiche e in accordo con il panorama faunistico attuale, fatta eccezione per un reperto appartenebte alla specie Alces alces.

2006 - Dal futuro: prove di adattamento [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Guidetti, Roberto; C., Calzolari; L., Baraldi; L., Pini; P., Veronesi; Pederzoli, Aurora

L'attività presentata è un'esperienza di laboratorio scientifico riguardante gli organismi fossili e il concetto di adattamento portata avanti da un gruppo di alunni di terza media.L'attività è nata come progetto di didattica alternativa per motivare gli studenti all'acquisizione di nuove conoscenze.

2006 - Immunoreattività al CRF nel tubo digerente durante lo sviluppo larvale di Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Mola, Lucrezia; C., Malavasi; V., Caroli; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

Precedenti ricerche immunoistochimiche hanno suggerito che l’ormone adrenocorticotropo (ACTH) possa rivestire un ruolo attivo nei meccanismi di risposta allo stress, svolto con modalità paracrine/autocrine, durante gli stadi larvali (8 e 24 giorni dalla schiusa) in Dicentrarchus labrax, prima che sia completo il differenziamento del sistema immunitario (Mola et al., 2005). In particolare ciò appare assai probabile a livello della parete dell’intestino nelle zone dove si differenzierà il GALT (che in questa specie inizia a funzionare a circa 30 giorni dalla schiusa, Scapigliati et al., 2002). Abbiamo quindi voluto verificare se nell’intestino in sviluppo della spigola fosse presente anche un’imunoreattività (IR) al relativo fattore di rilascio ipotalamico (CRF), altra molecola coinvolta nella risposta allo stress. Nelle larve di 8 giorni è osservabile un’IR al CRF nelle fibre nervose della parete del tratto digerente dal faringe all’intestino iniziale. Nelle larve di 24 giorni l’IR al CRF è rilevabile con la stessa distribuzione, ed è inoltre presente in voluminose cellule della parete dell’intestino medio e posteriore. In letteratura non emergono altri dati sulla presenza di IR al CRF nell’intestino di vertebrati. Tuttavia nel rene cefalico e nel pancreas del teleosteo Ameiurus nebulosus è stata dimostrata un’IR al pro-CRH, che risulta aumentata dopo trattamento con LPS (Malagoli et al., 2004). In base a ciò e ai nostri precedenti dati sull’ACTH, riteniamo di poter inquadrare i presenti risultati nell’ambito dei meccanismi precoci di risposta allo stress.

2005 - ACTH response to LPS in the first stages of development of the fish Dicentrarchus labrax L. [Articolo su rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora; Ottaviani, Enzo

ACTH and ACTH receptor-like molecules were found at the examined stages of development (2, 4, 8, 12, 18, and 24 days post-hatching) in yolk sac, pronephros tubules, interrenal tissue, thymus, liver, spleen, cardinal veins, and skin of the teleost fish Dicentrarchus labrax. ACTH and the related receptor-like molecules show a similar distribution. LPS treatment at two different stages (8 and 24 days post-hatching) provoked both a release and an induction of ACTH-like molecules, suggesting an important role of this peptide to control the modifications in body homeostasis during the first period of the sea bass´ life, i.e., 30 days post-hatching, before the lymphoid cells have reached complete maturation.

2005 - Al museo della Bilancia per scoprire giocando gli adattamenti animali alla forza di gravità [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Pederzoli, Aurora; L., Baraldi; D., Dell'Orco; G., Luppi; M., Nicolini; Guidetti, Roberto

In occasione di una Mostra sulla forza di gravità allestita presso il Museo della Bilancia di Campogalliano (MO) sono state organizzate postazioni interattive per sperimentare la forza di gravità. In particolare con "crescere con la gravità" sono stati mostrati gli adattamenti sviluppati da alcuni animali in relazione a questa forza.

2005 - Revisione tassonomica della collezione osteologia del “Dott. Daniele Benfatti” [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; V., Caselli; J., Ori; Ansaloni, Ivano

Sono stati presi in esame un centinaio di pezzi provenienti dalla collezione osteologica del dott. Daniele Benfatti, recentemente scomparso. I reperti ossei sono stati raccolti tra aprile e settembre 2003 durante il periodo di secca del fiume Po, nei territori di Quingentole, Ostiglia e Sermide (Mantova). Essi forniscono informazioni sulla fauna vertebrata della Pianura Padana di epoche passate. interessante la presenza dell'alce (Alces alces), del bisonte (Bison sp.) e del ghiottone (gulo gulo), caratteristici di un paleoambiente completamente diverso dall'attuale.

