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Alessandra Margherita Matilde GRIBALDO

Professore Associato
Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali

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2023 - A Commentary on Maria Alcidi’s “Religion, Security and Gender: An Unholy Trinity?” [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2023 - Femminismo e antropologia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2022 - Estetiche e politiche della parentela nelle rappresentazioni visuali [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

The article charts a reflection on visuality in kinship studies. Trees, lines, rhizomes are repre- sentations that convey their own aesthetics and, altogether, an ethics in the visualization of relationships. Starting from Rivers’ genealogical method, I propose a path in the history of the discipline on the meanings related to graphic representation and, more generally, to vision as a privileged and later strongly debated methodology of kinship knowledge. The use of visual methods in the discipline has followed the shift in focus from the analysis of kin structures to reproductive processes in a fractal projection of anthropological theories of kinship. I suggest that the explication of the relationship between politics and aesthetics allows for a rethinking of the use of diagrams and images in kinship studies.

2022 - Kohn, Eduardo, 2021, Come sognano le foreste, Milano, Nottetempo [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2022 - La vita in formato ridotto. Note sugli home movies a partire da un fondo di famiglia [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2022 - Tauber, Elisabeth and Dorothy Zinn (eds.) 2021. Gender and genre in ethnographic writing (Palgrave Studies in Literary Anthropology). London: Palgrave Macmillan [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2021 - Incertezza, sperimentazione e impegno nel metodo antropologic [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2021 - Introduzione. Sull’antropologia critica: concetti, genealogie e posizionamenti [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde; Rahola, Federico

2021 - Unexpected Subjects. Intimate Partner Violence, Testimony, and the Law [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2020 - After difference: queer activism in Italy and anthropological theory (review) [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, A

2020 - L’eccedenza gramsciana e l’antropologia [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2020 - L’intimité, la fiabilité et les paroles des femmes: quand les violences conjugales rencontrent les institutions [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

In this article I wish to analyze the conundrums arising when battered women's words meet institutions and law. In the context of intimate partner violence documentary evidence is often not available and women’s testimonies play an essential role. Pressing charges and speaking out means taking the floor as a legal subject in order to demand justice and to speak in legal terms has a decisive, effective and symbolic value in the definition of victimhood. Nonetheless the pressure on the victim to speak about the factual events, about herself and her relationship with the perpetrator and to denounce him before the law has vast implications. Drawing on a research carried out in Italy, I reflect on how violence in intimate relationships can be made present to the institutions and how the abused subject is constituted in front of them. Self-governance and reflexivity make testimony intelligible and legally significant and make women reliable victims. Yet paradoxically violence exerted in an intimate relationship does not easily provide for such a perfect victim: this reliable subject that institutions require does not match women's experiences, stances, decisions, hesitations.

2019 - Hashtags, testimonies, and measurements: Gender violence and its interpretation [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

In this article, I address gender violence through the act of witnessing and speaking out by the victims. Starting from a critical comment on some arguable points raised in the recent Hau journal forum aimed at discussing forms and claims of the #MeToo movement, I let emerge the conundrums that anthropology faces in dealing with the issue. A focus on domestic abuse as a specific form of gender violence allows me to delve into the twine of intimacy, agency and consent in the experience of the victims. I detect the specific dynamics that characterize the issue of speaking/not speaking out against violence by abused women and that underpin analytical biases. Then, I illustrate how these complexities can be found in the general assessment and measurement of gender violence as a global phenomenon. I conclude with a reflection on violence and women’s voices as an opportunity for anthropological knowledge to deal with truth telling, intimacy, and the gendered act of speaking out.

2019 - Kath Weston, Animate Planet: Making Visceral Sense of Living in a High­Tech Ecologically Damaged World, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2019 - The Burden of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence, Experience, and Persuasion [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, A.

