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2023 - Possibili criteri generali per strutturare una lezione che si potrebbe definire DSA-friendly [Capitolo/Saggio]
Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA; Guaraldi, Giacomo; Genovese, Elisabetta; Ferretti, Valentina

2023 - Una didattica inclusiva a favore degli studenti con DSA Indagine e analisi delle azioni a opera dei docenti dell’Ateneo di Modena e Reggio Emilia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Ferretti, Valentina; Guaraldi, Giacomo; Genovese, Elisabetta; Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA

Scorza, Maristella; Benassi, Erika; Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA; Stella, Giacomo

Currently, no short collective screening measure effectively assesses silent word decoding skills in Italian primary and secondary school children. Jacobson (1995) described a test of silent words recognition, called Word Chain Test (WCT), which appeared a valid method for detecting children with reading difficulties. The aim of the present study was to validate an Italian version of the WCT. In Study 1, we presented normative data in a sample of 1,154 children from Grade 1 to Grade 8, and measured both concurrent validity and internal consistency. We calculated a word recognition index (WRI) which, controlling for visuospatial and speed factors, seemed to provide a good assessment of the word recognition ability. In Study 2, we evaluated whether the WCT could discriminate a clinically identified population of children with dyslexia from typical children. Advantages and recommendations on the use of the WCT by teachers were discussed

2018 - DSA e memoria di lavoro [Capitolo/Saggio]
Stella, Giacomo; Ferrara, Marika; Scorza, Maristella; Zonno Maria, Pia; Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA

Oggi sono sempre di più gli studenti con DSA che terminata la scuola secondaria di secondo grado, desiderano iscriversi all’università e che cercano di inserirsi in contesti lavorativi in linea con i propri studi e le proprie aspirazioni. Questo è sicuramente un segnale positivo, soprattutto per la crescente attenzione da parte del mondo accademico, anche se rimane ancora molto da fare per approdare a una completa inclusione. I contributi presenti in questo volume, attraverso un’ottica multidisciplinare, indagano quali siano le misure dispensative e gli strumenti compensativi da utilizzare, le buone prassi da seguire, le possibili prospettive lavorative e le strategie più efficaci per favorire il successo formativo di ragazzi e giovani con DSA.

2018 - The influence of vicarious interracial relations on cognitive control in Italian undergraduate students [Abstract in Atti di Convegno]
Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA; Iani, Cristina; Di bernardo, Gian Antonio; Rubichi, Sandro; Vezzali, Loris

This study examined the influence of vicarious interracial interactions on cognitive control functioning of Italian white undergraduate students. Sixty students performed the Stroop task watching a video showing an interracial interaction. For half of the participants the video showed a white student being excluded by two black students (exclusion condition), while for the other half the video showed a white student that was accepted in a dyad of two black students (inclusion condition). Prior to viewing the video, participants ́ racial attitudes regarding Whites and Blacks were measured by means of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and of structured questionnaires. Cognitive control functioning was measured by assessing Stroop interference and trial-by- trial conflict adaptations. Results showed that, despite the overall low levels of implicit and explicit racial prejudice, trial-by-trial conflict adaptations differed between the two groups, with the group in the exclusion condition showing less efficient adaptations to conflict. This result is consistent with a resource model of executive control and with the results of recent studies showing that interracial interactions, especially negative ones, deplete executive control.

Camia, Michela; Ferrara, Marika; Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA; Scorza, Maristella; Benassi, Erika