2005 - Sfidando la gravità con l'uomo ragno....strategie comunicative per argomenti difficili! [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
L., Baraldi; Pederzoli, Aurora; Guidetti, Roberto

E'stato realizzato un percorso didattico multidisciplinare su CD-ROM con il supporto scientifico del Dipartimento di Biologia animale e del Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia da parte di specializzandi della SSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione per l'Insegnamento Secondario avente per tema gli adattamenti alla gravità.

2004 - Immunolocalisation of vasoactive intestinal peptide and substance P in the developing gut of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; I., Bertacchi; Gambarelli, Andrea; Mola, Lucrezia

This study was carried out on the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) to follow, during development, the appearance and distribution of substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), which act on gut motility. The results suggest that SP and VIP play an important role as neuromodulators, influencing the motility of the digestive tract starting from the early stages of gut development, even prior to exotrophic feeding. In the peptidergic nervous system, the appearance of immunoreactivity to SP began at the rectum and followed a distal to proximal gradient, whereas for VIP, it began proximally and progressed along a proximal to distal gradient. The two peptides also appeared in gut epithelial cells. In some regions, all the cells were positive. From this distribution of positive cells, we conclude that these peptides may also have other roles, besides being neurotransmitters in the enteric nervous system and hormones of the gastro-entero-pancreatic system. VIP and SP might have paracrine and/or autocrine activity in the physiological maturation of the gut epithelium, as it has already been hypothesised for other peptides.

2004 - L'uomo in cima alla scala............rischia di cadere: proposte didattiche per l'insegnamento dell'evoluzione nelle Scuole Secondarie di Primo grado. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Guidetti, Roberto; Pederzoli, Aurora; S., Barbieri; M. A., Pinotti; L., Uccellari; A., Uccelli

Nell'ambito del corso di Scienze della vita con laboratorio didattico della SSIS ( Scuola di Specializzazione per l'Insegnamento Secondario) di Modena è stato discusso il concetto di evoluzione e prodotta una serie di Unità Didattiche per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado.

2004 - NO in the developing gut of Dicentrarchus labrax: an early immune role ? [Abstract in Rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; Pederzoli, Aurora; Gambarelli, Andrea; Tagliazucchi, Davide; Conte, Angela

It is known that nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the immune-neuroendocrine communications. In this issue, we have examined the appearance and distribution of nitric oxide sinthase (NOS) histochemically, immunohistochemically and biochemically during development of the sea bass gut. In 4 and 24-day-old larvae the NOS activity evaluated by NADPH-diaphorase was strong in all epithelial cells and in cell and fibers of intestinal wall, at all gut levels. In the same larval stages and localizations immunoreactive material to antibodies against nNOS and iNOS was present. In the 5-month-old adult gut both enzimatic activity for NADPH-diaphorase and immunoreactivity (IR) to anti-nNOS disappeared from epithelium remaining in the gastro-enteric nervous system. The IR to anti-iNOS completely disappeared. Western blot analysis showed that neuronal (about 150,000 mol. wt band) and inducible (about 135,000 mol wt band) NOS-immunoreactive proteins are present in 24 day-old larvae gut. In the 5 month-old adult gut nNOS and iNOS IR disappeared in the soluble fraction of crude gut homogenates. A small amount of nNOS IR was present in particulate gut fraction. Our data show that both the calcium-calmodulin dependent nNOS and calcium-independent iNOS are present in the larval gut of sea bass. In this species the maturation of cell-mediated immune responses and humoral immune system takes place respectively around the first and second month post hatching (Scapigliati et al., 2002). The presence of inducible NOS in the same regions of the sea bass gut in which the GALT will differentiate, may suggest for NO a role in early defence mechanisms, before of establishment of immune responses in GALT.