In domestic violence cases, the production of legal evidence faces several challenges. While scholars have amply discussed the issues of intimacy, dependency, and ambivalence, their relationship with evidence and persuasion appears undertheorized. The Italian context is particularly suitable for analyzing this issue, as the testimony of the victim is central in cases of intimate partner violence. Drawing on ethnographic research into domestic violence and the law, I analyze the two components of the burden of proof: evidence and persuasion. The first corresponds to the reconstruction of facts based on eliciting the victim's experience in the form of a story; the second to how the persuasiveness of testimony is judged based on the performance of authenticity. Questioning the notion that one of the qualities of evidence—in law as in anthropology—is to be free of human intention, the article suggests that these two components of proof appear, in cases of intimate violence, not only mutually implicated but also in a relationship of intractable contradiction.

2018 - Elisa Giomi e Sveva Magaraggia, Relazioni brutali. Genere e violenza nella cultura mediale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2018 - Tecnologie della maternità: tra desiderio e 'resto' della riproduzione [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2018 - Veline, ordinary women and male savages: Disentangling racism and heteronormativity in contemporary narratives on sexual freedom [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, A.

This article takes as its starting point the so-called 'sex scandals' surrounding Italy's former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi during the last years of his premiership (2009-2011), which have filled Italian newspaper columns and legal case files. Political discourses and media interpretations of women's freedom at the time represented genders through the eroticisation of power. The deployment of postfeminist and stereotyped representations of gender relations produced a complex and ambivalent frame for female sexuality and agency which reproduced the hegemonic neoliberal rhetoric that locates freedom and emancipation in the market. This narrative was further inflected by class and race, as it was deployed through the opposed images of white, Italian, respectable, caring women, and cynical young women and migrants using their bodies as a resource in a sexual-economic exchange with men occupying positions of power. Through feminist reflections on work I frame and discuss the use of the notions of choice and freedom in these discourses. Shifting the focus from women's behaviour to the analysis of a peculiar image of masculinity displayed by the then premier, the article highlights how racism, colonial legacies and homophobia are enmeshed in this historically and culturally based gender imagery.

2017 - Boundaries Within: Nation, Kinship and Identity among Migrants and Minorities [Curatela]
Decimo, Francesca; Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2017 - Key Remarks and Research Notes on National Boundaries, Kinship and Migration [Capitolo/Saggio]
Decimo, Francesca; Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2017 - Marilyn Strathern, Before and After Gender. Sexual Mythologies of Everyday Life, Chicago University Press 2016 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2017 - Nation, Migration and Kinship through Identity Categorization [Capitolo/Saggio]
Decimo, Francesca; Gribaldo, Alessandra

2016 - A Reflection on the Gendered Implications of What Kinship is [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

This article proposes a reflection on kinship starting from a recent debate between Marshall Sahlins and Warren Shapiro hosted by the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, between 2011 and 2012. The heated controversy about the “new kinship studies”, regarding sense, meaning, and ultimately the nature of human relatedness, finds the two anthropologists on divergent stances: on one hand kinship as mutuality of being, a locus for multiple ways to conceive and live relatedness, on the other kinship as biological and inescapable invariant of human relations. The article aims at highlighting how some key issues related to relations of power remain undertheorised in the “beyond constructivist” and “essentialist” views deployed in the Sahlins-Shapiro contention and underlines the ways that kinship issues engage with broad political stances. Finally, I introduce a reflection on gender as a possibly crucial, and yet eluded, dimension in the debate.

2016 - Migrazione e fecondità: note su modernità e scelte riproduttive [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

Nel contesto italiano, che presenta un tasso di fecondità tra i più bassi del mondo, la tematica delle scelte di fecondità dei migranti assume una rilevanza decisiva nel produrre stereotipi e allarmismi. In questo articolo mi soffermo sulle modalità in cui la disciplina antropologica si confronta con il tema della riproduzione e della fecondità e in particolare su quanto le idee di modernità e assimilazione, dominanti nelle analisi socio-demografiche dei comportamenti riproduttivi, possano essere ridiscusse tramite un approccio antropo- logico alla fecondità in un quadro di migrazione. Propongo dunque una riflessione sui significati e le pratiche relative alle scelte pro- creative attraverso un’analisi della letteratura esistente e una recente esperienza di ricerca su famiglie di origine marocchina in Trentino e in Emilia-Romagna. Il contri- buto propone uno sguardo su pratiche e narrazioni che sfidano le distinzioni nette e riduttive tra comportamenti riproduttivi considerati come specifici della popolazione migrante e quelli della popolazione autoctona.

