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2023 - Il futuro del lavoro si chiama “smart working”? Riflessioni e prospettive [Articolo su rivista]
Antonelli, Gilda; Agrifoglio, Rocco; Bissola, Rita; Buonocore, Filomena; Cuel, Roberta; Curzi, Ylenia; De Molli, Federica; Di Lauro, Stefano; Di Virgilio, Francesca; Fabbri, Tommaso; Flamini, Giulia; Imperatori, Barbara; Metallo, Concetta; Mochi, Francesca; Montanari, Fabrizio; Neri, Massimo; Palumbo, Rocco; Paolino, Chiara; Pompa, Leonardo; Ravarini, Aurelio; Sarti, Daria; Scapolan, Anna Chiara; Tursunbayeva, Aizhan; Varriale, Luisa; Zifaro, Maria

Gli studiosi di questioni organizzative - da sempre interessati al tema del lavoro, della sua evoluzione e del suo rapporto con la tecnologia - si interrogano da qualche tempo sul significato di una etichetta quale è Smart Working (SW), espressione che indica modalità di svolgimento della prestazione lavorativa volte ad allentare i vincoli tradizionali di tempo e luogo e indirizzate a logiche di discrezionalità e di responsabilizzazione verso obiettivi lavorativi, in un contesto nel quale le potenzialità della tecnologia svolgono un significativo ruolo abilitante. L’intento di questo paper è quello di offrire un contributo al consolidamento di una riflessione su cosa lo SW sia e possa essere, quali sfide ponga sia sul versante individuale che su quello organizzativo e quali opportunità possa offrire una sua precisa comprensione.

2023 - Miseria del digitalismo. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pompa, Leonardo

In recent years, sustainability has become a very relevant issue in many areas of human experience and activity. Calls for radical transformations aimed at coping with sustainability constraints originated from a variety of realms and institutions, including academia, media, political actors, business companies and others. Despite the pervasiveness of such discourse, questions such as what is the actual meaning of sustainability, and how it can be promoted, are still unresolved. This ebook proposes a critical reflection through contributions from different disciplinary perspectives (economics, organization theory, psychology, labor law), addressing sustainability’s difficulties, contradictions, and paradoxes. The goal is to help developing a better understanding of the complexity of this theme, while avoiding the risk of reducing sustainability to a mere slogan when, instead, it could become a concrete lever for change.

2022 - Autonomia e libertà nelle nuove occupazioni. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pompa, Leonardo

Autonomy at work has been defined in many ways, but not all conceptualizations have the same coherence and heuristic efficacy . This book follows the literature that interprets autonomy, according to its etymological meaning, as the ability to produce one’s own rules and, therefore, to govern one’s own processes of action. In relation to autonomy, the recent rise of freelancers and independent workers, the diffusion of coworking, the organizational choices of work in the gig economy, the use of advanced technologies, and proactivity at work are explored and discussed.

2022 - Digitalies. Opportunità e insidie della digitalizzazione nei nuovi scenari organizzativi. [Articolo su rivista]
Pompa, Leonardo

Il Covid ha stravolto le nostre abitudini lavorative e, nel futuro che ci attende, la digitalizzazione si candida ad essere la “nuova normalità”. Proprio per questo, il ruolo delle organizzazioni nella società non è mai stato così in bilico tra utopia e distopia. Perché digitalizzare non significa necessariamente essere sostenibili.

2021 - Growing Thanks to Whom? The Impact of Staff on Demand on Organizational Growth Dynamics: Evidence from Sweden. [Articolo su rivista]
Pompa, Leonardo

Young fast-growing companies operating in the digital economy represent a tendency which has, so far, been little explored by academic literature that has, until now, not been able to form a systematic approach to this topic. Among the many factors that can help to explain their rapid evolutionary dynamics, some researchers (Ismail, 2013; Burke, 2015) underline the so-called use of Staff on Demand, that is to say freelance workers. In other words, freelance personnel. One usually thinks that not having stable relationships with the companies for which they work, contractors can help to streamline organizational processes and therefore favour faster growth. By means of a multiple case study, this paper will show that, contrary to belief, Staff on Demand represents an important but not crucial presence for fast-growing companies. The case study was carried out on a number of recently formed Swedish companies. The collection of data and the interviews with their founders, CEOs and HR Officers, clearly show that the most important role is still played by full time employees and that the presence of Staff on Demand does not affect in any substantial way the growth of a company or of Human Resource management.