2004 - Occurrence of ACTH- and enkephalin-like peptides in the developing gut of Dicentrarchus labrax L [Articolo su rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; H., Bertacchi; Gambarelli, Andrea; Pederzoli, Aurora

We carried out immunohistochemical tests in the developing gut of the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax to follow the appearance and distribution of the immunoreactivity (IR) to antibodies against POMC-derived, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and beta-endorphin (beta-End), and against two enkephalins, with the aim to study a possible involvement of these molecules in the early neuro-immune-endocrine integration. Our data show that IR to antibodies against some molecules involved in the stress response, such as ACTH and enkephalins, are present in the sea bass gut from an early larval stage (4 days after hatching), before transition to the exotrophic feeding. Moreover, the present study demonstrates for the first time the presence of ACTH-like immunoreactive material in developing gut of a fish. The possible roles of tested molecules are discussed.

2003 - Localizzazione istochimica e immunoistochimica dell’ossido nitrico nel tratto digerente in sviluppo di Dicentrarchus labrax. [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; B., Parisini; Gambarelli, Andrea; A., Spano’; Mola, Lucrezia

In this study we present the occurrence of nitric oxide in the gut during the first larval phasess in dicentrarchus labrax (Osteichtyes). The histochemical and immunohistochemical tests were carried out in 3, 8 and 24 days and 5 months old specimens.

2003 - Xanthophore migration from the dermis to the epidermis and dermal remodeling during Salamandra salamandra salamandra (L.) larval development [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Gambarelli, Andrea; Restani, Cinzia

During larval development of Salamandra salamandra salamandra chromatophores organize to form the definitive pigment pattern constituted by a black background with yellow patches that are characterized by epidermal xanthophores and dermal iridophores. Simultaneously the dermis undergoes remodeling from the larval stage to that typical of the adult. In the present study we ultrastucturally and immunocytochemically examined skin fragments of S. s. salamandra larvae and juveniles in order to investigate the modalities of xanthophore migration and differentiation in the context of dermal remodeling from the larval to adult stage. Semithin and thin sections showed that the dermis in newly born larvae consists of a compact connective tissue (basement lamella), to which fibroblasts and xanthophores adhere, and of a loose deep collagen layer. As larval development proceeds, fibroblasts and xanthophores invade the basement lamella, skin glands develop and the adult dermis forms. At metamorphosis, xanthophores reach the epidermis crossing through the basal lamina. We examined immunocytochemically the expression of signal molecules, such as fibronectin, vitronectin, beta(1)-integrin, chondroitin sulfate, E-cadherin, N-cadherin and plasminogen activator, which are known to be involved in regulating morphogenetic events. Their role in dermal remodeling and in pigment pattern formation is discussed.

2002 - I peptidi regolativi del tratto digerente nello sviluppo di Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). [Articolo su rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; I., Bertacchi; M., Vallisneri; A., Spano`; Pederzoli, Aurora

In this study we present tje occurrence of gut regulatory peptides (Substance P, CCK and some POMC-derived molecules) during the first larval phases in Dicentrarchus labrax (Osteichtyes). The immunohistochemical tests were carried out in specimens of 2, 4 and 18 days from hatching.

2002 - Immunohistochemical localization of ACTH during development of Dicentrarchus labrax [Abstract in Rivista]
Mola, Lucrezia; B., Parisini; A., Spanò; Pederzoli, Aurora

In this work the pattern of ACTH-immunoractivity distribution in the cells and tissues of sea bass larval stages is described. The data suggest that ACTH may have a key role in early defence responses.

2002 - Indagini sulla morfologia e distribuzione delle cellule a mitocondri (MRC) di larve e adulti di Salamandra salamandra salamandra (L.) [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Gambarelli, Andrea; U., Katz; Pederzoli, Aurora

Ricerche sulla pelle di larve e adulti di Salamandra salamandra salamandra hanno evidenziato due tipi morfologici di MRC diversamente distribuiti durante le fasi dello sviluppo

2002 - Ruolo dell'ormone adrenocorticotropo nel differenziamento e nei meccanismi di difesa in Dicentrarchus labrax L. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Gambarelli, Andrea; Mola, Lucrezia; Ottaviani, Enzo

E' stata ricercata l'immunoreattività per l'ormone ACTH nei primi 24 gg di sviluppo della spigola.IR è stata riscontrata in tutti gli stadi esaminati ed estesa ad un sempre maggiore numero di organi con il progredire dello sviluppo. E' stata ipotizzata un'azione autocrina/paracrina per l'ACTH.