2016 - Prospettive laterali [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2015 - 'Kinship Workers of the World – Only Unite!' Declinazioni politiche nella definizione di ciò che la parentela è (e non è) [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2014 - Carmelo Marabello, Sulle tracce del vero. Cinema, antropologia, storie di foto, Bompiani 2011 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2014 - Nancy Fraser, Fortunes of Feminism. From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, Verso Books 2013 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2014 - Noelle J. Molé, Labor Disorders in Neoliberal Italy. Mobbing, Well-Being, and the Workplace, Indiana University Press, 2012 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2014 - The Paradoxical Victim. Intimate Violence Narratives on Trial in Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2014 - Valentina Lusini, Destinazione Mondo. Forme e politiche dell’alterità nell’arte contemporanea, Ombrecorte 2013 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2014 - Vedere la differenza. Rappresentazioni di genere e razza nell’Italia contemporanea [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2013 - Il genere del tempo. Una riflessione sullo sguardo e la produzione di alterità [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

Within a visualist paradigm, gaze is a central device that authenticates and validates the modes of representation of the other, meeting at the same time the need for scientific accuracy and the desire linked to discovery and exotic revelations of so-called primitive cultures. The relationship between anthropology and visuality is here analysed through gender representations and their implications on time. Starting from the suggestion of gaze as time machine (Fabian 1983), and using Benjamin's notion of "exhibition value", I discuss how the image of women as otherness conveys a peculiar relationship with time and modernity.

2013 - Substances, Knowledge, Gaze. The Bio-aesthetics of Reproductive Technology in a Sicilian Fertility Clinic [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

The article is based on an ethnographic investigation and inter- views to patients and medical personnel of a private fertility clinic in Sicily. An element that emerges as a peculiar characteristic in this specific context is the importance given by the prospective parents to the possibility of “see- ing” and following visually the reproductive process, where the aesthetic di- mension is central. It is through a complex network of translations within the practices surrounding reproductive techniques (where professionals com- ments and indications, medical practices, patients interpretations and visions are intertwined) that image/objects of reproduction (embryo and gametes) are made, becoming the focus of considerable emotional and corporeal in- vestment. Knowing and watching reproduction through “bio-aesthetics” means getting the chance to manage and to produce contested possible spaces of agency, making up new different and unexpected comments and in- terpretations in the supposedly unquestionable domain of kinship and nature.

2013 - Violenza, intimità, testimonianza. Un’etnografia delle dinamiche processuali [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2012 - La differenza che cancella le differenze [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, A; Perilli, V; Zapperi, G

2012 - Lo schermo del potere. Femminismo e visualità nell'Italia contemporanea [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Gribaldo, Alessandra; Zapperi, Giovanna

2012 - Riproduzione assistita. Tecnicamente naturale [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2012 - Veline. Sotto l’immagine niente? [Voce in Dizionario o Enciclopedia]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde; Zapperi, Giovanna

2011 - La sordità e i servizi a Bologna [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2011 - Thomas Casadei e Sauro Mattarelli (a cura di). Il senso della Repubblica. Schiavitù, Franco Angeli 2009 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2010 - Che cosa vogliono quelle immagini da me? Genere, desiderio e immaginario nell’Italia berlusconiana [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde; Zapperi, Giovanna

2010 - Conflitto, vischiosità, scelta. Negoziazione delle relazioni parentali in contesto urbano in Italia [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2010 - Introduzione. Generi, rappresentazioni, agency. Un percorso tra i contributi [Prefazione o Postfazione]
Gribaldo, A

2010 - La produzione del genere. Ricerche etnografiche sul femminile e il maschile. [Curatela]
RIBEIRO COROSSACZ, Valeria; A., Gribaldo

Il volume presenta ricerche etnografiche di giovani antropologhe italiane che hanno come oggetto la costruzione sociale del genere in Italia e all'estero.

