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2022 - Exodus [Capitolo/Saggio]
Mambelli, A

2022 - Old Greek Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream as a Visible and Infallible Prophecy [Articolo su rivista]
Mambelli, Anna

This study focuses on Old Greek Daniel 2. In the MT, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar has a symbolic «dream» that he cannot understand, while Daniel perceives the same dream and its interpretation through a revelatory nocturnal «vision». The lexical differentiation between the oneiric experience of a non-Jew and that of a Jew is not preserved in the OG. The translator uses both «dream» (ἐνύπνιον) and «vision» (ὅραμα) to describe Nebuchadnezzar’s dream experience. Is the employment of the two oneiric terms in DanOG 2 unintentional? Is it deliberate but merely due to stylistic needs? Or is it the result of a conscious effort to convey a new perspective compared to its Semitic source? I address this question by contextualising the semantics of the oneiric lexicon in the light of coeval papyri from Ptolemaic Egypt, LXX, Jewish writings in Greek from the Hellenistic-Roman period, and ancient Greek literature. This investigation shows how, in DanOG 2, the use of technical nouns for «dream» is skilfully and intentionally orchestrated and intended to emphasise the prophetic character of the king’s «vision».

2022 - Words from Another World: Understanding Prophecy in Early Judaism and Christianity - Monographic issue of "Cristianesimo nella storia", 43, 2 [Curatela]
Mambelli, Anna

This monographic issue focuses on perceptions and conceptions of prophecy in early Judaism and Christianity. The volume contains reworked versions of papers presented at the session entitled Understanding Prophecy in Early Judaism and Christianity which took place at the 2019 Conference of the European Academy of Religion in Bologna, Italy, as well as other original articles. There is a total of nine contributions dealing with different aspects of the issue and written by an international group of scholars. More specifically, the first articles investigate the representation, interpretation, and function of prophecy in early Jewish contexts, with a focus on the LXX translators’ distinctive beliefs concerning prophets and prophecy compared to their Hebrew or Aramaic Vorlage (Valérie Duval-Poujol, W. Edward Glenny, Philippe Le Moigne, and Anna Mambelli). After the articles of Luca Arcari and Rodrigo F. de Sousa, which deal with methodological and historical issues relevant to the interpretation of prophecy in early Judaism and Christianity, the next section analyses particular and significant approaches to prophecy and prophetic books in early Christian contexts (Eric F. Mason, Gaetano Spampinato, and Tommaso Interi). While each contribution has a particular and specific focus, together they allow for an overview of topics of interest that show the similarities and specificities of each tradition.

2020 - Costruzioni dell'eresia e dell'ortodossia nel cristianesimo antico [Articolo su rivista]
Mambelli, A

Questo articolo indaga l'origine del concetto e del fenomeno dell'eresia, strettamente legati a quelli dell'ortodossia, nel cristianesimo antico, partendo dall'analisi dell'evoluzione semantica dello stesso termine hairesis.

2020 - The Influence of the Septuagint on the Vocabulary of the Second Epistle of Peter. The Cases of ὁµίχλη, ἐµπαίκτης, ῥοιζηδόν and ἀµώµητος in 2 Peter 2:17; 3:3, 10, 14 [Capitolo/Saggio]
Mambelli, A

This paper focuses on those rare words of 2 Peter that were most likely drawn from the Septuagint or whose use in 2 Peter can be better explained by looking at the Septuagint. The aim is to illustrate the influence of the Septuagint on the unique vocabulary of 2 Peter.

2020 - The Second Epistle of Peter: A Different Approach to Lexical Analysis [Capitolo/Saggio]
Mambelli, A

The aim of this essay is to introduce a different approach to lexical analysis of 2 Peter, so as to determine which of the epistle’s terms are uncommon in the Bible but relatively common in extant Greek literature, and which are rarely found or are not found elsewhere in all of ancient Greek literature. Once the material for comparison is extended past the artificial limits of the NT and the LXX, the literary background of 2 Peter can be investigated in detail.

2020 - Vaccari, Alberto [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Mambelli, A

La vita e l'opera di Vaccari Alberto, esegeta biblico e orientalista

2020 - γίγας [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Mambelli, A

2020 - ἀνομέω [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Mambelli, A

2019 - Exodos. Storia di un vocabolo [Curatela]
Bons, E; Mambelli, A; Scialabba, D

Il libro indaga i diversi usi del vocabolo exodos a partire dalla letteratura greca antica fino alla letteratura cristiana dei primi secoli, attraverso un percorso unitario e sistematico. In particolare, tre domande principali costituiscono il filo conduttore del volume: perché la partenza degli israeliti dall’Egitto viene chiamata exodos? La storia di tale sostantivo nella letteratura di lingua greca può spiegare questa scelta terminologica? Fino a che punto tale scelta ha influenzato la ricezione dell’idea dell’esodo? Nella ricerca storica, filologica e biblica questa tematica non è stata affrontata in maniera organica ed esaustiva. Un approccio lessicale, filologico e storico intende colmare una lacuna importante nella conoscenza di un termine che ha segnato la nostra storia sin dall’antichità.

2019 - L'uso di ἔξοδος nel Nuovo Testamento e nella letteratura cristiana antica [Capitolo/Saggio]
Mambelli, A

Questo contributo indaga l'uso del vocabolo exodos all'interno del Nuovo Testamento (Lc 9,31; 2Pt 1,15; Eb 11,22) e nella letteratura cristiana antica. L'analisi si concentra su tre significati specifici che il termine assume in tali testi: dipartita da questa vita; destinazione finale; esodo di Israele dall'Egitto.

2019 - Le prime attestazioni di Ἔξοδος come titolo del secondo libro del Pentateuco [Capitolo/Saggio]
Mambelli, A

Questo contributo indaga le origini dell'uso di Exodos come titolo del secondo libro del Pentateuco, che sembrano risalire al II secolo d.C. Come è noto, nella forma latinizzata Exodus tale denominazione del libro biblico è entrata nelle tradizioni ecclesiastiche latine e in seguito nelle lingue d'Europa.

2019 - Naming the Sacred. Religious Toponymy in History, Theology and Politics [Curatela]
Mambelli, A; Marchetto, V

At what point is a place perceived as holy? And when does it become officially so in its definition? Inspired by the UNESCO debate and decisions made concerning holy places, the authors seek answers to these questions. “Naming the Sacred” is a diachronic excursus into the issues of perception and denomination of holy places. The volume examines historical cases in which names and places have been modified or literally eliminated and others where places were subject to policies of protection and tutelage. The work appertains to an ongoing, evolving global debate where the challenge of the reciprocal recognition of holy sites has become increasingly complex.

2017 - Benedetto XV in cerca di pace per l'Ucraina [Traduzione in Volume]
Mambelli, A

2017 - La ricezione tedesca della Nota di pace [Traduzione in Volume]
Mambelli, A