2002 - Structure-function relationships in the integument of Salamandra salamandra during ontogenetic development [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Gambarelli, Andrea; S., Gabbay; A., Rozman; U., Katz

Morphological, cytological and transport properties of the integument of Salamandra salamandra were investigated during natural ontogenetic development, from birth to adult. Three stages were operationally defined: I, larvae, from birth to metamorphosis; II, metamorphosis (judged externally by the colour change and loss of the gills); and III, post-metamorphosis to adult. Pieces of skin were fixed at various stages for immunocytochemical examinations, and the electrical properties were investigated on parallel pieces. Distinct cellular changes take place in the skin during metamorphosis, and lectin (PNA, WGA and ConA) binding indicates profound changes in glycoprotein composition of cell membranes, following metamorphosis. Band 3 and carbonic anhydrase I (CA I) were confined to mitochondria-rich (MR)-like cells, and were detected only in the larval stage. CA II on the other hand, was detected both in MR-like and in MR cells following metamorphosis. The electrical studies show that the skin becomes more tight (transepithelial resistance increases) upon metamorphosis, followed by manifestation of amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (I-sc) indicating that functional Ne uptake has been acquired. The skin of metamorphosed adults had no finite transepithelial Cl- conductance, and band 3 was not detected in its MR cells. The functional properties of MR-like and MR cells remain to be established. (C) 2002 tditions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

2001 - Attività della NADPH-diaforasi nel tratto digerente durante lo sviluppo di Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). [Poster]
Pederzoli, Aurora; B., Parisini; Gambarelli, Andrea; A., Spanò; Mola, Lucrezia

Viene descritta la distribuzione dell'attività NADPH-diaforasica nell'intestino di larve di spigola

2001 - Molecular analysis of Salamander family: the new alpine salamander Salamandra atra aurorae [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Azzoni, Paola; Mandrioli, Mauro

A portion of the mitochondrial DNA from the 3 ' terminal of gene 12S rRNA to the 5 ' extremity of 16S rRNA gene has been amplified by PCR from Salamandra atra aurorae genomic DNA in order to define the taxonomic position of S. atra aurorae within the Salamandra species. Analysis of the molecular data indicated that S, a. aurorae is quite different from S, salamandra, whereas S. a. aurorae and S. a. atra are more similar, although their mitochondrial DNA present several mutations. Our analysis suggested therefore that S. a. aurorae could really represent a new subspecies of alpine salamander. Finally, on the basis of the rate of sequence divergence, we could suggest that S. a. atra and S. a. aurorae diverged about three million years ago.

1999 - Indagini istologiche e immunoistochimiche sull'apparato digerente nel teleosteo Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) in sviluppo. [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
I., Bertacchi; Mola, Lucrezia; A., Fusari; Pederzoli, Aurora; Marini, Milena

Viene descritta la comparsa e localizzazione di alcuni peptidi gastrointestinali durante lo sviluppo larvale della spigola.

1998 - Cultures of skin fragments of Salamandra salamandra salamandra (L.) larvae [Articolo su rivista]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Restani, Cinzia

As part of a study on the pigmentary system of Salamandra salamandra salamandra (L.), we cultured skin fragments of 7-10-day-old larvae in order to examine the expression of molecules implicated in cellular adhesion and migration and in regulating cell-cell relationships. Keratinocytes, fibroblasts, Leydig cells, xanthophores, and melanophores migrated from the fragments and were observed in the outgrowth. Keratinocytes and fibroblasts organized into an epidermal layer and an underlying dermal portion. The chromatophores were always located below the epithelial cells, often with fibroblasts. We examined by immunocytochemistry the expression of fibronectin, beta(1)-integrin, L-CAM, and A-CAM in the cultures. Many keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and Leydig cells expressed all the signal molecules tested. Xanthophores and melanophores were only immunoreactive to the anti-adhesion molecules antisera. Since the molecules tested are known to play a role in cell adhesion, growth, and spreading, as well as in regulating tissue differentiation and in maintaining normal tissue morphology, we may hypothesize that in Salamandra salamandra salamandra fibronectin, beta 1-integrin, L-, and A-CAMs concertedly act to stabilize the architecture of the outgrowth and regulate the relationships between chromatophores and those between chromatophores and the other elements of the skin culture.