2010 - Monica M. E. Bonaccorso. Conceiving Kinship. Assisted Conception, Procreation and Family in Southern Europe, Berghahn Books 2009 [Recensione in Rivista]

2010 - Scelte moderne, identità ambivalenti: genere, classe e fecondità nell’Italia urbana [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2009 - An imperfect contraceptive society: Fertility and contraception in Italy [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, A.; Judd, M. D.; Kertzer, D. I.

Italy represents an unexpected and in some ways paradoxical outcome in terms of fertility control: a drop to one of the lowest birth rates in the world has been accompanied by continuing extensive use of traditional methods despite the availability of modern contraception. Using data from 349 interviews conducted in 2005-06 in four Italian cities, we argue that Italian women commonly achieve "unplanned" and desired conceptions through the use of withdrawal and natural methods. While data from other countries reveal similar notions of ambivalence surrounding pregnancy intentions and contraceptive use, Italy stands out for the surprising correlation between highly "managing" the conditions under which children are born and the socially commended approach of "letting births happen." Such results suggest the need to rethink theoretical understandings of low fertility. Through the use of non-technological methods, individuals manipulate culturally produced norms and beliefs about the appropriate time to have a child; simultaneously, their actions are embedded in larger cultural, economic, and political processes. © 2009 The Population Council, Inc.

2008 - Corpi, generi, tecnologie: biopolitiche per nuove soggettività [Capitolo/Saggio]
Baroni, Monica; Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2007 - Another look: Ethnography, narration, and postcolonialism,Un autre regard. Ethnographie, narration, et postcolonialisme [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, A.; Zapperi, G.

The crisis, characteristic of our present postcolonial era, in the historicallycodified forms of talking about alterity has permitted the emergence of what can be called « stories of the other» - stories about those who have been implicitly excluded from the position of the subject. This crisis is particularly evident in a discipline such as anthropology, which is founded precisely upon narratives of the Other. Beginning with the problems posed by the possibility of a visual narration of alterity, this article proposes to analyse the connections among narrative, representation and identity in the works of Tracey Moffat, Isaac Julien and Fiona Tan. In their videos and installations, the question of the gaze fixed on the other is articulated around the themes of memory and the crisis of ethnography as a means of representation of or narrative about cultural alterity. These artists stage an «other» gaze capable of bringing out repressed and subaltern histories. They affirm an identity that is marginal and hybrid at the same time, beyond the myths of origin and purity that delineate colonial and colonialist thought. © Association Multitudes.

2007 - La “produzione” del genitore: vincoli culturali alla fecondità a Bologna [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2007 - Ribeiro Corossacz, Valeria. Razzismo meticciato democrazia razziale. Le politiche della razza in Brasile, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2005 [Recensione in Rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2006 - Buono da guardare: la bio-estetica delle tecnologie riproduttive [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2005 - Dentro la riproduzione. Corpo e genere nella procreazione assistita [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

2005 - La natura scomposta. Riproduzione assistita, genere, parentela [Monografia/Trattato scientifico]
Gribaldo, Alessandra

2005 - Natura e tecnologia: la riproduzione nell'era delle biotecnologie [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

1999 - Riproduzione e parentela alla luce delle nuove tecniche riproduttive [Articolo su rivista]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde

1998 - Riproduzione e persona tra gli Nzema del Ghana Sud-Occidentale [Capitolo/Saggio]
Gribaldo, Alessandra Margherita Matilde