The role of the Executive Functions (EFs) in dyslexia is still unclear. In the recent literature several studies find dyslexia to be associated with an EFs impairment (Beneventi at al. 2010; Willcutt et al., 2005), whereas other authors don’t find any association between dyslexia and difficulties in EFs tasks (Marzocchi et al., 2008). Moreover, the main studies evaluating EFs both in typically developing children and dyslexics have mainly focused on planning and problem solving, and working memory (e.g., Best et al., 2009; Reiter et al., 2005) ) while only few studies have focused on set-shifting. The set-shifting seems to have a central role in the linguistic elaboration, because it permits to rapidly switch between tasks or mental sets (Best et al., 2009). The aim of this study is to investigate the set-shifting abilities in two groups of children, with and without dyslexia, using an Alternate Fluency (AF) task already used and standardized by Costa and colleagues (2014) for adult population. This study involved 22 adolescents, aged 11 to 14, with a diagnosis of developmental dyslexia (DD) and 124 typically developing (TD) peers. Three tasks were administered to two groups: Phonemic Fluency (PF), Semantic Fluency (SF) and Alternate Fluency (AF). The results show a significant difference between the two groups in all the three tasks. Specifically, we found a lower performance in the adolescents with dyslexia with respect to controls (PF, p = .003; SF, p < .001; AF, p = .005). Moreover both the two groups showed more difficulties in the PF task rather then in the SF and AF tasks. In conclusion, this study supports the hypothesis of difficulties in the executive component represented by set-shifting in adolescents with dyslexia. These data underline the importance of considering this EF in the clinical evaluation and in the description of the cognitive profile of these adolescents.

2017 - Dati preliminari su una prova di apprendimento verbale in età evolutiva. [Poster]
Boni, C. D.; Benassi, E.; Scortichini, F.; Scorza, M.

2017 - Declarative learning of new real-words in primary and secondary school children: Evidence of consolidation over time [Articolo su rivista]
Scorza, Maristella; Benassi, Erika; Boni, Claudia D.; Pinotti, Chiara; Stella, Giacomo

Recent studies found evidence for improvements of declarative memories after a period of offline consolidation. Most of these studies investigated declarative learning using non-words stimuli. Little is known about consolidation effects in the acquisition of phonologically typical real-words in the native-language. The current study compared primary school children with secondary school children in recognition and delayed recall of novel real-words. The delayed recognition and recall tasks were administered both 15 minutes and 24 hours after training. The results revealed high recognition accuracy of the novel real-words after 15-min delay. In contrast, children's recall ability decreased at the first post-training delayed recall but significantly improved when children were re-tested one day later. Better overall performances were observed in secondary school children. The results of our semantic declarative memory task replicate and extend previous findings showing that children's retention of novel semantic-phonological representations is more robust following a period of sleep.

2017 - Italian version of the word chain test: a short collective screening of low word recognition abilities. [Poster]
Scorza, M.; Benassi, E.; Boni, C. D.; Stella, G.

2017 - Set-shifting in bambini normolettori e con dislessia: una prova di fluenza verbale alternata. [Poster]
Benassi, E.; Boni, C. D.; Scorza, M.

2015 - Nuove acquisizioni sui meccanismi dell’apprendimento [Capitolo/Saggio]
Stella, Giacomo; Scorza, Maristella; Boni, CLAUDIA DARIA; Scortichini, Francesca

Nonostante gli ostacoli che gli studenti dislessici incontrano durante il proprio percorso scolastico, ostacoli tanto maggiori quanto più tardiva è la diagnosi, la loro presenza nelle università è in continuo aumento. Ciò costituisce senz’altro un segnale positivo, perché è un ulteriore passo in avanti verso la piena realizzazione dei talenti di questi ragazzi, ma c’è ancora molta strada da fare. In questa prospettiva, Giovani adulti con DSA approfondisce alcune aree tematiche particolarmente rilevanti, illustrando le principali indicazioni normative ministeriali e regionali e l’iter diagnostico nei giovani adulti, descrivendo gli aspetti psicologici coinvolti e gli strumenti didattici più idonei ed efficaci per i DSA. Adottando una visione multidimensionale delle problematiche coinvolte, l’opera fornisce una base di conoscenze e di riferimenti pratici per gli operatori del settore — psicologi, medici, insegnanti, pedagogisti, educatori — e per le persone adulte con DSA, i loro familiari e amici.