1997 - Cytochemical and immunocytochemical investigations on epidermal mitochondria-rich cells in Salamandra salamandra salamandra (L.) larvae [Articolo su rivista]
Restani, Cinzia; Pederzoli, Aurora

In the present study we set out to investigate the expression of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, beta(1)-integrin, fibronectin and vitronectin in the mitochondria-rich cells (MRC) of the skin of Salamandra salamandra salamandra, Moreover MRC were stained with five lectins (Triticum vulgaris; Dolichos biflorus; Glycine max; Arachis hypogaea and Canavalia ensiformis), Larval MRC expressed both adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix glycoproteins and bound all lectins tested, Juvenile MRC did not react with the antisera utilized, but they stained with the lectins. Both the lectins and the regulatory molecules proved to be good cytochemical markers for distinguishing morphologically differentiated MRC during the larval life of Salamandra salamandra salamandra, The adhesion molecules and matrix glycoproteins are of great utility for maintaining the correct tissue architecture, In Salamandra salamandra salamandra larvae these molecules may be crucial for stability and for the correct localization and fate of all skin elements, including specialized cells such as larval MRC.

1996 - Immunocytochemical study of endocrine cells in the gut of goldfish Carassius carassius (L) var auratus submitted to experimental lead intoxication [Articolo su rivista]
PEDERZOLI, Aurora; P., Trevisan; A. M., Bolognani Fantin

In the present study, the effects of experimental lead pollution on gut endocrine cells have been determined in the goldfish Carassius carassius (L.) var. auratus by immunocytochemical reactions. In the mucosa and submucosa, only vasoactive intestinal polypeptide- and 5-HT-like immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed. Endocrine cells displaying immunoreactivity against gastrin, CCK8, metenkephalin, bombesin, neuropeptide Y, pancreatic polypeptide, substance P, secretin, somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide antibodies were detected. No immunoreactivity against glucagon, insulin and 5-HT antibodies was revealed in the endocrine cells. Some modifications appeared evident in the endocrine cells 48-96 h after lead intoxication, and can be summarized as follows: 1) discharge of secretory granules (secretin- and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-like peptides), up to the extent that the cells appeared to be depleted of secretory material; 2) increase of immunoreactivity in the endocrine cells (met-enkephalin- and pancreatic polypeptide-like peptides) or in the frequency of positive cells (met-enkephalin-like peptide); 3) no variations (gastrin-, CCK8, bombesin-, somatostatin- and substance P-like peptides). The alterations were not enhanced by long term treatment. Nerve fibers did not show modifications.

1995 - Localization of fibronectin and beta1 integrin in cultured skin fragments of larvae of salamandra salamandra salamandra. [Abstract in Rivista]
Pederzoli, A.; Restani, Cinzia; Sabatini, Maria Agnese

As part of a study on the pigmentary system of Salamandra salamandra salamandra we cultured skin fragments from 7-10 day old larvae in order to examine the expression of molecules implicated in both cellular adhesion and migration and in regulating the relationships among cells. Skin fragments were cultured for 10-15 days on glass coverslips in Petri dishes. Fragments attached to the coverslips within 24h and fibroblastic and epithelial cells gradually migrated from the fragments. Keratinocytes formed a monolayer above the fibrobasts. Whitin 36-48 h Leydig cells, melanophores and xantophores were observed beneath the keratinocytes. In vitro melanophores and xantophores have two shapes: dendritic when mobile and round when stationary. Immunofluorescence method was applied to the cultures to localize fibronectin and beta1 integrin. Many keratinocytes and fibroblasts showed variably strong immunofluorescence against anti-fibronectin or anti-beta1 integrin. The staining reaction for beta1 integrin was diffuse on the surface of the round melanophores, whereas it did not seem to be expressed on the dendritic chromatophores.