2021 - Humans: risorse e persone [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pompa, Leonardo; Rinaldini, Matteo

2021 - Liberalism Untold. Why A Genuine Liberal Thought Still Doesn’t Exist. [Articolo su rivista]
Pompa, Leonardo

From a political-philosophical standpoint, liberalism has its roots in its focus on individuals’ negative liberty, which entails the removal of any obstacle that might potentially hinder their actions. As Bobbio (1978) suggests, our agency can be limited at a social level by customary, legislative or moral norms. We can define the entirety of these norms as the nomos driving our day-to-day actions. Liberal thinkers usually argue that the state should regulate citizens’ lives as little as possible. From this perspective, they seem to be mostly concerned with setting people free from the invasive nomos of public institutions. However, is this political approach genuinely liberal? Based on the original, and thus genuine, meaning of the term nomos, the answer is no. A real safeguarding of negative liberty should be aimed at the removal of any nomos curtailing people’s independence, not just the nomos of the state. Within the context of the informal economy, for instance, poverty, marginality and precarious work have grown into veritable rules. When seen from this perspective, workers’ disadvantage is indeed a nomos regulating, restricting, and limiting individual agency. Why has liberalism failed to promote the removal of this kind of nomos that curtails people’s negative liberty with equal strength as that of the state? Is deregulation truly the solution to all the ills of the market? Should those who self-identify as liberals oppose or embrace a public nomos working against the spread of the nomos of job insecurity? This work claims that a genuinely liberal approach should be based on an etymological and broader understanding of the term nomos. It will also examine how private enterprises can favor the spread of this approach and safeguard workers’ negative liberty.

2021 - L’età dell’indulgenza digitale. Lo smart working alla sfida della digital sobriety. [Articolo su rivista]
Pompa, Leonardo

L’emergenza legata alla diffusione del Covid-19 ha stimolato massicciamente il ricorso allo smart working. Questo, nella retorica che va prendendo forma, è pressoché unanimemente descritto come il lavoro del futuro, grazie al quale si potrà realizzare un armonico equilibrio tra le esigenze di riassetto occupazionale e le istanze proprie di una crescita sostenibile. In questo quadro, se da un lato i benefici derivanti della digitalizzazione dei processi di lavoro sono opportunamente enfatizzati, dall’altra parte i pesanti impatti che le soluzioni ICT generano sull’ambiente non vengono presi minimamente in considerazione. Questa omissione rende l’emergente retorica sullo smart working non solo incompleta, ma anche potenzialmente fuorviante. Il presente contributo intende riportare l’attenzione sul tema della “sobrietà digitale”, la quale, se opportunamente considerata, potrà fornire indicazioni utili a orientare la flessibilità lavorativa verso una sostenibilità finalmente autentica.

2019 - Exponential atlases: a metaphysical approach to the organizational rapid growth. [Articolo su rivista]
Pompa, Leonardo

According to Greek mythology, Atlas held up the sky on his shoulders. Nowadays, the term atlas refers to “a book of maps or charts” (1). In this paper, the term is used in both senses. On the one hand, the purpose is to understand the conditions favoring – hold up – the birth and the evolution of exponential organizations. On the other hand, the goal is to draw a concept map that allows us to identify the interactional dynamics among the actors involved in this evaluative process. In other words, first I'll try to know who “holds up the sky” (static interpretation), and then we will see who “lives in it” (moving interpretation). The idea is that disruptive innovation mediates the relationship between environmental/organizational features (conditions) and exponential growth (phenomenon). So far, little consideration has been given to the favorable conditions that can allow organizations to become exponential. This paper aims to pave the way for future systematized research on the ExO’s genesis and development.

2019 - Questioni di giustizia [Curatela]
Neri, Massimo; Giovanola, Benedetta; Del Punta, Riccardo; Giovannetti, Enrico; Vecchio, Luca; Di Toma, Paolo; Masino, Giovanni; Berdicchia, Domenico; Barbini, Francesco Maria; Rinaldini, Matteo; Pompa, Leonardo

This book collects contributions on questions of justice. It proposes a reflection on justice observed from different disciplinary perspectives (organization, philosophy, labor law, economics, work psychology) concerning the basic assumptions underlying the research approaches on this topic. Then, the book considers justice in relation to different issues that are widely debated in the social arena (corporate governance, organizational design, well-being, digitalization of work processes, smart working). A critical point of view on the different positions is adopted. We believe that recognizing the specificities of single disciplines and their defining and applicative problems is a fundamental premise in order to face the new challenges that a subject as ancient as justice seems to bring to the forefront of today’s society.

2018 - Cresciute in fretta. Organizzazioni a rapida crescita: verso la creazione di un approccio analitico “ad hoc”. [Relazione in Atti di Convegno]
Pompa, Leonardo; Fortezza, Fulvio; Masino, Giovanni

2017 - From the unusual to the useful: Digital platforms and Co-Working Spaces as Instruments for Human Resource Management in Emerging Economic and Organizational Environments. [Articolo su rivista]
Pompa, Leonardo

In this present economic situation, the use of freelance workers, whose role in organizations runs side by side with that of full time workers, is becoming increasingly more important. The joint presence of these two very different forms of human resource, represents an important challenge to Human Resource Management, which has to adequately exploit the qualities of those who work within the organization, irrespective of the type of contractual ties they may have. Managerial literature has come up with limited contributions on this topic and without finding effective solutions to the integrated management of such an assortment of human resources. In this paper we contribute to fill this literature gap by proposing a conceptual model concerning how using digital platforms and co-working spaces may facilitate the company’s human resource management. This particular model outlines how these two instruments can assist the work of HR managers, especially with the conception and implementation of recruitment and motivational processes.

2015 - Temps de travail et temps sociaux. [Capitolo/Saggio]
Pompa, Leonardo