1993 - Aspetti morfologici, istochimici ed immunocitochimici dell'apparato digerente di alcune specie appartenenti al genere Epinephelus (Osteichthyes, Serranidae). [Poster]
Pederzoli, Aurora; Mola, Lucrezia; L., Pellico; P., Trevisan

E' stao condotto uno studio istologico, istochimico e immunoistochimico sull'appartao digerente di 4 specie predatrici del genere Epinephelus.

1992 - Histomorphological and cytochemical changes induced in the liver of goldfish Carassius carassius var. auratus by short-term exposure to lead. [Articolo su rivista]
A. M., Bolognani Fantin; Franchini, Antonella; P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora

The cellular and molecular effects of experimental lead intoxication (5 mg l-1/24 h and 48 h) were studied in hepatocytes of Carassius carassius var. auratus. Significant lead storage was not detected by atomic absorbance spectroscopy after treatment. Cell morphology appeared only poorly impaired. A decrease of glycogen content was observed. Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and pentose shunt were altered in their enzymatic activities. Lysosomal activities were strongly increased. All enzymatic activities tested were altered 24 h after lead treatment.

1992 - Immunocytochemical evidence for ACTH- and beta-endorphin-like molecules in phagocytic blood cells of urodelan amphibians. [Articolo su rivista]
Ottaviani, Enzo; P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora

Using immunocytochemical procedures and RIA tests, the presence of immunoreactive ACTH and beta-endorphin molecules in the basophils and neutrophils of urodelan amphibians (Salamandra s. salamandra, Triturus c. carnifex, Speleomantes imperialis) has been established. Moreover, it was observed that not only neutrophils but also basophils have phagocytic activity. The findings reported suggest that: 1) a relationship exists between the immune and neuroendocrine systems, and 2) the opioid-like molecules play a physiological role in the process of phagocytosis. Indeed, ACTH increases the phagocytic activity.

1991 - Pigmentary system of the adult alpine Salamander Salamandra atra atra (Laur., 1768) [Articolo su rivista]
P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora; G., Barozzi

The pigmentary system of the skin from adult specimens of the black alpine salamander Salamandra atra atra was investigated by light microscope, electron microscope, and biochemical studies. Results were compared with those obtained in previous study of the subspecies Salamandra atra aurorae. Unlike Salamandra atra aurorae, which presents epidermal xanthophores and iridophores, Salamandra atra atra is completely melanized, presenting only epidermal and dermal melanophores. The melanosomes in both the epidermis and the dermis appear to derive from a multivesicular premelanosome similar to that in the goldfish, and the epidermal melanosomes are smaller than those in the dermis. Premelanosomes with an internal lamellar matrix were not observed. The biochemical results have shown that in the ethanol extracts obtained from the skin in toto and from the melanosomes, pteridines and flavins are always present and are the same as those extracted from the black skin areas of Salamandra atra aurorae.

Pederzoli, Aurora; P., Trevisan; A. M., Bolognani Fantin

The skin of Bombina variegata variegata was studied by histochemical and immuno-histochemical reactions in order to identify the production of active substances (5-HT and bombesin) from the two different kinds of glands (with small and large granules) present in the skin of this subspecies. On the basis of the obtained results, the glands with large granules appear to be involved in bombesin synthesis; on the contrary the glands with small granules seem to be the main cell producing of 5-HT.

Pederzoli, Aurora; P., Trevisan

The pigmentary system of skin from adult specimens of the amphibian urodele Salamandra atra aurorae was investigated by light microscope, electron microscope and biochemical studies. Three chromatophore types are present in yellow skin. Xantophores are located in the epidermis. Black skin has a single type of cromatophore, the melanophores. Both skin types present some pteridines and flavins.

1989 - Preliminary studies on haematological parameters in Carassius carassius var. auratus submittede to acute experimental lead pollution as pollution indices [Articolo su rivista]
A. M., Bolognani Fantin; P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora

Several haematological (RBC; WBC and thrombocyte count, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC) and serological parameters (lead blood content, ALA-D, glucose, GOT, GTP, Try, Chol, TP, Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++) have been assayed in specimens of Carassius submitted to sublethal acute exposure to lead(5ppm, 24 and 48 hrs). The following differences were observed between control and treated samples: the number of RBC was decreased after 48 hrs of treatment; haematocrit, haemoglobin percentage and MCHC were also decreased. Glucose and lead concentrations in blood were increased whereas ALA-D, transaminases and calcium were decreased. The decrease of ALA-D is proposed as index of pollution.

1988 - Effects of acute experimental pollution by lead on some haematological parameters in Carassius carassius (L) var. auratus [Articolo su rivista]
A. M., Bolognani Fantin; P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora

Several haematological (RBC; WBC and thrombocyte count, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC) and serological parameters (lead blood content, ALA-D, glucose, GOT, GTP, Try, Chol, TP, Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca++) have been assayed in specimens of Carassius submitted to sublethal acute exposure to lead(5ppm, 24 and 48 hrs). The following differences were observed between control and treated samples: the number of RBC was decreased after 48 hrs of treatment; haematocrit, haemoglobin percentage and MCHC were also decreased. Glucose and lead concentrations in blood were increased whereas ALA-D, transaminases and calcium were decreased. No significant variations in the other studied parameters were observed.

1988 - Sulphatides in the frog oviduct: response to estradiol stimulation [Articolo su rivista]
L., Vitaioli; E., Baldoni; L., Bellini; Pederzoli, Aurora; L., Bolognani

Changes in sulphatide concentrations in the oviduct of the frog Rana escultenta induced by estradiol administration in ovariectomized and hypophysiectomized animals have been studied by means of biochemical methods. Variations in sulphatide concentration were attributed to indirect action of estradiol that by induction of arylsulphatase activity affected the catabolic phase of the sulpholipid matabolism. The remarkable increase in sulphatides observed in hypophysiectomized animals led us to also propose an indirect control by the pituitary gland.

1987 - Arylsulphatase activity and cerebroside sulphates in the frog oviduct during the reproductive cycle [Articolo su rivista]
L., Vitaioli; E., Baldoni; L., Bellini; Pederzoli, Aurora; L., Bolognani

The presence of arylsulphatase A and cerebroside sulphates in different tracts of Rana esculenta oviduct during different phases of the reproductive cycle were investigated by histochemical and biochemical procedures. The results indicate that seasonal fluctuations connected with the phase of the sexual cycle. The concentrations of cerebroside sulphates (the natural substrates of Arylsulphatase A) is related to the activity of this hydrolytic enzyme. The role of arylsulphatase A activity in regulating the substrate concentration and particularly that of sulphatides is discussed.

1986 - Cross inhibition of acid hydrolases: effects of [H+] on inhibition of lysosomal and non lysosomal arylsulphatases by phosphoric esters [Poster]
Bolognani, Lorenzo; Davolio, E.; Pederzoli, Aurora; Volpi, Nicola

Cross inhibition of acid hydrolases: effects of [H+] on inhibition of lysosomal and non lysosomal arylsulphatases by phosphoric esters

1986 - Regulation of arylsulphatases: inhibition of arylsulphatase from Haliotis rufusensis by phosphoric esters and shift of optimal pH depending on temperature [Articolo su rivista]
E., Davolio; L., Landini; Volpi, Nicola; M. G., Dubois; M., Masson; Pederzoli, Aurora; L., Bolognani

Arylsulphatase activity of Haliotis rufusensis has been tested at different temperatures and pH. This enzyme is characterized by an optimum temperature at +50°C. The maximum pH activity is depending on temperature; by increasing temperature from +20 to + 50°C, a shift of pH maximum has been observed towards the acidic side. The enzyme activity was tested with nitrocatecholsulphate, synthetic substrato, and with natural substrates, cerebroside sulphate and ascorbate 2-sulphate. These naturai substrates are "competitive" with respect to thè synthetic substrate. Nitrophenylphosphate is a powerful inhibitor of this enzyme; this effect is pH dependent. Several phosphoderivatives, including inositol-phosphatides and myo-inositolphosphate, are also important inhibitors. Arylsulphatase from Haliotis, like those from Heìix and Palella, is a glycoprotein (muramyl-glycoprotein). Its electrophoretic behaviour is similar to that of arylsulphatase A from human liver, but AgNÒ3 or NaCl treatment are ineffective in differentiating A and B forms.

1985 - Arylsulpahatase from Haliotis rufusensis: kinetics of inhibition by phosphoesters depending on temperature and pH [Poster]
Davolio, E.; Landini, L.; Pederzoli, Aurora; Volpi, Nicola; Bolognani, Lorenzo

Arylsulpahatase from Haliotis rufusensis: kinetics of inhibition by phosphoesters depending on temperature and pH.

1985 - Contributo allo studio di arilsolfatasi di molluschi: arilsolfatasi di haliotis. Caratteristiche cinetiche dell'inibizione da fosfoesteri in funzione della temperatura e del pH [Poster]
Davolio, E.; Landini, L.; Pederzoli, Aurora; Volpi, Nicola; Bolognani, Lorenzo

Contributo allo studio di arilsolfatasi di molluschi: arilsolfatasi di haliotis. Caratteristiche cinetiche dell'inibizione da fosfoesteri in funzione della temperatura e del pH

1984 - Differentiation, structure and histochemistry in the epidermis of the minnow Phoxinus phoxinus L. [Articolo su rivista]
P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora

Development of the skin in samples of Phoxinus phoxinus was studied and its histochemical characterization was performed in adult animals, taking into particular consideration the goblet cells. Skin development is complete in 3-4 months. Club cells appear after 1 month. Mucous cells only PAS positive are located in superficial layers in 1 month old animals. In 3-4 month old animals and in adults mucous cells are present in all layers and they are PAS positive in basal layer only.

1984 - Shift of optimal pH in arylsulphatase from Mollusca depending on temperature [Articolo su rivista]
L. C., Sanguini; Pederzoli, Aurora; G., Dubois; M., Masson; E., Davolio; Volpi, Nicola; L., Bolognani

Arylsulphatase activity of Helix pomatia and Patella vulgata have been tested at different temperatures. The maximum pH activity changes depending on temperature; by increasing temperature a shift of pH maximum has been observed in both arylsulphatases. The influence of 4-nitrophenylphosphate (4-NPP), a synthetic inhibitor phosphoester, has been also studied at different temperatures. Differences are evident between inhìbited and non-inhibited arylsulphatase from Helix pomatia and Patella vulgata. By comparing arylsulphatase from Helix and Patella with that of human liver, arylsulphatase from Helix resembles arylsulphatase type A, but it is not inhibited by AgNO3; arylsulphatase from Patella migrates faster than Helix (as human arylsulphatase B does), but is not inhibited by NaCl, inhibitor of arylsulphatase B.

1983 - Regolazione di arilsolfatasi da parte di fosfoesteri: inibizione di arilsolfatasi di Molluschi da parte di fosfoesteri in funzione del pH e della temperatura [Poster]
Bolognani, Lorenzo; Sanguini, L. C.; Suman, T.; Pederzoli, Aurora; Davolio, E.; Volpi, Nicola

Regolazione di arilsolfatasi da parte di fosfoesteri: inibizione di arilsolfatasi di Molluschi da parte di fosfoesteri in funzione del pH e della temperatura

1981 - A new form of alpine salamander [Articolo su rivista]
P., Trevisan; Pederzoli, Aurora; C., Callegarini

Salamanders collected near Asiago North of Vicenza were studied. From their morphological and embryological characteristics and electrophoretic patterns of haemoglobins and LDH isoenzymes they were interpreted as a possible new subspecies of Salamandra atra Laur.

1981 - Effetti di variazioni della temperatura sul comportamento e su alcune attività enzimatiche in Semisalsa aponensis e Bithynia tentaculata [Articolo su rivista]
A. M., Bolognani Fantin; Franchini, Antonella; Pederzoli, Aurora; P., Trevisan

The Bithynia specimens adapt well to 18 C. At temperatures higher 31 C all activities stop. The NAD+ dependent diaphorase activity and the succinate dehydrogenase activity increases.

1979 - Microarthropod communities in soil treated with atrazine [Articolo su rivista]
Sabatini, Maria Agnese; B., Fratello; Bertolani, Roberto; Pederzoli, Aurora

The effects of atrazine on soil microarthropod populations was studied in an experimental field cultivated with maize. Three doses of herbicide (2,4, 6 Kg/ha) were tested in three different periods and on four layers. Controls were employed. Collembola and Oribatid mites were studied at species-level. The number of microarthropod specimens in the treated plots was not significantly different from that in the control plots.